How did you attract/address the audience?

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of How did you attract/address the audience?


I have attracted my target audience to my magazine by using bright colours and by putting contrasting colours on top of each other which makes it stand out.

I have used a circular puff which is a convention of magazines and have inserted my prize in it, I have don’t this so that the reader can clearly see how much the magazine costs which will attract them to the magazine. I have also priced my magazine at £1.99 as a form of psychological pricing because people are more likely to by the magazine at this price rather than £2 because its cheaper

I have also used an incentive on the front cover of my magazine as they have a chance to win a free Enginevein E.P which they may be interested in.

I have positioned my cover lines, images and main cover line so that the cover stars face was not obstructed and best emphasised to the reader which makes the magazine more attractive

The mode of address that I have used in my magazine is informal as I want to connect with the reader by using language that they will relate.

I have used buzz words such as exclusive, gets first look and reveals to attract my reader to the magazine as they will want to find out more information that may not be available in any other magazine.

I have used an incentive on my contents page as I am giving away free posters inside the magazine which will attract the reader.

There is also a chance to win in my magazine where the reader can enter the competition inside by posting their answer on twitter with their name, they will then be entered into a prize draw to win an Enginevein E.P who are featured in the magazine.

I have included an invite to the STEEL Twitter page on the contents page which attracts the reader to my magazine as everyone is using social networking sites.

I have also featured the 2014 Download line-up in my magazine which attracts the reader as the target audience is teenagers and young adults aged 16-25 who are going to be interested in going to a music festyival so would want to know what the line-up is.

I have used the colours red, black and white as they are easily readable and the red is a vibrant colour which makes the page more attractive as it is not boring.

I have used this design in my top corner to attract the reader as the formation of the hand is a popular thing to do within my target audience and stands for rock/metal music.

I have attracted my reader by using a pull quote which emphasis’s part of the interview, making the reader want to know more.

I have used a smaller image of the guitarist Joe Parry to attract the reader to the article because it is more visually appealing.