Holy Liturgy Continued. The Burial The priest places the bread on the paten. He pours wine into the...

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Transcript of Holy Liturgy Continued. The Burial The priest places the bread on the paten. He pours wine into the...

Holy Liturgy


The Burial

• The priest places the bread on the paten.

• He pours wine into the chalice, emptying out completely the cruet.

• He pours water into the empty wine cruet and from it he adds to the wine in the chalice a little


• The priest covers the oblation with a handkerchief and he covers likewise the chalice with another handkerchief.

• He covers both with the Prospherine together with the deacon facing him.

• Then, the priest places a handkerchief above the Prospherine

The Absolution of the Servant

• This is the absolution given to everyone in church to be able to complete this service and partake from the Holy Communion.

Serving priestParticipating priest

+ Serving priest:- Chooses the lamb

- Says the fraction - Administers the body of Christ

+ Participating priest: - Says the absolution

+ Bishop: - Says the absolution

The Readings

1) The Pauline2) The catholic3) The Acts4) The Synaxarium5) The Psalm6) The Gospel

The sermon

• The Pauline: From the 14 epistles written by St Paul.

• The catholic: From the epistle of the other disciples: St. James (1), St. Peter (2), St. John (3), St. Jude (1).

• The Acts: from the Book of Acts (Praxis).• The Synaxarium: Every day in the Coptic

calendar has an occasion, either a feast of our Lord or a martyr or a saint.

• The Psalm: Some verses from the Book of Psalm.

• The Gospel: It speaks about the occasion of the day according to the Synaxarium.

• The sermon: This explains what is read in the Gospel.

The Creed


The Prayer of Reconciliation

• This narrates the story of salvation.

• The deacon stands on the other side of the altar and the priest takes the handkerchief on the Prospherine and holds it up.

• At the end, the Prospherine is removed.

The Blessings

• The priest asks the Holy Spiritto come and bless the bread and wine to change them tothe body and blood ofJesus Christ.

The Seven Prayers

After the bread and wine change to the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we start asking Him for all our requests. We pray for the safety of the church, the Pope and bishops, the priests, God‟s mercy, our place (water of the rivers, the plants or the air of heaven) and the oblations.

The Congregation of the Saints• We remember all the saints asking for their

prayers on our behalf and take them as an example.

The Fraction

• The priest divides the body of Christ. The middle part “Ispadikon” (the small cross in middle of Qorban) is kept as one piece.

• The “Ispadikon” is placed in the chalice and eaten by the priest later. This is a symbol that “this body is for this blood and this blood is for this body”.

The Absolution• Another absolution here before approaching the

sacrifice The Confession• The priest and the deacon confess their faith Taking Communion• During communion the deacons and the

congregation chantspsalm 150 and appropriate hymnspraising God and thanking Him forHis gifts.

Washing the Altar Utensils

• After the congregation has taken communion, the priest will finish all the body and blood. He then washes the utensils and drinks the water himself and the deacons.

After the Liturgy

How to Benefit from the Holy Liturgy?

+ Prepare for the liturgy

+ Come early to church

+ Participating in the Liturgy responses

+ Concentrate in the prayers and responses

+ Take communion

Verse of Today

“I am the bread of life” (John 6:35)