Homework 2

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Homework 2

CameraworkThe over the shoulder shot allows the audience to feel engaged within film as they can see what the characters see

The use of the two shot to show the main characters helps the audience to identify with them and they will connect with the characters and feel sympathy for them. Close-ups of the characters and setting are used throughout help to emphasise the emotions they are feeling and the characters expressions. It allows the viewers to understand how they are feeling. The audience will empathise with the characters and imagine them in the same position.

SoundThe use of non-diegetic sound throughout the trailer creates tension and grips the audience and their attention is kept on the trailer waiting to see what will happen next. T is exciting and intriguing as it adds to the atmosphere of the trailer.

The knocking sound and screaming helps to link within in the film as it will make the audience realise its significance and why it is used. It may suggest what will happen in the film. The demonic voiced used when the mother realises that something else is in the house is disturbing and typical for a horror film as the supernatural is revealed and will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. It is also odd as the antagonist doesn’t usually speak if it is a paranormal figure. The dialogue used throughout such as; Firstly “not like this” the mothers response to the doctor saying “all children see monsters” makes it seem very sinister and not right. It clearly tells the audience that the mother knows there is a problem and it is affecting their lives. Secondly “someone stalking me and my child” suggests that the mother/main character is unsure of what is actually happening but may hint to the audience that the presence is following them around. This may help to tell what the film will be like. Finally “you can’t get rid of the Babadook” said by the child, links to the first part of the trailer when they are reading the book and they read the same line. Suggesting to the audience fear and danger and that the issue will not go away.

The repetition of the noise that the child makes adds to the tension build-up of the trailer and may scare the audience as it is unexpected. This is typical for a horror trailer as the audience never know what to expect and this will interest them.

Editing The fast paced editing used throughout the trailer makes it exciting and keeps the audience gripped. This is what they expect to see from a horror trailer as they want to be intrigued and encouraged to watch the film.

The use of fade to black between each clip adds to the drama and action that begins to happen as the story unfolds. It will help to build tension and excitement for the audience and will create enigma as the audience will want to see what happens in each scene that seems to be unexplained.

The production technique of using credits and titles helps to encourage the audience to go and watch the film on release. The reviews and comments will also encourage them to do this and see how them film was. The reference/additional information to other films which have been produced by the same company may encourage the audience as they may be interested in it and if they have seen the other films mentioned it may hint into what the new film will be like.


The use of the prop is key in the film trailer such as the story book. This is the most significant item within the trailer. The book is the symbol of the babadook & suggests danger to the audience and the characters. The fact that it is in the colour red is conventional, as it colour suggests danger/death & is unstereotypical of a child's book.

The trailer uses low key lighting throughout. This is typical as it creates a dark and mysterious atmosphere and setting for the whole trailer. It also connotes danger, fear and death. The low key lighting suggests to the audience the emotions which would be expected from them as the viewer to feel and the mood the characters are portraying. The low key lighting also suggests not just the mood of the characters but the mood of a movie as a whole. This is typical for a horror film as there is a particular way in which they want the audience to feel and this helps this.

The specific costumes help suggest to the audience the distress of the mother & child. This is because they have messy hair and dark bodies. This is effective as it suggests that the 'babadook' is haunting the two characters and adds to the darkness of the story. The mothers dirty hand is an unclear part in the story, this would therefore influence the audience into watching the film and create enigma as they will want to know what happened and why.

Poster analysis

The poster follows the conventions for successful promotion. The main image of ‘The Babadook’ is central and is isolated which suggests to the audience this is what the film is like and may hint into what the antagonist is like. The dark colour of the image connotes death and mystery as you cannot see the full features of the person or creature. The image is used as a logo which makes it recognisable and links within the film creating brand identity. This allows the audience to identify will the film. It is effectively placed as it draws the audiences attention to the middle and follows the route of the eye. This means the audiences attention will be drawn to specific places on the poster allowing the most important features to been seen and read first.

The main title of the film is positioned towards the bottom of the poster and is written in bold serif font. It is one of the main features of the poster so it stands out again creating brand identity and making it recognisable to the audience. The blocking bill in placed in a conventional area and is usually the last thing the audience will see on the poster. It is in very fine print which suggests that the information is not as important.

The tag line ‘If it’s in a word. Or it’s in a look. You can’t get rid of …. The Babadook’ is key as it links within the trailer and other aspects of the film again creating brand identity as this is one of the main things the audience will look at and remember. This is effective and typical for a horror trailer as the audience want some evidence to back the tag line up and help them to understand why it is said. It draws them in and grabs their attention. By using this tag line in various ways of promoting this will help keep the audience interested by creating enigma. The mention of the director is also key as it will attract different audiences as they may be interested in her work.

Website analysis

Brand identity again is clearly created through the use of a simple website design and the use of the same title and image. This is another promotional package and is key in gaining interest from the audience. By putting a date in large font and in the centre will interest the audience as they know some key information which will encourage them to watch the film. The dull and dark background helps to convey danger, fear and mystery to the audience and the characters. The use of reviews on the main page will encourage the audience to watch the film if it is recommended. The use of the social media links are also key in gaining a reaction and attention of the audience as it will allow them to access key information and dates and may hint into the story. This will encourage them to watch the film.