Holy Week Worship Schedule - Constant...

Post on 24-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Holy Week Worship Schedule - Constant...

Holy Week 1

Maundy Thursday 2

Easter Happenings 3

A Note from Chuck 3

Spiritual Formation for

Children and Youth


Adult Spiritual



Strategically Thinking 7

Vestry HiLites 7

Outreach 8

Giving Options 11

A User– Friendly



Seminarians 12

Preschool News 14

Fellowship 15

Calendar 16

Inside this issue:

High Notes Submissions

Articles for the May High Notes

must be submitted to Kelli by

Friday, April 21.

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Palm Sunday April 9 — 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Maundy Thursday Foot Washing, Agape Supper, and Eucharist

April 13 — 6:30 PM (see page 2)

Good Friday April 14 — 7:30 PM

Easter Sunday April 16 — 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Coffee Hour and Easter Egg Hunt to follow the 10:30 AM Service

(see page 3)


Easter Flowers

The Altar Guild is looking forward to a fabulous spring, and decorating the church with beautiful arrangements for Easter!

We invite you all to contribute to our Easter flower fund. It’s a beautiful way to honor loved ones, or mark other special life events, such as a birth and birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, confirmations, the memory of a loved one, or as a thanksgiving for life’s blessings. These honorariums, remembrances and thanksgivings are then acknowledged in the Easter Sunday bulletin. You may contact Karen or Kelli in the office to make arrangements, or go to our website and donate through e-giving. All gifts, great and small, are graciously appreciated, but we suggest a minimum of $60. There is also a sign up sheet in the back of the church. While there is no deadline for giving, the deadline to submit dedications for printing purposes is Sunday, April 9.


H i g h N o t e s

Our 10 -Year Vision for Emmanuel

Emmanuel Episcopal Church is a thriving, engaged and creative parish working to educate and meet the needs of children, youth and adults; live and demonstrate our Christian values; and create a more humane and just world through community service and outreach.

Diocesan Bishops The Rt. Rev. Shannon Johnston

The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick

Emmanuel Church Staff


The Very Rev. Charles C. McCoart, Jr.

Associate for Worship and Spiritual Formation

The Rev. Joani Peacock

Seminarians Gethin Wied Rick Bauer

Director of Spiritual Formation for

Children and Youth Toni Buranen

Organist/Choir Director

Ryan Fitch

Parish Administrator Kelli Corts

Administrative Assistant

Karen O’Hern

Nursery Caregivers Lillian Urrea

Natalie De Leon Santizo Sara Guzman

Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Church Office Hours Monday—Thursday

10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church 1608 Russell Road

Alexandria, VA 22301 703-683-0798 (phone)

703-683-6158 (fax) office@emmanuelonhigh.org


Page 2

A Down to Earth Maundy Thursday April 13 | 6:30 PM | Parish Hall

On Maundy Thursday, we celebrate Christ’s Last Supper. Literally on this night, we are to remember Jesus, gathered at the table with his disciples for the very last time. Jesus shared with them a very holy meal in a very down to earth way. On the night before he died, bread is broken and wine is poured. “This is my body. This is my blood.”

Traditionally in Holy Week, Maundy Thursday is celebrated in the church with the choir singing, foot washing, the Eucharist, and the solemn stripping of the altar. This beautiful tradition, however, has been observed less and less, with fewer and fewer folks attending over the last few years.

Emmanuel is not just growing but evolving. And this includes our liturgy. Liturgy is the living and breathing work of the people. This year, for the second time, we are going to have a very down to earth Maundy Thursday. This special liturgy weaves together options from the Book of Common Prayer and The Book of Occasional Services appointed for the day. The service incorporates Foot Washing, a simple Agape Supper, and Holy Eucharist.

Candlelit and celebrated in the Parish Hall, EEC’s “Down to Earth Maundy Thursday” welcomes all ages. In the context of an Agape supper of soup, bread, and fruit, we will share the Body of Christ, experiencing communion in the spirit of the earliest Christians.

In addition, this year we’ll have a “Clean Sock Drive” for the homeless and residents of Carpenter’s Shelter. Stay tuned for a Constant Contact sign up and volunteer information coming soon to your inbox!

Worshiping with our youngest. Birdie Massey in prayer; baptism of Margaret Bartholomay.

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2017 Vestry

Adam Schildge (Senior Warden) Meredith Wade (Junior Warden)

Katie Kelly / Emily McNaughton (Worship) Margaret Wohler / Chris Yianilos (Education)

Katie Deemer / Barbie Frank (Service) Lola Beggs / Greg Shannon (Fellowship) Joe Dresen / Aaron Flaaen (Stewardship)

Gene Lange (Treasurer) Sarah Kolo (Clerk)

Contacts for Ministry Teams

Worship Team Coordinator: Nancy Dupree Acolytes: Kelly and Joe Dresen Altar Guild: Christina Bartley Counters: Jim Bradley Guitar Circle: Stewart Bartley Music & Choir: Ryan Fitch Readers (8:00): Suji Kelly Readers and Chalice (10:30): Jerry Boykin Ushers: Bob Callahan

Education Team Coordinators: Joani Peacock Toni Buranen Adult Spiritual Formation: Beth Boland Sunday School: Toni Buranen Youth: Janie Piemonte Preschool: Ressa Jones

Service Team Coordinator: Sean Ellis Adult Summer Service Trip: Joe Grassia ALIVE!: Laura Macone; Sarah Orndorff Bag Lunch Program: Karen Coda Carpenter’s Shelter Breakfast: Jennifer Jones Carpenter’s Shelter: Dinner: Sean Ellis Community Lodgings: Barbara Harslem Free School Physical Program: Bonnie Lilley Giving Tree: Rachel Kliewer Haiti: John Maass Haitian Coffee Sales: Kim Scott Meals on Wheels: Katie Kelly Refugee Family: Kim Scott United Thank Offering: Bonnie Fairbank Yard Sale: Frank Elgin; Laura Marble

Fellowship Team Coordinator: Jennifer Jones Breakfast with St. Nick: Courtney Keplinger Coffee Hour Baristas: Elena Mazzeo Craft & Sewing Group: Gudrun Callahan Easter Egg Hunt: Leo & Susan Cruz Prime Timers: Jim Bradley Shrine Mont Parish Retreat: Joe Scott Super Bowl: Gene Lange Twenties & Thirties (TnT): Leo Cruz

Stewardship Team Coordinator: Adam Schildge Annual Giving: Jane Kolson Building and Grounds: Dwayne Piepenburg Finance: Stewart Bartley Foundation: Jane Kolson

Our annual Easter egg hunt and celebration is one of the highlights of the year for kids of all ages. Plans are underway for this year’s celebration, and the Barista team would especially appreciate donated baked goods, deviled eggs and fruit for our buffet.

Please reach out to Elena Mazzeo if you can donate cookies, brownies, deviled eggs, cut fruit, or other food items.

Easter Egg Hunt

We invite all children to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 16. The hunt will start about 15 minutes after the conclusion of the 10:30 a.m. service to allow for families to take pictures and enjoy the Easter coffee hour. The eggs will be hidden outside, weather permitting. If the weather is not cooperative the eggs will be hidden inside. Children under 4 will be allowed to "hunt" first and the we will open the area for all children. Please bring a basket. Happy Hunting!

We are looking for a new volunteer(s) who might like to take over the Easter egg hunt next year. Please contact Susan or Leo Cruz if you are interested.

A Note from Chuck

Dear Friends,

A year ago we warmly welcomed Brock III into our lives and fully intended to have a long and loving relationship with him. While we will never know what took young Brock’s life, what we do know is that he had a wonderful life because of all of your love and attention. Thank you for making Brock's short life so very nice. He loved you in return and he is sorely missed. And thank you as we welcome Maximus into our lives. Max made his debut on Sunday, March 26. If you haven’t met Max yet, please do stop by, he’d love to meet you as well.

Peace friends, Chuck

Help Us Celebrate Easter

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Spiritual Formation for Children and Youth

'For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. 'The flowers have already appeared in the land; the time has arrived for pruning the vines, and the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. 'The fig tree has ripened its figs, and the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!'" — Song of Songs 2: 11 – 13

Greetings all! After a strange winter, spring is springing (again?) and it is the time of year where we begin planning for next year! To that end, I am reaching out to our parish community, especially to parents of children ages 3 – 18, to ask you to prayerfully consider being a Sunday school teacher (grades pre-K through 5) and/or a God & Donuts volunteer (grades 6 – 12) for the 2017-2018 school year. If you are a youth, age 14 – 18, we also invite you to consider assisting with Sunday school.

Sunday school generally meets 2 -3 times per month. God & Donuts meets approximately twice a month. Teachers work in teams of four at the Sunday school level, which allows us to maintain a flexible schedule while at the same time, share our gifts and our faith with the young people of the parish as they walk their own spiritual journey. God & Donuts volunteers support the middle and high school groups where necessary, i.e., chaperoning, working with our facilitators to organize social and service activities, etc. Please contact me with interest and questions. No experience is necessary for these ministries! You only need a love of God and a love of kids!

Also, from one of our God & Donuts facilitators, Janie Piemonte, we have a little update on what our middle and high school faith formation groups have been up to. Janie writes:

“We have had a busy month! We ended up with 10 students at a fun and faith filled retreat [at Shrine Mont]. From

making their own personal collage jars with tea lights to make sure their ‘light shines always’ to hiking, Capture the Flag, basketball, and discovering their own ‘centering phrase’ it was a full day Saturday. Lots of laughs during Saturday night board games and I had goose bumps as all sang along with Chris and Rachel during the Sunday morning prayer service before heading home. It was a great weekend. The pancake supper seemed to go quite well; it was awesome to have almost every G & D student and family there helping! I believe we served approximately 70 people. We had five students along with Claire, Rachel, Chris and me at Grace Episcopal on Sunday. It was an awesome event and the group packed meals for 10,000 in two hours. Our group had a blast!”

Thanks, Janie, Claire, Rachel, and Chris for all that you are and do on behalf of our Emmanuel youth.

Read on for more information about upcoming events.

With gratitude, Toni

Coming Up

Youth Sunday. Please join us for the last Youth

Sunday of the school year at the 10:30 a.m. service on April 2. Our Youth Sunday services are an opportunity to engage the children and youth of our parish in the liturgy in a deeper way. We encourage children to arrive by 10:00 a.m. so that they may practice the children’s song.

April Meeting Times. God & Donuts meets on April

2 and as of now, on April 23, from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. If

(Continued on page 5)

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many middle schoolers attend the Diocesan PYM retreat, there might be no meeting that day for the middle school group. High school students will still meet. Sunday school meets on April 23 and April 30 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Please note that there will be no Sunday school or God & Donuts on April 9 or April 16 to accommodate for spring break.

Diocesan 6th and 7th Grade PYM Retreat. Join

other 6th and 7th graders around the diocese at Shrine Mont for the annual Parish Youth Ministry retreat, April 21 – 23. If you are a parent of a middle schooler and available to chaperone, please let us know! Check out these links to learn more about PYM and the annual retreats for middle and high school students:

Episcopal Diocese of Virginia

Guide Us Waking ,O Lord

Please contact Janie or Toni for more information or to register for the retreat.

(Continued from page 4)

The Jones Family bringing up the gifts at the March

Youth Sunday.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.

Youth Service Day at Grace Episcopal Church.

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Adult Spiritual Formation: Coming Attractions 2017

Sundays through Palm Sunday, April 9 9:00 AM, Memorial Room

The Peace of the Lord: Practices that Lead to ‘Letting Go’ in Lent. An exploration of centering prayer, scripture study, and physical practices to better rest in God’s peace and to deepen the quality of our relationships with God and our neighbor. Led by seminarian Rick Bauer.

Sunday, April 23, 6:00 PM, Memorial Room

Popcorn Theology Film Club. Yes, again with popcorn! A screening of “War Dance” and discussion led by Margaret Wohler.

Friday, May 5 – Sunday, May 7, Shrine Mont

Parish Retreat Weekend. Adult Program: The Human Face of God, led by seminarian Rick Bauer, and Children’s Program, led by Margaret Wohler. Registration is now open. See page 15 for details.

Sundays, September 10 thru October 22, 6:00 PM, Memorial Room

Oprah’s “Belief” Series. Interfaith stories beautifully told, in seven DVD episodes, followed by discussion. Refreshments served. Led by the Adult Spiritual Formation Ministry Team.

Saturday, October 7, 6:00 PM, Parish Hall

Choreographers’ Collaborations Project presents “Words Move” a modern dance concert by local arts group. Also features Joani Peacock as storyteller. Stay tuned for ticket information.

Questions, comments? Contact Joani Peacock.

Rabbi by Appointment

Looking for a personal way to explore your faith? Would you like to have a conversation about what it means to be a Christian in the Episcopal tradition? Do you have questions but no time in your busy schedule to attend a class? Well, make an appointment with a rabbi. Me! The Rev. Joani Peacock.

As Associate for Spiritual Formation and Worship, my primary role at Emmanuel is to preach and to teach. I do this ministry in concert with committees and staff. But as a priest, this is also a personal and passionate calling. I love helping others dig down into the deeper meaning of our faith.

“Rabbi by Appointment” is comprised of three individual one-hour meetings. Primarily (but not exclusively) geared towards newcomers, our one-on-one sessions will be designed to meet you where you are. Spiritually, wherever you may come from. Educationally, however you learn best. And literally, at a time and a place that works best for us both.

These three personalized hours augment the community classes and events offered by the Adult Spiritual Formation Ministry Team. Our rabbinical sessions can serve as an introduction to the faith, a personal tutorial in a subject of your choosing, or as preparation for confirmation.

Participants need not wait for the Bishop’s bi-annual visit. Candidates can be confirmed at a neighboring parish or at a regional event on the Diocese of Virginia schedule.

Interested? E-mail Joani or call her at 703-626-3893.

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The Vestry invites and encourages everyone to think about “stepping stones” and “big ideas” for Emmanuel to do now and over the next 5 years, following our strategic plan. In April, think about the theme, Strong as a Community.

• What are we currently doing that makes us strong as a community?

• What could we do better?

• What is a “big idea” that you would wish for in the next 5 years?

Share your comments by talking to a Vestry member, filling out a pew card, using the contact form online or sending an e-mail to Kelli.

Vestry HiLites

At its regular meeting on March 8, the Vestry… • heard news and parishioner updates from Chuck; • discussed how to bring the Strategic Plan to life; • reviewed the 5 themes of the Strategic Plan; • decided to begin with seeking input about activities that support the

theme, Strong as a Community; and • established a new feature in the newsletter, to promote thinking about the keeping the Strategic Plan alive and

at work in our parish. Sarah Kolo, Clerk

Strategically Thinking...

From the Strategic Plan: Strong as a Community

Emmanuel's defining characteristic throughout the past has been its strength as a community, as shown through the deep personal connections shared between parishioners and across generations. This community bond has drawn in newcomers, created new friendships, and nurtured commitments to serving God through the church's ministries. In deference to Christ as the glue that holds this church together, it is appropriate that our community's strength should continue to define us as a parish over the next five years.

The church's leaders are called on to consider strategies to further invest in the strength of our community, across all ministries and activities of the church. For example, we recommend developing specific plans to:

a. Focus on Integrating Newcomers

b. Make a Conscious Effort to Bridge Across Generations

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weekend, it is possible to return in time for the Walk-A -Thon if you leave after church.) For more information on the Walk-A-Thon, please visit this site.

Here are three ways you can support the CDC's Walk-A-Thon:

• Walk! Register for the walk-a-thon here. Registration is $25 for ages 19-70 and $10 for ages 12-18.

• Virtually walk! If you don't want to miss Shrine Mont's famous fried chicken lunch on Sunday or are otherwise unable to join in person, consider being a virtual walker. Just sign up using the same registration link as above and indicate that you are a virtual walker (unable to participate in person) in the comment section of the registration form.

• Sponsor! Individuals and companies can sponsor the Walk-A-Thon at five different levels. EEC and our Preschool will be sponsoring this event as we did last year.

Reduced government funding for tuition at the CDC has made providing reduced tuition to students in need even more difficult. This fundraiser is essential to meeting the budgetary needs of the CDC and keeping its classrooms open. Please consider contributing as you are able.

ALIVE! Walkathon

ALIVE! runs a Child Development Center (CDC) which is a full-day preschool serving children of low-income working parents in the city of Alexandria. In addition to a comprehensive scholastic curriculum, the CDC provides its students with the following: a daily nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack; two periods of large motor activity daily; and yearly vision, health, and dental screenings. The CDC is one of the 8% of preschool programs nationwide to be accredited by the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) — the mark of quality for early childhood education programs. The CDC is the only NAEYC-accredited, full-day, year-round preschool in Alexandria that offers a sliding scale fee for tuition. For more information on the CDC.

You can contribute to this terrific organization developing the next generation of Alexandrians by supporting the CDC's upcoming Walk-A-Thon on Sunday, May 7. The walk begins and ends at First Christian Church, 2723 King Street, Alexandria, and includes either a 5k or 5-mile stroll through Old Town Alexandria, a tee shirt, a post-walk catered picnic, live entertainment, and raffle. On-site registration and tee shirt distribution start at 1:15 p.m., and the walk starts at 2:00 p.m. (Even if you are going to Shrine Mont this

Mark your calendar for the 15th anniversary Carpenter’s Cook-Off on Sunday, April 23 at The Birchmere Music Hall (3701 Mount Vernon Avenue) from 12:00-3:00 p.m. In addition to an afternoon of great food from over 25 local restaurants, this event also features an auction and live music from the Alpha Dog Blues Band. Tickets are now on sale! Click here to learn more about the event and to purchase tickets.

This event usually sells out early so don’t miss your chance to attend. Tickets are $50 for adults and $20 for children 12 and under. Help Carpenter’s Shelter spread the word! All proceeds help fund homeless programs at the Carpenter’s Shelter.

Carpenter’s Shelter Cook Off

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This past February and March have been eventful in terms of the Jafari’s networking, making new friends, and learning more about the social services that are available to them in the City of Alexandria.

On Saturday, February 25 the Jafari’s (and Joani Peacock and I) attended a local Refugee Potluck Dinner at the Commonwealth Baptist Church. Over 60 people

came together to share traditional dishes and enjoy the heart-warming camaraderie. Several members from the Alexandria-based Muslim American Society (MAS) joined us to share information about their Interfaith Center, welcoming us to visit them and to learn about their services. In

addition to the adult exchanges, there were children’s activities as well as open tables overflowing with children’s clothing, toys, diapers, and other care kit donations for these families. It was a beautiful, most successful gathering! We look forward to hosting their next potluck meal here at Emmanuel on Saturday, April 29, at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in donating items toward this special event, please contact me.

The Jafari family also visited the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center (DAH). The MAS Outreach Director, Ms. Merehan Elhady, welcomed the Jafari’s to their Saturday evening Family Circle event for prayer and group discussion. She has also found some stable job opportunities for Reza; the family hopes to soon be financially self-sufficient. We also met with Ms. Tahani, the DAH Director of Social Services, to learn more about their services. Zahra is now applying for assistance from their social services department to enlist in ESL classes and a trade skills course.

Zahra and Reza’s three children, Hania (age 6), Nawid

(age 4) and Omid (age 10 months) are smiling more and more with every visit and outing we have together. Hania loves school and practices her English flashcards with me, Nawid lets me hold his hand, and Omid is still happy, despite having recently been treated for an upper respiratory infection. Please keep this dear family in your prayers as they continue to rebuild their lives in our community. Finally, a sincere thank you to those of you who have generously supported the Jafari’s resettlement. They are most appreciative!

All the best, Kim Scott

Successful Bake Sale

The Outreach Team would like to thank everyone’s participation in the March 5 bake sale. Together, we raised $554.50 which will be used to support our adopted local refugees — the Jafari family from Afghanistan. The funds will be used for rent assistance and groceries in order to relieve the family’s financial pressures as they seek full employment.

Special thanks to Pat Hadley and Vonda Delawie for setting up the bake sale and to everyone who contributed delicious baked goods!

Supporting our Local Refugee Family, the Jafari’s

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Join the Sunday School and God & Donuts communities and participate in the United Thank Offering program during Lent. UTO is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. UTO is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

Pamphlets with more information about UTO and mite boxes are available for pick up in the vestibule. Begin dropping your change in today. A basket will be in the vestibule after Easter to collect boxes. All boxes should be turned in by April 30. Contact Bonnie Fairbank at 703-338-4375 with questions.

Support, Solidarity & Friday Prayers

Join The Rev. Joani Peacock at the Muslim American Society Mosque (6408 Edsall Road) at 1:15 p.m. to observe daily prayer and stand with our Muslim neighbors whose community and school have been threatened with hate mail. This is not just a one-time visit but the start of a faithful relationship. We support our neighbors every Friday. RSVP to Joani Peacock or just come.

UTO Lenten Service Project

Jeanne Feden and Gudrun Callahan visit with long-time member

Sheila Beattie. All three happened to be thinking purple that day!

Please consider including Emmanuel Church

or Foundation in your will or living trust. For more information, contact Jane Kolson.

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Thanks to efforts by the Trustees of the Funds of the Diocese of Virginia, Emmanuel parishioners who are 65 or better can now make a tax-wise gift that will provide a lifetime income stream for them now and a meaningful bequest to Emmanuel after their passing.

With a Charitable Gift Annuity, you can make an irrevocable gift of cash or appreciated securities to Emmanuel in return for a fixed lifetime income for yourself or yourself and one other — often a spouse. After your lifetime(s), the remaining annuity assets — usually about 50% of the value of the gift — come to Emmanuel for a purpose or program you have chosen in advance.

The annuity’s payout rate is pegged to the age(s) of the donor(s). For example, a donor who is 74 will receive 5.7% of the value of her annuity; if she contributes $10,000, she will receive $570 annually for the rest of her life. A couple whose ages are 75 and 78 are eligible for a combined rate of 5.2%; if they contribute $20,000, they will receive $1,040 annually during their shared lives and then continuing for the life of the surviving spouse.

Charitable Gift Annuities are a tax-savvy way to give. With a gift annuity, the donor receives a charitable income tax deduction for a portion of the value of the gift, and a significant portion of his or her annual income stream is tax free.

The Trustees of the Funds have prepared an informative brochure about Charitable Gift Annuities. If you would like to receive a copy, without obligation, please contact Jane Kolson (202-994-9523).

What kind of word is that? Well, the letters do not make a word, but define a place that is very important to all of us at Emmanuel. It is the seminary where our seminarians study for three years and are prepared for ordination to the priesthood. Read on — the place has quite a history, right here in our neighborhood.

The Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, also called the Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS), was formed by the Society for the Education of Pious Young Men for the Ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland and Virginia. It opened on October 15, 1823, in a room in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, with two professors and fourteen students. In 1827 the school was moved to eighty acres of land, then outside of Alexandria, but now a part of the city. During the Civil War, the seminary was used to house wounded Union soldiers. The property was used as a burial ground for some 500 soldiers. In 1878 VTS opened a branch seminary for African Americans in connection with St. Stephen's Normal and Industrial School in Petersburg, Virginia. In 1884 it was named the Bishop Payne Divinity School in honor of John Payne, the first Bishop of Liberia and a VTS graduate. It closed in 1949, and in 1953 it was merged with Virginia Seminary. The library at Virginia is the Bishop Payne Library. VTS has a Center for the Ministry of Teaching, a Center for Continuing Education, a Lay School of Theology, and an Institute in School Ministry. The seminary is a part of the Washington Theological Consortium, which is an association of Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, and interdenominational seminaries.

Meredith Wade

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY, (All Rights reserved) from "An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians," Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.

A Win-Win Giving Option for Emmanuel’s “Prime Timers”

A User-Friendly Dictionary: VTS

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Seminarians on the Move

It’s the end of another academic year at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) and both of Emmanuel’s current seminarians, Gethin Wied and Rick Bauer, are on the move.

Gethin Wied

By Gail Eger

Gethin will graduate from VTS in May and return to Los Angeles where he will be ordained to the transitional diaconate and look for employment at a parish within the diocese.

We were honored in 2015 when Chuck asked us, Ron and Gail Eger and Sandy and Frank

Esquivel, to serve as the lay committee for Emmanuel’s then newest seminarian, Gethin Wied. On first meeting, Gethin seemed to be a quiet, reserved middler from Virginia Theological Seminary. However, we soon realized what a gift this opportunity was to us to offer our support to a very bright and compassionate young man.

Our lay committee met monthly at different venues including our homes for dinner and at Emmanuel. We shared our individual perspectives on spiritual formation to provide Gethin a genuine view of parishioner needs. He, in turn, always listened intently and shared his experiences and perspectives on addressing those needs. The team also served as a sounding board for Gethin as he discussed his VTS academic requirements. In addition, we provided feedback to him on his sermons and other assignments.

Throughout our time together we have found Gethin to be not so much "quiet" but simply very thoughtful and deliberate in how he serves others, particularly those God has entrusted to him for spiritual guidance. We have found Gethin to be incredibly compassionate, thoughtful and reflective. These attributes, when combined with his strong intellect, will serve him well as he answers his next call to


About their charge, Ron and Gail say that, “Not only have we seen Gethin grow in his spiritual journey but feel we have grown in our spiritual journey. It has been our pleasure to be a part of Gethin’s journey into the priesthood.” Sandy and Frank say, “We had the good fortune of observing Gethin serving as teacher and mentor to Emmanuel's adult confirmation class, which included our teenage son, Jack. Jack repeatedly mentioned how engaging Gethin was in ensuring active participation among the class members.”

Gethin, we wish you God’s love and blessing. May He give you continued grace, peace and wisdom as you continue your journey into the priesthood.

Rick Bauer

By Tom Suydam

Rick will complete the academic requirements for VTS Field Education in May. Rick has been granted an exemption to the requirement for three semesters of Field Education by taking an academic track that includes the completion of full years of study in both Biblical Greek and Biblical Hebrew. That means that Rick’s official role of seminarian at Emmanuel will end. However, Rick plans to continue to worship and serve at Emmanuel as he completes his education at VTS.

Next year, Rick will simultaneously finish up the M.Div. program at VTS (two required courses remain) and begin pursuit of a Ph.D. in Religion & Culture as a Doctoral Fellow for the Religion and Theology Department at Catholic University. Rick’s research will focus on bringing contemplative practices into parish settings. Rick has brought some exposure to those processes to Emmanuel during the Lenten Inquirer’s Class.

(Continued on page 13)

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Rick hopes to begin work in the area as a parish priest in June 2018 while writing his dissertation. Rick says that all of his work is being made possible through the grace of God and the tireless efforts of his wife, Katrina. Katrina continues to work from the home as a Supervisor of Substitute Service for the national on-line school Connections Academy. She also cares for their young sons Ricky and Christian who attend the Butterfly House pre-school at VTS.

Rick’s seminarian’s lay committee will conclude its work in May. Its members include Judi Brush, Kate Deemer, Nick Benne, Rance Willis, Bill Wallace and Tom Suydam as chair. It has been their pleasure to work with this dynamic, intelligent and soulful candidate for the priesthood and to have a small role in his development toward that calling.

(Continued from page 12)

Greetings Emmanuel! It is a joy and honor to be able to become a part of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church family. I am a first-year seminarian up the hill at VTS and am a postulant from the Diocese of Los Angeles. Yes, I do have my moments of missing the Pacific and the street tacos, but I have been loving this new adventure here in Alexandria. I received my bachelors in Education from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego and an MA in Digital Teaching and Learning from Azusa Pacific University. Prior to seminary, I worked in elementary education, youth ministry, and also spent two years caregiving for my father. I am a proud owner of hearing aids and am a diehard baseball fan who enjoys traveling, a good coffee, and anything chocolate. As for ministry, I am especially passionate about all things family-oriented, intergenerational, and people who are alternatively abled. I pray to be an encouragement for others to delight in a proactive, joy-filled relationship with our Good God! As your newest seminarian, I look forward to the lessons to be learned and the formation to be developed through my time with all of you here at Emmanuel.

KC Robertson, Seminarian

Welcome KC

Reunion lunch of former Emmanuel Preschool employees. Lee Larkin,

Margaret Macensky, Judy Davis , Nancy Dupree, Fenton Goodwin.

Front: Kate Deemer, Rick Bauer, Judi Brush Back: Nick Benne, Rance Willis, Tom Suydam Missing: Bill Wallace

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We are looking forward to our Spring Social and Auction, which will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, April 28 in the Parish Hall. Tickets are now on sale and we’d love to have everyone come support our wonderful preschool! Every year, this event proves to be a fun night to enjoy good food and drinks, mingle with current and incoming EPS parents and members of the Emmanuel Preschool community, and take your chance at winning amazing auction items, including:

• An Old Town getaway package that includes a night’s stay at Kimpton Lorien Hotel & Spa, a blowout by Concihairge at Restaurant Eve, brunch at Brabo, and Kilwins ice cream.

• Wine and Waterford Raffle — seven bottles of wine and eight vintage Waterford Crystal wine glasses

• Yard clean-up package from Cutting Edge Lawn and Landscape • NFL autographed photos and football and many more wonderful items!

Early bird savings! Purchase your tickets before Monday, April 3 and save $5 per pair of tickets or $2.50 per single ticket.

New this year, tickets sales and bidding will be online! Even if you can’t make it to the event, you can still bid on your favorite items from the comfort of your home!

Please click here to purchase your tickets. We hope to see you there!

Ressa Jones, Director

Green 4/5s

The Green 4/5s are looking forward to a busy April. We begin the month getting ready for Easter. After Spring Break we will begin learning about the life cycle of a seed and will attempt to grow seeds in various environments like plastic baggies, cups with soil, and even on wet sponges. We will also learn about the different parts of a plant. Did you know that we can eat all parts of a plant? Finally, we will end the month by observing the life cycle of painted lady butterflies. We will also be getting ready for the Annual Family Art Night where we will be showcasing our work with wire and printing using techniques that we are learning from our visiting artist, Kathryn Coneway.

Cappie Stiers and Amy Ernst

Preschool Board of Directors

Melissa Bennett (Chair) Carrie & Ben Lewis (Treasurer)

Megan Shannon (Secretary) Chris Yianilos (Vestry Liaison)

Cappie Stiers (Teacher Representative) Jen Zwiselberger (Resource Parent)

Matt Stratford (Parishioner) Chuck McCoart (Ex Officio)

Ressa Jones (Ex Officio)

Preschool Staff

Director Ressa Jones

Office Administrator

Dawn Doucette

Financial Administrator Kelli Corts


Michelle Brayman Mary Beth Conry

Nicole Crochet Amy Ernst

Christy Finn Mollee Hansen Anne Hubbard

Jacqueline Kittredge Dana Mutscheller

Nancy Palmer Kate Schneider

Cappie Stiers Susan Stockton Sara Tiedemann

Mary Anne Troxell Sarah Watson

School Hours Monday—Friday

9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

Emmanuel Episcopal Preschool 1608 Russell Road

Alexandria, VA 22301 703-683-0303 (phone)

703-683-6158 (fax) preschooladministrator@epsonhigh.org


Preschool News

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Spring Work Day

On May 13, join EEC member and U.S. Army military historian Dr. John Maass on a half-day walking tour of historic churches, buildings, and sites in Old Town Alexandria. Sites will include Christ Church, Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Washington's Town House, and several other places "hidden in plain sight."

The event is free, and will be followed by a "Dutch treat" lunch about 12:30 p.m. The tour will begin at 9:00 a.m. in front of the Burke and Herbert Bank at the corner of King Street and South Fairfax Street, near the entrance to Swift Alley.

John is the author of Defending a New Nation, 1783-1811 (2013); The Road to Yorktown: Jefferson, Lafayette and the British Invasion of Virginia (2015); The Petersburg and Appomattox Campaigns, 1864-1865 (2015); and the forthcoming book George Washington’s Virginia (April 2017). He is also a historian at the Army Center of Military History at Ft. McNair in Washington, D.C.

To register for the tour, contact John by May 6.

The church buildings and grounds team has identified 15 to 18 projects that we would like to have a group of church members complete on Saturday, April 29. Within the next week to ten days we will post a series of pictures that will depict details of the projects so that all interested members can sign up to help us on that Work Day. In general, the projects will focus on removing leaves, weeds and other debris from window wells, drains and school playground areas, inspecting and replacing batteries for smoke detectors and emergency lights throughout the church and school areas, paint areas of the church and school that are in need of repair, and “tweaking” some gardens.

We have had excellent groups of church members support previous work days and look forward to another group this spring. We also have been very happy with the food and beverages provided by EEC members. Contact Meredith to help with this.

If you have any questions or want to discuss specific projects, contact Dwayne or Kelli.

Old Town Walking Tour

Shrine Mont Retreat—May 5-7

Join Emmanuel parishioners for our annual parish retreat at Shrine Mont. We arrive at dinner time on Friday, May 5 and leave after lunch on Sunday, May 7.

Each year around 100 of us take a few days to spend time in the beautiful rolling mountains of Virginia. Families, singles, young and old alike gather to enjoy the beautiful setting at Shrine Mont and walk the trails, skim stones in the pond, enjoy home-cooked meals, play golf, read a book, walk the labyrinth and simply be.

The adult program “The Human Face of God,” led by seminarian Rick Bauer, will help the congregation better navigate and name the ever-present tension between resistance and reconciliation that we all face as faithful disciples of Christ.

The children’s program “Art in Nature,” led by Margaret Wohler, will feature outdoor drawing and how to start a nature journal, followed by a lesson in fossils found at Shrine Mont, a fossil search and a hike to the cross to look for fossils.

The cost of the retreat is $195 (ages 19+), $100 (ages 13-18), $35 (ages 4-12), and free (3 and under). If you are a first time retreat attender, contact Joe Scott BEFORE you register for details on a discount. Click here to register.

If you have any questions or special requests (food allergies or access needs) please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you at Shrine Mont.

Joe Scott, Retreat Coordinator

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For a look at our continually-

updated church calendar, click

on the calendar to the left.

1 Meals on Wheels Deliveries

3 Carpenter’s Shelter Dinner

5-7 Shrine Mont Retreat

8-12 Bag Lunch Week

10 Vestry Meeting (7:30 PM)

13 Old Town Walking Tour (9:00 AM)

14 Mother’s Day

14 God & Donuts (4:00 PM)

16 Adult Spiritual Formation Team Meeting (11:30


17 Goodwin House Dinner (5:45 PM)

22 Carpenter’s Shelter Breakfast

29 Memorial Day (Church Office Closed)

2 Inquiry Class (9:00 AM)

2 Outreach Team Meeting (9:00 AM)

2 Lent 5 / Youth Sunday (10:30 AM)

2 God & Donuts (4:00 PM)

3 Meals on Wheels Deliveries

4 Adult Spiritual Formation Team Meeting (11:30


5 Carpenter’s Shelter Dinner

5 Region IV Lenten Series (Meade, 6:30 PM)

7 The Way of the Cross (7:30 PM)

9 Palm Sunday

9 Inquiry Class (9:00 AM)

12 Vestry Meeting (7:30 PM)

13 Maundy Thursday Footwashing, Agape Supper

and Eucharist (6:30 PM)

14 Good Friday Service (7:30 PM)

16 Easter Sunday

16 Easter Egg Hunt (11:45 AM)

17 Easter Monday (Church Office Closed)

22 Carpenter’s Shelter Breakfast

23 God & Donuts (4:00 PM)

23 “Popcorn Theology” Movie Night (6:00 PM)

28 Preschool Spring Social and Silent Auction

(6:30 PM)

29 Spring Work Day (8:00 AM)

4 Sunday School and God & Donuts Teacher

Appreciation and Graduate Recognition (10:30


4 Prime Timers Brunch (12:00 Noon)

5 Meals on Wheels Deliveries

7 Carpenter’s Shelter Dinner

11 Music Ministry Picnic

14 Vestry Meeting (7:30 PM)

18 Father’s Day

19-23 Bag Lunch Week

24 Carpenter’s Shelter Breakfast

29 Memorial Day (Church Office Closed)