Horward gardner’s theory Beyond IQ test

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Beyond Intelligence Test

Transcript of Horward gardner’s theory Beyond IQ test

Horward Gardeners theory on multiple intelligences & its application on occupational testing.


Genius Sports Stars…

Many think sports stars are less intelligent.

English footballer David Beckham is a genius,

due his exceptional ability to compute and

execute the exact angles and forces required to

score a goal from a free-kick. Mere mortals cannot do this.

Not so, if you are using Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory.

Beyond classic IQ tests…

Classic IQ tests involve a range of abstract questions designed to show your language, spatial awareness and numerical ability.

But to consider your "intelligence" based on an IQ test alone is to ignore a host of other mental abilities.

A low score on a classic IQ test result simply means you're less skilled at the type of intelligence that particular test measures.

Low IQ does not mean low intelligence, just a different intelligence.


Howard- Psychologist at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Intelligence is an ability to solve real-life problems, to generate new problems, and to create something meaningful


To offer a service that is valued within a person's culture or local community.

Eight Intelligences

1. Verbal-Linguistic: tell stories, write essays, participate in interviews, converse easily with peers

2. Logical-Mathematical: solve problems, balance check books, make and keep schedules, budgeting money

3. Visual-Spatial: paint, draw, develop web pages, decorate rooms, make cards, create scrapbooks

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic: engage in sports, enjoy moving body to music, enjoy walking tours, uses body language

5. Musical: attend concerts, playing instruments, hum melodies, singing with others, enjoy rhythm and rhyme

6. Intrapersonal: keep a personal journal, enjoy reading alone, study to answer personal questions about life

7. Interpersonal: join a web discussion, engage in various projects, enjoy debates

8. Naturalistic: collect wildflower specimens, enjoy hunting expeditions, follow an animal's footprints

Can you define intelligence?

Toni Morrison

Linguistic Intelligence• Skilled with words• “The Word Player”

Can you define intelligence?

Albert Einstein

Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence• Skilled with numbers reasoning• “The Questioner”

Can you define intelligence?

Milton Caniff

Spatial Intelligence• Skilled with pictures & images• “The Visualizer”

Can you define intelligence?

Cy Young


Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence• Physical skill• “The Mover”

Can you define intelligence?

Doris Day

Musical Intelligence• Skilled with melody & rhythm• “The Music Lover”

Can you define intelligence?

Jameas A. Garfield

Interpersonal Intelligence• Skills of social understanding• “The Socializer”

Can you define intelligence?

Helen Keller

Intrapersonal Intelligence• Skills of self-knowledge• “The Individual”

Can you define intelligence?


Naturalistic Intelligence• Skills of making connection to elements in nature• “The Outdoorsman”

How can you learn better?

Linguistic learner

If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by:

Reading Memorizing Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password) Making up rhymes, puns Using the internet

Logical/Mathematical Learner

If you have strong logical-mathematical intelligence you might learn better by

Recording information systematically Setting up experiments (“What if…?”) Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers) Analyzing data Asking logical questions Using the internet

Spatial Learner

If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying pictures Watching videos Using visual, tangible aids Doing mazes, puzzles Making predictions Using the internet

Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner

If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence you might learn better by:

Doing role plays Constructing physical examples Exercising while reviewing Visiting museums, institutions, parks Asking logical questions Using the internet

Musical Learner

If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by:

Listening to recordings Talking to yourself Making up songs Mentally repeating information Reading aloud Changing tempo

Interpersonal Learner

If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying in groups Comparing information with others Interviewing experts Relating personal experiences Being a teamplayer Doing cooperative projects

Intrapersonal Learner

If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by:

Avoiding distractions Establishing personal goals Playing solitary games Setting own pace Working alone Relating personal experiences

Naturalistic Learner

If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying outside Learning in the presence of plants & pets Relating environmental issues to topics Smelling, seeing touching, tasting, Observing natural phenomenon

Occupational testing

Some General Occupations Needing Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences:

1. Linguistic Intelligence: librarian, curator, speech pathologist, writer, radio or TV announcer, journalist, lawyer

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: auditor, accountant, mathematician, scientist, statistician, computer analyst, technician

3. Spatial Intelligence: engineer, surveyor, architect, urban planner, graphic artist, interior decorator, photographer, pilot

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: physical therapist, dancer, actor, mechanic, carpenter, forest ranger, jeweler

5. Musical Intelligence: musician, piano tuner, music therapist, choral director, conductor

6. Interpersonal Intelligence: administrator, manager, personnel worker, psychologist, nurse, public relations person, social director, teacher

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: psychologist, therapist, counselor, theologian, program planner, entrepreneur

8. Naturalist Intelligence: botanist, astronomer, wildlife illustrator, meteorologist, chef, geologist, landscape architect


http://www.jobsetc.gc.ca/toolbox/quizzes/mi_quiz.do (Multiple intelligence).

http://www.jobsetc.gc.ca/toolbox/quizzes/interests_quiz.do (career preference).


Morris, Clifford (2007). Some General Occupations, Profiting from a Multiple Intelligences Perspective.

Freund, Robert (2003). Mass customization and personalization in education and training.

Swinton, Lyndsay (2007). Beyond Classic IQ Tests: Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Test. Retrieved from http://www.mftrou.com/multiple-intelligence-test.html on 19th February, 2009.