Housing Architecture & Poetry 25.07.11 · Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal,...

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Transcript of Housing Architecture & Poetry 25.07.11 · Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal,...

Can one design

poetry in

t h e a r c h I t e c t u r e of h o u s I n g ?

a brief introduction Louis Sauer Visiting Professor RMIT 26 July 2011

China Two Lions 1957 Cai Gui-Qang

Can one design

poetry in

Can one design

poetry in

t h e a r c h I t e c t u r e of h o u s I n g ?

a brief introduction

Louis Sauer Visiting Professor RMIT 26 July 2011


poetry “... is a form of … building art

in which … architecture

is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities

in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning.”

LS edit Wikipedia

If not poetry,

how about architectural

music ?


music … is an art form whose medium is…

a building’s solids, voids and texture. Common elements are … rhythm

and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation …

LS edit Wikipedia


building ELEMENTS

consist of the spatial elements :

- solids

- shapes

- voids

- textures

- colors

- space


The architectural element of


may have 2 or 3 dimensions.

It refers to the distances, areas, volumes

between, around or within the components of a piece

. Wikipedia

There are two types of s p a c e , positive and negative.



Positive space

refers to the space of a form representing the subject matter.

Negative space

refers to the space around and between the subject matter.


solid & void spaces

Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Architect. House for Elderly People, Alcacer do Sal, Portugal, Aires Mateus Arquitectos

photography by Fernando Guerra on Dezeen

textures & colors

textures, colours, solids & voids

Washington D.C. Suman Sorg, Architect

- Solids

- Shapes

- Textures

- Colors

- Space

are arranged in geometric patterns and rhythms

to express a feeling, an idea, concept,

a belief.

I’ll just talk briefly about a few.



Shared architectural

ideas & beliefs



The creation, performance, significance,

and even the definition of

architectural poetry and musical styles

vary according to culture and social context.

LS edit Wikipedia

Here are two 20th century architects

known for their art of architectural poetry

who created houses

with similar planes projecting into space.

The Robie House 1908-09

Chicago, Illinois Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect

Farnsworth House 1946 -51

Fox River, Illinois Mies van der Rohe, Architect

These designs

have a similar quality

of planes projecting

into space but

their meanings


very different

Modern Minimalist

Prairie Style

Prairie Style The Robie House, Chicago Illinois Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect

To Wright, all is specific.

The home is caught between the earth and the sky.

The earth represents life’s mortality and the sky represents the unknown forever.

The roof appears a captured horizon to harbor the space below, anchored by solids, a specific place

It protects life from the unknowable infinity.

1946 -51 Farnsworth House Plano, Illinois Mies van der Rohe, Architect

In contrast to Wright, Mies believes everything is universal.

The roof and floor planes extend into the landscape.

Mies believes the outside has the same meaning as the inside – that all physical and non-physical forms are spiritually joined in absolute truth.

Perceived difference is ephemeral. All places are the same.

Mies’ truth

- during the early 20th century group of leading artists and architects,

such as Modrian, von Doesburg, Rietveld and Mies,

held strong beliefs in the spiritual beliefs of Theosophy.

“Theosophy presents a world view

that emphasizes the unity and interconnectedness of all life,

the basic oneness of all species on earth and of all peoples.”

Adyar Bookshop

The unity of interiors and exteriors

Mies’s belief is clear in his plan for his 1924 Brick Country House.-

Brick Country House 1924 Mies van der Rohe

Mies and Wright are an example

of how different beliefs can exist in the same century.

They give different meanings to similar forms.

Another example of how architectural form conveys meaning, is how a culture differentiates the front of buildings

from the backs of buildings.

Backs and fronts have strongly different social meanings.

The Royal Crescent, 1767-74 Bath England, John Wood the Younger, Architect

Backs are utilitarian,

private, functionally contingent and display a lack of organizational cohesion

Fronts are pubic, formal

and designed for a ordered ‘beauty’

rather than utility

These front facades display a high degree of repetitive organizational formality.

They could have been designed only in a culture whose values were strongly accepted

by both of the residents and their government

The Royal Crescent, Bath, England, John Wood the Younger, Architect

In contrast to the architectural differences of the front and back another culture believed all sides of a building

should display a common aesthetic – the same appearance.

In the ‘neo-classical’ architectural culture,

all utilitarian and/or private functions were minimalized except the entry and its steps

so that all sides could be a ‘public front’.

Neoclassical 1st Floor Plan Villa Rotunda 1567 Vicenza, Italy Andréa Palladio, Architect

With all sides of the building presenting a symmetrical ‘front’ to the outside, this diminishes the

importance of any private functions.

Public life is more important than private life.

Villa Rotunda 1567 Vicenza, Italy Andréa Palladio, Architect

The Entry Facade The Other Facades

20th Century Suburban USA Ranch Style

In startling contrast,

the facade design of the suburban house clearly expresses utility and function. One can easily read (understand) the place for the car, the entrance, the living room and a bath room.

This culture believes that private life is more important than the public life.

Again a contrast, in 16th century Amsterdam ..

16th Century Canal Houses in Amsterdam All individual buildings belong to a family of facade designs. These buildings show facades within an overall design discipline but with individual variations.

Once again, we understand this was a culture where the public had a stronger authority over private life – but, it is clear that individual families strived for a unique identity within the community..

The design variations at the street and

cornice levels, in an otherwise almost

identical fenestration, indicate that the

building owners’ desire individual

recognition by the community.

“Vernacular architecture is a term used to categorize methods of construction

which use locally available resources and traditions

to address local needs and circumstances.”


Contemporary Vernacular AC du Grand Large-Neptune 2010 Dunkirk, France Nicolas Michelin & Associates Architects

Before the owners moved in After 0wnership

Modern transformed by Vernacular Low-income Social Housing Quinta Monroy 2003 Iquique, Chile Elemental Architects

Designed for change Transformed by the residents

Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design

where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features.


De Stijl & Bauhaus artists are a major source of reference for minimalistic work.

They expanded the ideas that could be expressed

by using basic elements such as lines and planes organized in very particular manners.


Light and Space, Laszlo Moholy Nagy Contra Construction Project 1923, Von Doesburg Arithmetic Composition, 1930, van Doesburg

Konstruktion 1927 Hannes Meyer


Points 2006 Robert Ryman

Free Ride 2007 Tony Smith


The Center Court, Salk Research Center, Palo Alto California, Louis Kahn, Architect


Front Facade Azuma House, Osaka, Tadao Ando, Architect



3.2 x 12.8 m 65 m2 Azuma House , Tadao Ando, Architect

Cherokee Lofts 2007 Los Angeles, Pugh & Scarpa Architects


Moriyama House Tokyo, Ryue Nishizawa, Architect


Villers Road 2008 London England Peter Barber, Architect


In contrast

Nude Number 2 1912 Marcel Duchamp

Futurism, Italy

Russian Constructivism Komposition 8 1923 Wassily Kandinsky

Ray and Maria Stata Center MIT, Cambridge USA 2004 Frank Gehry, Architect

Deconstruction, USA

What happened ? new values

a new way of understanding life .

a new style

The Deconstruction Style

“… is the expression of the uncanny.

… the need for an architecture of

"discomfort and the unbalancing of

expectations" Tschumi 1977

a mystery - form contradicts function.

“The Deconstruction style is linked to Postmodernism which in turn is linked to nonsense

… Nonsense is an early 20th Century literary technique,

which employs enlightening witticisms …

to convey a sense of wistful romantic nostalgia

and pizza within 20 minutes or your money back …

that's got to be your stupidest idea ever.’ Wikapedia

Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center, Las Vegas USA, Frank Gehry, Architect

attitudes, orientations, and underlying assumptions

shape the built environment ”

from Ideas and Beliefs in Architecture and Industrial design

Invar Holm (2006) Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Here are some examples of my work

Yellow Field 1958 oil on cardboard Louis Sauer

The Garden of Louis Sauer Architect 2005

89A Lawson Avenue, Frankston South, Australia

2nd Street Townhouses 1969

Society Hill , Philadelphia Louis Sauer, architect

The Frankel Houses 1967 Margate NJ

Louis Sauer Architect

1967 The Lenard Frankel House

Margate, New Jersey Louis Sauer Architect



1967 The Lenard Frankel House

Margate, New Jersey Louis Sauer Architect


The Buten House

Philadelphia 1962

Louis Sauer Architect

Courtyard Facade

The Buten House, Philadelphia 1962 Louis Sauer Architect

Interiors Hamilton House 1963 New Hope, PA Louis Sauer, Architect

Courtyard McClennen House 1965

127 Pine Street, Society Hill Philadelphia

Louis Sauer, Architect

Courtyard Living Room

McClennen House, 1965 127 Pine Street, Society Hill Philadelphia, Louis Sauer, Architect

Lounge from the Study

McClennen House 1965

127 Pine Street, Society Hill Philadelphia

Louis Sauer, Architect