Hot tech 20170329-idera - health check - maintaining enterprise bi-dez-slides

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Hot tech 20170329-idera - health check - maintaining enterprise bi-dez-slides


Monitoring & Maintaining B.I. Platform Health


modern B.I. platforms have

many complex moving parts


Modern Business Intelligence platforms are made up of many complex moving parts, it’s not just about keeping the lights on.

Availability & Quality of data sources

Databases & Data Warehousing

System Admin & Management

Platform Security & Governance

User & System Access Controls

User Interfaces & Presentation

Analytics Platforms & Tools

Reporting, Monitoring & Dashboards

B.I. platforms are living breathing things


the challenge of managing

B.I. platforms at any scale


Business Intelligence is often the lifeblood of an organization, any B.I. platform performance hits will impact the bottom line.

Loss of a B.I. platform = flying blind

Poor performance impacts adoption

Access issues impact everything

Decision making company wide

Accurate & Timely reporting

Capacity to run the business

Staff performance & moral

Compliance & Governance

B.I. platforms require top performance


a single performance issue can

impact the entire ecosystem


As with so many things, the Rumsfeld Conundrum applies, know knows, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns..

Core Business System Performance Sales, Marketing, Finance HR, Operations, Logistics Planning, Forecasting, Reporting

Back end systems & platforms Response times & load averages Workloads / Batches / Backups Maintenance / Updates / Patching Misc. manual system admin Manual Data Imports or Exports

Domains which impact B.I. performance


complex systems require smart

tools to manage performance.