HOUSES - NYS Historic ·...

Post on 15-Sep-2018

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Transcript of HOUSES - NYS Historic ·...

M*!*;WiU im&}\


iaa» mm PSMI I 5biil'i','*-it'-<- •,*^i' Interest due Ajwtt y rMticV-tne eatii , nd'tfie •r4maifl%.s ounts „pr,ed'tea ft ,'i funds, will be ""3 [triSrt.1^|nses iipi: ,| hdr'~derltved ftp* "-'• PISwHSi* avKihtbi*.

r»;for* tffe ' s i p

1 ^e^lmdedia* tfd of*ifSTAterCoJii''


Syracuse #0^ l i f iP i^« fO | i

open*. Uw^m^om^" in : t h e ^ i i ^ ^ ^

s.v a -use, J1!tere)01~ ,x| i fe . -> l | |oj . f<ipt^ ban bohemn^-ip^i^iife^^^^iris v,h-. 11 has- ^*V*^ft;.r|<4)li«||j^ | ,'r" tractive ever' arlraffed v i&j? #''e1frfcge prldlnm' team, With '4>Ufi4w^exeejb« tions, the entire chart wiltlj^rjpl^yedflja the !•!<? Archbold stadftroi; the fmjHJrf-ant games of wnlch.-*w3u. be: tfese-with' i-ittsi.urgh, Waslrfffl&of-tjad r1b&ti8m$ and Colgate,

Hi,, game with DartmouJuVW ll bpj plajed at Hanover, This tilt Is exrfl

p. cted to arouse (^^flera-ftre-iraierSst thn.nisliout the college foathalj vyorld tei-auBP of the faet~ttmt4h&R#btarisi<m broihi'rs oaptam the rival teams. Harry, l.i.lH-rlBOn is center fend leader of Syracuse, while fo'othej Jim, captains .uj plays tiatt-Jijtsk.JEeE. Mtififieseo^ l

one of the features, pf'thef-list <is\ th<> opening of the seasc-n .'a/We fe «ajt-li{i than usual The nrfit';gamet'Wlli tc played September 26th with Ho-

4|terj||ined .

J| .jjoojtt like- a big nigiuV.-^ ; tc Ijfc^act,, .Ma^ager^Pjyterio^. Coaph :$^y fliad '^es,4^%»*18*fc**ch0«1; **«

t ^ j M ^ X t , I W j ^ § > H»e isfc'»ight* in t h S J d s t o i ^ ^ a t e h

-r |7i§poir -With the best .high uch^til a^fcetbftU 4eatnv* to w^ester*** New 3£er* appeArtngf*a«9^# the

twin?he the big-geat1 baskettiaU Wi*nJ -the^lstory «tf &~se]ittQfc-»'.'•>'„.- >u

r * « ^3thojlth>; $niy 'the.." most hopfe|ui

have&islcns of a Geneva victory, there 3s«na grounQsf&f the general^auppoai-tion that the visitm* team wilMia,v*, a

;walk away. 'TKe'fe£utar dopeaters are conceding the game .to Cathedral; rbjit they'are flUaWfying Jheir prediction* with th5r'"aB4Wto»^hat".|he- visitcirs, will have to-fight every step of t h e

should ^o into the game over-confident jithierfclf/a-'ebASifie'itor anv upsets,"

For tliis, Geneva High team. ;lj| *a ifjghting?combination. What the team lacksUn-basketball ft-^nakes «> s in pure nerve and Jlght.and; ability _tagfl ffie^ distance,: -Time again this year it,] has demonstrated that reputations and;

fe^stige have.n%^care»-for' it aiia any tbeanr which , rets away with a game

October 28,,Dartrnouth a t ^ g ^winteir and the' mahagenient

tart. Tno jf-rnaiiider of the bpokirigs froni It earns It on the merits dlsplay---Trifr;ff--- pTn^PT""a---yNi!rniqrA°°i ^ :- • ^ - r ^ T T "; October S^JOhns : Hopklns^atL,,All indicaUons Eflint to one. of_th«. -BTfiiV-Vsel •:*acfo^Tr^r'^KSnKrihFat|% ™ W - n t - t t *

f> r.t' use; Han.iver; October SO Holy CJr6sB: at Wi-ivoster; November % Washington and Jefferson at Syracuse; Npvember. 13, Maryland State at Syracuse; No vrmber 20, Colgaeij at Syracuse.

J.ihn F. "Chick"^4ehanfcasdiiLjhave.| full oliarge of the training -tot the Oranjre foothall men this* year, sfce-eroding Pran^j. d'Neill, who^as a<!-reptpd the coaching job -at GpluBlhia-Meehan was-head fleld.j&entpr In.iiilS and arted yer^, eapahiy injt^e cajpacity, as o'Neiffs assistants * '•:-:•.• '>

The coaehtagi siant if6r,; the l3?0 campaign wjll also include M^^r-'BUl" liorr, Dr. A,' H. Kalfett and Joseph

.Sihwarzcr. Horr will r InatBlctV.tJfe, llnf men, a .position wjhich he has held* for several years. While in-college he was Ail-American- tackle. Schwariser was end,on the 1S19 j3yracnse, eleggn.

" William J. Parbei; Will again coach the fr.shman team, for which an Attrac­tive schedule has been.arranged, in-, eluding games with ^ittshurkh. and"

"Jhe Elks practically eliminated the Hasons as .contenaers; for * in the City fowling tjeague by takimjf three straight games from them on the Gibson aJjteyslast'jiight. The |Jasona-j •Will now have to win slxx gamejr Of.two Straight matches ^ l l e the JElks are Jtpsing'two. to catch themf The Elks" are ^npw three games, and a fraction;! behind the Gencos". If-the clubmen! can win, the three" games the neyt tlmej "they meet "fifie Ctencos they "yfill be within three points of the league lead-

imZ ,'—-----—=—-——i : ,-J^ast.night's $*me was a story of consistent bpw*li"n"g.jf Every mani on the: EjkB-Heam hit the ping for belter- than, B3(>, Wilson wJth an average, of the 1W, being low'man. The :*asons could;!. iml^rlseage^ieTFaM jw one man wasjj

Dartmouth ^roeh*ahd the Army Plefoes. 1, , i , - , -?" i , IT ,^ , ' •••.;,i- . . .TA"!»~^ " . . -.

Company B Prepared „

Cathedral game is The Cathedral game JS not taking 1*11 the intefcesfof basket-ball Jor_ ip>

night i&\Gtif% is oniedise^fe^tSd*" scrap with the >gldler boys j ) t Canan-daigua. The whole company df jvls-itora will be oh hand to.cheer this team and a Aanquet will follow im­mediately after the game.

Last night "final practice was held, and the ^oaeheiut-the tesin through a stiff workou^fr^rJBpaiatien fOfe-ahe final game JSfteif scoring .vlctgties over Newark, Water]fop,*Seneca~BWisv

and All-Lyons the Company B team is determined to keep their "slate »i home games clean/ The game will start sharply, |tt S o'clock *nd will be finished by »fiW «'elocR .SO^W «6t toj Interfere at all with She jfigiilar Thurs? day night dance. " ,.~ • ~' ~• - -

- . ' " ' ; - . * - • • : . - , - : > ^ - " - v . • :


WashingtoUj. "lifarcfi il-rr-ljoufteeft hundred and twehV;-*&»pl6yes went off the Govenmient^TJayroll wien the railroads were turned hack to prtvate ownership, Dlrector-X3eheral Hines1

announced. " : -•*»«•_ • "**' -*: Another big cut WIJ1 c^mjijas, soon

*a condjUons- make It possible.

games oh'a Jbcal court is

preparing to h^ftdle a record-breakirig croifd » r the '.lafobart; " coutt . Ars rangements "hftve J^tt",ma*dfe1*tb; ac-commodate , four^Jmkdcjed; ^ftople in-the running track and double tows of aeat.s-ha*e beeft? pltfc'ed i t ~th*^»ds &f the court, - ,, '^ ~ '.....»- <<~i, .

"Deak." Welch and ''Wahrt .Sffarth-out have beeri^enggge'clfo handle the game With Welch working jn the cen-f ter and•the''Clatksm^.cpsi§lt^o^be side-:iin,es. ^The game will start at" 8 o'clock, •"•' "'-B* t****"*' *»*-,w •&**r

. \ Entered in Akron Meet

Akron, O^ March 11-^-Six hundred athletes, representing- large industrial cohcerhs throughput the- cpuritry 1 111 meet here 'Friday and Saturday to con­test for the national, championships^ The me'etmy i« "liidfir the- aujjp^pe^ ^*, the American industrial Athletic asso­ciation. Twenty-five basketball, i d bowling and 1Q track teams, are en­tered, _ .yf, * * "•'-.•'•. fi'"

'--- ,'v MMI I m l 'ii ' ' 9 ' l' i i(i Vim i " i ~ '-^r~

CITY L E A G U E • * Stamding of tTTeims; • ; - a # .

-1. "is--™.,: W . 5 - *-":. ifame/W'on £6st j? .Cj* -•*.»'.? Z 0 riOBO* ....*.«• B 1 ,8»S.* . . . . 6 2 4 .331. •

.r 2 s^^se,* * *'** *.•'"•• .5 .tf r^OON


4?~ • ••• I^JSesters •., • St. PeteiPs • Hobart .»,

Hydrants • Company B

*_ lwriusarWAL BASKETBALL , • • . « • SUnding of Teams . > • -# * - . .. ,Game^W<»iilJb»tP.e.f* • Fay Bows' • Gencos . . . . . . . i . . . . 7 « 1 .875 4»

• AndtfS " . . . . , » . » • , * , , . , 7 ' -t- >4' • Co. B -•4s Stoco . ; , . ^.,Ii »,'r. Iff 3 7 • Stead , i . . . . . : . % * . . . 7 1 <t • . ' " . " . ' . \ .•',... , ,• • " ., ;•" G^ijeo, . . . . . . . . . . r • B l k s , . , . „ .*.«} • \HaBon . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 • M o o s e . . . . . . 6 7 • Nestejr_ . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 • ' Stoco/"s..Vi'..j.';«fr : - ' * • ' • • • •

CaTV-iBOWLIWO Stundiijt "cf Tsams

" ! GameWonliOStP.C. • ! ;.fi0 4«' 14 .766 •


•46 H 39 i t - .«50 • 22 -JS Mtm ii_ «- . f ir*

* • •

.Masonic ^opes

"City Bowling League

icians Humble Andes in Industrial League Mateh -

^, 5 ^ e -fli/ip*-, oh i f t ;Wlio a predicted Ithat Ahfe^toco^oatfit—tn lKe~™rndustriai I-eague. while not a factor la the league

'iilfi^SroMld h»,|hejithorn on which some 1 bright hopes Would be punctured, miss- i

e4 a ftnOpp^Htfunity for an "I-tojd-. £???«*??<?:* mmiWUb? not being on the

aw?? lines when the Lyceum street crowd handed.Jthe Andes a nice beat Jn&fa im%.,M, C. A. last J^ght.

While the Andes team appeared to be gummed tcrtfte 'floor; i% I? doubtful if they, .fctjnj.4:, hayd1 withstood the oar TjlafightS: Qt. jto^Tt VanDeventer, Car-rigaio, Broderick et aj if they had bee§ at their' best: ,* With VanBeventer Working in forward with Morey the. Stooos'werenotJto be denied.'The^prsi; half en*ded with, the score tied at 4-1 Itn' lhe* second half the Stoco* substi­tuted Marsdan for Craver and the

Wuotatioa from Woodburynj;. PRODUCE.


l.9*?inj8T;-Strong..eni«jgk to_4iflld^up~the,] Slump which one bowler or another | threw into each game. LaPolnte of the MMons, with a high game of 225 and an average of 192 was^the best indi­vidual performer. The* scores;; . •'.

Belloha, March 11—Mrv and Mwf. MASONS

1 / 2 188 165 Stephenson:-

Winnship . Barden . . . LaPointe . , Sterigle . . .

Total .».,

162 148 172 176

168 200

m 178 835 893


•Bqcker . . . . . . . Puhl ««. Wilson . . .^ . . J. Rogers . . ; . Hovey

1 167 162 165 183 180

2 , 209 222 163 150 203

3 Total Ave. 146 499 166 144' 464 155| 176 624 175 225 -679 193 173 626 175

864 2692 864

„ 3 Total AVE. 186 562 187 150 634 ,178 203 631 177 204. 637 160 643

Andes' % She jtame ending: i6 to 10. *n |.favpr of the Opticians. ' ;"Vv*hiIe;, MdrdJv; yanBeventer , and "Bro'derigc were'the'main works for the' winners, the work of Carrlagn attract­ed Ihe apMttttdft-' ofthe^ dopesters.'The 'S^ai Jpuiira.* wfip. atariad-the season-f­as an uncouth, player, probably Bhows mere improvement than any other man tjd" the league, "

Summary and line-up: -STOCO „ ANJ3SSS

msre?'1.;;.;?:?.:::: Frautz • Right Forward

VahDeventer . . . . ; . \ . Scutt Left' Forward

Graver,- Marsdan DeVaney Center

broderick' . , . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . » . . . . lioftus Bight Guard -* ', '

J.Carrigan ..,. Winnek '"Left "Guard

•Baskets from field: Morey 2, "Van Deventer,4, Broderick 1, Marsdan 1, FrauW 2, Scutt 'i? Score from fouls <Winnek 4 out of 4). Referee: Hard*

179 181

Total 857" 947 903 2707 902

Palmyra High Capturei-^^; Wayne County Title

NeWairkj March ll-^-Fpr the third tlmCih four years Palmyra High school iefcpfeured the scholastic ciacmpiohshlp of Wayne county* *"fbe/- Palmyra) Sye defeated Lyons High here last night, 26 Jo |j|;'iiffia*i^me^iii which the formed team played rings around its opponents. ' Paimyra * Newark

s . - Positions ,/ Cunningham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M . Edmonds J

Bight Forward Mumby, Durkin ^> . . . . . . W. tedmonds

Left Forward Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sch'raffenberger '. _ _ r_ _" Centar Walton .*...'...' ; . . .»:Boylej

• Left Guard • Smith ...V - Reeves

Right Guagd . . . .v

Score—Palmyra 26, Lyons 18; bas­kets-from field Cunningham 8, Mumby 2, Beck 2, M. Edmonds, W. Edmonds 2, Schraffenberger, 2, Boyle, Reeves; lias* kets from J'ouls.-W. Edmonds, 4, Cun-umgham 2; -referee, Smith; time of •Tialves, 20-minutes. * /

A FLOCK OF SAINT VICTORIES Three .Saint, team emerged .fromi

games at the Parish House last' even* ing with wins to their «r*ditfc fi ig Toung Saints 2nds defeated the In-vitfcibles 8 to 8, the Junior Saints 2ndsJ walloped the Tigers 26 t« 11, and the Toung Sainta swamped * scrub team •3»"td''«.-. ' '' . - ' '-•'

.,4fvl ~: ^ • : :


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">**Af-i ••V-*$>

z .:v \:, Cathedral Game Starts


8:00 Sharp



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A n r t b s ' It: -Utti Mkvnii- ^ W ^ { M _ 'tit J.^ 1A t «


Pajry Butter „ , . „ ^ w , fCreamery .

i, , R««»K *""

Oreamery Butter, p e ^ K . . > . . • • > . * . i > : - •


Cauiiapwsr, head rfBr*r., eabbage, per lb. . . . . .^wt , -^ S* ^ » ***• • » * » • • • # * * » , * » »

Celery, bunch . . . .^ 4 , V°rn, grewj, J o . . . . . r * . „ - . Eggplant, each , , . . , , , . . , ¥ Lettuce, Boston head .* . . Lettucei ^Soathemt need Unions, Spanish, l b . . . . . . . . Onions, pickling, lb. . . „ . , . . , Peppers, red, do«. . . ^ . ^ Peppers, Green, d o M . . . . ; ' Potatoes, new, white, pk . . . Pqpcqrn. shened, ib. ,4 . .^ ,

f jPqtatoeJMweeLlpep l^m Squash, per lb. '

Tomatoes;, basket per l b . . . , ICeberif Lettuce . . . . . . v t . ' . • S 5 ! a L M . J ! L J u m i . « u . ^ - - j - i - ' . i - -_ : L— ' i i— , j—^I I . . . : —

But two more games remain pn the j-Hohart,Ich"edu%J:th>se coming - this week^^'Deak" will take his tossers, to

Sa^Wbapjp#J?ta^<Mielge: -tomorrow . « ^ L | ^ S ^ t e d a x A night they Juinp ovwi&JTroy to play JackReM's B. jP. J. team.

The collegians-, are anxious to wind up"i^e|r jfcb'o'Iastic- seaspn with two vlcrorles and Welch hopes that his team will leave; their slump and play "the brafid^of Jbalt^of which they are cajpable; **HobariEv has -beaten Roches­ter ahd the latter trimmed B. P. I., so lA^ihoujd^jfflLttough this gah>e, al-though-the Albany team is thought-to be of a tough nature. „; Fipa^ljjir^ct^wlll^be held this after-«oon arid toe *quad to go toniorrow morning will be "announced following .today's rehearsal, „ Hanson, whose knee was badly injured in the Nester same, will betrat'for the remainaer of 4he.?Seasorr--as -an 'operation ii to be undertaken next Week.

, . . . . . . , -y ..'•'.ijl.. -«.im.-". •<»'. .•' '" . ' '"' '" -

r Tha High School Camp ."was-.inot OVCA] cheerful last night, .with ."Bebe" Beals tutckjBd «way "iii a "sick bed and Iqube and Bowen hobbling, around . like a pair of, broken-down cab-horses, yet tfiirV'puB M'a#*dit;deter»iihation that

•^'ki* s«n6m^sL a&mmTmicatibn eug-, i£jrte:|N&3^.CI& .Biasketbatt.-ilague: tunjts games $n,a",r|itif garden. " Sort ;et^reEuIar'midnT|Rt attraction. V

. Anybody having. *n_j61S^ hat. isan; ^"Se of1f"to^t?ocr» Bray. • The High

t coachpJjOHght a new lid fpr, the Canaudaigua game—Geneva High lost tbat game—thef party missed the train i<a Ithacarrr-^nidumqsJ:...,pf the., squad ha^e \ been* Mgi^.f • their beds -/since. i f "Is a dten<-l) shot". 'that "Doc?* will; find an old head piece for tonight. ...• :: .-. . T lT'1*'i"' '." - • '*•»." - ;

Some hot fireworks were in opera" tion last Higljt at the final practice of the J M £ ^s;»aaW * n * 'P®& *«* r e * marks the lads ought to show, the old .fliBlit 4or tcaaij^fc,^-; • -. '•: •

The Hhe-up of "Geneva High is still uncertain.' $h«i whole squad knows

:*K«fSi*»^o"ft««^palgi»»- "ibut- naoody . ._ .. knowa the •men;Who wflCTe %alled toffi»PM.JpeEJli

'-'• Regardless of the predictions of a flood'-lbefore-ievienitig a lot of us are gc4ng./out-Aoy/|heigame, for, • ^tt-we^caWt-'get there on ^^rty,*'-"•. We'* come *" ' ' » - . "r' <^«*'#*#i*JESr#£V:^- '--.-•' ' "••-. -•S^-Jtlfcav '•* '-'. --Z '- '••a " • • "' - -

i l # i d .IJI

-j&<0 -?-••' t»SMIiSi

* s * * - i -

to :V." V

der thft contract, Groh*,had;'b.ceii<of;

iferea»it.trooerh»abeent •-• '

9 • 9-• °9 © 0. . © '

• 0 0

S0 0 0

•I 0




I 30 0>7 6

15 ao .21 l i

60 60 «

i 30 JO M

. ' - froitsi- -.--—'. Apples, peck. . . . . . . Grapes, local txop, l b . . , . Grapes, basket „ , . » ^ , ; . ; „ , Honey.X>«w Jlelon* . . . , ^

. * ..hi

MEAT8. Live WsloKL

Chickens, per lb Hogs, per lb Veai, per lb ' , ; . ,

OAsstad Meat*. Veals, per lb Chickens, .per lb Pork, per lb.

500 Q


6o 9

21 too

• • • • •++-•»«, . S80 .a.S

i > 9 270 . @



40 86 22

65 •»• 42'

40 42 30

•aRAINS, ETC*. (Quotations from Davison's)

CornmeaL per ton ,,,;..^.«6.OO07O,OO Chop Feed, per ton ......v.10.00016.00 Corn, per bu.. . I 700 x go Oats, per ou. . . . . . . . . . . . . JO0 10 Wheat, per bu. . . . . . 2 26@2 60 Barley, per b u . . . . . . . . . : . X 100 X 95

Rochester. March I t _*_'..*-. . - - u LIVfe e-OULYRV.

Chickens, ^er 10, v 360 Turkeys, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 " Diicks, per lb.- >,*,,., ,. J2.0 Geese per lb 200

FRESH DRE8S2D PODLfRY. Turkeys, per lb . . . . . . . . . ^ 600 Chickens, per lb .* . , . ' 4 0 0 Fowls 159 Ducks, per lb. . . © Geese, per lb. . . . . J , . . .iJTT" * .. 0

FRESH MEATS Veals, er cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 OOSfeO Oq Beef, dressed, per cwt . . .13 00® 18 00 Spring lamb* per cwt*'.VJ'.39/«0@82•••oo-Straight pigs, per cwt . . IS 00019 00. Bacon per lb. » . 0 . 33 Ham, per lb .'....'..• . . 0 -,«2 California hams, per lb. ... . . © , 22 Pried beef, p#r lb. ....^,f ,T^9""*i lApa, in tierces •>..

, VEGETABLES. ' Beets, new, per bnshel *7«,, , do, basket . . . . . . . . . . " . . .

Cabbage, Jiomegr«wn, ^doz.. jdp,Rer .ton *.....«...... *j,f*,

^do, hamper, new ., . . .« Carrots — ,

do, bushor . . . . . . . . . » : . . . . 1 -00#1.,15 Celery, dozen . . . . . . . , , . . . < 600 e"o

ao,.l«TgB huSdies, *s, doii- a 700 1 75 Endive, per doxen . . . . . . . . 200 - 26 Horseradish per lb. . . . . . . 9 0 10 Kale, p*Rbushel . . . . . . . . < ; TO© 75 Lettuce, com., per doz ,-. 30©; 40 Mlnf y . ; ; ,» ? onrm7h LTgisa'.HCW Onions, dry. per"bu. .v*,M*.2 26©2 76

do, green, dozen bunches 26© 30 do, Spanish* per crate . . 3 ^6© "S '60 do, Jersey, J60-lb.sack *. 4 50© . . . do, Bermuda,'crate V,.'. ' - , | « . . .

. do, e a i i f m ^ irer.1ir«^^;00Kt 60 Parsley, do*, hunches ,V.. • • © . ... ^ r a n i p s , b a s k e t , ; . . . ? . . . ; . . l |g©| ,26 Parsnips, bushel . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0002. 261

Potatoes, per busheT.,-^A»,S,6o@ 2,25 do, sweet, h a m p e r s . . , , , 2 60||i 2 76

Radishes, per dozen .'^.'.".^"J^w 401

do, white, dozen »VMija^«w:Ws»»' Spinach, per bushel . . . . . . 0 . , Hubbard squash, net'W^f.. l%0' Turnips,' per basket w . . <Jt5&

do, rutabagas, bunhel . . 7{f© Vegetables oysteifs, perdbz. »**

bugchesv , . . - , •* . . . . . . . . . 360 Watercres;;,'dozenbunches 26©

COUNtftY PRODUCE Butter, dairy, per ib ..-<.., Eggs, fresh from farms.

do, Btorage . . . . . . ."%??& do,, pouitry'farm .s*;«*.v"Yl

Fowls, perj.ib. . . -j&Hngera, per lb. . . . . . . . . ' - » {0r

COR^-^There was a good demand today at 2c over yesterday and the

l ^ l ^ e t ; closed, arm ^ t t h a t advance. fThe offerings were about all taken.

Closing: No. 1 yellow, 11.6S; No. 2 yellow, $1.67; No. 3 yellow, $1,66; No. * yellow, »lj60; No. 6 yellow, |1.56JLJS& i^^lQW^li^B^i^^-tjn^clOBrpugh

• Salest 16 oars o. 3 yellow, 21.65; 1 car No. 4 yellow, Ji.58; 2 cars do, 31.59; 7 cars dp, tlM; 5 cara No. .5. yellow, $1.66; l car do, J1.57, on track, through billed.

|" OATS—It was impossible to get buy­ers Interested at yesterday's priees!

,ftand Just at the closing sellers becamejj anxious to clean, up and there weretl sales at lc decline for No. 2 white and

.'•JL l-4c fof No. 1 white, "~~"~ Closing: No. 1 whjte, 98 l-4c; No. 2

jBhlte, 98c; No. 3 white,. 97c> .No.. 4 ^hite, 96c on-tjfack, through Wiled.

"Sales: 1 car No. 1 white, 98 3-4e; 6 cars do, 98 l-4c; 4 cars No. 2 white, •98o,- 1 car No. 4 white, 96 l-2c, on track, through billed; 1 car No. 4 White,, 96c, local.

BABXEtr—No Demand today. Quoted: Malting, $1.6601.76; teed,

$1,5601.62, on track or in store. Chleago^CIosed: Cash $L40@L55;

•SSfay, $1.49 1-4 bid. Duluth—Closed: On track, $1,24@

1.45. ., -Minneapolis—Closed, $1.3501.56.

;; B>TE-T-Firm. No. 2 quoted at $1.75 on track. - Chicago—Closed: Cash,. No. 2, $1.70

^ © W l 1-2; May, $1,68, Duluth—ClOBedi On_ trACk jEuid. J a i l

arrive, $$1,65 3-4. * • —_, »_ , <-

"''" New York Market FLOUR—Market ruled dull. Spring

patents, -$12,75#13,5Q; - clears, $9,250; 10.26; Winter straiftite^lM5^11£0.

WHEAT—Market unchanged. Spot No; 2 red winter^ at $2.65 f. o. b. steamer New York, export basis.

CORN-^Market firmer. No. 2 yel­low Caew), $L72 1-2; No. 3 yellow -*Cff«W), $1.75 1-2.

OATS—Market ruled firmer. No. 1 white, $1.04 1-2; No. 2 white, $1.04; No. 3 white, $1.03; No. 4 white, $1.02 -@$fc02 1-2; fancy white clipped, $1.06; ordinary white clipped, 31.04. ""R'S'E—Market firm. No.. 2 western, ,$L9,0 1-2 and c, Ji f. export.

BARLEY—Market ruled firm. No. 2* western, $1.63@1.68, c. i. f. New York export: feeding, 44 lbs., $1.5201.66, c. i., f.. New York export. "'BEiSF—Market ruled steady. Fam.-. Hy,-ST@23c.

PORK—Market unsettled. Mess, $42 family, 50@53c.

••"••DARD—Maarket ruled firm. ^Clty^ 2iT3^4@21c. Market firm. Middle West, $2i.40@21,50: "^TALLOW—Market ruled steady. City, prime, IS 1-4C loose: special

400.1 .00 4 6 0 50

1 2501.76 ^ *4i#o?oe

0 2 75

. . 0

BUFMLp CRAlN M «*«««-'"*-V!- -S»«8W«aT«h 10.1 FLO0R--»uijt. and unchihted/^.

- , -^tWhllesale „ . " • * 1-2 jetton TSacks.! Best pfittent-^;. . . , ,^„%0^%ti M 'Bakers'' pfttln*J„^..'l^i».^«»jE3 75-

Jefferson Avenue.

William Street

Lafayette Avenue

HOUSES Lafayette Aye>-r-,__ _

Double house, large lot, improvements.

William St.— i rooms, lot 50x295,


8£gpm& Jot 15x450, improvements. ..

And Others, inquire

Wm. M. Fink, Geneva. National Bank- Building




- * • *

* i


loose, 14c. COFFEE—Market steady; T tp 11

points higher. No. 7 Rio on spot, "IB"

RICE—Market ruled firm. Domes­tic,* 9 1-2016& "MdLASSES—Market ruled 'firm.

Open kettle, 1.02(g) 1,12; in barrels,. $1.26. * .

R^.W SUGAR-r-Market ruled active. Centrifugals, 1LO.0@11.60, -

REFINED SUGAR—Market ruled steady. Fine granulated, 14@16o; No. 2 is fl points below" No. 1 and below

IIP and Nps; 3 to 14 are each 6 points lower than the preceding grade.

BUTTER—Firm. Creamery, extras, 66-@88t l-j2c4-do^flrstsv_63-i-2#66e4-dOj-higher than extras, 66@69 l-2c; state 4Rl|?r, tubs, 43@<4c; renovated, extras, 53@54c; imitation creamery, firsts, 45 @46c.

CHEESE—Market irregular. State, Whole fnilk, specials, 29 l-2@31c; do, fancy, 28029c; do, lower grades, 160 27c; Wisconsin, whole milk, fancy, Young Americas, 32033c; state skims, specials, 17@2lc; choice, lS#16c; do, *alr to good, 10@12c; do, lower grades, 4©9c. , •*„ - - » -..I

Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, March 1'—CATTLE—

Receipts . . . head. Market ruled steady; sales shipping steers ar$13.60 016.00, butchers at $9.00013.00, yearl-jinfs at $12.60014.00, heife-s at $6t60© 11.50, cows at $4.26©lo.&0, bulls at $6.00 ^li.BO and atoekera and feeders at $6.00010.25, . CALVES-^Bcceipts J200 head. -Mar-

•icet .steady; sales a t t$6.00@21.0O;-HQG%*rReceiptsJi>600-hoad.. Market

2|@40e higher; sales heavy at. $16,600 i6?l)0, mixed-at $16.25018.60, Yorkers %t $l«.60©ifc7Br light TorkeTs at* SIKFO. 018.60, pigs a i $15.00016.50, roughs,at $13-.00®13.60r and stags at $8.00010.00.

SHEEP-<ANi> LAMBS-^ReceiptaT2,-800-•head. Market for ilambs 50c lower; sales laiftBs at »l3.0O@20#, yearlings at $12.00018,00, wethers- at $15,500 16.00, ewes at $6.00014.60 and mixed at Hi4.5O0lS.OO, ' . . ... .

Fruits arid Vegetables. Philadelphia, March 9—Potatoes, per

cwt« 16400^.15. , ^ r i~' ' Onions—Per c w t , $4;00@6^25. ' Apples—Per- bbl„ $4;OO09.5O. T 'Boston, IMtarch 9—Potatoes, 1&OO06.5O. ^.Onions—Per-bag, $5^)006.50. " 'Cabbage—Per hbl., $4.0005.00. i^Apples—Per" bbi, »4;pO09,O,O. i-Lettucer-Per erate, 30@6§c., .

"Cleveland, March 9-r-Potatoes, mi., $5.oo. ;..,

Apples—Per bhl., $0.00010.00. "'Cabbage—panish," per ton, $65, tfM. . * ' Onions—Per cwt., $5.00@6.7K. " ^Chicago, Marcii 9^Potatocs, per cwt, $5.1005.60, ..

Cabbage—-Per to«u.*45.00©504O5, -«6niohs —Per sack.100 lbs., $8,

Light, Easy Work at

Girl Workers

Our automatic machines ara easier to operate—and .. much"-" more interesting—•than-a-sswing ^ machine. No lifting, dirt oir—•-grease: 'Our factory la light,-airy and up to date. •

As the work is atf irtcce wort the pay is limited only by your

. ability.. We pay you-whlle you are learning—two weeks at the most. The hours are very rea­sonable and" Saturday "lis » halt holiday the year round.'

You wiii" find "pur cozy .Cfrls^ Club a mighty comfbrtable'-place te live. Home cooking, morning and night—lunch at our, .factory

- - - » - t " r & / « n IIOV u— .U. While applications by letter

will receive our prompt and _caraful - ^attentionf^-we" Yequest^

that whenever possible you call in person and ask for Mr. E R.

Jentr-Burroughs, our Superintendent He will-give you hie personal at­tention and see that you are •hown our work; a«d•t,hv^GHrls• Club. 1Bueh"«TcaMrttoe*,»ot"obll-

• gate you in any Wayi. . :1

Standard Optical Co. l M L y c t i m S ^ \

By Special Dispatch to The Herald r*vg

per cwt.,


. « *. ~*_A.\e % ., ^ * j .

QuaHtTffodmts Mi

Ledgers, Tnuufera,

Hemorao iiwSt J&ice Boosts ; ' ' Sbeet. ax»rfIiMJe»«K ~ Large AMorfiaient Carried ha Stock


> 435 Exchange Street Geneva, N. Y.

I.I nflliliiiiilii'i f n f l H l i i ' i r I -

' ' NOT ICE TO . O R E D i f o a ^ . Pursuant to a-> order of the Surrogate's

Court -of the County e f Ontario, notice i is hereby „given to all persoiiSi having ,. claims against John M. Skuse.xjate of t h e " town of Geneva, Ontario County. State of New York, deceased, to .present the same with the vouchors Ibereor, t o t h e undersigned. Clarence Xft Skaee and Will i i a m . B > . Skuse^ ^AdminlstralaES^jat- t l *mwB or Br- J. CooR7"^]Batjftr-at-^awr-l Seneca St., Geneva. N. ¥ . . on or before the 15th day of July. JS20.


S a t e d Jan. 7th, 192*.

0 00f

Low-,grade:.|lQSW». I^mmi &* • - •"•-- * S W\ ,$$&. fk>u% i]fh|-,-#.. SepH -*$§*• • • .feMS) K y e flouir, dfti*k . . . . 9 00 ; FJ&EiiSr-ljJ'o offerings '0f*m!IHeedS'

-. .*i' • j,-. »„/ *&'rtf i"t««*- fe^i:Mked,>-c»TS ^p>)ing,;hcaB8^u-lh.K,s«k'i*r^«4fi«oO! '«i*hd»ra-.-.mWdii«*siAdcla«.;Afis»*.J8iOO, . ( ,_ # , Co**mc8dwcdarse/:per tphV. i<a ;? isrOO' ^uf^OriMarcl* 10-^EEPS^-^oice $C(>huny}JEceAf per: t«ft«r.\f. jsst »MiWJ tSdothy -quoted^ at :-$ 0 ©-7:.5A, Choice

' **IL . - »»!«.»'—-—' . . . M , M«rt5,-iii alfalfa at

*C -, " Seed "Market*. 'Chicago. March lid—SETEDS TIm-my.seed?4uoted at $12.00©14'00 easn: ait'd Sclover seed" ate ffS.UOifSMOi -"Toigdo^ M a r c h l;0-ASEDS^Chol<?e o lover i seed quoted'at,' |S3,66.caslf^ 3345: «ar«ai,.»33.0O Apri l and''Alsike at.$34.85-• c a a f t j i f . < : « » ; ' * • . " * " • • ' • • - - ^ . . ' • . • . . • « • ••

NOTICE/TO CREDlTOj?*, __ Pursuant to an ordeiVof toe Sunogate '*

Court of the - County of Ontario in th t State of New York, notfce is hereby jriv en ">• to all persons having claims agalrfar Tracy , ' D . Morse, late of the City.' i f "Crenava; < County of Ontario and State of New Tork, deceased, to present the same, With the vouchers thereof, to _ the . Smderslgijed ^^ executor, a t the law ofllces^pT Will iam 8 . MiJOferNos: -i9^20»Sehnirei*BaiWing-. tsu the City of Geneva. New Yortt, on or Wh fore the 1st day of June, 1920SY t Dated November 19th. 1919: Cl ' "

EDWIN B."UOBBtN _ JExecUtor, **.

WTLUAM a MOORE. / • Attorney for Executor. • ! .

I rsad ,w,beh a., pronjinehj dpctor e * plains .. , ..• -, '';.j

That -wearing tight ^shoes-will iflteot * gtri;« braine;.', • '.<•...'

I cannot agree with that ^ntleman'aj . .views s•-., . ,-»<*)/. i *%

For girfa thM.hstve brfti8»'dd act pur< w «hase tight shoes, • -#*i


. ''. ' "SS>T''