Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical...

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Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Comments as of October 22nd

, 2010 for the November 1st PPR clinical vetting session


1. Clinically Related Readmissions

Comment from Johns Hopkins Health System 9/24/2010: These comments are part of a

broader position statement on the HSCRC Readmissions policy proposal

Overview of methodology issues:

While the 3M PPRs are an innovative attempt to determine preventable readmissions by

initial APR-DRGs, and associated readmission APR-DRGs, the relationships between these

APR-DRGs have not been studied or validated. In this model, readmissions are counted as

potentially preventable if they are assumed to be related to the initial diagnosis OR the initial

hospitalization. Many diagnoses are linked that in our view cannot be justified as clinically

related and would lack face validity among our providers as well as the public. For example, a

patient originally admitted for heart failure and then readmitted with ―Other Endocrine

Disorders‖ or ―Schizophrenia‖ would be counted as a potentially preventable readmission. In

these, as well as numerous other instances, there is no evidence to suggest that there is a

reasonable association between the original and subsequent admissions, nor are there outcome

studies that define specific interventions which could prevent such a rehospitalization. While the

argument exists that all hospitals are judged by the same criteria and therefore no one system is

unfairly penalized, we believe the criteria should bear an obvious relationship to care quality.

A preliminary examination of individual readmission encounters reveals

oversimplification of the multitude of interrelationships that impact readmissions and influence

preventability. In a small sample of cases readmitted in all categories, readmissions were either

not related, related but planned, or related but not preventable in 60% of the cases. (Not a

statistically significant sample). Examples 1-10 that were provided in the original comment

letter are shown in Appendix A.


The fundamental reasons for acute care rehospitalizations include:

1. Lack of care coordination (fragmented transitions of care and preparation for self-


2. Poor quality of inpatient care (complications of care)*

3. Patient characteristics (advanced age, numbers of and kinds of comorbidities,

socioeconomic factors, living arrangements, etc)

4. Disease progression (chronic conditions)

5. Failure of the ambulatory environment (lack of community resources, alternative levels

of care for an aging population, etc.).

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Of these, the first two categories are more directly related to the initial hospitalization, and are

under more control of systems and processes of the organization. Potentially preventable

readmissions logic should be focused in these two areas. In addition, the hospital effect is

directly related to the lag time between the index admission and the readmission. Readmissions

occurring after 15 days are less likely related to quality of care issues during the index

admission. With any readmission methodology, appropriate risk adjustment, for age,

socioeconomic status, access to care, severity of illness, and number and kinds of co-morbid

conditions must be used to focus opportunities for improvement.

Recommendations for initial PPR implementation:

1. Include only the “clinical related categories” that are most likely attributable to the

initial admission and can be influenced by improved care coordination and quality

processes (i.e. 1, 3, and 5). (This excludes those categories that reflect chronic illness,

ambulatory conditions, surgery to address a continuation of a problem, and readmissions for

mental illness or substance abuse, 2a, 2b, 4, 6a, 6b, 6c).

Evaluation of health system data using the PPR software demonstrates that 66 % of

readmission chains fall into clinical categories 1, 3 and 5. (Review of encounters in these

categories also reveals incongruence with clinical relationships, and questions related to

preventability and planned admissions).

The clinical related categories of 2a, 2b, 6a, 6b, and 6c are reflective of chronic conditions

that are within very limited control of the acute care setting especially as organizations have

strived to limit hospitalization to the acutely ill.

o Access to primary care is a significant factor in avoiding preventable hospitalizations

related to chronic conditions1 and Maryland has a growing shortage of primary care

physicians. “Maryland is confronting a growing, statewide shortage of practicing

primary care and subspecialty physicians, a trend that could lead to much longer waiting

times in physician offices while increasing emergency room visits for minor afflictions

and ailments.” (MHA and MedChi, 2008).

o There is a plethora of evidence on the relationship of chronic disease and

increased risk of hospitalization from unmodifiable causes and ―pending an

agreed on method to adjust for confounders, global readmission rates are not a

useful indicator of quality of care.‖ 2,3,4,5

o Examples of questionable linked diagnoses (per physician faculty review)

include: 1) Readmit Diagnosis Hypertension: Index admission Abd. Pain; bipolar

disorder, 2) Readmit Diagnosis Connective Tissue Disorders: Index admission

Cardiac defibrillation; COPD; CABG; Heart Failure, Other Infectious or Parasitic

Diseases, 3) Readmit diagnosis Peptic Ulcer and Gastritis: Index admission

Peripheral, Cranial and Autonomic Nervous disorders….

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Including readmissions for ―surgery to address a continuation of a problem,‖ may

inadvertently increase hospital costs as well as patient risk by increasing diagnostic

studies and invasive procedures in order to avoid rehospitalization after a ―watch and

wait‖ period. Evaluation of the JHHS data reveals up to 57% of the readmissions in

clinical category 4 were for ―elective‖ admissions. This does not include those

admissions that were ―urgent‖ but also planned or staged.

The current proposal includes almost all hospital readmissions for mental health and

substance abuse as potentially preventable, regardless of cause. Evidence related to

clinically effective treatment for psychiatric and substance abuse illnesses lags behind

that of the non-behavioral illnesses, e.g. heart failure. Recent large studies

demonstrate that current medications for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major

depression are no more effective than ones used 30 years ago. Most studies suggest

that it takes a number of years to get the correct diagnosis, and years more before the

patient accepts the treatments being recommended. Only a minority of patients start

care with a commitment to stay in care and comply with the healthcare team

recommendations. In a recent study of Medicaid beneficiaries with mood disorders, it

was found that 24% of patients were rehospitalized after discharge. ―Those with co-

morbid substance abuse accounted for 36% of all baseline admissions, and half of all


o The New York Medicaid program has excluded the behavioral health conditions from its

adoption of PPRs. We believe these should be excluded from the proposed Maryland

program as well.

o Evaluation of JHHS readmission data using AHRQ co-morbidity software indicates an

average 30 day readmission rate for patients with psych and substance abuse co-morbid

conditions of 15.9% and 16.4% at JHH and JHBMC respectively. This is a 21% and 34%

difference in rates of those patients NOT having a psych or substance abuse co-morbid

condition (12.5% and 10.7%). The % of patients at JHH and JHBMC with a psych or

substance abuse diagnosis is 18% and 31% respectively.

2. The time interval to measure hospital attribution for readmissions should be no longer

than 15 days.

The literature is disparate on the time interval that most closely correlates to problems

evolving from an initial hospitalization. Consensus is that the further the re-

admission is from the index hospitalization, the more likely it is attributable to

chronic disease progression, socio-economic factors, and failure of the outpatient

environment. Hospital readmissions cluster shortly after discharge (1-7 days) and

decline thereafter. 7

Evaluation of the PPR readmission rates for JHHS show that

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


66% of the readmissions occur within 15 days of the initial hospitalization, with the

largest bolus of readmission being in the 1—7 day period.

3. Eliminate “elective” readmissions as a proxy for “planned.”

―Elective‖ admissions are considered to be planned, and should be excluded from the

methodology9 based on HSCRC ―nature‖ of admission. In the JHHS PPR analysis up

to 7% of the readmission chains were ―elective.‖ In the clinical related category #4

(readmissions for a surgical procedure to address a continuation or a recurrence of the

problem causing the initial admission), the rate was as high as 57%. This does not

include the ―urgent‖ nature of admission which also reflects many cases that are


References provided in the original comment letter can be found in Appendix B

3M Response :

It will always be possible to identify individual cases for which the readmission was a) probably

planned or b) probably not preventable (leaving aside issues of how often chart reviewers can

agree on preventability). Identifying exceptions to the PPR logic misses the point of a system

that is based on rates, and seeks to identify deviation from expected performance based on peer-

hospital rates. It is precisely because of the impossibility of specifying all possible rules,

exceptions, and details for what constitutes a preventable readmission that the PPR system is

built upon the comparison of rates.

The guiding principle in identifying combinations of initial admissions and readmissions that

might be potentially preventable was the following:

If a hospital has a rate of a particular kind of readmission that is substantially

(and statistically significantly) higher than its peer hospitals, then reasonable

clinicians would be concerned that a problem with the quality of patient care


Unless an initial admission – readmission APR DRG pair that constitutes a potentially

preventable readmission can be demonstrated to be typically planned or unpreventable, then the

existing logic, which was the product of an intensive iterative process of clinical hypothesis

generation and testing, should stand.

If, as generally accepted, patient mix influences readmission then the relative risk associated

with variation in patient mix requires adjustment to standardize hospital comparison. The APR

DRG method has been shown to provide a highly effective and reliable risk adjustment

mechanism incorporating severity of illness and presence of comorbid conditions.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


The important clinical drivers influencing readmission risk include 1) the reason for the initial

admission and 2) patient severity of illness during the initial admission. Severity of illness

includes both the severity of the underlying condition responsible for admission as well as the

presence of comorbid acute and chronic conditions While readmission (and admission generally)

over a lengthier time horizon is influenced by chronic conditions, acute conditions are the more

important drivers of short term readmission.

All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR DRG) are designed to differentiate patients

by severity and nature of illness. They classify patients into similar groups differentiated at the

time of discharge. The classification system utilizes both chronic and acute diagnoses for

classification but is predominantly oriented towards acute descriptions. It was hypothesized early

in the development of PPR logic that the APR DRG system could adequately adjust for short

term readmissions precisely due to the fact that short term readmission risk is dominated by

acute conditions - namely the preceding hospitalization.

Just as comparing APR DRG severity of illness for hospital financing is dependent upon base

DRG so is the likelihood of readmission. When we test for validity of the risk adjustment tool we

should expect to see that, in general, the rate of readmission upon which adjustment is being

based (IA/ (IA+OA)) is consistent over time. It should also be expected that readmissions

increase monotonically within base APR DRGs. Obviously, as with hospital financing, small cell

sizes and random events can influence this result but this should be a general finding.

Testing over time, conducted both by 3M and other researchers, across numerous data sets has

shown that the likelihood of readmission has been extremely well predicted by APR DRG. In our

most recent study utilizing Florida all-payer data, the State level prediction made using rates

constructed from 2005 data correlates at 99.76% with the observed readmission pattern in 2007.

This once again offers strong support for the use of APR DRG classification as the basis for

short term (30 day) readmission risk.

Again, the HSCRC have calculated an R-Sq value of .75 when matching hospital specific

readmission rates to the expected rate of readmission generated through indirect rate


The inclusion of independent patient specific factors, allowed by the clinical categorical model,

permits users to enhance the risk-adjustment model without reducing the underlying power and

transparency. In both Maryland and Florida data it should be noted that the inclusion of age,

mental health and payer adjustments explains only fractional amounts of across hospital variation

(at most 3%) indicating that the reason for index admission and the severity of illness at

admission are the driving factors in predicting short-tem readmission. Additional risk

adjustment based on socioeconomic status and age can be incorporated into the basic PPR model

if they are determined to have important effects on the results.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


With regard to global readmission rates, we agree that they are not a useful indicator of quality of

care. PPR were developed to address this concern by creating highly specific linkages of specific

types of admissions and readmissions, and by excluding clinically unrelated re-hospitalizations

from the PPR logic.

In response towards a 15 day readmission window, the PPR method allows the user to determine

the readmission time interval; this is a state-level policy decision. (We at 3M have advocated a

15-day interval as a first step, with expansion to 30 days when one starts to get into bundled

payment retrospectively applied to the primary care setting/outpatient setting as a later


2. Planned Readmission for APR DRG 173 and 304, clarification of DRG 301

Comment from MHA 10/21/2010: ―…submit the following APR DRG pairs as having been

identified as ‗planned surgical readmissions‘ by clinical staff. Also, in the written response to

APR DRG 301 Hip Replacement as a planned procedure, it was indicated that this pair (initial of

301 and readmission of 301) would be excluded in future PPR versions, but Dr. Goldfield‘s

remarks addressed only hip replacement revisions and did not indicate that any change would be

made. Can you please clarify?‖ 173 Other Vascular

Procedures 173 Other Vascular

Procedures Some patients cannot physiologically tolerate enough contrast and require 2 different vascular bypass procedures in order to perform multiple grafting

304 Dorsal and Lumbar Fusion

304 Dorsal and Lumbar Fusion

These fusion procedures may be done in a staged process requiring 2 separate planned admissions


For APR DRG 173 ―Other Vascular Procedures, readmissions in APR DRG 173 for with implant

of graft abdominal aorta will be considered a planned readmissions and not assigned as a PPR.

The example provided above is not only an unusually rare group of patients but should be

randomly distributed between hospitals. Thus this consideration does not merit excluding the

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


entire group of readmissions, many of which are potentially preventable and should be

adequately addressed in a rate bases system.

For APR DRG 301 Hip Replacement revision, we have re-examined the data for hip

replacements APR DRG 301 on the contralateral side and in the next version hip replacements

on the contralateral side will be a planned readmission.

For patients with an IA of 301, readmission to 301 WILL be considered a PPR if one of the

following procedures is performed during the readmission

0070 Rev hip repl-acetab/fem Revision of hip replacement, both acetabular and femoral components

0071 Rev hip repl-acetab comp Revision of hip replacement, acetabular component

0072 Rev hip repl-fem comp Revision of hip replacement, femoral component

0073 Rev hip repl-liner/head Revision of hip replacement, acetabular liner and/or femoral head only

8153 Revise hip replacemt NOS Revision of hip replacement, not otherwise specified

For patients with an IA of 301, readmission to 301 will NOT be considered a PPR if one of the

following procedures is performed during the readmission

0085 Resrf hip,total-acet/fem Resurfacing hip, total, acetabulum and femoral head

0086 Resrf hip,part-fem head Resurfacing hip, partial, femoral head

0087 Resrf hip,part-acetablum Resurfacing hip, partial, acetabulum

8151 Total hip replacement Total Hip Replacement

8152 Partial hip replacement Partial Hip Replacement

For APR DRG 304 Dorsal and Lumbar Fusion, based on consult with orthopedists about this

situation, staging is rarely done for dorsal and/or lumbar fusions.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)



Example 1: 12 Year old child with APR-DRG 115 OTHER EAR, NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT


TISSUE DISORDERS (clinical category 2B). Child has underlying stage IV severe Lupus

nephritis; index admission with Sialoadenitis with airway obstruction; readmitted for PLANNED

dialysis catheter placement and hemodialysis (after failing courses of Rituximab, and steroids).

Questionably Related, PLANNED; not preventable

Example 2: 13 year old patient admitted with APR-DRG 201 CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA &

CONDUCTION DISORDERS; readmitted with same diagnosis (clinical category 1). Patient has

complex congenital cardiac disease; awaiting heart transplant; recent admission for atrial

tachycardia managed by medication. In follow-up clinic appointment, noted continued atrial

flutter (although stable), PLANNED readmission for cardioversion. Related, not preventable.

Example 3: 67 year old post bilateral Mastectomy patient admitted and readmitted as


Flap). (Clinical category 4) Related, Planned.

Example 4: 51 year old women with end-stage liver disease (secondary to autoimmune

hepatitis), admitted for 362 MASTECTOMY PROCEDURES; and readmitted with 279


mastectomy for early stage breast cancer which did not preclude her from being on the liver

transplant list. She was at baseline until 2 days prior to admission when she became increasingly

lethargic and readmitted with hepatic encephalopathy (rising ammonia). Patient treated and

evaluated for causes of decompensation of hepatic disease. (Multiple other co-morbid conditions

including venous stasis, recurrent cellulitis, etc.). (Clinical category 2b). Unrelated; not


Example 5: 53 year old with multiple end stage organ diseases, including ESRD, congestive

hepatopathy, Diabetes, COPD, Hepatitis C; hypoglycemia, (and more), admitted with 460

RENAL FAILURE and readmitted with 194 HEART FAILURE. Patient readmitted after

missing 2 hemodialysis sessions, as he felt his ―legs didn‘t work.‖ Patient has history of

noncompliance and continues to be readmitted due to failure to keep dialysis appointments. (Pt.

has had significant family and social services support to understand issues surrounding non-

compliance with dialysis). (Clinical category 2a) Related; not preventable.

Example 6: 62 year old with long history of bipolar disorders, non-compliance with meds, and

multiple co-morbid conditions (COPD, Hypertension, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Diabetes, Morbid

Obesity, etc.) admitted for 463 KIDNEY & URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS and readmitted

for 753 BIPOLAR DISORDERS. Initially admitted for Acute Renal Failure and UTI. Patient

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


had not been taking meds, was depressed and expressed suicidal ideation. Psychiatry consulted;

lithium restarted. Patient refused admission/transfer to Psych. Discharged to nieces home.

Readmitted 2 days later ―floridly thought disordered and psychotic.‖ (Clinical related category

6a) Questionably related; not preventable

Example 7: Patient Undergoes Planned Additional PCI within Month post-NSTEMI. IK is a 78

year old woman with a history of chronic renal insufficiency and coronary artery disease who

experienced an NSTEMI and underwent PCI of two vessels on 4/20/09. She had coronary

disease in another vessel as well, but this was deferred electively because of her renal

dysfunction. On 5/19/09 she returned for elective PCI of the remaining vessel. Admitted with


same APR-DRG. (Clinical category 4, nature of admission emergency due to original planned

observation status). Related; Planned

Example 8: Patient Has a Bleed While Taking Needed Medications Post-PCI. DM is a 43 year

old gentleman who was admitted with a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (174


the culprit lesion on 12/8/09. He was discharged on dual antiplatelet therapy and GI prophylaxis.

He presented on 12/24/09 with GI bleeding (254 OTHER DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

DIAGNOSES). He was without a GI bleed history (and H Pylori negative). (Clinical category

3.) Related; Unpreventable

Example 9: Patient is Readmitted for Depression After Admission for Chest Pain. KH is a 46

year old gentleman with a history of hypertension, sternotomy secondary to gunshot wounds,

depression (on therapy), alcohol abuse who presented on 9/14/09 for chest pain (203 CHEST

PAIN). He stayed in ED for observation for the day (never admitted to a medical care team) and

underwent stress test which was negative for ischemia. He was discharged and then returned to

the hospital on 10/14/09 with depression (754 DEPRESSION EXCEPT MAJOR DEPRESSIVE

DISORDER) and was discharged on the same depression medications and doses as had been

discharged from ED observation. (Clinical category 6a). Unrelated; Unpreventable

Example 10 : 80 year old man with APR DRG 464 WOUND DEBRIDEMENT WITH SKIN

GRAFT EXCISION for musculoskeletal/connective tissue disease WCC and readmitted with

APR DRG 905 SKIN GRAFT FOR INJURIES W/O CC/MCC. Patient has a long standing

history or vascular disease, osteoarthritis with total knew replacement, chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease, stroke, hypertension, Type II Diabetes Mellitus who had the first of several

femoral artery bypass grafts in August 2006. Due to the patient‘s chronic and progressive

debility, multiple gangrenous toes and secondary infections, decubitus ulcers on the feet and

heels, the patient was readmitted ELECTIVELY for amputation and skin grafting. Clinical

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


category #5; case is evidence of both disease progression and scheduled procedure and NOT

preventable. Related; Planned; Not Preventable

Example 11:- 76 year old patient hospitalized for APR DRG – 623 SKIN GRAFT AND

WOUND DEBRIDEMENT for endo, nutrit, metabolic disease wcc and readmitted for APR


LIMB AND TOE W/CC . The patient is well known to the hospital with 5 admissions in the

past 5 months. The patient is known to have Coronary artery disease, diabetes Mellitus Type II,

MI with coronary artery bypass graft, gastrointestinal bleed, Syncope, chronic renal failure. The

patient suffered a fall 5 months prior with resulting pnuemothorax, cellulitis with open foot

wounds that required amputation of the toes and plantar artery bypass grafting. A note from the




Patient discharged home with open areas on foot to be readmitted later for surgery.‖ The patient

was readmitted for definitive, ELECTIVE readmission for below the knee amputation after the

spouse expired. Clinical category #5 The readmission was not preventable due to the

progression of long standing vascular disease. This case demonstrates the patient‘s right to

choose when and how they will be treated. Related; Planned; Not preventable.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)




1. Bindman, A. B., Grumbach, K., Osmond, D., Komaromy, M., Vranizan, K., Lurie, N., et

al. (1995). Preventable hospitalizations and access to health care. JAMA, 274(4), 305-


2. Friedman, B., Jiang, H. J., & Elixhauser, A. (2008). Costly hospital readmissions and

complex chronic illness. Inquiry, 45(4), 408-421.

3. Hannan, E. L., Racz, M. J., Walford, G., Ryan, T. J., Isom, O. W., Bennett, E., et al.

(2003). Predictors of readmission for complications of coronary artery bypass graft

surgery. JAMA, 290(6), 773-780.

4. French, D. D., Bass, E., Bradham, D. D., Campbell, R. R., & Rubenstein, L. Z. (2008).

Rehospitalization after hip fracture: predictors and prognosis from a national veterans

study. JAm Geriatr Soc, 56(4), 705-710.

5. Benbassat, J., & Taragin, M. (2000). Hospital readmissions as a measure of quality of

health care: advantages and limitations. Arch Intern Med, 160(8), 1074-1081.

6. Prince JD, Akincigil A, Hoover DR, Walkup JT, Bilder S, Crystal S. Substance abuse and

hospitalization for mood disorder among Medicaid beneficiaries. Am J Public Health.

2009 Jan;99(1):160-7. Epub 2008 Nov 13.

7. Franklin, P. D., Noetscher, C. M., Murphy, M. E., & Lagoe, R. J. (1999). Using data to

reduce hospital readmissions. J Nurs Care Qual, Spec No, 67-85.

Other Bibliography

Hasan, O., Meltzer, D. O., Shaykevich, S. A., Bell, C. M., Kaboli, P. J., Auerbach, A. D., et al.

Hospital readmission in general medicine patients: a prediction model. J Gen Intern Med, 25(3),


Smith, D. M., Giobbie-Hurder, A., Weinberger, M., Oddone, E. Z., Henderson, W. G., Asch, D.

A., et al. (2000). Predicting non-elective hospital readmissions: a multi-site study. Department of

Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Primary Care and Readmissions. J Clin

Epidemiol, 53(11), 1113-1118.

Halfon, P., Eggli, Y., Pretre-Rohrbach, I., Meylan, D., Marazzi, A., & Burnand, B. (2006).

Validation of the potentially avoidable hospital readmission rate as a routine indicator of the

quality of hospital care. Med Care, 44(11), 972-981.

Ross, J. S., Mulvey, G. K., Stauffer, B., Patlolla, V., Bernheim, S. M., Keenan, P. S., et al.

(2008). Statistical models and patient predictors of readmission for heart failure: a systematic

review. Arch Intern Med, 168(13), 1371-1386.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Gorodeski, E. Z., Starling, R. C., & Blackstone, E. H. (2010). Are all readmissions bad

readmissions? N Engl J Med, 363(3), 297-298.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)



Response presented at the PPR Clinical Vetting Session September 24th


This document provides an overview of the comments received by HSCRC to date as well as

general and specific responses to the issues raised as of September 16th

, 2010.


1. Adequate Risk Adjustment and Impact of Chronic Conditions

Comment from Hopkins 8/31/2010 : “Provided a few articles, but the one of real interest is by

Friedman. We discovered in our analysis, that JHBMC had 20% more chronic conditions in

their index population than JHH who had a higher SOI. (The chronic conditions were measured

using the AHRQ co-morbidity software). One problem with the PPRs (other than the

questionable relationships), is that many are not preventable and without a risk method, the

measure cannot be standardized. In the case of using SOI…..this is a utilization indicator and

does not reflect the numbers of chronic conditions in the severity levels. Higher SOIs are more

reflective of major organ dysfunction. I would be happy to have a more in-depth discussion if

you are interested. (This is the reason that STaar is using an all cause readmission rate with

some exclusionary criteria).‖

Response :

A. Number of chronic conditions as a predictor of the risk of readmission

There is no evidence that the number of chronic conditions is the best predictor of short-term

readmissions, and the Friedman paper presents no such evidence. The Friedman paper certainly

demonstrates that a greater number of chronic conditions is associated with an increasing

probability of readmissions over an average follow-up period of 6 months. It should be

emphasized that PPRs examine 15 and 30-day readmissions rates, which the Friedman paper

does not address as it focuses on readmissions over a year‘s period of time.

Furthermore, the Friedman paper found that APR DRG SOI levels of 3 and 4 were strongly

associated with readmissions and total costs. This is hardly evidence of the superiority of a

simple count of chronic conditions for risk adjustment.

B. Adequacy of the PPR risk-adjustment methodology

The PPR risk-adjustment methodology, using APR DRG SOI classes, actually addresses the

presence of chronic conditions substantially.

First of all, chronic conditions are embedded throughout the SOI logic, and the interaction of

chronic conditions with acute illness drives the SOI class assignment. The SOI logic makes

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


explicit provision for the fact that not all chronic conditions are the same, and that the impact of

chronic conditions may differ depending on the reason for admission.

Second, certain chronic conditions, particularly major and metastatic malignancies, cause the

patient to be excluded from the PPR logic.

Third, the proposed Maryland readmissions policy includes further adjustments for age over 65,

the presence of a major mental health condition, and the percentage of Medicaid patients. One of

the advantages of a clinical categorical model is that these types of adjustments can be applied

independently and transparently, instead of being buried in a regression model.

Fourth, there is considerable data on the effectiveness of SOI for risk-adjusting readmission rates

that allows fair comparison of PPR rates across hospitals. At a minimum, the monotonic

increases in readmission rates with increasing SOI class in nearly all DRGs provides powerful

evidence of predictive power.

The use of a PPR rate specific to each APR DRG / SOI combination has been shown in

Maryland and other states to ―explain‖ a great deal of variation in readmission rates across

hospitals. The HSCRC have calculated an R-Sq value of .75 when matching hospital specific

readmission rates to the expected rate of readmission generated through indirect rate


The inclusion of independent patient specific factors, allowed by the clinical categorical model,

permits users to enhance the risk-adjustment model without reducing the underlying power and

transparency. In both Maryland and Florida data it should be noted that the inclusion of age,

mental health and payer adjustments explains only fractional amounts of across hospital variation

(at most 3%) indicating that the reason for index admission is the driving factor in predicting

short-tem readmission.

C. Many of the PPRs are not preventable

One of the strengths of the PPR logic is that it recognizes that many individual readmissions are

not necessarily preventable (or that it is difficult to get consensus on the preventability of

individual cases). The near impossibility of obtaining consensus about which individual

readmissions should be considered preventable is the reason that the PPR methodology focuses

on types of ―potentially‖ preventable readmissions in order to compare risk-adjusted rates across

hospitals. Further, the PPR logic includes the concept of chains, so that patients who are admitted

repeatedly for a chronic illness such as sickle cell disease will not cause a hospital to have an

unduly high readmission rate.

A secondary concern is the policy issue of whether readmissions for deterioration of chronic

conditions soon after discharge should be considered in the appraisal of hospital quality of care.

The developers of PPR believe that readmissions that could be related to inadequate post-

discharge care should as a general rule be considered markers of hospital performance.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


2. Kidney Transplantation

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : Currently, Kidney Transplant

(APR DRG 440) as an initial admission has 107 clinically related readmission APR DRGs

associated with it. By contrast, Liver/Intestine Transplant (APR DRG 001), Heart/Lung

Transplant (APR DRG 002), Bone Marrow Transplant (APR DRG 003), and Pancreas

Transplant (APR DRG 006) have between 5 and 8 associated clinically related readmission APR

DRGs which are specific to direct complications of the transplant. Under the current

methodology, clinically related readmissions for the initial admission of kidney transplant

include APR DRGs such as: Asthma, Eating Disorders, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

(COPD), Migraine, and Cardiomyopathy. It is inappropriate that the associated list of

readmissions for the initial admission of kidney transplant is so much more inclusive than the list

of clinically related readmissions for the other organ transplants. The reasons why patients with

transplants having a higher risk of readmission – major surgery, major illness preceding surgery,

and most importantly, long-term immunosuppression – are present for all organ transplants. In a

study of kidney-pancreas transplants, the most common causes of readmission were bleeding,

thrombosis and infections.1 Given the complexity of the transplantation and the subsequent

immunosuppression, it is inappropriate to consider these readmissions preventable. We

recommend that the list of clinically related readmissions for the initial admission of kidney

transplant should reflect only those APR DRGs that are clearly related to a complication of the


004 ECMO or trach with MV with extensive procedure

005 Trach with MV without extensive procedure

440 Kidney transplant

791 O.R. procedure - other complications of treatment

813 Other complications of treatment

Response : Kidney transplants are established operations and are performed in many institutions.

Many patients with kidney transplants have diabetes as the causative factor. In one study,,

diabetes-related readmissions within one year post-transplant were 7% for patients in the case

management, as compared to a 93% diabetes-related readmission rate for patients not enrolled.

Another study documented significant differences in 30 day readmission rates across hospitals

using Medicare data and proposed a collaborative to address the challenge. Since the discharge

APR DRG and SOI is used for risk adjustment (not the admission SOI that is used for PPCs), the

methodology takes into account the vast majority of secondary diagnoses that indicate, for

example, immune compromise.


Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Patsy Obayashi, Ms, Rd, Cde Anna Simos, Mph, Cde A Multi-Disciplinary Transplant Diabetes

Education And Self-Care Program Improves Glycemic Control And Decreases Diabetes-Related Hospital

Readmissions, Stanford Ca

Moghani Lankarani M, Noorbala Mh, Assari S. Causes Of Re-Hospitalization In Different Post Kidney

Transplantation Periods. Ann Transplant. 2009 Oct-Dec;14(4):14-9.

3. Ventilator Dependence

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : In review of hospital cases,

patients dependent on a ventilator are often readmitted for conditions that are out of the control

of the discharging hospital. Appropriate ventilator care and prophylaxis are dependent on the

facility to which the patient is discharged. Ventilator dependent patients with a tracheostomy

may require regular changing of the tracheostomy cannula, which is a planned readmission to the

hospital. We recommend that patients with the ICD-9 code V46.11 be excluded from the PPR


Response : Tracheostomy cannulas have to be changed about every 3 months, but it doesn't

require inpatient admission, and can be done in the outpatient setting. The only time inpatient

admission would be required is if the patient has an extra long tracheostomy cannula, which is

necessary in maybe 5% of patients.

4. End-Stage Chronic Conditions

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : Patients with End Stage Renal

Disease (ICD-9 code 585.6) have been found to have higher than average readmissions.

Readmissions related to cardiac, renal and volume issues in these patients are not preventable

due to the nature of the disease and the necessity of dialysis. We recommend that patients with

the ICD-9 code of 585.6 be excluded from the following readmission APR DRGs:

194 Heart failure

197 Peripheral & other vascular disorders

199 Hypertension

200 Card structure& valve disorders

204 Syncope & collapse

205 Cardiomyopathy

207 Other circulatory system disorder

422 Hypovolemia/related electrolyte disorders

424 Other endocrine disorders

425 Electrolyte disorders except hypovolemia

447 Other kidney/urinary tract & related procedures

460 Renal failure

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


462 Nephritis & nephrosis

463 Kidney/urinary tract infect

465 Urinary stones & acquired upper urinary tract obstruction

466 Malfunction/reaction/complication of GU device/procedure

468 Other kidney/urinary tract diagnosis

Response: End stage chronic kidney disease patients do have a high readmission rate; the actual

to expected SOI using APR-DRGs discharge SOI takes this into account. The table below shows

the expected PPR rate for APR DRG 460 Renal Failure from the statewide Florida 2007 dataset.

The SOI levels help ensure fair comparisons among hospitals; therefore a higher readmission

rate may indicate a problem with quality of care of end stage renal disease patients.

AprDrg v27.0

AprSoi v27.0

Initial Discharge with PPR


At Risk for PPR

(Denominator) PPR Rate

460 1 31 299 0.1037

460 2 199 1,583 0.1257

460 3 804 5,995 0.1341

460 4 100 473 0.2114

5. Planned Readmissions

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : During hospital case review, the

following APR DRG pairs were found to be planned readmissions for subsequent surgical

intervention. We recommend that these readmission APR DRGs be removed as ‗clinically

related‘ from the initial admission APR DRGs.




Description Readmission


Description Reason

301 Hip joint


301 Hip joint


Planned hip

replacement on

contralateral hip

022 Ventricular



022 Ventricular Shunt


Planned shunt


Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Comment from LifeBridge Health 9/16/2010: Are planned re-admissions for different sides

for hip and knee replacement excluded in the expected calculation rate? For hospitals with acute

rehab units, is the rehab patient factored in the hospital's expected calculation rate for the specific

APR-DRG? The severity of illness index does not necessarily address this scenario. In

Maryland, acute rehab units in an acute hospital do not have a different hospital identifier.

Example: Patient is posted for both a right and left hip replacement 10 days apart. The

patient is admitted for left hip replacement and discharged from the acute medical hospital.

The patient is admitted to our acute rehab unit (1st readmission) for 4-5 days. The patient is

electively readmitted to the acute medical hospital for right hip replacement (2nd

readmission) is discharged from acute medical hospital. The same patient is readmitted to

acute rehab (3rd readmission) for rehab of right hip and continuation of left hip.

Response: A knee replacement (APR DRG 302) followed by an other knee replacement (APR

DRG 302) is considered a planned readmission, thus will not impact the PPR rate. We have re-

examined the data for hip replacements on the contralateral side and in the next version hip

replacements on the contralateral side will be a planned readmission.

Admissions to rehab units are not considered PPRs in the way that the current proposed

Maryland HSCRC policy. If the first admission for the hip replacement has coded the patient

discharge status of 62 ―discharge to rehab unit/facility‖, then the subsequent discharge (if the

admission date is within a day of the prior hospitalization discharge date) will be considered a

non-event and be ignored by the PPR methodology. For more information on this methodology,

see the PPR definition manual, PPR overview guide, and PPR training material provided to the


With respect to ventricular shunt procedures, we have discussed this issue with neurosurgeons

for the adult population and pediatricians have done chart reviews and planned ventricular shunt

procedures are less than 10% of the readmission population.

6. Sickle Cell Anemia

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 – Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia

have a lifelong condition requiring frequent medical attention. Similar to HIV/AIDS, Sickle Cell

Anemia is very difficult to manage in the ambulatory setting and often requires regular

readmission to the hospital to prevent further morbidity or mortality. Sickle cell crises and other

complications are not necessarily preventable through ambulatory care interventions and during

a crisis, patients require hospitalization.1 We recommend that the APR DRG for Sickle Cell

Anemia Crisis (662) be excluded as both an initial admission and a clinically related

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


readmission. Admissions in APR DRG 662 are not equally distributed throughout the state. Six

hospitals treat almost 50% of the sickle cell admissions in the state (see table below). While in

the proposed methodology, these hospitals will have an increased expected value due to having

cases in these DRG cells, the expectation for reduction of these readmissions is very low.

Comment from LifeBridge Health 9/16/2010 : APR-DRG 662-Sickle Cell Anemia Crisis

Patients with Sickle Cell need frequent hospitalization or Emergency care.

Who can predict how much time should pass between admission with a painful sickle

cell crisis?

Unintended consequences of unrelieved pain-Quality of life & Symptom burden

The harmful effects of unrelieved pain are many & involve multiple symptoms and

all body systems

Access to care for adequate pain management-not all Maryland hospitals provide this


Supportive care requires hospitalization to prevent morbidity & mortality, such as

fluid & electrolytes management, oxygen therapy and titration of pain

Response: With respect to sickle cell crises and readmissions pertaining to pain: The National

Association of Children's Hospitals (NACHRI) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

Services (CMS) recently introduced 30-day hospital readmission rate as a quality care indicator

in children with sickle cell disease (SCD). A recently published study, among many, documented

that a multi-modal intervention was successful in decreasing 30-day hospital readmission rate for

children with SCD and pain. Provider education was the most important component of the multi-

modal intervention. Again, the PPR logic includes the concept of chains, so that patients who

are admitted repeatedly for a chronic illness such as sickle cell disease will not cause a hospital

to have an unduly high readmission rate. Also, hospitals admitting sickle cell patients will be

compared with other hospitals admitting sickle cell patients.


Frei-Jones MJ, Field JJ, DeBaun MR. Multi modal intervention and prospective implementation of

standardized sickle cell pain admission orders Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009 Sep;53(3):401-5

7. Multiple Sclerosis/Other Demyelin D

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Comment from LifeBridge Health 9/16/2010 : The implications of prolonged and yet

necessary corticosteroid treatment, placing patient at high risk for readmission, complication and

or mortality.

Response: Multiple Sclerosis is treated no differently from any other chronic illness in the PPR

logic. The clinical course of illness of this disease waxes and wanes and coordinated care can

result in decreased readmissions. The PPR logic includes the concept of chains, so patients who

are admitted repeatedly will not cause a hospital to have an unduly high readmission rate.

8. Admission Source

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : Patients being admitted (or

readmitted) to the hospital directly from a long term care facility, such as a skilled nursing

facility, chronic hospital, or long term acute care facility are generally being admitted or

transferred for an admission/readmission for a complication or disease exacerbation that

occurred in the long term care facility. The complication or exacerbation of disease that

necessitated the unplanned readmission to the hospital is likely a direct result of care provided at

the long term care facility, not as a result of discharge planning or care management from the

hospital. The care of the patient in the long term facility is not under the control of the hospital,

nor under control of the patient. We recommend that patients with admission sources of 5

(Transfer from Skilled Nursing Facility) and 6 (Transfer from Another Healthcare Institution) be

excluded as readmissions.

Response: There is excellent data to support the hypothesis that increased coordination between

acute care hospitals and long term care facilities can result in decreased readmissions.

According to SNF interviewees in one study that in fact occurred, in part, in Maryland, the most

successful communities create higher levels of interaction between SNFs and hospitals, such as

the Suburban Health System of Maryland‘s hospital-SNF transition of care task force; however,

many institutions have integrated smaller intra-facility policy changes to facilitate safer

transitions. As this same document pointed out it is important to ―Incentivize SNF transition

colleagues in community to attend length of stay meetings. In the conclusion of this document,

―For their part, hospitals can do better in finding ways to increase communication with SNFs—

perhaps through more on-site engagement— as a way to give SNFs a clearer picture of patient

status and need in the post acute period. For SNFs and hospitals, one of the great challenges

moving forward could be in working locally with physicians and staff members to ensure smooth

transitions between shifts and greater scrutiny of patients preadmission.‖

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)



Jennifer Tjia, MD, MSCE1, Alice Bonner, PhD, RN2, Becky A. Briesacher, PhD1,

Sarah McGee, MD, MPH1, Eileen Terrill, PhD, ANP-BC2, and Kathleen Miller, EdD, RN Medication

Discrepancies upon Hospital to Skilled Nursing Facility Transitions J Gen Intern Med (24)5:630–5

Anne Pedersen, RN; Michael Yanuck, MD; Lynn Veith, RN; Bryan Cote, MAReducing 30-Day Hospital

Readmissions. Case Management Monthly Page 15

9. Type of Admission

Comment from LifeBridge Health 9/16/2010: How will the type of admission such as Urgent,

Elective, or Emergent be integrated into the PPR methodology?

APR-DRG 361-Skin graft-skin & subcu dx-patients undergo these procedures as elective,

staged procedures

APR-DRG 380-Skin Ulcers-Patient with a resurfaced pressure ulcer in the hospital is

discharged to skilled or nursing home and returns for now opened pressure ulcer-should

be excluded from the PPR?

APR-DRG 510-Pelvic Evisceration, Radical Hysterectomy & Other Radical Gyn Procs:

Patient is referred to a hospital that can provide this complex service and returns to the

same hospital, not all hospitals in Maryland offer this service-should be excluded from

the PPR?

Medical Oncology patient admitted for Chemotherapy-would this be counted as a PPR

regardless of the type of admission?

Response :

APR DRG 361 - Skin graft-skin & subcu dx-patients : We are in the process of re-

examining this data and will respond more fully as soon as this re-examination is


APR DRG 380 - Skin Ulcers- Skin and subcutaneous procedures: If a patient is

hospitalized for a skin ulcer and then hospitalized for a skin procedure that procedure

does not count as a readmission.

APR DRG 510- Evisceration, Radical Hysterectomy & Other Radical Gyn Procs - This

should not be an excluded category. As is true for any APR-DRG, and in this case, for

major surgeries, there are four levels of severity of illness. We would not want to exclude

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


common causes for readmissions such as wound infections. The table below shows the

expected PPR rate for APR DRG 510 from the statewide Florida 2007 dataset.

AprDrg v27.0

AprSoi v27.0

Initial Discharge with PPR


At Risk for PPR

Denominator PPR Rate

510 1 20 348 0.0575

510 2 25 273 0.0916

510 3 7 62 0.1129

510 4 9 22 0.4091

APR DRG 693 - Patients admitted for Chemotherapy are globally excluded from the PPR


10. Major Mental Health Secondary Conditions

Comment from MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup 9/15/2010 : We recommend that the 3M list

of major mental health diagnoses be expanded because many hospitalized patients do not require

or appropriately do not receive a consultation by a member of the psychiatric team, and thus

may not have specific psychiatric diagnoses listed in their medical record. For example, the

medical attending may document "schizophrenia" rather than the more specific "schizophrenia,

paranoid type, chronic"; "depression" rather than "major depression, recurrent, mild" or

"dysthymia"; or "anxiety" rather than "panic disorder without agoraphobia" or "generalized

anxiety disorder." These conditions do reflect an increased risk of psychiatric morbidity,

including readmission, even if the full formal diagnosis is not documented in the record. This

expanded list of mental health diagnoses is needed to adequately capture the intent of having

such a list in the first place.

Response : There is a whole variety of codes in the list provided by the MHA of which many are

quite minor in nature; thus it is important that institutions code the truly severe mental health

conditions for institutions to obtain the maximum adjustment

With respect to major mental health and substance abuse disorders: We would like to emphasize

the following several points:

1. Readmissions for mental health conditions are treated no differently, from a

preventability point of view than any other chronic condition such as diabetes.

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


2. That is, all patients who have diabetes and are readmitted for virtually any medical

condition (e.g. CHF) is considered to have had a preventable readmission

3. See iv below. The actual to expected calculation is different for Mental Health/

Substance Abuse Services

i. The Actual to expected calculation is adjusted for the presence/absence

of principal and/or secondary diagnoses of MH/SA.

ii. The reason is that at the historically higher rates for readmissions for patient

with mental health conditions in either the initial admission and/or readmission

ii. Those institutions that take on additional MH/SA will have greater protection as

the separate A/E computation takes into account the higher rates of readmission

for patients with significant MH/SA diseases

iii. The concept of ―chains‖ of patients is important as it protects the institution who

disproportionately have patients who are frequently readmitted.

4. There is significant research data to indicate that improvement in readmission rates are

possible. In addition to an evidence based summary that we are preparing with a

nationally known group of psychiatrists / substance abuse specialists that will be

submitted for publication in the peer reviewed literature we would make the following


i. With respect to substance abuse services, Mark et al in 2006 in the Journal of

Substance Abuse Treatment documented that Engaging patients in treatment

following detoxification may reduce readmission rates and time to readmission

ii. A variety of different therapeutic approaches including those pioneered by

Lehman (Assertive community treatment), Drake (Shared decision making),

and, among others, case management services has documented decreased initial

and readmission hospitalizations

iii. Recently, Garnick et al in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment in their

summary of recently implemented/ recommended process and outcomes

measures for substance abuse services: ‖Finally, examining costs in relation to

the Washington Circle measures will reveal the business case for using these

measures. If reporting initiation and engagement results leads to targeted quality

improvement efforts and to subsequent improvements in client outcomes, then

there is the potential for savings not only in the cost of reduced readmission to

substance abuse treatment but also reduced criminal justice, unemployment or

other related costs.‖

iv. In a recent paper published in the Journal of Rural Health from the Mayo Clinic,

a multifaceted inpatient psychiatry approach compared to usual care resulted in

a lower readmission rate.


Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Drake RE, Deegan PE, Rapp C The promise of shared decision making in mental health. Psychiatr

Rehabil J. 2010 Summer;34(1):7-13.

Lang TP, Rohrer JE, Rioux PA. Multifaceted inpatient psychiatry approach to reducing readmissions: a

pilot study. J Rural Health. 2009 Summer;25(3):309-13.

Lehman AF, Postrado LT, Roth D, McNary SW, Goldman, HH: An evaluation of continuity of care, case

management, and client outcomes in the Robert Wood Johnson Program on Chronic Mental Illness, The

Milbank Quarterly, 1994, 72:105-122.

Mark TL, Vandivort-Warren R, Montejano LB. Factors affecting detoxification readmission: analysis of

public sector data from three states. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2006 Dec;31(4):439-45.


Response presented at the PPR Clinical Vetting Session May 3rd


Comments on PPR Clinical Issues

From the MHA PPR Clinical Workgroup


Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


Item 1: Planned versus Unplanned Readmissions

The workgroup recognizes that certain APR DRGs are not considered clinically related due to

the potential that they are planned readmissions, such as a knee replacement followed by another

knee replacement, but this does not take into account all scenarios of planned readmissions. It is

recommended that 3M and HSCRC use the ―Nature of Admission‖ field value of ―Scheduled‖ as

an exclusion for a readmission.

Item 1: 3M Response

The PPR methodology uses data elements contained on standard administrative data uniformly

collected and consistently applied in order to reduce the potential for introducing a lot of

variability into the method. Since there are standard data elements consistently applied to

identify planned readmissions, 3M HIS has worked with panels of clinicians for identifying

planned readmission and have incorporated logic into PPR v27. For example, the knee

replacement followed by knee replacement as well as the following combinations of initial

admissions followed by a readmission will be designated as a planned readmission and NOT

considered a potentially preventable readmission (PPR).

IA IA Description RA RA Description

190 Acute myocardial infarct 165 Coronary bypass w cath/percut

191 Card cathet exc ischemia 165 Coronary bypass w cath/percut

198 Angina pect & coronary ath 166 Coronary bypass wo cath/percut

191 Card cathet exc ischemia 175 Percut cardiovasc wo AMI

190 Acute myocardial infarct 191 Card cathet exc ischemia

241 Peptic ulcer & gastritis 220 Maj stom, esoph, duod proc

247 Intestinal obstruction 220 Maj stom, esoph, duod proc

251 Abdominal pain 262 Cholecystectomy exc lap

284 Dis gallbladder & biliary trct 262 Cholecystectomy exc lap

340 Fracture of femur 301 Hip joint replacement

347 Back & neck dis, fract & inj 310 Intervertebral disc excision

Additional specific recognition for planned readmissions will be introduced in version 28 (Oct

2010) as an exclusion reason code output variable.

Item 2: Chronic Conditions as Readmissions

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


‗Ambulatory care sensitive conditions as designated by the AHRQ‘ and ‗All other readmissions

for a chronic problem that may be related to care either during or after the initial admission‘ are

considered to be clinically-related categories. As an example, if a patient is admitted for a hip

replacement and is readmitted for asthma, heart failure or diabetes, that is considered a clinically-

related readmission. Even if a hospital prescribes an appropriate outpatient regimen at discharge,

the hospital cannot control the patient‘s behavior related to these chronic conditions. In a policy

program that is geared towards hospitals targeting specific improvement processes, it will be

very difficult for a hospital to develop process improvements around preventing readmissions for

chronic conditions. The workgroup is also requesting clinical evidence to support that these types

of readmissions are in fact preventable. It is recommended that the clinically-related categories

of 2A and 2B are removed.

Item 2: 3M Response

While it is true that patient behavior is very often beyond the discharging hospital‘s control, there

are a number of other factors that influence readmissions for deterioration of a chronic condition

that should be considered the obligations of the hospital, including communication with the

patient about medications and treatments at the time of discharge, ensuring that the patient‘s

medications are updated and appropriate, arranging prompt and appropriate follow-up by the

primary care team, communication with the primary care team, and communication with the

patient‘s family and caregivers.

It is also important to remember that a hospital is not penalized simply because a patient was

readmitted for a chronic condition that was unrelated to the reason for the initial admission

(readmissions for chronic conditions are inevitable); the hospital is scrutinized or penalized only

if its risk-adjusted rates of readmissions for chronic conditions are statistically significantly

higher than those of comparable hospitals.

Item 3: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Conditions as Initial Admissions or


The clinically-related categories of 6A, 6B and 6C all relate to mental health and substance abuse

conditions as the initial admission, readmission or both the initial admission and readmission.

These types of patients are unique in both their access to inpatient and outpatient care and their

treatment course. The mental health and substance abuse APR DRGs are considered clinically-

related readmissions to all but 6 APR DRG initial admissions. It does not seem clinically logical

that an admission for a knee replacement Is clinically related to a readmission for cocaine abuse,

eating disorders, or alcoholic liver disease. This logic would require screening of nearly every

patient admitted for mental health or substance abuse potential. The workgroup would also like

to request the clinical evidence to support that these types of readmissions are in fact


Since access to care in both the inpatient and outpatient settings for these types of patients

appears to be an ongoing issue, an unintended consequence of this policy may be for hospitals to

Hospital Industry Comments and HSCRC Responses to Clinical Assignment

and Exclusion Logic of the Maryland Hospital Preventable Readmissions / 3M

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs)


want to transfer patients with these conditions to another hospital to avoid a potentially

preventable readmission in this category. It is recommended that the clinically-related categories

of 6A, 6B and 6C be removed.

Item 3: 3M Response

We created a separate category for mental health and substance abuse readmissions precisely

because there is uncertainty and disagreement about the preventability of these types of

readmissions. In circumstances where there is inadequate funding for MH and SA care, there

could considerable variability in readmission rates across hospitals. This variability may be

beyond the control of poorly performing hospitals, and more dependent on the socio-economic

status of their patients. On the other hand, if the systems of care for MH and SA are adequately

funded and resources are equitably distributed, it would be more appropriate to use readmission

rates for a rewards-based performance measure.

Analyses have demonstrated that the probability of a readmission is related to the reason for

admission, severity of illness, the presence of comorbid mental health or substance abuse

problems, and the patient‘s age at the time of the initial admission. Risk adjustment for each of

these factors is therefore necessary in order to create fair evaluations of readmission rates. The

HSCRC proposed MHPR policy currently includes PPR rates to be risk adjusted by the reason

for admission and patient severity of illness at the time of the initial admission. The proposed

MHPR policy further recommends risk adjusting for the presence of comorbid mental health or

substance abuse problems and the patient age.

Ultimately, the decision about whether to have these types of readmissions affect payment is a

policy decision for the state of Maryland.

Item 4: Interval for Readmission

While the clinical workgroup realizes that the time interval used for analysis is a policy decision,

it is an issue for clinical vetting as well. From a clinical and quality standpoint, many hospitals

focus on 15-day readmissions for process improvement. Readmissions greater than 15 days often

represent non-preventable scenarios, patient compliance and access to ambulatory care issues

that are not within the hospital‘s immediate control at the time of discharge. The clinical

workgroup requests the clinical evidence to support the choice of 30 days as the readmission

interval. It is recommended that the readmission interval be set at 15 days.

Item 4: 3M Response The PPR method allows the user to determine the readmission time interval; this is a state-level

policy decision. (We at 3M have advocated a 15-day interval as a first step, with expansion to 30

days when one starts to get into bundled payment retrospectively applied to the primary care

setting/outpatient setting as a later possibility).