Homework 1B

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Homework 1B

1B: BRITISHNESSI think of myself as a Peruvian.I would describe myself as a friendly, smart and honest person.I dont see myself as nerd and unsocial person.Im proud to be a good student.My family is the most important thing to me.My neighbours probably see me as a common university student and a friendly person. ( Goods scores in my subjects, time for all my stuff).I consider myself lucky to have a lovely family.


Accin Popular

Founder: Fernando Belande Terry in July 7, 1956.

Alianza para el Progreso

Founder: Csar Acua Peralta in December 8, 2001.

Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana

Founder: Vctor Ral Haya de la Torre in September 20, 1930.

Partido Democrtico Somos Per

Founder: Alberto Andrade Carmona in 1997.

Partido Humanista Peruano

Founder: Yehude Simon Munaro in 2001.

Partido Nacionalista Peruano

Founder: Ollanta Humala Tasso in October 3, 2005.

Per Posible

Founder: Alejandro Toledo Manrique in 1994.