Holly's Magazine

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Holly's Magazine

Tips on cooking cupcakes

• Always read the recipe before making the cupcakes

• Before putting the cupcakes in the oven set the timer on the oven to the right time

located on the recipe.

• Never cook with out washing your hands .

• Always supervise children when cooking .

• Cupcakes usually cook quickly so keep checking up on them.

These two participants Tamara and Amelia have been asked to rate the top ten cupcakes from best to worst and these are there choices. Top Ten Cupcakes These are the choices they both had..... Butterfly cupcakes Cappuccino cupcakes Lamington cupcakes Vanilla cupcakes Rainbow cupcakes Frog cupcakes Mango and coconut cupcakes Lemon meringue cupcakes Which is voted the most popular? Amelia Mazza-downie chose sports cup-cakes as her favourite recipe and Amelia’s least favourite was the butterfly cupcake recipe. Sports cupcakes Lamington cupcakes Mango and coconut cupcakes

Lemon meringue cupcakes Frog cupcakes Cappuccino cupcakes Rainbow cupcakes Vanilla cupcakes Butterfly cupcakes Tamara Bellion chose rocky road cup-cakes as her favourite recipe and her least favourite was mango and coconut road cupcakes Sports cupcakes Lamington cupcakes Lemon meringue cupcakes Rainbow cupcakes Vanilla cupcakes Butterfly cupcakes Cappuccino cupcakes Frog cupcakes Mango and coconut cupcakes


Top Ten Cupcakes in 2011 . Voted by Tamara and Amelia




Tess Masters

(Blender Girl)

cupcakes are never easy to make but some are eas-

ier then others and we spoke too Tess Masters

(blender girl) and she says that “cooking is hard

and takes a lot of practice to get it just perfect and

never in my life of being Blender Girl I have never

tried something and never cooked it again”

“Tess has always been a master at cooking” says

Being blender girl Tess spends a lot of time tak-

ing her own advice about being healthy and now

she is getting comments for around Australia

about her healthy tips.

Blender girl is just Blender Girl

when off the sett Tess Masters is

also well known for her fantastic


She has been dreaming of being

an actor her whole life and final-

ly she made and said “I will nev-

er give up on acting”

People say reaching your

goal or finding your

dream is hard and I

don't disagree but never

give up on what you

Tess doesn't remember

when she actually stared the

whole Blender Girl thing but

she knows it wasn't short

time ago.

In 2010 Tess played the vice

of Bernie Makati and was

offered the job in 2009.it was

Tess’s 5th time acting and

clearly had a lot of experi-

From then Tess had a lot

more jobs in the area of act-

ing and she said she will nev-

er throw away what she al-

ready has.

Taking Tess’s advice is probably

the best advice you will get in a


“Never give up on what

you love”

2010 the audition so why

did Holly audition well, she

did because Holly thought that

she was good enough to not

win but just to make it to the

top 50 kids in Australia and so

she did and believed it or not

Holly made it into the top 50

applicants in Australia. First

she saw the ad on the televi-

sion and it took a long time to

find free time to fill in Holly’s

application, so on Wednesday

night she sat at my sisters

(Timika) basketball training

and filled in my Junior Master

Chef application she needed

some assistance because the

online application was 15 pages

long some were pages that

were pages and pages with

question and some were pages.

that you needed to read that

showed so information about

what will exactly go on, the

others were pages that your

principal needed to fill out to

let you out of school to go to

Sydney for the actual filming,

and the last other pages were

the pages that asked things

about you and what experi-

ence you had in cooking. So

that night she sent my appli-

cation to the website that all

of the judges could see and

1700 people applied for Jun-

ior Mater Chef.

Volume 1 , Issue 1

Newsletter Date

Special points of inter-


• I never even thought of

going on junior master chef until I saw the very convincing advertisement on the television.

• Getting to the top 50 was

a great achievement for Holly.

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

The whole story 2

How to audition 2

Questions they 2

Answers I gave 3




∗ Master chef website : www.masterchef.com.au

∗ Click on applications at the top of the page

∗ Read the instructions and follow the prompts

∗ Or send a email to www.masterchef.com.au and give all your details

Oliver, a celebrity chef and health

campaigner in the UK, uses a

grassroots campaign in the US to

curb obesity In the first season, his

efforts are focused in Huntin-

ton ,West Virginia statistically

one of the unhealthiest cities in the

country. In an early trailer for the

show, Oliver challenges a group of

first grade schoolchildren to identi-

fy fruits and vegetables, and they

are unable to do so.[2] In 2010, Ja-mie Oliver's Food Revolution was nominated for the Do Something

TV Show Award from the VHI Do

Somthing Award for its efforts to

promote healthy eating at public

schools. The show also won an Em-

my award for Outstanding Reali-

ty Program.

The show was renewed for a second

six episode season on September 2,

2010.[4] The season premiered on Tues-

day April 12, 2011 at 8:00 PM East-

ern/7:00 PM Central.[5] After two epi-

sodes the show was dropped because of

poor ratings and replaced by repeats of

Dancing With The Stars,ABC aired the remaining four episodes in June;[6]

because of this, episodes 3-6 aired in

the United Kingdom on Channel 4

before the United States.


Kitchen Mitchen