Home Strategies to Prospect for Real Estate Business

Post on 11-Jan-2021

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Face-to-face meetings are now severely limited. The conventional open houses are not going to work for now. COVID-19 has really changed a lot of things. At the same time, it has forced businesses to rethink every aspect of their business and the best way to move forward. Visit us to learn more https://www.realcloud.us

Transcript of Home Strategies to Prospect for Real Estate Business

RealCloudProperty data with accurate and rich owner information visualized on a map. Integrated with an Auto-dialer and

robust CRM.

Face-to-face meetings are now severely limited. The conventional open houses are not going to work for now.

COVID-19 has really changed a lot of things. At the same time, it has forced businesses to rethink every aspect of their

business and the best way to move forward.

From Wuhan, it all started; to being named pandemic that has spread to almost allnations in the world by the WHO. The Coronavirus pandemic has significantly dealtwith a lot of businesses, industries, and activities, and the impacts can be felt byeveryone. The real estate industry is not left out as well; after all, social distancingis now the order of the day. Face-to-face meetings are now severely limited; theconventional open houses are not going to work for now. COVID-19 has reallychanged a lot of things. At the same time, it has forced businesses to rethink everyaspect of their business and the best way to move forward. Although theauthorities have mandated it for everyone to be at home, the good news is there isa lot that could be done at home. It’s time to go virtual! There are innovative waysfor agents to prospect and even close deals while at home. Read more on the besttools and strategies to prospect from home during COVID-19.

Tune-up Your Website

With the belief that you have a website running before, you need to clean upand update it to reflect the current situation of your business as regards thepandemic. A banner showing your business care and some safety tips are notout of order. Let your visitors and prospects know that you’re still selling, andvery much in business. You can also state what you’re doing to mitigate theissues at hand.

Check-In With Everyone

While you must have been doing this before, you need to expand the reach.Check-in with everyone – your prospects, old buyers and sellers, agents, andeveryone you could think of. Most importantly, don’t just check-in, you needto put your business on their minds, sign them up for listing and email alertsfrom your website so they can follow up on what’s going on about yourbusiness. You can also check in on them through calls, emails, listing alerts,etc.

Virtual Marketing to Farm

Now, this is where the agent gets into the business. As a real estate agent, youneed to let your prospects know you’re still active. You can make this possibleby getting them informed about the latest in their neighborhood. It could betrending listings, sales, rise and falls in property values, or even the effects ofCOVID-19 on the market. It’s all about letting them know the happeningsvirtually.

Now more than ever you should use a prospecting software that gives you accurate owner's contact

information like RealCloud. This is the time to farm and call everyone in your area of focus, introduce

yourself and boost up your sales.


Content Marketing

If you’re going to be at home to operate virtually, then your online presence must bestrong. Content marketing is one way of building a robust online presence for yourbusiness, which will, in turn, helps your prospecting from home. To do this, you canwrite quality content on various areas of the real estate industry, be it articles,listicles, infographics, and so on. You can feature this content on your site and findpopular sites that are willing to feature it.

Create Informative Videos Somewhat related to content marketing, qualityinformative videos are known to persuade a viewer to consider what’s beingadvertised. In real estate, quality informative videos are found to draw buyers lookingfor a property to buy or rent. Several reports have shown how real estate ads thatinclude videos resulted in over 400 percent more inquiries than those without videos.With COVID-19 and the staying at home rules, there’s no better time to start creatinginformative videos about your business than now. Luckily, you don’t even need aspecial camera or video recorder, your smartphone and a tripod are all you need tomake a short, decent and informative video. If there’s a need for edit, tons of apps areavailable to do that also.

Leverage TECH

The importance of technology in today’s world can never be overemphasized.The impact of COVID-19 has even made more businesses to realize they needto embrace virtual technology. To prospect from home, virtual technologiescan bridge the gap of social distancing. Agents can now use virtualtechnologies to advertise, lists, and introduce prospects to their dream homes.With virtual technologies, you can IDX property pages on your site withimages, maps, and descriptions. You can also make virtual tours, 3D interactiveproperty scans, walk-through videos of the home, and many more.

Open Houses Broadcast

With the help of virtual technology, agents now have an alternative, a suitableone at that, to the conventional open houses. Agents can now broadcast theiropen houses live to their prospects. There are some live video apps availablefor this purpose. The likes of Google Meetings, Zoom App, Facebook Live, andYouTube Live can be used for the broadcast. As an agent, you just need to planyour open house and set a date and time for you to do the open house. Whiledoing a live walk-through of the home, answer any questions your viewershave. A private channel can be set up for the interested prospects to discussoffers.

There you go! It’s trying times. However, the business must continue. Stayingat home doesn’t stop prospecting for real estate agents; in fact, it’s an eye-opener on how activities in real estate can be done differently and alsoefficiently. Above are some of the tools you can use in achieving this. Someother strategies to try out are leveraging social media, using QR codes,tapping into influencers networks, and many more.

Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and services. Our trustedexperts will be available to speak with you and discuss the real estateprospecting options available to you. We will provide suitable answers to yourquestions and concerns. With RealCloud, you can prospect more efficientlyfrom home during COVID-19 and generate more real estate leads while savingtime and cost. A wonderful experience awaits you.

Visit our website for more!
