How can executives use social media to achieve organization strategic goals?

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How can executives use social media to achieve organization strategic goals?


• How social media can be used by executive to achieve organization strategic goals

• How to measure return on investment on social media

• How to manage reputation for you organization on social media

What is social media?What is social media?

What Do Corporate Directors and Senior

Managers Know about Social Media

90% of respondents claim to understand the impact of

social media

only 32% of their companies monitor social media to

detect risks to their business activities

14% use metrics from social media to measure corporate


24% of senior managers and 8% of directors surveyed

receive reports containing summary information and metrics from social media

Approximately half of the companies do not collect

this information at all.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) use

social media for personal purposes, and 63% for

business purposes

Of those who use social media, 80% have a LinkedIn


68% have a Facebook account

So how can executives use social media to achieve organization strategic goals?


Assess your current

capabilities with social


Determine how social media fits with your

strategy and business


Map your companies'

key performance

indicators and risk factors to information

available through social


Implement a "listening" system to

capture social media data

and transform it into metrics

Develop formal

policies and guidelines for employees, executives,

and directors

How you can manage reputation for your organisation social media



AdidasEmployees are allowed to associate themselves with the company when posting but they must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own. The company should not be held liable for any repercussions the employees’ content may generate.

Content pertaining to sensitive company information (particularly those found within Adidas internal networks) should not be shared to the outside online community. Divulging information like the company’s design plans, internal operations and legal matters are prohibited.

Proper copyright and reference laws should be observed by employees when posting online.

Best BuyLike Adidas, Best Buy also mandates its employees to freely disclose their affiliation with the company granted that disclaimers are set freeing the company from any intellectual investment in the post.

Dishonorable content such as racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability slurs are not tolerated.

Employees are not allowed to disclose information that are financial, operational and legal in nature, as well as any information that pertains to clients and customers.

HP (Hewlett-Packard)

HP promotes healthy and honest discourse with its readers.

The company reserves the right to edit or amend any misleading or inaccurate content depicted in blog posts. The company also reserves the right to delete blog posts violating the code of conduct.

HP values, respects, and upholds the intellectual property rights of its bloggers.

How do you implement social media monitoring tools?

1. Decide what you want to track

What are the primary ‘keywords’ relating to your company that you want to track in online conversations? Company name

Company website address

Names of products

Names of senior employees and Directors

Names of close competitors

Common expressions – e.g. “[Company] is rubbish”, “company is great”

2. Set up accounts monitoring tools

Social media monitoring tools

Google Alerts

Tracking social media

Blog monitoring

Monitoring Twitter

Mentions of senior staff – Naymz (

3. Set up your alerts and searches

You then need to run regular searches, or better still, set up alerts or RSS feeds that notify you when your keywords are mentioned.

4. Engage How you

respond to comments and posts people make is up to you, but there are certain rules of thumb:

Act quickly – the beauty of social media is it’s real-time. You can snub out misconceptions and fix problems instantly through a quick, smart reply. Never expect things to go away. Blog posts and forum comments linger in search engine results forever, so you need to make sure your viewpoint is there too.

Be nice – you really want to avoid getting angry or making threats. Try and reason with detractors and understand where they are coming from. By showing that you’re listening, you’ll win respect and support from others.

Be pro-active – when discussions arise that relate to your industry, get involved nice and early with your perspective. This encourages promoters to back you and takes the wind out of detractors’ sails.

Return On Investment

ROI is proof that your marketing efforts are working

The main challenge in measuring ROI is keeping up with changes in social media algorithms, implementing the new tools that hit the marketplace and proving to your clients that they’re getting the most out of their investment in you

Set Social Media Goals

you need to determine your goals so you know which factors you’re measuring and what success looks like

Determine the Right Platforms

Find where your audience spends their time so you can position your plan to be successful.

Track Campaigns

Track the time spent, cost of ads, etc., as well as the activities and campaigns you launch

Report Findings

determine a way to report your results. You will also want to come up with a timeframe that makes sense—weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or all of the above

Review Results and Reset Goals

Once you have your stats in front of you, you can calculate your ROI and review the results of your marketing to see what worked and didn’t work

Thank you

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