Holly's Seaside Adventure

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Holly's immagination runs wild when she finds some mermaids as she plays by the shore. Good golly Miss Holly!

Transcript of Holly's Seaside Adventure


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Illustrated by Kylie Dunstan

By M

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Holly’sSeaside Adventure

By Maree BowdenIllustrated by Kylie Dunstan

For Holly Rose,from her Marnie with love

She loved to just wand

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to gather sea shells and r

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There once was a dolly, her name was Miss Holly,she lived not too far from the sea.

She loved to just wander along the shore yonder,to gather sea shells and run free.

There once was a dolly, her name was Miss Holly,she lived not too far from the sea.

She loved to just wander along the shore yonder,to gather sea shells and run free.

Then early one morning, without any warning, two Mermaids washed up on the shore.

These glorious creatures with beautiful features,climbed up on the rocks to explore.

“Good golly”said Holly, that does seem like folly,they might be washed back out to sea.

I should wander over and tap on their shoulder,and ask them to come home with me!”

My Mother would greet them and then she would treat them, to caraway seed cake and tea.

My Father would smileand say “please stay awhileand tell us your tales of the sea.”

So, brave little Holly climbed over theboulders and whispered in each mermaid’s ear,They nodded and smiled but said “Holly dear child,to linger with you we’re not free.

The next big blue wave to wash over our tail, will sweep us back home to the sea.”Then as Holly climbed down, she slowly turned round,And saw billowing clouds of white foam.

So, brave little Holly climbed over theboulders and whispered in each mermaid’s ear,They nodded and smiled but said “Holly dear child,to linger with you we’re not free.

The next big blue wave to wash over our tail, will sweep us back home to the sea.”Then as Holly climbed down, she slowly turned round,And saw billowing clouds of white foam.

When all had subsided,Miss Holly decided,the beautiful Maids had gone home.

So now as she wanders,she stops and she ponders,on what else might come from the sea.

There could be of course,a prancing sea horse,or maybe a turtle or three.

But Holly my dear, pirate ships may come here,and from any such thing you must flee!