homelessness worldview assignment

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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this is just the only way to get this to my school because i cant get into my email so yeah this is not made for the public just so i cant get to it

Transcript of homelessness worldview assignment



What is the issue about

There are a lot of issues that would affect really anyone who is homeless no matter their age. They are vulnerable, and obviously it is not safe to sleep on the streets, There is kind of a cycle , they have no home so they cant get a job and they cant get a job because they have no address, and so it goes on. Being homeless may tempt them to look to crime, and stealing or mugging people to get money for food . Being homeless may also lead to alcohol or even drug abuse, especially alcohol to keep warm. OPINION #1LAZY DIRTY drug addict BUMS LOUNGING IN OUR STREETS INSTEND OF GETTING JOBS AND AT LEAST TRYING THERE BEST BUT ALL IVE EVER SEEN THEM DO IS BEG FOR MONEY AND FOOD OF COURSE OUR ECONEMY IS GETTING WORES ALL THANKS TO THEM.OPINION #2we should all get up and help the homeless instead of worrying about the unessesery things we should be caring for our fellow people and help the get jobs and food let alone shelter.

Part 2

Part 3

What shelters help out with

Who does it affect ? Part 1

Opinion #1 It effects the general


Just having to see them smell them not to mention our economy is getting worse because of them obviously it all there fault.

Opinion #2 The public oh and the poor

homeless people of course and also the volunteers that deticate there lives to giving and to the people who give donations and afterwords have a life changing heart felt experience for the in pact the have on peoples lives.

Who benefits who doesnt

Opinon #1 Maybe the homeless people think

they benefit from it "if I am not paying any bill that's plenty of alcohol i can buy plus 24/7 bumming 

Ha the family members duh, murderers , pimps  oh drug-dealers homeless shelters would be empty. It kind of a lose lose situation and again the family's support so the homeless not being able to support there families'

Opinion #2 Wow opinion 1 are you serious.

Anyhow I thing all the evil people who like to see people become homeless

Some hateful family’s and old friends college's that became enemies .

And also there family that also needs support if so and strangers and also a disappointed family

What do both sides value to support their position

Opinion#1 I think they should get off

the street of course since they recklessly wasted and squandered their belongings/valuables and get a job or get someone they know to help them instead of them begging for help and annoying people ughhh.

Opinion#2 I also do think they should

attempt to get a job although its basically impossible to get one without an address. But there are homeless housing corporation's that help them give them food shelter bedding and also job opportunities and give them a temporary address until they are able to support themselves.

Are there any interest groups involved-The man from the picture above is apart of OPERATION HELP THE HOMELESS and the are giving out homeless kits with food hygene and blankets for the homeless

Soup kitchions which are spesifically for the homelessand low income familiys aswell and they can keep coming back for free

The musterd seed, soup sisters

And lots of kind locals and people who gladly offerto help out a person in need

Homeless shelters although is pricey for us it the compromise we must make to benefit both sides of the argument

There are also tons of non profitable organisations that get there money from their own pockets and donations