Horoscope of Akshay Kumarreport.clickastro.com/pdfreports/40248455_AkshayKuma.pdf · Predictive...

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Transcript of Horoscope of Akshay Kumarreport.clickastro.com/pdfreports/40248455_AkshayKuma.pdf · Predictive...

Horoscope of Akshay Kumar




ʱÉJªÉiÉä VÉx¨É {ÉÊÆjÉE É For the welfare of the mother and the childFor the growth of the family happinessTo follow the ancient virtuous practicesThe horoscope is written


ClickAstro In-Depth Horoscope

Name : Akshay KumarSex : MaleDate of Birth : 9 September, 1967 SaturdayTime of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 12:05:00 PM Standard TimeTime Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of GreenwichPlace of Birth : AmritsarLongitude &Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 74.51 East, 31.37 NorthAyanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 24 Min. 12 Sec.Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Vishakha - 3Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Tula - ShukraLagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Vrischika - KujaThidhi (Lunar Day) : Shashti, Suklapaksha

Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:11 AM Standard TimeSunset (Hrs.Mins) : 06:46 PMDinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 12.35Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 31.28Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 31 Min.Astrological Day of Birth : SaturdayKalidina Sankhya : 1851277Dasa System : Vimshottari, Years = 365.25 Days

Star Lord : GuruGanam, Yoni, Animal : Asura, Male, LionBird, Tree : Crow, Vayyankatha treeChandra Avastha : 8 / 12Chandra Vela : 23 / 36Chandra Kriya : 38 / 60Dagda Rasi : Mesha,SimhaKaranam : KaulavaNithya Yoga : VaidhrithiRasi of Sun - Star Position : Simha - PurvaphalguniPosition of Angadityan : Face[Zodiac sign (Western System) : Virgo

Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 84:4:58 - PunarvasuYogi Planet : GuruDuplicate Yogi : BudhaAvayogi Star - Planet : Utaraphalguni - SuryaAtma Karaka (Soul) - Karakamsa : Guru - MeenaAmatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : ChandraLagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : VrischikaDhana Aruda (Pada) : Kumbha


Sayana Longitude of Planets

The longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method ofcalculation.

Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Virgo

Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 240:17:34 Jupiter 142:20:45

Moon 231:39:15 Saturn 10:46:50 Retro

Mercury 179:17:8 Neptune 231:56:16

Venus 150:5:44 Retro Pluto 170:16:30

Mars 239:28:42 Node 30:0:53

NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from theSAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on IndianPredictive Astrology.Nirayana Longitude of Planets

The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting theayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha = 23Deg.24Min.12 Sec.

Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in Rasi Deg:Min:Sec Star Pada

Lagnam 216:53:21 Vrischika 6:53:21 Anuradha 2

Chandra 208:15:3 Tula 28:15:3 Vishakha 3

Surya 142:29:55 Simha 22:29:55 Purvaphalguni 3

Budha 155:52:55 Kanya 5:52:55 Utaraphalguni 3

Shukra 126:41:32 Simha 6:41:32 Retro Makha 3

Kuja 216:4:29 Vrischika 6:4:29 Anuradha 1

Guru 118:56:32 Karkata 28:56:32 Ashlesha 4

Sani 347:22:37 Meena 17:22:37 Retro Revati 1

Rahu 6:36:41 Mesha 6:36:41 Aswini 2

Ketu 186:36:41 Tula 6:36:41 Chitra 4

Maandi 152:23:52 Kanya 2:23:52 Utaraphalguni 2






34 Jup







Mar Lag9




Dasa balance at birth = Guru 6 Years, 1 Months, 5 Days


12 Rah
















Bhava Chart




34 Jup














Bhava Table

Bhava ArambhaBeginning Deg:Min:Sec

MadhyaMiddle Deg:Min:Sec

AnthyaEnding Deg:Min:Sec

PlanetsLocated in Bhava

1 203:27:9 216:53:21 233:27:9 Moo,Mar

2 233:27:9 250:0:57 266:34:45

3 266:34:45 283:8:32 299:42:20

4 299:42:20 316:16:8 329:42:20

5 329:42:20 343:8:32 356:34:45 Sat

6 356:34:45 10:0:57 23:27:9 Rah

7 23:27:9 36:53:21 53:27:9

8 53:27:9 70:0:57 86:34:45

9 86:34:45 103:8:32 119:42:20 Jup

10 119:42:20 136:16:8 149:42:20 Sun,Ven

11 149:42:20 163:8:32 176:34:45 Mer,Maa

12 176:34:45 190:0:57 203:27:9 Ket


Panchanga PredictionsOm SriDuring Dakshinayana period; with Jupiter in Karkata rasi and Saturn in Meena rasi; on 1967September 9 Saturday at 14 Ghati (Nazhika) 45 Vinazhika After sunrise; in Third Pada of StarVishakha; Suklapaksha Shashti Thidhi, Kaulava Karana and Vaidhrithi Nithya Yoga; with Moon inTula rasi and Mithuna Navamsa; in Vrischika Lagna and Beginning Drekkana; the Boy is born.

Weekday : Saturday

Birth on a Saturday indicates that you may prefer to stay inactive until circumstances force you step forward.You enjoy delay tactics. You have to control your tendency to gossip. You cannot afford to spend as lavishly asyou would like to. You tend to be emotional and sensitive in nature.

Birth Star : Vishakha

You give very little importance to traditional values and beliefs even as a young boy. You have clearly andindividually developed views on life. You tend to be separated from members of your family. You are a clevercommunicator, efficient worker, and a careful spender. You have all the tools to make you a successfulindividual. You do not act blindly and thoughtlessly, and your concern and understanding for others willdefinitely be noticed and appreciated. You enjoy pleasure and are keenly interested in sexual enjoyment. At timesyou may seem overly selfish in this regard. This may be a cause for problems in your family life.

Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Shashti

Since you are born in SHASHTI THIDHI, you have a bad temper and are liable to be moody. People may bescared to approach you. On the whole, you are both healthy and wealthy.

Karanam : Kaulava

Birth in Koulava Karana indicates that your life will sail through periods of agony and ecstasy. You showcompassion towards animals. You can successfully own animal farms.

Nithya Yoga : Vaidhrithi

VYDHRITHI NITHYAYOGA engenders in you a love of the water. You are also an extremely earthy individualwho enjoys the human body. You are good looking and progressive in your outlook. You dress to impress. Youwill be wealthy without scheming or cheating. Sometimes your perceptions of the world may be a bit skewed.


Bhava PredictionsThis report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions orcontradictions in the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.

Personality, physical structure, status

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fameof the person.

Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in your personality. You are:sarcastic; impulsive; intelligent; strong-willed; secretive; quarrelsome; sickly in childhood; sharp; quick-witted;inconstant; excitable; a good conversationalist. You do not take advice well. You will probably argue with yourparents over money or land. The second half of your life will be luckier than the first. You may have specialmarks on your palms or feet. You are a good correspondent. You do well in competitions. You enjoy luxury. Ifyour musical talent is cultivated, you can become truly proficient. You also have a talent for art, dance, orsinging. You may have digestive trouble, so watch your diet.

Since your Lagna lies in the first Drekkana of its house, you will face financial uncertainties and problems earlyin life. Consequently, you work with determination. In time, you will amass considerable wealth. Generally, youwill have more than one source of income. Your preferred areas may be business, journalism, and industry.You should be prepared to face powerful enemies and extensive litigation. You have a fascination forspeculation, but don't spend a lot of money since you'll probably not do well. Stocks, shares and industry willseem particularly attractive to you. The important years in your life are 14, 22, 23, 29, 30, 40, 41 and 45.

Since the ascendant lord is on the ascendant, you will make and keep money. You will be recognized as anindependent spirit. You'll be happy to be true to the ideals you set for yourself. You are courageous, sometimesunthinkingly so. However, you can also be changeable. You are a person of numerous interests. You arefascinated by a variety of subjects and a variety of people. You are alert, both mentally and physically. You willtravel to or live in other countries.

As Mars is in the first house, there will be scars on your body. You are capable of tact, but you can be easilyprovoked to anger.

Lagna lord is positioned in own house, which indicates that you will rise to positions of power and authority.

Jupiter aspects Lagna. You give importance to wearing good, clean dress and choosing good words inconversations.

Wealth, land and properties

Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by thesecond house in a horoscope.

As the 2nd lord is in the 9th, you will become prosperous, industrious and competent during the latter part ofyour career. But there may be considerable physical suffering during the early part of your life. This leads youto secretly resent the loss of childhood innocence and pleasures. In later years, only through establishingunquestioned command over others, can you retain the necessary image of superiority and self-respect. Youmay finally recognize the value of religion and tradition. You will be accepted by your society. You willprobably have some kind of inheritance. You will achieve your position through a combination of factors.


Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .

Since the 3rd lord is in the 5th, you will be respected in your community. You will have a purpose in life. Yourmarried life will be happy as you and your spouse will usually forgive and forget everything, even the mostcruel confrontations. Anyone who deals with you will sense and respond to your desperate need to be


appreciated and helped. You will be highly benefited by your brothers. You will do well in agriculture, and willbe welcomed by a rich family.

Property, Education etc.

The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.

In your chart, the lord of the 4th house is occupying the 5th; therefore, you will be a self-made man. Thosewho come to recognize your tenderness and concern will become extremely attached to you. Your luck withvehicles is unusual. Your mother will be from a wealthy, or well-respected family.

As Saturn is the lord of the 4th house, even as a child, you will demonstrate your leadership capabilities. Friendsand classmates will readily accept you as their leader. You may assume a position of group leadership. Whenyou grow up, you will have the ability to govern, and may be a responsible administrator.

Since the Moon is afflicted in your chart, you should be attentive to your mother's health and happiness.

Since the Karaka for education is exalted you should achieve success.

Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the fourthlord and this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.

Children, mind, intelligence.

The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.

Saturn is placed in the 5th house. It is easy to satisfy you. You can be impulsive, and therefore get yourself intodifficult situations. Your inclination to speculate should be utilized with caution so as to avoid danger.

Since the 5th lord is in the 9th, your birth will be an occassion for great rejoicing in your family. You will becherished by your parents. You have the inherent ability to become a writer, author, or editor. Music in anyform, will almost always serve to build a bridge of understanding between your inner self and the environment,and heal some of your emotional wounds. At home with your children you enjoy every moment and it willprovide you the badly needed sense of completeness and fulfilment. You are grateful for the dependable natureof your children. One of them will be an orator or author.

Positioning of benefic planets in the fifth house from Lagna, Moon or Jupiter or benefic planets aspecting thesehouses is considered to favour well for having children. Such positive indications are seen in this horoscope.

Diseases, enemies, obstacles

The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.

Rahu occupies the 6th house. You are wealthy and long lived. Any skin ailments should be seen to promptly.Protect your eyes. Your emotional relationships may be unsteady.

As the 6th lord is in the ascendant, you are adventurous by nature, but may become antagonistic to your ownfamily. You may join the armed forces, or have something to do with prisons. You will probably live with, orclose to your maternal uncle. Illness will constantly worry you. Part of this problem is imaginary. You will be agood parent and will provide ideas and guidance to your children. Your spouse will help you ensure yourstability and security. This applies to financial, sexual and other aspects involving your co-operative effort. Ifyou are not well guided in childhood, the chances of your becoming involved in criminal activities cannot beruled out.

Marriage etc.

The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.

Your 7th lord is in the 10th. You may have to work far from home or travel frequently on business. Thisinvolves separations from your family. It may create uneasiness at home; and you have to appreciate her viewsand concerns. You will also have to convince her that she is most important in your heart. Be flexible in minor


matters concerning your in-laws. If you are unreasonable you will ruin your relationship and thereby forgo anyassistance you may get from them, especially your father-in-law. Your wife will be interested in travel.

Since the 7th lord is afflicted, you will be concerned and committed to the welfare and happiness of yourpartner. But in time, she may begin to take advantage of your generous nature. You may begin to feel stifled byher attitude. Ironically, it will be due to your wife that you struggle to get ahead. Your sense of ambition will bemotivated by the demands or actions of your spouse.

A person from the east could make an ideal partner for you.

It is seen that Venus is afflicted by other planets. Hence, occasional disturbances in family life should beexpected. Both partners are advised to take care to ensure the success of the family unit.

Longevity, difficulties

The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.

Since the 8th lord is in the 11th, you will be happy during adulthood, though there may be problems or miseriesduring early childhood. You are a delightful story-teller, and everyone accepts that you will always add a littlehere and take away a little there to make your stories entertaining. It is easy to fall in love with you. But fallingin love is easier for you than staying in love. You are self controlled. Your spouse may try your patience withchameleonic moods, absent-mindedness, duality of purpose and lack of adaptability. Your partner is a challengeto your managerial skills. You may develop a good relationship with your elder brother, who may be having adifficult time in some way.

Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.

In your horoscope, the lord of the 9th house is in the 12th. So you are not likely to inherit property from yourparents or relatives. Your family may have had financial difficulties in your youth. You have to work hard toestablish your credentials in the working world. You may have to travel far from home. You have the potentialto become a deeply religious individual.

Since Jupiter is seen occupying the ninth in your chart, you may be good at law and philosophy.

It is significant that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the 9th house, and this reduces any other badeffects.


Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position),Karma (acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood,profession), Vyoma (sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going),Ajna (command)

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command,authority, fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood,profession, the knees and the servants. An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenthhouse, position of Sun and Moon are analysed below to get an insight into the professions astrologicallyindicated for you.

In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the tenth house itself. Verse from Brihat ParasaraHora indicates that you develop expertise in whatever you do. You face problems with courage and remaincheerful even in adverse situations. You believe in speaking the truth. You are always concerned with the wellbeing of your elders.

The tenth house is Leo. It is the fifth sign of the zodiac and it stands for amusements. It denotes actors andartists, places of amusements, gambling, race cource, dance halls and play grounds. The sign of Leo alsoindicates government jobs, mint, medicine, stock exchange, mining of precious metals, forests, palacialbuildings, castles etc. You can choose a career keeping the above guidelines in view. In modern times, areas


such as entertainment parks, night clubs, discotheques, carnivals, exhibitions and trade fairs, herinb tage hotelsand tourism could also suit you astrologically.

The Sun is seen in the 10th house in your horoscope. ' sloka 66/1 According to Saravali, since Sun is placed inthe tenth house, you will be intelligent, enjoy luxuries and own vehicles. You will be strong, wealthy andcourageous. You will enjoy the company of relatives and sons. This position is often associated with socialeminence, political power or professional competence. No doubt, you will rise in life and hold a post of honourand responsibility. You will gain from your father. You will show interest in diverse topics.

As Sun is in Leo, your preference will be to run your own business or be the boss whatever may be thesituation.

In your horoscope, Venus is seen in the tenth house. ' sloka 74/1 Since Venus is placed in the tenth house, youwill be very fortunate. Honours pour in. You will have clean habits. You will be very particular about bathing,worship and meditation. You will be affectionate towards your spouse and children. Venus is the planet thatrules all artistic accomplishments. You will be keenly interested in cultural and social organisations. You mayserve as an honorary secretary of a cultural or art club. Your livelihood also may be related to similar activities.You will be good at commercial exploitation of art and culture and may work in the tourism department or dobusiness in curios and antiques. With any luck you may even export such items. Venus being a female planet,denotes that you will be closely associated with women in power. Venus rules precious stones, jewelry andvehicles. You can be successful in these lines. Venus is connected with law and the judiciary also. You canbuild a successful career as a sales tax or income tax practitioner.

Venus is in Leo. Childrens garments, ladies dresses, woollen items etc. are the business lines you could choose.

Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can bederived from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.

Business with partner, travelling agent, coloured articles, air travel, shipping, speculation, revenue department,foreign trade, auditing, show business, expensive clothes, jewelry and perfumes.

Some indications can be derived from the combination of planets in the tenth house. The characteristics of theplanets combine to give special effects.

According to Varahamihira in Brihat Jathaka, the combination of Sun and Venus indicates that you will handleweapons well. Your work will involve dying or colouring processes. Transport sector and health care forwomen hold good prospects for you.


The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.

As the 11th lord is in the 11th, you will have many friends and elder brothers who will willingly help youthroughout life. You will continue to learn day by day. This aptitude for knowledge retention will prove useful inyour advancement.

Since Mercury occupies the 11th house, you will be honest and intellectual. You will have good friends, andyou will do well in business.

Expenditure, losses

The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.

Since the 12th lord is in the 10th, your social associates are people who are wealthier than you. This mayeventually make your expenses unbearable. You feel you do not receive enough attention or money from yourfather. You will also have a difficult time with your own sons.

As the Moon is in the 12th house, you will be intelligent and efficient. You will travel to, or live in, foreigncountries. You may be prone to colds. You have a sad or morose look. You are a spend-thrift.

As Ketu is in the 12th house, your power of reasoning will be well developed. You have a powerful mind and


soul. You will be affluent, and will spend lots of money.


Favourable PeriodsFavourable Periods for Career

Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna andtenth house and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.

Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Sani Shukra 05-08-1980 06-10-1983 Favourable

Sani Surya 06-10-1983 17-09-1984 Favourable

Sani Kuja 18-04-1986 28-05-1987 Favourable

Sani Guru 03-04-1990 14-10-1992 Favourable

Budha Shukra 09-03-1996 08-01-1999 Favourable

Budha Surya 08-01-1999 15-11-1999 Favourable

Budha Kuja 15-04-2001 12-04-2002 Favourable

Budha Guru 30-10-2004 05-02-2007 Favourable

Ketu Guru 03-10-2013 08-09-2014 Favourable

Shukra Surya 14-02-2020 13-02-2021 Excellent

Shukra Chandra 13-02-2021 15-10-2022 Favourable

Shukra Kuja 15-10-2022 15-12-2023 Excellent

Shukra Rahu 15-12-2023 15-12-2026 Favourable

Shukra Guru 15-12-2026 15-08-2029 Excellent


Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable forCareer.

Period start Period End Analysis

25-11-1982 21-12-1983 Favourable

24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable

16-06-1987 25-10-1987 Favourable

02-02-1988 19-06-1988 Favourable

01-07-1989 20-07-1990 Favourable

14-08-1991 11-09-1992 Favourable

10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable

08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable

09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable

26-05-1999 02-06-2000 Favourable

17-06-2001 05-07-2002 Favourable

31-07-2003 28-08-2004 Favourable

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable


Favourable Periods for Business

Considering the second, ninth, tenth and eleventh lords, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and eleventh house and otherfactors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for business activities.

Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Sani Surya 06-10-1983 17-09-1984 Favourable

Sani Chandra 17-09-1984 18-04-1986 Favourable

Sani Kuja 18-04-1986 28-05-1987 Favourable

Sani Guru 03-04-1990 14-10-1992 Favourable

Budha Ketu 13-03-1995 09-03-1996 Favourable

Budha Shukra 09-03-1996 08-01-1999 Favourable

Budha Surya 08-01-1999 15-11-1999 Excellent

Budha Chandra 15-11-1999 15-04-2001 Excellent

Budha Kuja 15-04-2001 12-04-2002 Excellent

Budha Rahu 12-04-2002 30-10-2004 Favourable

Budha Guru 30-10-2004 05-02-2007 Excellent

Budha Sani 05-02-2007 15-10-2009 Favourable

Ketu Shukra 13-03-2010 13-05-2011 Favourable

Ketu Guru 03-10-2013 08-09-2014 Favourable

Shukra Surya 14-02-2020 13-02-2021 Favourable

Shukra Chandra 13-02-2021 15-10-2022 Favourable

Shukra Kuja 15-10-2022 15-12-2023 Favourable

Shukra Guru 15-12-2026 15-08-2029 Favourable


Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable forBusiness.

Period start Period End Analysis

24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable

16-06-1987 25-10-1987 Favourable

02-02-1988 19-06-1988 Favourable

01-07-1989 20-07-1990 Favourable

14-08-1991 11-09-1992 Favourable

10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable

08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable

09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable

26-05-1999 02-06-2000 Favourable

17-06-2001 05-07-2002 Favourable

31-07-2003 28-08-2004 Favourable

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

Favourable Periods for House Construction

Considering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and other factors, thefollowing dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construction of house.

Analysis for age 15 to age 80.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis


Sani Shukra 05-08-1980 06-10-1983 Excellent

Sani Surya 06-10-1983 17-09-1984 Favourable

Sani Chandra 17-09-1984 18-04-1986 Favourable

Sani Kuja 18-04-1986 28-05-1987 Favourable

Sani Rahu 28-05-1987 03-04-1990 Favourable

Sani Guru 03-04-1990 14-10-1992 Excellent

Budha Ketu 13-03-1995 09-03-1996 Favourable

Budha Shukra 09-03-1996 08-01-1999 Excellent

Budha Surya 08-01-1999 15-11-1999 Favourable

Budha Chandra 15-11-1999 15-04-2001 Favourable

Budha Kuja 15-04-2001 12-04-2002 Favourable

Budha Rahu 12-04-2002 30-10-2004 Favourable

Budha Guru 30-10-2004 05-02-2007 Excellent

Budha Sani 05-02-2007 15-10-2009 Excellent

Ketu Guru 03-10-2013 08-09-2014 Favourable

Shukra Surya 14-02-2020 13-02-2021 Favourable

Shukra Chandra 13-02-2021 15-10-2022 Favourable

Shukra Kuja 15-10-2022 15-12-2023 Favourable

Shukra Rahu 15-12-2023 15-12-2026 Favourable

Shukra Guru 15-12-2026 15-08-2029 Excellent

Shukra Sani 15-08-2029 14-10-2032 Excellent

Shukra Budha 14-10-2032 15-08-2035 Excellent

Shukra Ketu 15-08-2035 14-10-2036 Favourable

Surya Guru 02-11-2038 21-08-2039 Favourable

Surya Sani 21-08-2039 02-08-2040 Favourable

Surya Budha 02-08-2040 09-06-2041 Favourable

Surya Shukra 15-10-2041 15-10-2042 Favourable

Chandra Guru 14-09-2045 14-01-2047 Favourable

Chandra Sani 14-01-2047 15-08-2048 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for HouseConstruction

Period start Period End Analysis

25-11-1982 21-12-1983 Favourable


24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable

16-06-1987 25-10-1987 Favourable

02-02-1988 19-06-1988 Favourable

01-07-1989 20-07-1990 Favourable

14-08-1991 11-09-1992 Favourable

10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable

08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable

09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable

26-05-1999 02-06-2000 Favourable

17-06-2001 05-07-2002 Favourable

31-07-2003 28-08-2004 Favourable

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

01-11-2026 25-01-2027 Favourable

27-06-2027 26-11-2027 Favourable

29-02-2028 24-07-2028 Favourable

26-01-2030 01-05-2030 Favourable

24-09-2030 17-02-2031 Favourable

15-06-2031 15-10-2031 Favourable

19-03-2033 28-03-2034 Favourable

07-04-2035 15-04-2036 Favourable


11-09-2036 17-11-2036 Favourable

27-04-2037 16-09-2037 Favourable

18-01-2038 11-05-2038 Favourable

08-10-2038 03-03-2039 Favourable

03-06-2039 04-11-2039 Favourable

07-04-2040 29-06-2040 Favourable

03-01-2042 10-06-2042 Favourable

29-08-2042 27-01-2043 Favourable

31-07-2043 11-09-2043 Favourable

03-03-2045 13-03-2046 Favourable


Effect of Dasa/ApaharaIn Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced byvarious planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that may be expected are given below. Theintensity of experiences may vary depending on the natal and transit position of the planets. This needs furtherin-depth analysis. The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to theparents. Predictions are given starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for amaximum of twenty five years only. The starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial fiveyears are skipped for infants.) Strength of planets is judged by their positions in Saptavarga.

Shukra Dasa (Venus)

In this period, you will be a man who enjoys the effects of past and present efforts. You will be comfortable,and you will prosper. Your family life will be happier. If married, you and your wife will be closer than everbefore. You may feel the urge to display or explore your artistic talents. You will witness the progress of allyour efforts. Success is ensured in most things you do now. Your financial transactions will prove beneficial.You will also have the opportunity to travel at this time. You may be envied by those your age. However, youmay be separated for a time from the people you love. You may have some stress at this time.

Venus is positioned along with its enemies in the same house and hence will not be able to give its full benefits.

You may be nervous or confused at this time. You may experience urinary infections, or other infections. Yourposition or standing may be adversely affected. Be careful about your friends or associates. You may lackmuch-needed cooperation.

( 14-02-2020 >> 13-02-2021 )

The sub-period of Sun in the Venus dasa is for 1 year. The sub-period of Sun in the Venus dasa, can give youminor stomach ailments. Make sure that you are cautious about your food habits. You have to be very realisticthis time otherwise, you may make unwise decisions and regret later. Your relatives may be a cause of concern.You may see who is really trustworthy or not. You may get too much of restrictions and that may make youunhappy. You should try to bring more peace in the relationships. Minor health issues are also indicted. Thiswill be a period of mixed results.

( 13-02-2021 >> 15-10-2022 )

The sub-period of Moon in the Venus dasa is for 1 year and 8 months. During the sub-period of Moon in theVenus, dasa can give you issues related to bone. There are possibilities for fractures or any other trouble relatedto bone. You will like to travel and your family may not be happy with that. You may display a tendency torebut and you will be very resourceful. You should control your expenditures. There can be more materialcomforts too. Please try to be spiritual. You may get benefits through females. Material comforts are alsoindicated.

( 15-10-2022 >> 15-12-2023 )

The sub-period of Mars in the Venus dasa is for 1 year 2 months. The sub-period of Mars in the Venus dasacan give you a tendency to suspect individuals and the situations. Mars is the planet of war in astrology. Youmay display a very strict nature throughout this dasa. This tendency can create unwanted issues. Make surethat you are not being prejudicial so that your attitude doesn’t bring misunderstandings. There can be profitsthrough the land. Some real estate deals are also indicated. There can be minor health issues. Situations willimprove towards the end of this dasa.


( 15-12-2023 >> 15-12-2026 )

The sub-period of Rahu in the Venus dasa is for 3 years. During the sub-period of Rahu in the Venus dasa,people can try to manipulate you. Rahu is aggression in astrology and you may try to defend yourself inunconventional methods. Make sure that you are not getting into unwanted talks or arguments with them. Youhave to keep high reverence for the law. Otherwise, you may land in some trouble. There are strong chancesfor verbal spats. This situation can cause concern for your close friends. You may have to guard your wealth.You have really put effort to be in peace with all people.

( 15-12-2026 >> 15-08-2029 )

The sub-period of Jupiter in the Venus dasa is for 2 years 8 months. The sub-period of Jupiter in the Venusdasa can be a happy phase because you will be comfortable with all the essential things. You will be moderatelysuccessful and you will be interested in reading and learning. Jupiter is intellect and philosophy. You will getinterested in learning philosophy related stuff. You may even go for pilgrimages. Your advice will get morepraises. More social recognition is indicated. You will get more visions. You may even teach spiritual lessons.

( 15-08-2029 >> 14-10-2032 )

The sub-period of Saturn in Venus dasa is for 3 years 2 months. During this dasa, you will get a tendency tospend time in worthless efforts. You will be meeting with your elders. Your children can come to you and youmay be busy, to be with them. They may raise questions. This is a very good time to keep in touch with peoplefrom foreign lands. Some interest towards arts and entertainment is also indicated. This time, period will giveyou mixed results. You may do well financially. You may have to control the expenditures. You will get morematerial comforts.

( 14-10-2032 >> 15-08-2035 )

The sub-period of Mercury in the Venus dasa is for 2 years 10 months. During the sub-period of Mercury inthe Venus dasa, your financial status will be stable. There can be profits from the land. You will be highlydignified. Progress will be there and you will be a respectable personality in the society. You may even get achance to start some new ventures. A change in financial status is indicated. You will be interested in arts andentertainment. You may go for some short trips also.

( 15-08-2035 >> 14-10-2036 )

The sub-period of Ketu in the Venus dasa is for 1 year 2 months. The sub-period of Ketu in the Venus dasa cangive you unwanted arguments. You can even detach yourself from some of your close friends. At the sametime, everyone will accept your visions also. The only enemy at this time for you will be only you yourself.Make sure that you are surrounded by good people. You may get tempted to do something wrong. You shouldcontrol those temptations. There will be a great amount of willpower to face all the situations. Your intellect willbe sharp. You may even start learning ancient scriptures.

Surya Dasa (Sun)

During this dasa you will desire to establish your superiority over others. You want to win profits by eliminatingthose who stand in your way. You may become more calculating or cruel. You will, however, be respected andwell-liked. During your Surya dasa period, your family will do well. However, you may have to face troublefrom animals or fire. Stomach and teeth may give you trouble. As a man, you will be called on to fulfil the roleof protector. You may be separated from parents, or other older people who are important to you. During suryadasa, you may inadvertently cause problems for your friends and properties.

Since the Sun is strongly positioned in your horoscope, Surya Dasa will generally be good for you.

During this period you will develop mentally and spiritually. You will feel stronger. You will travel a lot and willfeel successful. You will surmount the obstacles in your path. Your father will rise in life or you may gain fromyour parents. There will be improvement in your status and position. You will show fortitude and physicalstrength.


( 14-10-2036 >> 01-02-2037 )

The sub-period of Sun in the Sun dasa is for 3 months and 18 days. The sub-period of Sun in the Sun dasa youwill see prosperity in whatever you do. Your financial status will be good. You will get help from many people.However, you should be very careful with your relatives. They can act against you. Try to spend less;otherwise, there can be an imbalance between income and expenditure. You may have to guard your wealth aswell. Minor health issues are also indicated. There can be favors from the ruling classes.

( 01-02-2037 >> 03-08-2037 )

The sub-period of Moon in the Sun is for 6 months. The sub-period of Moon in the Sun dasa will be a calmperiod in your life. Even your opponents will not be able to destroy your peace. This attitude will help you toreap better results. There can be some auspicious functions in the family. You may invest in real estate. Moonsignifies comfort and emotions in astrology. You may come in touch with scholars. There can be sound health.This is generally a good time period.

( 03-08-2037 >> 09-12-2037 )

The sub-period of Mars in the Sun dasa is for 4 months and 6 days. During the sub-period of Mars in the Sundasa, there will happiness from rulers. You can even be invited as a speaker at a social function. Financial statuswill be better. There can be aid from your siblings as well. Minor health issues like muscle cramps, headacheare indicated. You may be very powerful. Some auspicious functions are also indicted. Mars is aggression andimpatience. You may have to control your emotions. Otherwise, there can be some unwanted arguments withfriends and relatives.

( 09-12-2037 >> 02-11-2038 )

The Sub-period of Rahu in Sun dasa is for 10 months 24 days. During the Sub-period of Rahu in Sun dasa, youcan be more prejudicial. You may have to be wiser with your financial decisions. There can be some worriesabout your future. You must give a good effort to be happy and confident. The health of your parental figurescan be a cause of concern. Rah signifies aggression in astrology. This may make you impatient. Thisimpatience should not cause any drift in the relationships. You may have to be very understanding especiallyabout the younger generations.

( 02-11-2038 >> 21-08-2039 )

The sub-period of Jupiter in the Sun dasa is for 9 months 18 days. During the sub-period of Jupiter in the Sundasa, your health will be satisfactory. You will be happy about your ability to recollect things. You will befeeling that all the situations are favoring you. Jupiter is the great benefic in astrology. This apahara will be agood time period for you. There can be auspicious functions like marriage and child-birth at home. Socialrecognition is also indicated. You may try to gain knowledge in divine subjects. You may even share yourknowledge.

( 21-08-2039 >> 02-08-2040 )

The sub-period of Saturn in the Sun dasa is for 11 months 12 days. The sub-period of Saturn in the Sun dasacan give more need for emotional encouragement. You must be careful with all kind of equipment you use.Profit from land or properties can decline. There can be unexpected difficulties for your expectations. Eventhough the situations are adverse that will not affect you. You will see that most of the needs are fulfilled. At thesame time, you must take due care of your eyes. There can be some auspicious functions in the family. Youwill see progress towards the end of this apahara.

( 02-08-2040 >> 09-06-2041 )

The sub-period of Mercury in the Sun dasa is for 10 months 6 days. During the sub-period of Mercury in theSun dasa, you can get minor skin diseases. You must avoid sun exposure so that you can prevent the chancesof skin diseases. Laziness can overpower you. You should not spoil your health by your laziness. Try to beactive. There can be more honors from the society. There may be betterment in the finances. You may have tobe very careful with your finances.


( 09-06-2041 >> 15-10-2041 )

The sub-period of Ketu in the Sun dasa is for 4 months 6 days. The sub-period of Ketu in the Sun dasa cangive opportunities for long travels. You should give more effort to keep cordial relation with your family. Thereare chances of getting unpleasant news. You will be dealing with obstacles and delays. Ketu signifies delays,detachment, and isolation. You may have to guard your wealth. You may have to be very understanding.Otherwise, your impatience may cause tensions in relationships.

( 15-10-2041 >> 15-10-2042 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Sun dasa is for 1 year. During the sub-period of Venus in the Sun dasa, youhave to be extra cautious about your diet and hygiene. There are chances for minor ailments like headaches andeyestrain. But they will be for a short term and you will find your health getting improved. You may have toguard yourself against temptations. You may like to spend money for unwanted purposes. There can be manyauspicious functions during this apahara.

Chandra Dasa (Moon)

You are likely to become a spiritually inclined man who takes an interest in devotional matters. You will attendto, and respect, the wisdom of those older than you. During this period you will meet and associate with morewomen. Your food habits will become more organized. However, you should pay more attention to your health,otherwise, you may feel weak, lose your energy and tend toward arthritis.

Since the Moon is strong in your horoscope, with Kesari Yoga, this period will be especially beneficial to you.

You will be happy and cheerful, and have an active mind. You will appear more congenial than before. You willenjoy flowers, perfume, and other creature comforts. There will be a rise in status or income. You will do wellwith the opposite sex.

However, it is seen that the Moon is associated with malefic planets.

You may have trouble or health problems due to blood deficiencies, pressure, or due to enlargement of spleen,fever etc. It is possible that at this time you do not do as well as you would like in your career. You may haveproblems or quarrel with the opposite sex. There may be loss of energy and you may become lethargic. Yourmother's health may be a cause for concern.

( 15-10-2042 >> 15-08-2043 )

The sub-period of Moon in the Moon dasa is for 10 months. During this period you will enjoy honors fromyour dear and near. You will be happy with the new generation in your family. Children will give you happinessand you will feel that you are blessed. You will get a chance to go for pilgrimage with your family members.Good health is assured if you are taking care of diet and medication. You will be happy in charity works andreligious deeds. Health also will be fine at this time. Any woman who enriches your life will get great returns.You may enjoy cultural programs.

( 15-08-2043 >> 15-03-2044 )

The sub period of Mars in Moon Dasa is for 7 months. During the sub-period of Mars in Moon Dasa you willbe inclined to spiritual activities. Mars signifies electricity and sharp objects. More care should be given whilehandling fire, electricity and sharp objects. You will be more energetic and happy in developing new hobbies.Chances of moving to different places are also there. There will be profits from land and agriculture. Otherswill come for advice and learning. There are chances of getting some unpleasant information at this time. Youmay have to guard your wealth. Please be patient with your relatives and friends as well.


Graha dosham and RemediesKuja Dosha Check

Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determiningmarriage compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the7th. or 8th. house. However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kujadosha can be considered as nullified. A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kujadosham in your horoscope or not.

In this horoscope, Kuja (Mars) is in the First house.

This position gives dosham.

However, since Mars is strong in this horoscope with RUCHAKA YOGA, Kuja dosha gets nullified.

Result of Kuja Dosha check with respect to Lagna

No Kuja Dosha in this horoscope

RemediesSince there is no Kuja dosha in your horoscope, you do not need to take any remedies

Rahu Dosha & Ketu Dosha

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at alltimes just opposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect (drishti), they can be regarded together. Ingeneral, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and developmentand self help while Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrictgrowth. In this way Rahu represents positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with littleopportunity for growth. Thus Rahu signifies materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendenciesand process of the refinement of materialization to spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is consideredto be wile, deceitful and dishonest.

Rahu DoshaNo Rahu Dosha found in this horoscope.

Remedies To Rahu DoshaSince there is no Rahu dosha in your horoscope, you do not need to take any remedies

Ketu DoshaYou may maintain a stable finance through reasonable spending. It wouldn’t be difficult for you to generateincome and please your family. Being generous can occasionally turn bad and put you in losses. You mayovercome hostilities and debts through your bold approach. Sharing experiences with partner will ease yourmind and tasks. You should avoid bad companies and influences for a happier and healthier living. Your upperbody, except your eyes, is resistant to ailments. Be more careful to your lower abdomen and prostate areas.

Remedies To Ketu DoshaTo alleviate the bad effects of Ketu, you can follow the below mentioned remedies. Take a few grams of horsegram in a white cloth bag and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You should feed crows with thesehorse grams in the next morning. Follow this for 9 consecutive days, and visit Lord Ganesha temple on the finalday evening. Perform Pradakshina (Parikarma) at the temple and give possible offerings. Get aKetukavachayanthra and keep it with devotion. Worship the deities of Ketu - Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman.Visit those temples daily and give possible offerings. Keeping a Sudarsana chakra at home with daily chanting ofthe following sloka considerably reduces the ill effects of Ketu


Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha +ʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä +ÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ

Prathyadhidevatha Sahitham |ÉlªÉÉÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ ºÉÉʽølɨÉ

Kekeegraham Dhyaayaami Aavahayaami. EäòEòÒOÉ¨É vɪÉɪÉÉ欃 +É´ÉɽøɪÉɨÉÒ Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓò $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉxÉÒ

Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉɪÉÒ ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉ

Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ

Kethur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre EäòiÉÖ®ôOɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒb÷ÒiÉÉlÉ xÉIÉjÉä

Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉäVÉÉlÉÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨É¨É

Mokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉ º´ÉÉ&


RemediesStar Remedies

As you are born in Vishakham star, your star lord is Jupiter. You show the basic competitive and fighting spiritin facing the various challenges in life. As a result you may lack stable friendships in life. On the basis of thebirth star, the Dasa periods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth star beingVishakham suggests that you may have adverse experiences during the dasa periods of Mercury, Venus andMoon.

There will be a number of visible changes in your thoughts and actions during this period. The support from theparents may be short of your expectations. Self-regulation may not be sufficient. So don't make your familyconsider you as an impatient person. You may have to restrict your likes and dislikes in domestic life. Get thebetter of the pride in you.

The lord of the birth sign Thulam is Venus. Therefore, you will get opportunities to present a distinct outlookon aesthetics and your field of activity. It will be better to consider how fluctuations in your ideas influenceothers. Even your family will recognize your diplomatic abilities only in the course of time. Avoid transactionsand auspicious functions in the unfavourable stars of Thrikketta, Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Karthika (Edavamsign), Rohini and Makayiram (Edavam sign).

You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially onthe hostile stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters duringthis period.

Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.

Praying regularly to Jupiter and Lord Vishnu, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered to bebeneficial. For better results, visit the temples on the birth star of Vishakham and on the associated stars ofPooruruttathi and Punartham. It is also considered highly auspicious to meditate on the divine power onThursdays, which fall on Vishakham star.

Pray daily to the lord of the star, Jupiter, to get good results.

Besides, measures to please the lord of the sign, Venus will bring good prospects.

Indragni is the lord of Vishakham star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease this lord andreceive good prospects:

1 Om indhraagnee aagatham sutham geerbirthamoVamenyam aspaatham dhiyeshithaa

2 Om indhraagnibyam namaha

Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, avoid harming lion, theanimal of Vishakham star, and being instrumental in their extinction. Try to plant and grow Vayyankathavu, theofficial tree of Vishakham. Do not harm crow, the official bird of Vishakham and if possible feed them. Theelement of Vishakham is Fire. Ancient astrologers testify that worshipping the lord of fire and lighting lampsduring twilight will bring good luck to the people born in this star.

Dasa Remedies

The remedies for the harmful effects of dasa The analysis of the general trend of fortunes and misfortunes,during the dasa of each planet, is based on the planetary position in the horoscope. The examination of thebenefic and malefic effects of the planets shows that some dasa periods are not generally favorable to you. Inorder to mitigate the harmful effects of the unfavourable dasa periods, you must observe certain remedial rites.The unfavourable dasa periods in this horoscope and the remedial rites to be observed during that period aregiven below.

Dasa :Shukra


Now you are going through the dasa period of Shukra.

Your birth star is Vishakha. Shukra is in Simha Rasi. Lord of the dasa has malfic associations. Therefore youmay occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences duringVenus dasa. During this period you may come across many unforeseen complications. You are advised torestrain your words and actions. Be careful while socializing with others. The intensity of the harmful effects ofVenus dasa varies according to the positional variation of Venus. Some of the difficulties that you may have toface, when Venus is in unfavourable positions, are given below. When Venus is debilitated, you may notachieve the desired happiness and contentment in your life. You can expect variation in your interest for peopleand objects. You may not be able to gain the deserving love and trust of others. You may experienceunexpected fluctuations in your field of activity and financial status. Generally, you will be interested in luxuriesduring Venus dasa. This tendency will be more than usual when Venus is in an unfavourable position. So youare advised to restrain yourself, while spending money, during this period. During this period, you will have togive more consideration and care to your family ties. You cannot eliminate the possibility of baseless scandals.Be careful when you have to socialize with people, especially with that of the opposite sex. During this periodyou may have unexpected obstructions while traveling or handling vehicles. You will be unusually tired whenyou work hard. If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Venus dasa, you can easilydeduce that Venus is in unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt theways to appease Venus. Appeasing Venus not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your lifeprosperous. Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in theVenus dasa are given below.

DressLight colours are dear to Venus. You can wear white or light blue dresses to appease Venus. Try to avoid darkcolours during this period. It is best to wear bright dresses on Fridays.

Devatha BhajanamMahalakshmi is the patron goddess of Venus. You can also worship goddess Annapoorneshwari and Yakshi togratify Venus.

Morning PrayerMorning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise beforesunrise daily, during Venus dasa. Invoke the grace of Venus after purifying your body. Special care must betaken to clear your mind of all other thoughts.

Suryaaya sheetharuchaye dharaneesuthaayaSoumyaaya devagurave brigunandanaayaSuryaathmajaaya bujagaaya cha kethave chaNithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaayaKrishna Krishna mahayogin bakthanaama bayapradaBaargavaanishtasambootham doshajaatham vinaashaya

Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.

Fasting (Vratham)The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimatemotive of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance.You should fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast onFridays to gratify Venus. Visiting the temple of goddesses and making offerings according to your ability inthese days is beneficial. Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other intoxicants whilefasting. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable food forthese days. Refrain from eating cereals, oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to the


intensity of the harmful effects. It is not appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fastingwill be fruitful only if you restrict your expression and emotion.

Alms (Daanam)Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. Donating the silver statue of Venus,Dolichos Lablab (Amara), different coloured silk, diamond, white cow, white horse, perfumes etc will help youto appease Venus. Giving away food to gratify Annapoorneshwari is also beneficial.

PoojasSome poojas are suggested to appease Venus. You should worship Venus with white flowers. You can visit thetemple where the nine planets are consecrated and worship the idol of Venus with the petals of lotus. Thepoojas should be performed according to the expert advice of the astrologers. The days like the Friday of themonth Meenam; and the day when the star lords Bharani, Pooram and Pooradam come together are suitable todo Venus pooja.

Chanting of MantrasThose who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Venus throughprayer. You can appease Venus by chanting the following mantras.

Om briguputhraya vidhmaheDaithyacharyaya dhimahiThannaha shukra prajodhayath

You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.

Chant the basic mantras which comprise Venus's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.

Om Shukraya namahaOm Shuchaye namahaOm Shubhaganaya namahaOm Shubhadhaya namahaOm Shubhalakshanaya namahaOm Shobhanakshaya namahaOm Shubravahaya namahaOm Shudhasfadika bhaswaraya namahaOm Dhinarthiharaya namahaOm Dhaithyaguruve namahaOm Bhargavaya namahaOm Kavyasakthaya namaha

YanthrasYou can wear Venus yanthra to gratify Venus.

Other YanthrasMahalakshmi yanthra, Annapoorneshwari yanthra are some of the yanthras you can wear during Venus dasa.You will get the intended result only if you wear the yanthra, made by an expert astrologer following the rulesconnected with it, with the utmost devotion and faith.

Observe the above remedies till 14-10-2036 .

Dasa :ChandraYour Chandra dasa starts on 15-10-2042

Your birth star is Vishakha. Chandra is in Twelfth Bhava. Lord of the dasa has malfic associations. Thereforeyou may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during


Moon dasa. During this period you may have to face many unforeseen difficulties. You are advised to stayaway from laborious mental and physical exertions. Be careful while dealing with eminent personalities. Theintensity of the harmful effects of Moon dasa varies according to the positional variation of Moon. Some of thedifficulties that you may have to face, when Moon is in unfavourable positions, are given below. You may incurunexpected losses and financial difficulties when Moon is debilitated. You are likely to suffer fromsleeplessness. Your tendency to worry needlessly may create problems in most of the situations. During thisperiod there will be visible changes in your thoughts and feelings. Adverse situations may force you to deviatefrom your own opinion. You will find it difficult to survive the hot environment. During this period you mayfind it difficult to maintain family ties. Even silly things will disturb you mentally. Very often it may be tough torestrain your words. You are prone to illness when Moon is in unfavourable positions. Be careful if symptomslike indigestion, breathlessness, exceptional fatigue and excessive thirst are visible. If you experience an increasein these sorts of troubles during Moon dasa, you can easily deduce that moon is in unfavourable positions.Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Moon. Appeasing Moon notonly nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous. Based on the detailed examination of thishoroscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Moon dasa are given below.

DressThe colours which are bright as moon light are dear to Moon. So wear white or sandal coloured dresses toappease Moon. It is auspicious to wear such dresses on Mondays and full moon days; and also when the starlord is Rohini and while worshipping Moon.

Devatha BhajanamGoddess Durga is the powerful patron god of Moon in your horoscope. Therefore you should worship goddessDurga during Moon dasa. Visiting the temple of goddess Durga and doing Durga pooja in the full moon day isauspicious. You must worship goddess Badrakali to gratify Moon. The Kali pooja performed in the new moonday has special significance.

Morning PrayerMorning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise beforesunrise daily, during Moon dasa. Invoke the grace of Moon after purifying your body. Special care must betaken to clear your mind of all other thoughts.

Suryaya sheetharuchaye dharaneesuthaayaSoumyaaya devagurave brigunandanaayaSuryaathmajaaya bujagaaya cha kethave chaNithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaayaPaapanaashana lokesha devadeva namosthutheShashaangaanishtasambootham doshajaatham vinaashaya

Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.

Fasting (Vratham)The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimatemotive of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance.You should fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast onMondays to gratify Moon. Fast on your birth star day to reduce the harmful effects of Moon dasa. Abstainfrom consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits,vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable food for these days. Refrain from eatingcereals, oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to the intensity of the harmful effects.It is not appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fasting will be fruitful only if yourestrict your expression and emotion.

Alms (Daanam)


Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. White rice, pearl, white silk, plate filledwith milk and ghee, conch, silver statue of Moon, camphor, sugar cane etc can be given as directed in order toappease Moon.

PoojasSome poojas are suggested to appease Moon. Visiting the temple where the nine planets are consecrated anddoing pooja with the garland made of white flowers is beneficial. The full moon day and birth star day aresuitable for this pooja. The poojas should be performed according to the expert advice of the astrologers. It isforbidden to do poojas to gratify moon on days like new moon, lunar eclipse (4th paadam) and on the star dayslike Anizham and Thriketta.

Chanting of MantrasThose who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Moon throughprayer. You can appease moon by chanting the following mantras.

Om athriputhraya vidhmaheAmrithamayaya dhimahiThannaha somaha prajodhayath

You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.

Chant the basic mantras which comprise Moon's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.

Om shrimathe namahaOm shashadharaya namahaOm chandraya namahaOm tharadhishaya namahaOm Nishakaraya namahaOm sudhanidhaye namahaOm sadharadhyaya namahaOm sathpadhaye namahaOm sadhupujidhaya namahaOm viraya namahaOm jayodyogaya namahaOm jyothishchakrapravarthakaya namaha

YanthrasOne of the devices you can wear to reduce the harmful effects of Moon is Soma Yanthra. This gives peace ofmind, good health, beauty, financial prosperity, relief from unnecessary fear etc. It is best to make SomaYanthra in silver.

Other YanthrasYou can wear Durga Yanthra, if Moon is half weak in your horoscope. Durga Yanthra releases you from theattack of black magic; gives relief from illness and grants success in every field. Wearing Mooladurga Yantrahelps you to achieve the four aims of human life like Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. If you experiencedanger from the enemies due to a half weak Moon in your horoscope, you can wear Vanadurga Yantra toreduce its harmful effects. If Moon is not half weak in your horoscope you can wear Kaliya Yanthras. You willget the intended result only if you wear the yanthra, made by an expert astrologer following the rules connectedwith it, with the utmost devotion and faith.

Observe the above remedies till 14-10-2052 .

Details of Dasa and Bhukti (Apahara) Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days )Dasa balance at birth = Guru 6 Years, 1 Months, 5 Days


Dasa Bhukti Arambha Anthya

Jupiter Venus 09-09-1967 27-04-1968

Jupiter Sun 27-04-1968 13-02-1969

Jupiter Moon 13-02-1969 15-06-1970

Jupiter Mars 15-06-1970 22-05-1971

Jupiter Rahu 22-05-1971 15-10-1973

Saturn Saturn 15-10-1973 18-10-1976

Saturn Mercury 18-10-1976 28-06-1979

Saturn Ketu 28-06-1979 05-08-1980

Saturn Venus 05-08-1980 06-10-1983

Saturn Sun 06-10-1983 17-09-1984

Saturn Moon 17-09-1984 18-04-1986

Saturn Mars 18-04-1986 28-05-1987

Saturn Rahu 28-05-1987 03-04-1990

Saturn Jupiter 03-04-1990 14-10-1992

Mercury Mercury 14-10-1992 13-03-1995

Mercury Ketu 13-03-1995 09-03-1996

Mercury Venus 09-03-1996 08-01-1999

Mercury Sun 08-01-1999 15-11-1999

Mercury Moon 15-11-1999 15-04-2001

Mercury Mars 15-04-2001 12-04-2002

Mercury Rahu 12-04-2002 30-10-2004

Mercury Jupiter 30-10-2004 05-02-2007

Mercury Saturn 05-02-2007 15-10-2009

Ketu Ketu 15-10-2009 13-03-2010

Ketu Venus 13-03-2010 13-05-2011

Ketu Sun 13-05-2011 18-09-2011

Ketu Moon 18-09-2011 18-04-2012

Ketu Mars 18-04-2012 14-09-2012

Ketu Rahu 14-09-2012 03-10-2013


Ketu Jupiter 03-10-2013 08-09-2014

Ketu Saturn 08-09-2014 18-10-2015

Ketu Mercury 18-10-2015 14-10-2016

Venus Venus 14-10-2016 14-02-2020

Venus Sun 14-02-2020 13-02-2021

Venus Moon 13-02-2021 15-10-2022

Venus Mars 15-10-2022 15-12-2023

Venus Rahu 15-12-2023 15-12-2026

Venus Jupiter 15-12-2026 15-08-2029

Venus Saturn 15-08-2029 14-10-2032

Venus Mercury 14-10-2032 15-08-2035

Venus Ketu 15-08-2035 14-10-2036

Sun Sun 14-10-2036 01-02-2037

Sun Moon 01-02-2037 03-08-2037

Sun Mars 03-08-2037 09-12-2037

Sun Rahu 09-12-2037 02-11-2038

Sun Jupiter 02-11-2038 21-08-2039

Sun Saturn 21-08-2039 02-08-2040

Sun Mercury 02-08-2040 09-06-2041

Sun Ketu 09-06-2041 15-10-2041

Sun Venus 15-10-2041 15-10-2042

Moon Moon 15-10-2042 15-08-2043

Moon Mars 15-08-2043 15-03-2044

Moon Rahu 15-03-2044 14-09-2045

Moon Jupiter 14-09-2045 14-01-2047

Moon Saturn 14-01-2047 15-08-2048

Moon Mercury 15-08-2048 14-01-2050

Moon Ketu 14-01-2050 15-08-2050

Moon Venus 15-08-2050 15-04-2052

Moon Sun 15-04-2052 14-10-2052


Mars Mars 14-10-2052 13-03-2053

Mars Rahu 13-03-2053 31-03-2054

Mars Jupiter 31-03-2054 07-03-2055

Mars Saturn 07-03-2055 15-04-2056

Mars Mercury 15-04-2056 12-04-2057

Mars Ketu 12-04-2057 08-09-2057

Mars Venus 08-09-2057 08-11-2058

Mars Sun 08-11-2058 16-03-2059

Mars Moon 16-03-2059 15-10-2059

Rahu Rahu 15-10-2059 27-06-2062

Rahu Jupiter 27-06-2062 20-11-2064

The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.



Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 14-02-2020 >> 03-03-2020 2.Moo 03-03-2020 >> 03-04-2020

3.Mar 03-04-2020 >> 24-04-2020 4.Rah 24-04-2020 >> 18-06-2020

5.Jup 18-06-2020 >> 05-08-2020 6.Sat 05-08-2020 >> 02-10-2020

7.Mer 02-10-2020 >> 23-11-2020 8.Ket 23-11-2020 >> 14-12-2020

9.Ven 14-12-2020 >> 13-02-2021

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 13-02-2021 >> 05-04-2021 2.Mar 05-04-2021 >> 10-05-2021

3.Rah 10-05-2021 >> 10-08-2021 4.Jup 10-08-2021 >> 30-10-2021

5.Sat 30-10-2021 >> 03-02-2022 6.Mer 03-02-2022 >> 01-05-2022

7.Ket 01-05-2022 >> 05-06-2022 8.Ven 05-06-2022 >> 15-09-2022

9.Sun 15-09-2022 >> 15-10-2022

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 15-10-2022 >> 09-11-2022 2.Rah 09-11-2022 >> 12-01-2023

3.Jup 12-01-2023 >> 10-03-2023 4.Sat 10-03-2023 >> 16-05-2023

5.Mer 16-05-2023 >> 15-07-2023 6.Ket 15-07-2023 >> 09-08-2023

7.Ven 09-08-2023 >> 19-10-2023 8.Sun 19-10-2023 >> 10-11-2023

9.Moo 10-11-2023 >> 15-12-2023

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 15-12-2023 >> 27-05-2024 2.Jup 27-05-2024 >> 21-10-2024

3.Sat 21-10-2024 >> 12-04-2025 4.Mer 12-04-2025 >> 14-09-2025

5.Ket 14-09-2025 >> 17-11-2025 6.Ven 17-11-2025 >> 19-05-2026

7.Sun 19-05-2026 >> 13-07-2026 8.Moo 13-07-2026 >> 12-10-2026

9.Mar 12-10-2026 >> 15-12-2026

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Guru

1.Jup 15-12-2026 >> 24-04-2027 2.Sat 24-04-2027 >> 25-09-2027

3.Mer 25-09-2027 >> 10-02-2028 4.Ket 10-02-2028 >> 07-04-2028

5.Ven 07-04-2028 >> 16-09-2028 6.Sun 16-09-2028 >> 04-11-2028

7.Moo 04-11-2028 >> 24-01-2029 8.Mar 24-01-2029 >> 22-03-2029

9.Rah 22-03-2029 >> 15-08-2029


Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Sani

1.Sat 15-08-2029 >> 14-02-2030 2.Mer 14-02-2030 >> 28-07-2030

3.Ket 28-07-2030 >> 03-10-2030 4.Ven 03-10-2030 >> 14-04-2031

5.Sun 14-04-2031 >> 11-06-2031 6.Moo 11-06-2031 >> 15-09-2031

7.Mar 15-09-2031 >> 22-11-2031 8.Rah 22-11-2031 >> 13-05-2032

9.Jup 13-05-2032 >> 14-10-2032

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Budha

1.Mer 14-10-2032 >> 10-03-2033 2.Ket 10-03-2033 >> 09-05-2033

3.Ven 09-05-2033 >> 29-10-2033 4.Sun 29-10-2033 >> 20-12-2033

5.Moo 20-12-2033 >> 16-03-2034 6.Mar 16-03-2034 >> 15-05-2034

7.Rah 15-05-2034 >> 18-10-2034 8.Jup 18-10-2034 >> 04-03-2035

9.Sat 04-03-2035 >> 15-08-2035

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 15-08-2035 >> 09-09-2035 2.Ven 09-09-2035 >> 19-11-2035

3.Sun 19-11-2035 >> 11-12-2035 4.Moo 11-12-2035 >> 15-01-2036

5.Mar 15-01-2036 >> 09-02-2036 6.Rah 09-02-2036 >> 13-04-2036

7.Jup 13-04-2036 >> 09-06-2036 8.Sat 09-06-2036 >> 15-08-2036

9.Mer 15-08-2036 >> 14-10-2036

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 14-10-2036 >> 20-10-2036 2.Moo 20-10-2036 >> 29-10-2036

3.Mar 29-10-2036 >> 04-11-2036 4.Rah 04-11-2036 >> 21-11-2036

5.Jup 21-11-2036 >> 06-12-2036 6.Sat 06-12-2036 >> 23-12-2036

7.Mer 23-12-2036 >> 07-01-2037 8.Ket 07-01-2037 >> 14-01-2037

9.Ven 14-01-2037 >> 01-02-2037

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 01-02-2037 >> 16-02-2037 2.Mar 16-02-2037 >> 27-02-2037

3.Rah 27-02-2037 >> 26-03-2037 4.Jup 26-03-2037 >> 20-04-2037

5.Sat 20-04-2037 >> 19-05-2037 6.Mer 19-05-2037 >> 13-06-2037

7.Ket 13-06-2037 >> 24-06-2037 8.Ven 24-06-2037 >> 25-07-2037

9.Sun 25-07-2037 >> 03-08-2037


Dasa : Surya Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 03-08-2037 >> 10-08-2037 2.Rah 10-08-2037 >> 29-08-2037

3.Jup 29-08-2037 >> 15-09-2037 4.Sat 15-09-2037 >> 06-10-2037

5.Mer 06-10-2037 >> 24-10-2037 6.Ket 24-10-2037 >> 31-10-2037

7.Ven 31-10-2037 >> 21-11-2037 8.Sun 21-11-2037 >> 28-11-2037

9.Moo 28-11-2037 >> 09-12-2037

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 09-12-2037 >> 27-01-2038 2.Jup 27-01-2038 >> 12-03-2038

3.Sat 12-03-2038 >> 03-05-2038 4.Mer 03-05-2038 >> 18-06-2038

5.Ket 18-06-2038 >> 07-07-2038 6.Ven 07-07-2038 >> 31-08-2038

7.Sun 31-08-2038 >> 17-09-2038 8.Moo 17-09-2038 >> 14-10-2038

9.Mar 14-10-2038 >> 02-11-2038

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Guru

1.Jup 02-11-2038 >> 11-12-2038 2.Sat 11-12-2038 >> 26-01-2039

3.Mer 26-01-2039 >> 09-03-2039 4.Ket 09-03-2039 >> 26-03-2039

5.Ven 26-03-2039 >> 14-05-2039 6.Sun 14-05-2039 >> 28-05-2039

7.Moo 28-05-2039 >> 22-06-2039 8.Mar 22-06-2039 >> 09-07-2039

9.Rah 09-07-2039 >> 21-08-2039

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Sani

1.Sat 21-08-2039 >> 15-10-2039 2.Mer 15-10-2039 >> 04-12-2039

3.Ket 04-12-2039 >> 24-12-2039 4.Ven 24-12-2039 >> 20-02-2040

5.Sun 20-02-2040 >> 08-03-2040 6.Moo 08-03-2040 >> 06-04-2040

7.Mar 06-04-2040 >> 26-04-2040 8.Rah 26-04-2040 >> 17-06-2040

9.Jup 17-06-2040 >> 02-08-2040

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Budha

1.Mer 02-08-2040 >> 15-09-2040 2.Ket 15-09-2040 >> 04-10-2040

3.Ven 04-10-2040 >> 24-11-2040 4.Sun 24-11-2040 >> 10-12-2040

5.Moo 10-12-2040 >> 05-01-2041 6.Mar 05-01-2041 >> 23-01-2041

7.Rah 23-01-2041 >> 10-03-2041 8.Jup 10-03-2041 >> 21-04-2041

9.Sat 21-04-2041 >> 09-06-2041


Dasa : Surya Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 09-06-2041 >> 16-06-2041 2.Ven 16-06-2041 >> 08-07-2041

3.Sun 08-07-2041 >> 14-07-2041 4.Moo 14-07-2041 >> 25-07-2041

5.Mar 25-07-2041 >> 01-08-2041 6.Rah 01-08-2041 >> 20-08-2041

7.Jup 20-08-2041 >> 06-09-2041 8.Sat 06-09-2041 >> 27-09-2041

9.Mer 27-09-2041 >> 15-10-2041

Dasa : Surya Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 15-10-2041 >> 15-12-2041 2.Sun 15-12-2041 >> 02-01-2042

3.Moo 02-01-2042 >> 01-02-2042 4.Mar 01-02-2042 >> 23-02-2042

5.Rah 23-02-2042 >> 18-04-2042 6.Jup 18-04-2042 >> 06-06-2042

7.Sat 06-06-2042 >> 03-08-2042 8.Mer 03-08-2042 >> 24-09-2042

9.Ket 24-09-2042 >> 15-10-2042

Dasa : Chandra Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 15-10-2042 >> 09-11-2042 2.Mar 09-11-2042 >> 27-11-2042

3.Rah 27-11-2042 >> 12-01-2043 4.Jup 12-01-2043 >> 21-02-2043

5.Sat 21-02-2043 >> 11-04-2043 6.Mer 11-04-2043 >> 24-05-2043

7.Ket 24-05-2043 >> 10-06-2043 8.Ven 10-06-2043 >> 31-07-2043

9.Sun 31-07-2043 >> 15-08-2043

Dasa : Chandra Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 15-08-2043 >> 28-08-2043 2.Rah 28-08-2043 >> 29-09-2043

3.Jup 29-09-2043 >> 27-10-2043 4.Sat 27-10-2043 >> 30-11-2043

5.Mer 30-11-2043 >> 30-12-2043 6.Ket 30-12-2043 >> 11-01-2044

7.Ven 11-01-2044 >> 16-02-2044 8.Sun 16-02-2044 >> 27-02-2044

9.Moo 27-02-2044 >> 15-03-2044

Dasa : Chandra Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 15-03-2044 >> 06-06-2044 2.Jup 06-06-2044 >> 18-08-2044

3.Sat 18-08-2044 >> 12-11-2044 4.Mer 12-11-2044 >> 29-01-2045

5.Ket 29-01-2045 >> 02-03-2045 6.Ven 02-03-2045 >> 01-06-2045

7.Sun 01-06-2045 >> 29-06-2045 8.Moo 29-06-2045 >> 13-08-2045

9.Mar 13-08-2045 >> 14-09-2045


Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Someare formed by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiarplacement of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancientastrological texts. While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects. The importantcombinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it can have on you.

Ruchaka Yoga

Logic: Mars in kendra position in own house.

As a result of Ruchaka Yoga, you will be physically attractive, and strong. You will be a man of commendablecharacter. You will be drawn to the police, military or any other disciplined force or organization. Regardless ofyour profession or background, you will enjoy wealth and prosperity. You are generous and charitable. Yourlife span is over 70. You will be drawn to, and value the importance of, tradition and history.

Akhanda Samrajya Yoga

Logic: Lagna in a fixed sign, second lord strongly placed in Chandra kendra and Jupiter is fifth lord.

This yoga gives you the power to rule over men and matters.

Sunabha Yoga

Logic: Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the second house from Moon.

Sunabha Yoga is formed when the second house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venusor Saturn either alone or together. Men born with Sunabha Yoga will naturally become wealthy, intelligent andfamous. They delight in the pleasures of sound and sight. They are generally self-made men.

Anabha Yoga

Logic: Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the 12th. from Moon.

Anabha Yoga is formed when the 12th house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus orSaturn either alone or together. Anabha Yoga makes a man wealthy and happy, and gives him uncompromisingethics and standards. You will be physically appealing. You are polite, generous and kind. You will be interestedin appearing well-groomed. You will pay attention to your wife's clothing and appearance.

Dhurudhura Yoga

Logic: Both Anabha and Sunabha yoga are present.

Dhurudhura Yoga results when both Sunabha and Anabha Yogas are present in a horoscope. Since you havethis yoga, you will be a wealthy man. You will never experience shortage of money. You will have vehicles.Your natural qualities are those of kindness and nobility. You will probably be famous. This will not spoil yournatural qualities of being kind and noble.


Gajakesari Yoga

Logic: Jupiter in a kendra from Moon.

Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter is positioned well with respect to the Moon. Astrologically, men bornwith Kesari Yoga are considered especially lucky. Wealth, prosperity and success are natural to them. KesariYoga overpowers the evil effects of many yogas such as Kemudhruma Yoga, if present in your horoscope. Youcan normally expect a long and successful life. You are strong-willed and even inflexible at times. Your wifeand assistants will have a hard time changing your mind once it is made up.

Vasumathi Yoga

Logic: Jupiter, Venus and mercury are in upachaya position from Lagna or Moon.

Vasumath Yoga gives a person wealth and prosperity.

Amala Yoga

Logic: Tenth house from Moon or Lagna occupied by benefic.

As you are a boy born with Amala Yoga, you will enjoy lasting fame and wealth. You will be respected in thecommunity for your purity of thought and action. You will lead a prosperous life. You will be known for yourethical nature in all situations.

Parvatha Yoga

Logic: Lord of lagna and lord of 12th house in mutually kendra position.

You will become wealthy, prosperous, liberal, charitable,humerous and head of an institution,town orvillage.You will be passionate also.

Dwigraha Yoga

Logic: Two planets are situated in the same house Surya,Shukra are in Tenth house

You will be able to act wisely in practical situations. Pay more attention to moral values and practices. Ratherthan seeking the help of others, try to use your own brains and skills to earn money.


Check for Moudhyam (combustion)When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very badeffects. Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun areconsidered to be in Moudhyam.

There are no planets in Moudhyam in this horoscope

Graha Yuddha (Planetary war)

Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other.Although there are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followedhere is that : Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.

There are no planets in graha yuddha in this horoscope.

Summary of Grahavastha

Planet Exaltation / Debilitation Combustion Graha Yuddha Retrograde Baladi Avastha

Moo Mritavastha

Sun Vridhavastha

Mer Exalted Mritavastha

Ven Retrograde Kumaravastha

Mar Vridhavastha

Jup Exalted Balavastha

Sat Retrograde Yuvavastha


AshtakaVarga PredictionsAshtakavarga

Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based uponplanetary positions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planetsexcluding the nodes of the Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensityof their influence depends upon the location of other planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full pointsare assigned to each planet. They can obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plotted on differentsigns in a chart, determine the possibility of a transiting planet in inducing auspicious or other effects during itssojourn in a particular sign. Events and their timings are to a large extent determined by the positioning ofparticular points. Depending on their negative or positive influences the native can take remedial measures orpre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware of the likely consequences. To be forewarned is to beforearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to help condition mans mind to the possibilities of hisfuture.

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Mesha 6 3 4 3 2 5 3 26

Vrishabha 4 4 4 5 3 7 4 31

Mithuna 4 4 7 5 5 5 4 34

Karkata 5 4 4 5 2 4* 3 27

Simha 4 5* 5 2* 3 6 6 31

Kanya 3 4 5* 4 3 6 3 28

Tula 4* 2 2 4 2 3 1 18

Vrischika 2 5 6 6 4* 4 3 30

Dhanu 4 4 6 4 5 4 2 29

Makara 6 4 4 5 5 3 4 31

Kumbha 3 5 4 4 2 7 3 28

Meena 4 4 3 5 3 2 3* 24

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

*Planetary Position.

Lagna in Vrischika.

Moon's Ashtakavarga

Your luck with the influence of the moon is due to the presence of four Bindus in your chart. You will begenerally regarded as a lucky mascot or the harbinger of good fortune. This influence may be responsible forthe prosperity your household is likely to enjoy.

Sun's Ashtakavarga

The sun has five Bindus in its ashtakavarga and this will bless you with the learned company of pious persons.You will seek and acquire knowledge and have access to the best education. Your attainments will be widelyacclaimed. You will never be in want for fine clothes. There appears to be occasions to celebrate due to the


younger generation or children.

Mercury's Ashtakavarga

Lucky you to be favoured by Mercury's ashtakavarga with the presence of five Bindus. You will top thepopularity charts with your warm and friendly nature. Your ability to put yourself in others shoes andunderstand the other persons point of view will give you an edge in establishing good relationships with all.

Venus' Ashtakavarga

You look but do not see. You search but do not find. Restless and directionless are the characteristics that thepresence of two Bindus in Venus' ashtakavarga outline for you. You are likely to travel without a purpose andtherefore without result. Counsel with successful people to teach you goal orientation.

Mars' Ashtakavarga

You are fortunate to have the presence of four Bindus in the ashtakavarga of Mars on your chart. Thispositioning helps to mitigate the detrimental effects of the planets endowing you with equal proportions of goodand bad fortune.You may not have the chance for excessive jubilation but neither will you sink into the abyss ofdeep sorrow.

Jupiter's Ashtakavarga

For some reason the downs in your life seem to be evened out with an up everytime. The presence of fourBindus in Jupiter's ashtakavarga in your chart could be influencing the circumstances of your life in thismanner. It should be counted as a blessing since wild fluctuations in situations could create havoc with mentalpeace.

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

Relationship problems will be the thorn in your side. There are three Bindus in Saturn's ashtakavarga whichpoint to family disharmony, unhappiness due to domestic discord and sufferings on account of children.Matters will be compouded by financial challenges. Learning prudent saving habits and money managementcould reduce a good amount of your burden.

Sarvashtakavarga Predictions

The presence of 30 bindus in the Lagna and 3rd house indicates a strong possibility of your career in a positionof power and authority. You could enjoy favours including riches from the King, government or royalty, forservices rendered. You will be respected and looked up to by the people around you.

The significance of the greatest number of Bindus in your chart appearing in Vrischika to Kumba cannot beundermined. Blessed are those on whom fortune smiles during the twilight years of life. Regardless of whatmight have happened in your life earlier, rewards await you in old age. The planets conspire to eliminatestresses and tensions of finances and health and lead you towards the peaceful enjoyment of retirement andgrand-parenthood.

When most people are struggling to establish themselves in their businesses or careers, your planets (with the4th and 9th houses having 25 to 30 bindus), are partial to you in favour of success. You are likely to beendowed with riches around your 28th year or thereafter allowing you a lifestyle that is a cut above the rest ofyour ilk. Enjoy the benevolence with an attitude of gratitude and take good care of your fortune.

At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortuneturns for the better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat forhigher education if you have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth,recognition and fame for your professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you theideal mate and marital togetherness will bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This isthe stage of life that will be one of the most rewarding for you.


In your case this special periods comes in your 27, 31 and 28 years of age.


Transit forecast

Name : Akshay Kumar (Male)

Birth Rasi : Tula

Birth Star : Vishakha

Position of planets on : 8-June-2020

Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. Themovements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may beopposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of thedynamics at work by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, isa blend of the following predictions.

Transit of Sun

The Sun takes about a month to transit through one sign.

( 15-May-2020 >> 14-June-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Eighth house.

Somehow an element of anxiety invades your character at this time. You feel more insecure about your abilities.Additionally, your erratic food habits will upset your stomach. You may have misunderstandings with yourwife, or lover. Irritation may be caused by weakness, and therefore you should get a complete physical. Thefear of being inefficient will adversely affect your performance.

( 14-June-2020 >> 14-July-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Ninth house.

You are impatient at this time, especially since things do not occur as quickly as you would like. You are alsoconcerned about the well-being of loved ones. You may be waiting for information that is slow in coming. Youmay be tempted to give in to cravings. However, at this time you have to trust your conscience and depend onyour intuition.

( 14-July-2020 >> 13-August-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Tenth house.

You are again in a favorable period. You appear to be a self-confident man, and you will start projecting thesense of relief you feel. You will gain in many ways. Your success will be a matter of pride for your entirefamily. You will meet important and influential people. Your wife be more appreciative of you at this time andyou will draw inspiration from her.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effectof this planet.

( 31-March-2020 >> 30-June-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Fourth house.

You will be more concerned about the nature of your relationships with those you love, as well as about theirhealth. You may find that you have to listen to and advise people. You might not have as much money as youwould like. However, you do manage these problems adequately.


( 1-July-2020 >> 20-November-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Third house.

You have to face problems in your office or organization. You may find the need to budget your resources wellto get you over the current financial crisis. You will have the fortitude to face the obstacles that appear beforeyou. Jupiter's influence is not favorable at this time. You may wish to move, either to a new job, or to a newhome. You may face competition at work.

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions it givespowerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

( 25-January-2020 >> 29-April-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Fourth house.

You may suffer from physical problems or anxiety at this time. You are more worried than you need to be. Youhave to maintain your optimism. You may have to travel during this period, or move away from home for awhile. There might be tension within the home. You have to work particularly hard to keep up the spirits ofthose you love.

( 30-April-2022 >> 12-July-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Fifth house.

You may have problems due to children during this period. You may have to distance yourself from people youenjoy being with; but, this separation will probably be brief. The transit of Saturn will soon be favorable foryou. You will suddenly be more financially secure.


Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts

Planet Star Star Lord Sub Lord Sub-Sub Lord

Lagnam Anuradha Sani Budha Guru

Chandra Vishakha Guru Shukra Sani

Surya Purvaphalguni Shukra Sani Budha

Budha Utaraphalguni Surya Budha Surya

Shukra Makha Ketu Rahu Budha

Kuja Anuradha Sani Budha Shukra

Guru Ashlesha Budha Sani Shukra

Sani Revati Budha Budha Surya

Rahu Aswini Ketu Rahu Budha

Ketu Chitra Kuja Chandra Surya

Maandi Utaraphalguni Surya Guru Surya

Nirayana Longitudes (Summary) ( Deg. Min. Sec. )

Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada

Lagnam Vrischika 6:53:21 Anuradha / 2 Guru Karkata 28:56:32 Ashlesha / 4

Chandra Tula 28:15:3 Vishakha / 3 Sani Meena 17:22:37R Revati / 1

Surya Simha 22:29:55 Purvaphalguni / 3 Rahu Mesha 6:36:41 Aswini / 2

Budha Kanya 5:52:55 Utaraphalguni / 3 Ketu Tula 6:36:41 Chitra / 4

Shukra Simha 6:41:32R Makha / 3 Maandi Kanya 2:23:52 Utaraphalguni / 2

Kuja Vrischika 6:4:29 Anuradha / 1


UpagrahaCorresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars,Rahu and Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun as follows.

Dhumadi Group of Sub-Planets

Planet Upagraha Method of Calculation

Mars Dhuma Longitude of Sun + 133 Deg. 20 Min.

Rahu Vyatipata (Pata) 360 - Dhuma

Moon Parivesh (Paridhi) 180 + Vyatipata (Pata)

Venus Indrachapa (Kodanda) 360 - Parivesh (Paridhi)

Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa (Kodanda) + 16 Deg. 40 Min.

The sub-planets of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and an additional sub-planet of Mars are calculated based onthe division of day or night into eight equal parts.

The first part belongs to the lord of the day, followed by the remaining lords of the week in cyclic order. Theeight part is lordless.In the case of birth at night, out of the eight equal parts, the first seven are allotted to thelords of the planets starting from the 5th. weekday.

Two different methods are popularly adopted for finding the longitude.In the first method an ascendant iscalculated for the beginning of the period ruled by the planet. In the second method, the end of the period istaken.

In the case of Gulika, the sub-planet of Saturn, a third method is also available to calculate the longitude of thedhumadi group of subplanets based on fixed values of rise time as given below.The value calculated thus istermed MAANDI in Astro-Vision Horoscope and presented along with the principal planets in the Rasi Chart.

Days Birth during day Birth during night

Sunday 26 Ghati (Nazhika) 10 Ghati (Nazhika)

Monday 22 6

Tuesday 18 2

Wednesday 14 26

Thursday 10 22

Friday 6 18

Saturday 2 14


Gulikadi groupMethod selected : Ascendant at period start

Planet Upagraha Period start Period End

Sun Kala 7:45:26 9:19:49

Mercury Ardhaprahara 12:28:34 14:2:56

Mars Mrityu 10:54:11 12:28:34

Jupiter Yamakantaka 14:2:56 15:37:19

Saturn Gulika 6:11:4 7:45:26


Upagraha Longitudes

Upagraha Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in Rasi Deg:Min:Sec Star Pada

Kala 161:53:39 Kanya 11:53:39 Hasta 1

Ardhaprahara 221:51:28 Vrischika 11:51:28 Anuradha 3

Mrityu 202:3:5 Tula 22:3:5 Vishakha 1

Yamakantaka 242:20:23 Dhanu 2:20:23 Moola 1

Gulika 141:34:2 Simha 21:34:2 Purvaphalguni 3

Parivesh 264:10:5 Dhanu 24:10:5 Purvashada 4

Indrachapa 95:49:55 Karkata 5:49:55 Pushya 1

Vyatipata 84:10:5 Mithuna 24:10:5 Punarvasu 2

Upaketu 112:29:55 Karkata 22:29:55 Ashlesha 2

Dhuma 275:49:55 Makara 5:49:55 Uttarashada 3


Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas

Upagraha Star Star Lord Sub Lord Sub-Sub Lord

Kala Hasta Chandra Rahu Rahu

Ardhaprahara Anuradha Sani Chandra Ketu

Mrityu Vishakha Guru Sani Sani

Yamakantaka Moola Ketu Shukra Sani

Gulika Purvaphalguni Shukra Guru Kuja

Parivesh Purvashada Shukra Budha Budha

Indrachapa Pushya Sani Budha Shukra

Vyatipata Punarvasu Guru Budha Ketu

Upaketu Ashlesha Budha Chandra Rahu

Dhuma Uttarashada Surya Budha Surya


Shodasavarga Table

Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa


8: 7 5 6: 5 8: 4: 12: 1 7 6:


4: 4: 4: 4: 5 4: 5 5 5 5 4:


8: 3 1 6: 5 8: 12: 4: 1 7 6:


8: 4: 11 6: 5 8: 1 6: 1 7 6:


3 1 10: 1 6: 3 4: 10: 2: 8: 12:


6: 3 7 11 3 5 12: 9 2: 8: 10:


6: 4: 12: 3 7 6: 9 1 3 9 2:


10: 6: 1 8: 7 10: 3 6: 3 9 6:


8: 4: 4: 12: 8: 8: 4: 6: 4: 4: 10:


1 7 11 8: 1 1 8: 4: 5 5 6:


9 3 10: 8: 10: 8: 3 5 10: 10: 5


4: 8: 9 9 7 3 12: 1 6: 12: 6:


6: 7 3 6: 11 6: 8: 12: 11 11 2:


4: 2: 6: 2: 9 3 9 6: 9 9 10:


3 7 2: 5 3 2: 8: 11 10: 10: 12:



9 3 1 5 6: 8: 1 10: 2: 8: 10:

Ojarasi Count

5 9 9 6 12 5 7 6 9 9 1

1-Mesha 2-Vrishabha 3-Mithuna 4-Karkata 5-Simha 6-Kanya 7-Tula 8-Vrischika 9-Dhanu10-Makara 11-Kumbha 12-Meena



Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total


6 3 4 3 2 5 3 26


4 4 4 5 3 7 4 31


4 4 7 5 5 5 4 34


5 4 4 5 2 4 3 27


4 5 5 2 3 6 6 31


3 4 5 4 3 6 3 28


4 2 2 4 2 3 1 18


2 5 6 6 4 4 3 30


4 4 6 4 5 4 2 29


6 4 4 5 5 3 4 31


3 5 4 4 2 7 3 28


4 4 3 5 3 2 3 24

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337


Shadbala Summary Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Total Shadbala

356.29 566.77 503.41 386.15 397.81 463.08 355.67

Total Shadbala in Rupas

5.94 9.45 8.39 6.44 6.63 7.72 5.93

Minimum Requirement

6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00

Shadbala Ratio

0.99 1.89 1.20 1.17 1.33 1.19 1.19

Relative Rank

7 1 3 6 2 4 5


Ishta Phala / Kashta Phala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ishta Phala

5.88 23.44 25.00 30.17 32.45 22.51 23.78

Kashta Phala

47.17 33.43 12.21 15.71 27.54 20.03 19.80


Bhava Bala Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bhavadhipati Bala

397.81 463.08 355.67 355.67 463.08 397.81 386.15 503.41 356.29 566.77 503.41 386.15

Bhava Digbala

0 50.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 40.00 50.00

Bhavadrishti Bala

52.11 85.78 42.20 69.29 90.34 99.33 35.14 -14.02 -9.01 -1.26 -4.97 18.36

Total Bhava Bala

449.92 598.86 407.87 454.96 603.42 517.14 451.29 499.39 357.28 625.51 538.44 454.51

Bhava Bala in Rupas

7.50 9.98 6.80 7.58 10.06 8.62 7.52 8.32 5.95 10.43 8.97 7.58

Relative Rank

10 3 11 7 2 5 9 6 12 1 4 8


ClickAstro In-Depth Horoscope

With best wishes : Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

First Floor, White Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032

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Note:This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received sofar. We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken onthe basis of this report.