How AI Can Create Jobs

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How AI Can Create Jobs

How AI Can Create Jobs

Tim O’Reilly

O’Reilly Media


“…47 percent of jobs are “at risk” of being automated in the next 20 years.”

Carl Frey and Michael Osborne, Oxford University“The Future of Employment: How Susceptible

Are Jobs to Computerisation?”

Is there really nothing left for humans to do?

Our global economy has the mistaken idea that the goal of technology is to maximize efficiency and profits, even if that means treating people as a cost to be eliminated.

Increased productivity is the true source of wealth, but when it is used only to drive “shareholder value,” the rest of society suffers.

That’s a problem

“The people will rise up before the robots do.”

Andy Macafee


The Second Machine Age

Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy Macafee

We’ve seen this happen before

The weavers of Ned Ludd’s rebellion couldn’t imagine…

They couldn’t imagine…

And those in power couldn’t imagineThe laws of welfare economics assert that when some people are made better off as the result of an economic policy change, the winners must compensate the losers. But as Bill Janeway put it to me in a pungent email, “Unfortunately, the winners rarely do so except as the result of political coercion.”

What is our failure of imagination?

It isn’t technology that wants to eliminate jobs

“Technology is the solution to human problems. We won’t run out of work till we run out of problems.”

“Technology is the solution to human problems. We won’t run out of work till we run out of problems.”

Nick Hanauer

Are we done yet?

The March of Progress

Why Not Refugee Cities Instead?

Bot helps refugees apply for asylum

Josh Browder,

Planet: Daily Earth Observations

Deepmind and Google Data Centers

Brain-Machine Interfaces, anyone?

‘When Elon builds a company, its core initial strategy is usually to create the match that will ignite the industry and get the Human Colossus working on the cause.”

Tim Urban

Wait but Why

Work on stuff that matters!

Isn’t This Still Just Cost Saving?

Zipline: Blood and medicine on demand in Rwanda

AI in healthcare

At the Royal Free Hospital

“Within a few weeks of being introduced, nurses who have been using [Deepmind] Streams report that it has been saving them up to two hours every day, which means they can spend more time face-to-face with patients.”

The Law of Conservation of Attractive Profits

“When attractive profits disappear at one stage in the value chain because a product becomes modular and commoditized, the opportunity to earn attractive profits with proprietary products will usually emerge at an adjacent stage.”

Clayton Christensen

What Becomes Valuable in a Future of AI?“People in the technology community frequently ask me 'how long will it take to replace the Fin operations team with pure AI?’… At Fin, however, our mission is not automation for its own sake. Our guiding principle is providing the best experience for users of Fin…. Technology is clearly part of the equation. But people are also a critical part of the system that results in the best possible customer experience. And the role of technology at Fin is largely to empower our operations team to focus their time and effort on the work that requires decidedly human intelligence, creativity, and empathy.”Sam Lessin,

“I want to make humans cool again.”

Paul English,

Self driving cars enable new kinds of services

Yes, AI May Replace Radiologists

There Are Already Huge Job Shortages

Augment them with AI, AR, and Telepresence

The fundamental technology design pattern

Augment humans,

so they can do things that were previously impossible.

Learning: The Master Augmentation

What’s The Future?It’s Up To Us