HOPE Presentation

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of HOPE Presentation

HOPE National Breast Cancer Awareness and Screening Campaign

Kingdom of Bahrain


Pink to Blink


Pink to Blink

• Breast Cancer is the most common and deadly Cancer in Women. Unfortunately, vast majority of patients are diagnosed in an advanced stage. Many Risk factors contribute in the disease developing .

• It has been reported that 70% of Breast Cancer Patents in Bahrain were younger age group with high risk of

developing Breast Cancer. Patients with Genetic Mutation (BRCA-1, BRCA-2) and Familial History were 30%-40% at high risk to be attacked by the disease.

• Survivors’ Quality of Life is impaired by the risk of Metastases, Mastectomy, Fatigability, Deteriorated

Emotional and Psychosocial Activities due to Hair Loss and Arm Symptoms. • In 2012, Bahrain Bulletin reported that the Incidence of Early BC Patients Detection was higher than

advanced cases due to improved awareness; Nevertheless, more efforts should be done. • The Campaign would be done under the patronage of His Majesty , Sheikh Khaled Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa ,

First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports and Chairman of Bahrain Athletics.

• Sheikh Khaled had an inspiring initiative in 2013 to swim from KSA to Bahrain to support cancer patients spiritually .


• Establish the First Organized long-term Breast Cancer Awareness and Screening Campaign on National Level in collaboration with Roche.

• Enhance diagnosis and early detection from PHCs to oncology center through a systematic process with improved patients ‘ access.

• Improve Community Knowledge regarding disease signs , symptoms , diagnosis and prevention.

• Optimize oncology nurses education to benchmark patients’ disease awareness and adapt clear guidelines to manage Roche oncology portfolio side effects


Pink to Blink

Overall Objectives

Objectives: • Announce the National Awareness and Screening Campaign to Media and Public. • Deliver the importance of early detection concept as a fundamental mean of prevention. • Gather TAEs ,Stakeholders and Policy Makers as one team against breast cancer .

Process: • The Event will be organized under the patronage of his Majesty Sheikh Khaled Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa ,

engaging the expected campaign co-sponsors and partners (Ministry of Health , Ministry of Social Development , NGOs,…etc )

• Sounding , catchy Logo and Slogan for the Campaign to enhance participation. • The Event expected to be arranged in one of the big parks, k with a 5 KMs Route. • The event will be open to public, branded with Pink T-shirts titled by Pink To Blink and Fasten Your Pink


Roche Role: • 200 Non-Branded T-shirts through a sponsorship to the oncology department (Roche logo . Campaign Logo )

for Walk-A-Thon participants ( 400 BHD) =1000 CHF • The cost might be sponsored by Shikh Khaled office as well as other expenses . • The Walk-A-Thon operations and arrangement are expected to be done through Sheikh Khaled’s office.

Time Frame: • Late October


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PHASE I : Walkathon (Kick-off)

• Healthcare centres have the fundamental role in the early detection process as they are the 1s point of contact and diagnosis of candidates. Family physicians and Nurses’ scientific knowledge significantly

affects Women emotional, practical and informational needs. The Presence of Patient Navigators, speaking the same language and having same culture is very essential in optimizing early detection rates and

overcome Psychosocial Distress and Access Challenge

Partners: • MOH (Oncology Training Committee)

• Salmaniya Breast Cancer Weekly Clinic

• PHCs (Family Doctors and Patient Navigators in 5 PHCs )

• Mammogram Centres (Per Each Geographical Governorate )

• Medical Oncologist /Onco-surgeon (Speakers )


Pink to Blink

Phase II: Train the Trainer

Objectives : • Educate Family physicians (GPs) on BC disease background, systematic symptoms, and means of diagnosis,

prevention and treatment.

• Organize the Patient Navigators Network to deliver an effective and efficient awareness message to PHCs visitors and allow smooth access to candidates to disease knowledge, mammogram and consequent steps of detection .

• Establish a hotline to receive public quires and questions about the disease knowledge campaign information , process and methodology , appointments ,…etc .

Roche Role: • Sponsoring 2 educative meetings ( Medical Sponsorship) for GPs and nurses.

Expected number of attendees (40-50 ) = 825 BHD = 2000 CHF

• Contract Agreement with (Medical Oncologist /Onco-Surgeon ) to educate GPs and Nurses

Expected duration of 2 lectures = 4 hrs

Honorarium of Consultant (FMV) =150 X 4 =600 BHD = 1500 CHF

• Sponsoring the printing of awareness and educational materials = 1750 CHF

Time Frame : • Mid-Late November


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Phase II: Train the Trainer

Description: • In Collaboration with the MOH, the PHCs Top Management will assign 5 Healthcare Centres from each

Governorate, taking in consideration the Geographical Distribution.

• PHCs Top Management will assign 2 Experienced and Qualified Family Physicians from each Healthcare Centre PLUS a Knowledgeable and Qualified Nurse as a Patient Navigator

• Assigned GPs will be invited to 2 Scientific Educative Session about Breast Cancer. Session will be presented

by an (Oncologist / Onco-Surgeon )to deliver better understanding of disease background , systematic symptoms, staging , treatment and prevention .

• Assigned Nurses (Patient Navigators Network) will take the Responsibility of Orientation to PHCs Visitors

through the patient education Materials and awareness videos presented by MOH .Navigators will be in link to the Principal Oncology Centre Patient Navigator (Mrs Rabab Habib ).

Roche Role: • Sponsoring 2 educative meetings ( Medical Sponsorship) for GPs and nurses


Pink to Blink

Phase II: Train the Trainer

Partners: • MOH (Oncology Training Committee)

• Salmaniya Breast Cancer Weekly Clinic

• Ministry of Social Development

• Ministry of Youth.

• Co-Partners and Sponsors.

• Media , TV , Journals ,..etc

Objectives: • Deliver the Essentiality of BC Early Detection in Different Public Segment.

• Improve Public Awareness and Broaden the Spectrum of the National Screening Campaign.

• Share BC Survivors Experience to Modify the disease perception from being killing to be beatable . and curable. HOPE

Pink to Blink

Phase III: Public Call

Our Vision: • In Collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development,, the Ministry Top Management will assign 4

potential Social Centres , taking in consideration the Geographical Distribution.

• The Sessions will be Educational through Awareness Booklets Distribution and Social through sharing BC Survivors Stories ( Testimonials ) To Effectively change the disease perception.

• Educate Candidates of Self-Examination on regular basis to encourage Early Detection .

• Mrs Rabab (The Oncology Centre Patient Navigator ) in collaboration with other partners will take the responsibility of the activity and engage other cancer survivors into public sessions .

Time Frame: • End of November


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Phase III: Public Call


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Phase IV: Media Create belief and generate excitement in the public domain


• Media office of His Majesty Sheikh Khaled Bun Hamad

• Public relation , Salmaniya Medical Complex .

Target Audiences :

• Journalists , authors , editors , policy makers

Time Frame :

• Mid Oct- End Nov


Pink to Blink

Objectives : • Enhance campaign publicity during various phases to reach the largest scale of women in Bahrain. • Create several communicable channels (TV Shows, newspapers , radio broadcasting programs , ..etc ) that

deliver balanced , consistent educational disease awareness and inspiring messages to community. • Encourage society to understand their health and emerging health technologies . • Educate journalists and authors about breast cancer disease knowledge to shift cancer perception from

being a killing disease to a curable one through simple and concise wording. • Establish peer-to-peer relationship with media stakeholders to integrate new means of communicating

future cancer innovations .

Roche Role: • Support medical information and medical educational materials that could be required by stakeholders to

improve public awareness.

Phase IV: Media Create belief and generate excitement in the public domain


Pink to Blink

A) Publication Plan :

• One single story , related to breast cancer disease knowledge will be conveyed to public on weekly basis and over a period of 8 weeks to elaborate :

Disease general knowledge

Signs , symptoms , types and risk factors

Diagnosis , early detection and screening .

Factors impacting cancer prevention .

Cancer survivors stories and patient testimonials

Treatment ( Surgery , Radiation and CT )

New innovative treatments in breast cancer

• Media channels ( TV channels , Arabic and English newspapers) in Bahrain will be selected for campaign publicity and create a link between community and disease literature through simple , concise and balanced literature of disease knowledge .

Phase IV: Media Create belief and generate excitement in the public domain


Pink to Blink

B) Media Disease Education :

• Breast Cancer Disease education to journalists , authors , cancer advocates and policy makers .

• Elaborate basics of dealing with Media release of new innovative medications in order to select studies deserve public attention .

• Educate the difference between observational studies , cross-functional and RCTs in quality outcomes ,design and endpoints

• Encourage target audience s to communicate clinically –oriented researches (Patient-oriented research , epidemiological and behavioral researches ,..etc )

• Refer Journalists to utilize experts’ consultation to provide guidance of worthy studies that should be covered .

• Target specific audiences including journalists , policy makers and women communities .

• Target audiences :

Journalists , authors , editors and TV announcers

Policy makers

Bahrain influencers

Women communities

Phase IV: Media Create belief and generate excitement in the public domain


Pink to Blink

Time Frame :


• Breast Cancer disease awareness

• Signs, symptoms ,diagnosis and treatment

• Media coverage of Public activities in collaboration to social developments

• Cancer Survivors stories

• Early detection and prevention

• Treatment Plans ( Surgery , Radiation and Chemotherapy )

• Breast Cancer Innovations for better patients’ outcomes .

Phase IV: Media Create belief and generate excitement in the public domain


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Phase V: The ONE_Wave II

Partners: • Oncology Training Committee (Dr Hussain Isameel ,Dr Jaffer Tooq ,Mrs Rabab Habib)

• Hoffmann La Roche Pharmaceutical Company _Mr Khaled Ghozlan_Medical Science Liaison )

Objectives: • Adopt Comprehensive Educational Program to Oncology Nurses to Empower their Awareness in Various Tumor

Types, Especially Breast Cancer • Educate Nurses on Reliable Means to Manage Side Effects of Potential Breast Cancer Treatment.

• Establish strong Nursing Models with high capabilities to Prevent Avoidable Complications and Deliver Quality

Care to Patients • Enhance Patients 'Optimal Treatment Duration by Minimizing treatment events discontinuation, suspension or interruption due to Side Effects Improper Management.


Pink to Blink

Our Vision : • 6 Comprehensive Educational Presentations on Potential Types of Cancers, Especially Breast Cancer. • Displaying Means to Manage Side Effects Resulted From Potential Breast Cancer Treatment.

• Improve Nurses’ Disease Background in Various Tumor Types that Could be Associated with Breast

Cancer in Advanced Stages (Colon , Lung , Ovarian , Brain and Lymphoma)

• The WAVE II will be organized as per the successful Running of WAVE I and as per the Good Feedback and Signs Resulted From the Evaluation Sheet distributed after the activity.

Time Frame: • Mid November –Late December

Roche Role : Medical Sponsorships of 6 sessions . Each session costs 370 CHF . Total contribution is 2230 CHF.

Phase V: The ONE_Wave II


Pink to Blink

KPIs :

• Number of GPs participated in Phase II to receive the educational disease awareness Sessions of breast cancer . • Number of calls received by the hotline management • Number of Participants in the Walk-A-THON to reflect campaign’s publicity .

• Number of educational flyers distributed in the whole campaign phases . • Number of candidates referred as per the process from the health center to the breast cancer Clinic ( Onco-Surgeon ) in SMC . • Number of patients diagnosed as breast Cancer patient as per the process and hence , the Number of HER 2 testing sponsored by Roche . • Number of articles published in newspapers , impacting the campaign value .

• Campaign impact to improve cancer care delivery in Bahrain to do now what patients Might need next . (in

terms of treatment innovations knowledge in BC ) ,

Doing now what patients need next