Homework Review Assignment #2 due tomorrow.. 9 th Grade Global History Review June 3, 2015.

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Transcript of Homework Review Assignment #2 due tomorrow.. 9 th Grade Global History Review June 3, 2015.


• Review Assignment #2 due tomorrow.

9th Grade Global History Review

June 3, 2015

I. Neolithic Revolution (10,000 B.C. – 3000 B.C.)

- People stop being nomadic, create the first permanent settlements (villages/cities). This leads to:

• The first governments and civilizations.

• The start of farming and domestication of animals.

II. Early River Valley Civilizations• Mesopotamia (Iraq) – Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

• Egypt – Nile River

• Indus River Valley / Harappan Civilization (India) – Indus and the Ganges Rivers.

• Ancient China – Huang He (Yellow) and Yangtze Rivers

Established near rivers because of the three F’s: Fertile soil, fresh water supply, food source.

III. Hammurabi’s Code

• Created in Mesopotamia by King Hammurabi of the Babylonian Empire.

• One of the first written codes of laws

• “Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

• Social classes were treated differently (rich were treated better than the poor, men were treated better than women).

IV. Ancient Greece• Geography: Very mountainous, leads Greece to be divided into

separate city-states.

• Sparta (militaristic, “jocks”) vs. Athens (artistic, intellectual, “nerds”)

• Athens had a direct democracy (citizens vote directly on all laws) under Pericles, great philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), amazing art and architecture that the United States has copied.

V. Ancient Rome • Originally a republic (representative democracy),

later becomes an Empire that conquers much of the world. Empire is united by a strong system of roads used for trade (similar to the Han Dynasty in China)

• Greatest contribution to western society – legal system (Twelve Tables).

VI. Hinduism (India) • Caste System (Varna) – Strict class system

• Reincarnation – When you die, your soul is born again in a different form.

• Karma: All the good and bad deeds you commit in your life

• Dharma: Duties that you owe to your caste.

Do your dharma to get good karma and move up in the varna (caste system)

VII. Confucianism (China)• Confucius: Philosopher in China who wants to create a

peaceful, orderly society.– People are naturally good. They should become educated

so they can work improve themselves and the world.

– People should accept their place in society (“The Five Relationships”). Children and young people should show respect for their parents and elders (filial piety).

Other major philosophy in China is Daoism (live in harmony with nature, “go with the flow.” Shintoism in Japan and animism in Africa also stress the importance of nature (both state that all living and nonliving things in nature are made up of spirits that need to be worshipped).

VIII. Buddhism (India / China)

• Founded by Siddartha Gautama (Buddha). Teaches the Four Nobles Truths: – All life is full of suffering– Suffering is caused by desire– The way to eliminate suffering is to eliminate desire.– Following the Eightfold Path will help people

overcome desire. – Goal: Nirvana (union with the universe and release

from the cycle of birth and death).

IX. Islam (followers are Muslims)• Monotheistic religion (just like Judaism and Christianity)

• Founded by Muhammad. Holy book in the Qur’an, people pray in mosques, follow the Five Pillars:– Faith in one god (Allah)– Praying five times a day in the direction of Mecca (city where

Muhammad was born)– Help the poor– Fast during the holy month of Ramadan – Visit the holy city of Mecca at least once in your lifetime (hajj).

• Muslim Empire in the Middle East (600’s-1200’s) preserves Greek and Roman knowledge, has major accomplishments in art, literature, philosophy, medicine and math (create algebra)

X. Africa - Bantu Migrations (500 B.C – 1500 AD)

• One of the largest migrations of people in history.

• Due to a shortage of land, the Bantu people scattered throughout southern Africa over the course of 2,000 years. As they moved, they spread three things:– Bantu language– Iron technology– Agricultural (farming) techniques.

Middle Ages in Europe (500’s-1400’s)• Collapse of strong central governments in Europe. The Church and Christianity

provide order and meaning in people’s lives.

• Political system: Feudalism (land is exchanged for military service and loyalty)

• Economic system: Manorialism (Lords lived on manors that were famed by serfs. Serfs are bound to the land and can’t leave).

• Major Event: Crusades (religious wars between Christians in Europe and the Muslims for the Holy Land of Jerusalem).