
Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponoponoBy Soul Tran Sync


What is Ho’oponopono? Ho'oponopono is a

Hawaiian word for the phrase, "making things right".

Ho'oponopono is more than just a word or phrase; it is a process of setting things right or bringing oneself to balance. Ho’oponopono

What does It includes? It includes fixing wrong-doings by

correcting wrongs within the relationships you have and the wrongs within yourself.

This ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation has been a saving grace for many people around the world.


Ho’oponopono for Sickness…

Some people believe that sickness is followed by anger or other misconduct. To free themselves from the pains and worries that follow such actions, many turn to Ho'oponopono.


Traditional Ho'oponopono Practice

Usually conducted as a family, the traditional practice of Ho'oponopono opens with a prayer followed by an acknowledgment of the issue and the wrongdoing is discussed.

Those in the family discuss their emotions in relation to the problem being acknowledged.


Traditional Ho'oponopono Practice

This step is followed by confession, repentance, and finally forgiveness.

Cooperation and openness are important within the family or group in order fully work through problems and come to a place of peace and understanding.


Traditional Ho'oponopono Practice

The practice of Ho'oponopono can also be applied to non-family settings. In fact, some places in Hawaii use Ho'oponopono in juvenile and adult court systems.


Total Responsibility

Total responsibility is a big part of Ho'oponopono. This means accepting complete responsibility for each situation you encounter in life.


Total Responsibility

Total responsibility includes everything you feel, see, experience, and think. With this responsibility comes the ability to take control of what and perceive and how you perceive it.

Accepting the responsibility for the ‘problems' you have created, either consciously or subconsciously, and sincerely apologizing and asking for forgiveness allows for success in the practice of Ho'oponopono.


The End
