Honors world history project

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Honors world history project

1997Dolly The Sheep


Importance of Event

• Scientists in Scotland

have announced the

birth of the world's

first successfully

cloned mammal, Dolly

the sheep.

“It will enable us to study genetic diseases for which there is presently no cure”Dr Ian Wilmut, embryologist

Why Dolly is number 10…?

•More events have


•Old news.

estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.

Why Number 9….?

• One of the bigger events, but more had a bigger factor on the world

• Affected Africa in a way they will never forget

Virginia Tech Massacre

April 16, 2007

Importance of Event

• Deadliest shooting rampage in the nation's history.

• Killed 32 students, faculty and staff and left about 30 others injured.

• “ I'm really at a loss for words to explain or to understand the carnage that has visited our campus," said Charles

W. Steger, president of Virginia Tech

Why number 8…..?

• After the shooting led to more violence in our world.

• One of the most tragic events in U.S

Northeast Blackout

Importance of Event

• 50 million people affected by the blackout

• The outage affected a wide swath of territory in the U.S. and Canada

"Less than 30 hours ago, we had lost more than 85 percent of power in New York state, and now it is virtually back." said Pataki

Why number 7…..?

• World’s biggest blackout that affected more then you know.

• People were stranded in 90 degree weather.

• People thought it would lead to a tradegy

Chile Earthquake

Importance of Event

• Destructive 8.8-magnitude earthquake left hundreds of people dead and a long swath of the country in smoky rubble.

• More than two dozen significant aftershocks struck the country.

Why number 6….?

• Hundreds of people affected .

• Losing everything.

• Scared for life.

Haiti Tsunami

Importance of Event

• The magnitude 7.0 quake the most powerful to hit Haiti in a century

• At least 10 aftershocks followed, including two in the magnitude 5 range.

"People are looking for their wives, looking for their husbands and their kids. It's scary."

Why number 5….?

• Affected all of Haiti.

• U.S helped recover

• Haiti is still trying to get things back to normal.

Importance of Event

• Inspectors had issued 840 safety citations against the Dotiki mine since January 2009.

• 29 miners dead, the worst U.S. mine disaster in decades.

"It's a terrible tragedy to have lost their lives in this occupation."

Why number 4….?

• Died in the work of duty.

• Left their families behind.

• Terrible tragedy that was never expected

2003 U.S & Allied Forces Invade



Launched missiles and bombs at targets in Iraq

"Coalition forces have begun

striking selected targets of

military importance to undermine

Saddam Hussein's ability to

wage war," Bush said.

Why Number 3…..?

Affected Americans. Losing family members, friends, and loved one. One of the important events in Untied States history that is still going on today.


• 4 planes are hijacked, 2 crash into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into the Pennsylvania countryside.

• 3,000 people are killed!

• “The pilots flew 'like a scalded ape,' topping 500 mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner." said Maj. Gen. Paul Weaver

• Most affected tragedy in the U.S.

• Thousands of people died for no reason.

• There were no warning signs.

• Still impacting the world

Oil Spill

Gulf of Mexico 2010

Importance of Event

• 5,000 barrels a day of oil are spilling into the gulf.

• The cost of the disaster continues to rise and could easily top $1 billion

"It's premature to say this is catastrophic. I will say this is very serious," said Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry

Why number 1….?

• Most affected tragedy

• Animals and humans

• Cost is extremely high

• Still spilling out oil right now