Housing I 7.05 Technological Advances in Home Design.

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Housing I 7.05 Technological Advances in Home Design.

Housing I 7.05 Technological Advances

in Home Design

Plastic Pipes replaces Copper Pipes Plastic pipes (light weight/less expensive) Copper pipes (expensive/can rust)

Biomaterials organically based building materials made from recycled materials; less expensive yet, last longer than wood it won’t warp or split.

Disadvantage: it is not biodegradable- why is that a problem?

ex laminate ( plastic ) floor eON, Veranda are 2 brands

- Used in decks ‘

ex: Pergo looks like

a wood floor

-Used in decks


Motion sensor lighting: movement causes light to turn on within a given area

Light emitting diode (LED): a semiconductor diode that emits light when conducting current and is used in electronic equipment

Green building is designing, building, and operating homes to use materials, energy and water efficiently.

Examples: Using “alternative” energy technologies =

solar energy or geo-thermal heat pumps

using more insulation

using energy-efficient heating & cooling systems ex. low-e glass,

energy efficient appliances

choosing recyclable building materials designing homes to use less material

- ex steel is stronger than wood so for framing less material is needed

Automated management systems: integrated and centrally controlled system based on computer technology

Controls - convenience - energy management - entertainment - safety

SMART houses:  a structure with a central computer for programming its environment, devices, and appliances

What are automated management systems? SMART houses? Write a paragraph ( 5

sentences or more) explaining how they affect housing.