How can social have a role in revenue and growth

Post on 10-May-2015

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Adriana Llames Kogelis, Vice President de Digital Media Marketing, Sears Fórum E-Commerce Brasil 2013

Transcript of How can social have a role in revenue and growth

Successful Social Media Strategy

by Adriana Llames Kogelis, Fortune 100 Digital Media Marketing Executive



WHY: Understanding the Impact of Social Media Today

WHAT: Social Media Landscape Overview

HOW: Breaking Down the Landscape

The Big 5

The Social Media Trilogy

WHAT: 4D Social Media Methodology & Defining Your Social Media Map

HOW: Social Media KPI’s & Technology

Case Studies

Questions + Answers


Intro | adriana llames kogelis

15+ yrs Marketing

Digital Media



2xCannes Lions Winner



Social Media Maven




Social media strategy begins with mapping. Social media mapping is an intensive research and analysis exercise which involves a thorough search of the web to identify the groups, communities and people active on the social web relating to your sphere of interest and influence.

The Social Web: DefinedWho’s out there?

Are they influential?

Who do I avoid?

Where do I find them?

Why should I engage?

Shifting of the Media LandscapeIf Facebook were a nation, it would be the 3rd largest on earth.

Twitter has 1.73x more users than Brazil has residents. #socialstats

29.4% of the Latin American population uses social networks. The most active are Argentina (37.7%) and Brazil (31.1%) residents.

25% of World Population use Social Networks

2.55 Billion = Size of global social network audience in 2017

Out of the countries included in the worldwide growth forecast, eMarketer expects the fastest increases to come from the social network user populations of India, Indonesia, Mexico, China and Brazil

Social Media Trilogy + The Big 5

(founded by Jack Dorsey’s hand drawing in ’06)

• 540MM twitter accounts• 1.6 Billion search queries per day• 340MM tweets per day• 1MM accounts added per day

(founded by Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard in ‘04)

• 1.1 Billion active users• 170MM monthly unique U.S. visitors • 50+% access via mobile phone

(founded in ‘05 by former PayPal employees)

• 1 Billion unique visitors each month• 700 videos shared every minute on Twitter• 1 Million videos shared per day + 4 Billion videos viewed per day• 600 Million video views per day on mobile• 60 hours of video uploaded every minute*

(founded in Reid Hoffman’s living room in ’02)

• 161MM members | 200 countries• 4.2 Billion professional searches (2011)• 61% Global, 39% U.S.• 82 of Fortune 100 companies use it; 100% of F500 Execs

(founded by Ben Silberman. Launched 3/10)

• 3rd most popular network (Facebook + Twitter)• 19MM unique visitors• 60-80% female user base• One of the fastest growing social networks to date

*more video uploaded to YouTube in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years




4 Questions For Developing Social StrategyStart with your audience | Create goals | Develop the strategy | Align KPIs

• Why are you using social media?(customer engagement, brand recognition, expertise)

• Who are you targeting? (keep your eye on the prize)

• Where are you posting (which networks)?(choose key networks + commit to them)

• What are you trying to say?(content rules social. articles, videos, pictures)




Network SelectionTwitter | Blogs | Facebook | YouTube | Pinterest | LinkedIn



4D social media methodology


analyzeReady, set , deploy! Launch your social media program and measure it for success against defined KPI’s

Analyze your social media program against the defined KPI’s for success. Refine as needed.

D1 D2discover



deployCollaborate with stakeholders to discover KPI’s

Define social media program components, networks, and campaign metrics for success


Clear Defined KPIs = Social Media Success

Define the organization’s goals for Social Media

Align a specific, measurable KPI to each goal

Build a social media strategy aligned to the KPI

Measure social media program success and ROI against KPIs

Mix, Stir and Succeed!

K (Key) P (Performance) I (Indicator)

KPI’s allow organizations to define and reach their goals


Social media KPI’s Drive ROI

Goal: Improve Social Awareness and Consideration

KPI: Increase fan base by 20% within the next 12 months KPI: Increase overall engagement rate by 5% within next quarter

Goal: Leverage Social Media to Improve Customer Experience

KPI: Decrease negative customer sentiment by 3% each quarter KPI: Increase positive customer sentiment by 2% each quarter

Goal: Drive eCommerce site business via social networks

KPI: 30% of social posts to include links related to commerce/sales KPI: Achieve X% visit to site ratio (ex: 0.5% traffic from Facebook to website)


KPI’s to Social Media Action: #MakeItHappen

Leverage Technology•SRP (Social Response Platforms)•SMMS (Social Media Monitoring Systems)•Measurement (Omniture, Kenshoo, Adobe)

Commitment is Key•Strategy – one strategy for min. 180 days•Customers – it’s a 2-way relationship, listen to them and they’ll lead you•Content – content rules, allow it to speak for your brand

Network Selection•Stop dating and pick a network to settle down with already!•Unlike marriage, you get to choose more than 1 but keep it to 3 max.•In Latin America, the Top 2 networks are…..Facebook and YouTube


Leveraging Social Media Technology


Making The Commitment

• Visualize Your Corporate Brand • Frame your social landscape from your corporate brand• Be authentic, advocate your brand passion• Focus on content vs. sales pitches• Identify the techlebrities in your category

(i.e. Brit Morin, 2.5M subscribers – women’s lifestyle products)




Top 3 Brazilian Social Retailers


Real World: @VirginAmerica• Flyer Feed blog

• 432K Twitter followers

• Techlebrity – Boo

• 421K Facebook fans


Real World: @Target• 727K Twitter followers

• 14,779 YouTube subscribers w/Twitter feed

• 21MM Facebook fans

• Consistent #SummerUp hashtag use on allnetworks (Tw, FB and Instagram)


Real World: @FoiledCupcakes• Committed to social media on Twitter, Facebook + Pinterest

• Run by small business owner; personal responses with business clients

• Grown by clients via Twitter
