HOUSE POINTS TALLEY - Kingsley Park Primary School€¦ · What an amazing performance our students...

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Transcript of HOUSE POINTS TALLEY - Kingsley Park Primary School€¦ · What an amazing performance our students...

Friday 30th June Last Day of Term - 2:30pm dismissal

Term 3

Monday 17th July School resumes—Arrive on time!

Wednesday 2nd August Parent Teacher Meetings This is a curriculum day. Wednesday 9th August Wakakirri Performance

Friday 11th August School Disco - Years 3 to 6

Friday 25th August District Athletics

Tuesday 29th August Fathers Day Stall

Wednesday 30th Aug - Friday 1st Sept Middle School Camp

Tuesday 12th September Interschool Chess Competition

Monday 18th September Footy Pie & Fun Day

Friday 22nd September Last Day of Term - 2:30pm dismissal

Email address: Website address :

29th June 2017











We would like to remind everyone that dogs ae not permitted in the school grounds at any time. Dogs within the school vicinity should also be on a lead at all times. Children’s welfare and feeling safe when at school, entering or departing the school grounds is paramount and observation of this rule is appreciated.

Current parents - Do

you have another child

starting at Kingsley

Park next year ?

A reminder to our Kingsley families to please make arrangements to enrol your kindergarten child for Prep 2018. Please see Ros or Jo in the office to complete the necessary paperwork - a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunisation form is required. Thank you.

Wednesday 2nd August is a curriculum day for Parent

Teacher meetings and for staff to work on school review

documents in the morning. Please book this day in your

calendar as students are not required at school for the day

however, it would be great for them to attend meetings

with parents and teachers to discuss their learning


Reports and Parent-Teacher Meetings Mid year reports are being sent home today. Staff have worked through the data collected throughout the first half of this year and have constructed a clear picture of what your child has achieved and their areas for future learning. Parent-Teacher meetings will be held in week 3 of next term on Wednesday 2nd August between 1.30-7pm. Please bring your child along to these meetings as it gives them the opportunity to discuss their academic achievements and classroom efforts to date. Notices for meetings will be sent home early next term providing you with information on how to book. The library will be open on Parent—Teacher Meeting day so that students who have created a digital portfolio can share their work with you.

Lost property is full! Please come in and have a look for your child’s

jumper. Items that are clearly labelled with names have been returned to

classrooms. All items left after week 2 of next term will be washed and sold

as second hand uniform.

Wishing all of our students safe and happy holidays. For those

travelling, take care on the roads. Remember that students can

always log in and practice their Mathletics from home and Lexile or Sunshine online for reading.

Have fun and read some good fit books over the break.

What an amazing performance our students put on. All are to be highly

commended on their fabulous efforts. Our lead characters remembered all of their lines and delivered them like professionals with months of practise. Thank you to all the parents who have called in or sent messages of congratulations

and thanks for an amazing show. We thank you also for your support in costume making and attendance on the night. It was a fabulous team effort from all. A big thank you to the staff who organised the show and those who supported on the night. The biggest thank you goes to our students who through enthusiasm and

dedication, made the night super for all. Well done.

The Amazing Adventures of SuperStan

Meet the teachers…….

Have you met Mr Brand? Mr Brand is our new student wellbeing and ICT teacher in the school. He started with us this year and may have called you about your child’s attendance, behaviour or iPad. He is available to have meetings if you have any concerns with your child or behaviours in the yard.

Please welcome Miss Malinda Hames to Kingsley Park. She is our new music teacher. Miss Hames will begin with us next term. Please say hi and make her feel welcome.

Kingsley Kids achieving Success !

LOST By Bonnie G (S9) It was early in the morning and the sun was still rising. The ridge was damp and gloomy. The misty fog blowing in Perry's and Jim's face as they slowly hike the hill. Frogs croaking and the crickets talking to one another, Perry suddenly stops and as she tries to speak she ends up making the smallest dry croak out of her mouth "I’m not going to make it to the top Jim. I…. need food and water!" As they have gone without food and water for three days. Perry looked ashamed when she looked up at Jim. Jim took a long look at Perry and saw her dry cracked, lips and her knotty, brown, muddled hair. He looked down and saw the despair in her eyes. The way her bright blue eyes shined as she was about to cry. Jim opened his mouth and closed it again he didn't know what to say. He knew there might not be a way out for them but he did not want to make it worse. "I know Perry, but we have to put our last effort in, as it might be our last chance." Perry nodded slowly then they started walking again. For the last 30 minutes of walking while surrounded by birds chirping and leaves crunching they finally got to the top. They looked around. Nothing. They looked again. Nothing. For the last time they looked again. As Jim looked out in the open he heard someone stamping on the stones. He fiercely turned around ready to attack although he knew he didn't have any strength left. It was Perry, jumping up and down pointing franticly. Jim looked and saw a cottage. It was the same cottage they left from the start! "That's it!" Perry said happily. "Let's go, no time to waste!" Jim said with haste. They made sure they knew where they were going then set of once again to save their lives! It's had been 1 hour when they saw the light of the cottage. With all their strength left they ran and went safety inside. After they ate and had a drink Jim said brightly "Home sweet home!" He looked at Perry and they smiled at one another.

CALLCUTTA by Izzy St. A (S9) On October 9th 1803, and I am on the H.M.S. Calcutta. My name is Samantha Donaldson I am an 11 year old girl, I stole some bread and water for my family, we were starving. But then I got caught now I'm on this awful ship. I met this girl called Isabella her mum had stolen some clothes for her to wear because she was really poor like heaps of other people. Her mother had also died 4 days after boarding this boat. The boat was dirty, wet crowded and very bumpy. I have my doll that my mother had given me as a baby, but decide to give it to Isabella. She was so grateful and hugged me, we became friends really easily. I told her I would look after her. It was forever until we got to this strange place with these strange people wearing no clothes, weird weapons and even the children had no clothes on and just little leaves on them. The Ship took forever to hit land, some people had died it took 8 months in total to get to this unusual land. We had no medicine with us, before we had gone on the ship I loved my family and they were starving, my father was a Chimney sweeper and my mother was a full time cook and cleaner but then she died. My father had trouble raising us because he was only a part time chimney sweeper, so we didn’t have enough money, he was always dirty I didn't get much education and neither did my siblings, When, we got all the stuff off the boat we had to set up all the tents and hospitals, we had to plant gardens and the native people gave us some stuff like fresh berries, I waved at some of the children and they waved back they seemed really nice they had spears. All the children and convicts had to plant the crops and food, Isabella and I were so tired, we had so many cuts and bruises on our hands and feet. We had no shoes or socks everyone was so hungry, after we finally got to sleep in the warm white tents with all the woman and children. All the crops had failed so some people had to leave to travel back to England to get medicines, food, water and more seeds to do more crops. The soldiers of the small Village had become annoyed with the native people, but the native people were nice to Isabella and always picked berries for the sick and weak. I got back to the tent hearing a small little helpless ‘help’ and I recognized it was Isabella, I rushed to pick her up. I took her to the hospital tent, we had to wait outside they couldn't do anything. I watched her lay there cry and cry I couldn't do anything I just watched her die right in my arms! "Never forget me!" Isabella said. "I won't, I will never ever forget you!’’ I replied, deeply looking into her eyes for the very last time. She kissed my rag doll and slowly closed her beautiful eyes.

For Bonnie’s short story the focus was on punctuation and using speech marks correctly while writing an engaging story. Izzy’s writing piece was a reflection on what it might have been like to be a First Australian arriving on the First Fleet inspired by ‘Beth The Story of a Child Convict’ by Mark Wilson. Well done girls on wonderful writing pieces.

Kingsley kids—active learners !

ONCE 2.0 By Alex B. (M16)

I hear gunshots. The town goes silent with fear. Groups of people with red and black armbands are gathering groups of people to go on a walk. I see Felix. He looks scared. I need to save him. Once, I walked out the metal gate attached to the fence (so kids don’t escape) which expectedly is locked. So, with all my strength, I pull myself up and over the fence, which wasn’t that hard to climb. Now, lets find Felix. Once, I was walking down a mud green hill with trees as high as a kite and branches as long as the running race back in the orphanage. Eventually for what seems like an hour of seemingly endless walking I get to a miniscule village with tall brown houses. Oh no, I see his yellow note book.

Once, I walked up to the yellow note book and opened it to see it was Felix’s. He must have dropped it while finding his parents. I look to my right and see a vast group of people with jewish armbands, Felix once told me a story about the jewish people and how he was jewish. (Felix is a really good story teller) Because Felix is jewish, I follow the group.

Once, I was famished out of my brain following a group I’m pretty sure Felix is in because if he isn’t I am going to be very angry. After another long time of walking I walk past a dead tree grey like dust with branches looking like they’re about to fall off. A truck comes whizzing past with a soldier in the back pretending that they’re going to shoot me but don’t. You know when you’re really hungry following a group you’re not sure your friend is in but you’re willing to risk it for him - that’s what I’m in right now I’ve finished the food I pinched from the orphanage and I’m really worried I will never find Felix. I can barely see the group now because I accidently fell asleep while sitting down for a rest and now I’m jogging to try and catch up but I can not seem to find them. A few moments later I can’t even remember when I started and whether its ….

Audrey and Poppy from S13 wrote excellent diary entries about a day in their life on board the

HMS Calcutta in 1803.

Bunnings BBQ Success !

WOW, what a day ! $2100 raised !! A huge thank you to all the parents that joined in the fun and mayhem that a beautiful day mixed with sausages in bread can bring. KPG would also like to thank the families that kindly donated sauce (The Backwell Family) and to the parents who donated bags of onions. What a team !

Woolworths Earn and Learn We are once again participating in Woolworths Earn and Learn program which runs from Wednesday 26th July through to Tuesday 19th September. A collection box will be located in the school office for sticker returns. Our sticker tally from last year was 45,900 - lets aim to beat that in 2017 !

Next KPG Meeting The KP Group wil next be meeting on Thursday 27th July at 9am - all welcome :-)


KPG Committee Coordinators

Hayley Laird Joanna Abbott (0438 250 611)

Jane Taylor

School Term dates: 2017

Term 1:

30 January to 31 March *

Term 2: 18 April (Tuesday) to 30 June

Term 3:

17 July to 22 September

Term 4: 9 October to 22 December

Future planning for children who might be eligible for the nationwide ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme’ (NDIS) is very important. Further information for parents of eligible children can be found at :

Once a week, take a peek ! Have you checked your child’s hair for head-

lice today ?

On Thursday 16th June Kingsley Park Primary School were proud to host an Interschool Chess Competition. Eight schools were involved with a total of 113 students competing. Thirty five students, ranging from Year 1 to Year 6 represented our school. These students all practiced the following You Can Do It Keys of, Getting Along, Persistence, Confidence and Resilience. The photo below shows our students proudly holding up certificates of participation or distinction. Ryan (front row middle) was successful in obtaining a medal for most improved player. The score an individual gets is determined by how many games they win which determines what type of certificate or medal they receive. Our students did very well considering that a lot of them a younger players or new to chess and still need to have more experience in thinking ahead , working out strategies to get their opponents king in check mate. It also takes a lot of focused energy to play7 games of chess during the competition .


The schools that has students participating were; St Laurence O’Tooles, Silverton Primary, Toorak College, Seaford Primary, Mentone Grammar, Woodleigh, Karingal Primary and Kingsley Park Primary School. The final results were: 1st Silverton Primary 24 points 2nd Toorak & Woodleigh College Equal with 21 points 3rd Baxter Primary 19 points 4th Mentone Grammar 18 points 5th St Laurence O’Toole 17 points 6th Kingsley Park Primary 16 points 7th Karingal 15points

The photo’s to the right show some of our students engaged in challenging their brains to make good moves so they can get their opponents king into check mate. The photo to the right is of Natasha and Tianna who put all the individual scores into the computer system from the 113 participants after each round.

Some comments from students who represented our school were: ‘ It was hard”, I really enjoyed it”, “ It was fun to meet other children”, “ I would love to get a medal”. Ryan our top players said “It was awesome to win a medal. I got it because I have really improved and won 5 games out of seven. It was a very enjoyable day and Ms Reed was proud of all the students for trying their best. She would also like to thank all the Year 5&6 teachers and students for letting us use their tables and chairs. Remember Chess Club is held every Wednesday at lunchtime so come along and challenge your brain.

Learning to keep ourselves safe in Prep!

This term in Prep we have been learning about safety. We have been doing lots of different activities to learn about safety including water, road and sun safety. We were lucky enough to have some special local community members come and speak to us. Daniel Nanos, Angus Mair and other fire fighters from the Baxter CFA came and taught us about what to do in a fire emergency. We learnt lots of things and to get down low and go go go!

We also had our local school crossing officer, Sharon, come in and speak to us about crossing the road safely. We learnt how important it is to listen to the crossing officer and wait for all cars to stop before crossing the road.

Get down low and

go, go, go

Our Preps all made delicious ‘Gruffalo’ cup cakes on

Tuesday ! What fantastic and tasty

creations ! They also made hand puppets to retell the

story of The Gruffalo.

Congratulations to the following children who have been presented with “You Can Do It” or Achievement Awards throughout Term 2.

Week 1 - Confidence

Art - Cohen M (P20) & Deacon M (J3) Indonesian - Maddison B. Music - Noah C. (M1 6) P.E. - Zoe W. Science - Beth C. P20 - Charlie N. P21 - Leah S. P23 - Ayden D. J1 - Harley C. J2 - Sienna D. J3 - Christian B. J4 - Marlie U. J5 - Emily B. J6 - Charlie H. M16 - Holly G. M17 - Oscar L. M18 - Jaxon H. M19 - Ebony C. M11 - Lili M. S8 - Lily T. S9 - S10 - Alycia H. S12 - S13 - Audrey B.

Week 3 - Resilience

Art - Harri M. (P21 ) and Elliot B. (J6) Indonesian - Lily M. (P21 ) Music – Julian S. (S9) P.E.— Eliza S. Science - Kayla D. (S1 2) P20 - Archer A. P21 - Harri M. P23 - Zoe L. J1 - Isabel L. J2 - Eden P. J3 - Evie F. J4 - Ailah M. J5 - Sarina W. J6 - Bairam S. M16 - Kiara T. M17 - Beth N. M18 - Ryan C. M19 - Daisy S. M11 - Lily M. S9 - S10 - Ashby N. S12 - Ciara B. H. S13 - Poppy E.

Week 5 - Getting Along Art - Max B. (P23) and Elana B. (J2) Indonesian - Gideon D. (J4) and Somma M.T. P.E. - Kayla D. (S1 2) Science - Haidey D. (S9) P20 - Mia C. P21 - Lily M. P23 - Max B. J1 - Lilli S. J2 - Ethan W. J3 - Eva S. J4 - Lily T. J5 - Liam S. J6 - Jhett T. M16 - Jack B. M17 - Balin L & Dean V. S M18 - Amaya M. M19 - Stella H. M11 - Thomas S. S8 - S9 - Haidey D. S10 - Tyson J. S12 - Charlie B. S13 - Joe T.

Getting Along Organisation


Confidence Resilience

Week 7 - Persistence Art - Ella B. (P23) and Sarina W. (J5) Indonesian - Charlie E. (J1 ) P.E. - Hayley B. Science - Kalyani W. (M1 8) P20 - Marlee G. P21 - Harley M. P23 - Tyson T. J1 - Melodie H. J2 - J3 - Audrey B. J4 - Harvey S. J5 - Kalob V. J6 - Ben L. M11 - Ben C. M16 - Emma A. M17 - Aidyn F. M18 - Xavier F. M19 - Keira I. S8— S9 - Julian S. S10 - Seth W, S12 - Olivia M. S13 - Logan F.

Week 9 - Organisation

Art - Charlie N. Indonesian - Hayley B. (J5) P.E. - Liana H. Science - Stella H. (M1 9) P20 - Ella M. P21 - Ethan D. P23 - Cooper L. J1 - Aiden A. J2 - J3 - Jahdyn F. S. . J4 - Amelia Q. J5 - Tyler G. J6 - Ariella C. M16 - Ella N. M17 - Maddison B. M18 - Darcy W. M19 - Kairyn C. M11 - Thomas O. S8 - S9 - Izzy S. S10 - McKenzie P. S12 - Brodie C. S13 -



Price List

Full Page $50

Half Page $30

Quarter Page $20

For Sale Items $10 (Business card size)

Flyers $40 Prices are per newsletter and includes GST


Have you changed your address, medical details or phone numbers recently?

If so, it is vital that you

provide updated details to the school.

Do you have a child beginning

school in 2018? Enrolments for 2018 are being

taken now.

School Tours run every Tuesday 9:30am to 10:30am

If you haven’t chosen a school yet, please organise a tour to find the school that best suits

you and your child’s needs.

Please call the school on 9789 0077 to book in for a tour.