Holiday Planning HJC Style

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Review slides to see hjc's step by step guide to creating the perfect campaign

Transcript of Holiday Planning HJC Style


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9/4/2014 2

• Introductions • Planning Your Campaign • The Campaign Concept • Santa’s Wish List • Communicating Your Campaign • Planning Your Time


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Presentation Notes
A holiday campaign can look simple but it takes a lot of background work and planning to execute. Today we will be looking at what is involved in that planning process. Hjc has been planning and executing holiday campaigns on behalf of our clients for over 20 years. We have learned a thing or two over the years and want to share that knowledge with you.

9/4/2014 5

I have to raise how much?!?!?!

Presentation Notes
Do you and your team look like this when thinking about the holidays? I am going to share a check list which can help with that.

Planning Your Holiday campaign

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Start at square one! Book two meetings: 1) With the fundraising

team: focused on setting your goals

2) With the whole team: a brainstorm on the theme and messaging

Presentation Notes
We recommend booking two meetings to get started. One is for the fundraising team (and marketing if they are involved in fundraising). The second is for the whole staff – this is an opportunity to brainstorm and work together – you never know who will have the best idea!

Planning Your Holiday campaign

Meeting #1 What is the goal (financial and non-financial)? Who is the audience (current house list, outside

list, what demographic range, etc) What are the best methods to reach this list(s)

(tv, radio, phone, mail, email, social media? What is the timing? What else is happening at the organization

during the campaign time – DM, telemarketing, phoning campaigns, events, peer to peer, etc?

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Presentation Notes
Here is a checklist of what to discuss during your first meeting. Be sure to set an agenda and send it out before hand so everyone has already come to the table with ideas. You may want to do a bit of digging in regards to who your audience is. Have you done any survey’s that gives more details in regards to demographics, do you know where your audiences lives? Is there a target audience you are trying to reach. Knowing your audience can really help to determine the different channels and in the long run will help with the overall messaging. It is also important to think about what else is happening at your organization. Your constituents hear from you in a variety of different ways and you want to ensure that your messages are consistent and connected. You do not need to go into too much detail in regards to how to integrate the campaign with other things happening at your organization at this point – simply create a list so you can use it in future meetings and planning.

Planning Your Holiday campaign

Meeting #2 What is the theme or the big idea? And how

does it connect to the mission? What stories can be told and how to tell

them best? What are your main messages, call to

action, and/or tag lines? What images match the theme and will

work for the campaign? Are you able to access or create new video?

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I’m feeling a bit better But

what’s next…

The Campaign Concept

• Campaign name • Theme and high level messaging • List of stories that could be leveraged • What type of imagery should be used • What is the Call-to-Action • Promotion and marketing channels • Identification of constituent segments • What elements will be part of the campaign

(landing page, donation form, DM, social media, etc)

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Presentation Notes
The result of these meetings should be the development of the Campaign Concept – this is a document, a few pages in length, that gives a complete overview of the campaign. Keep it top line but with enough detail that any team involved in the campaign can follow along to accomplish their tasks. This is a document that will keep everyone on the same page and ensure messaging remains consistent amongst all channels.

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What elements should be part of your campaign? Create your Christmas Wish List

New email stationary Responsive landing page Video PlayStation eCards Homepage banner Facebook posts

Presentation Notes
What do you want in for your holiday campaign? Part of the campaign concept is to outline the various campaign elements that you want. Think about what needs to be created to create a consistent brand and message. Think about how your message will best be told through the channels you are focusing on. For example, when leveraging online, particularly social media, video is a compelling element that can play a very important role in your campaign.

Santa’s Wish List

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• Strong stories that connect with readers • Video • Imagery that is personable

Presentation Notes We have seen holiday campaigns with a strong emotional pull see the most success. Every cause can draw emotions – from a cancer organization focusing on children, to an animal welfare organization giving puppies a home, to a shelter providing a warm place to stay for someone in need over the holidays. The difficult part is conveying those stories to your audience. We recommend taking some time to really look at the various stories you can use. Stats and figures won’t reach your max ROI over the holidays – don’t be afraid to be emotional. Show these stories with strong imagery, great storytelling and best case- a video. This video from the Canadian Cancer Society BC was use last year, the email appeals focused on the children in the video, the result was their best holiday season to date.

What is hjc’s Wish List?

• Campaign landing page • Interior pages template • Donation form • eCards • Email Stationary • Web banners • Marketing pieces • Print design as needed • Short Videos of holiday stories used for the


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Presentation Notes
Now that you have started to think about your own wish list, you may be wondering what are some of the standard elements you should be including. This is a list of many of the typical items we develop for a campaign. You do not have to create each and every item on this list, but it will help you to develop an integrated campaign that can be leveraged across all channels.

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Presentation Notes
Here are some design examples of various elements from a campaign last year. There is a homepage banner, eCard, light box on the website and a landing page. There were other elements including an interior page template and email stationary that were also developed. You can see how consistent imaging and messaging can ensure that no matter what channel your constituent comes to your organization – they are faced with the same campaign.

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Everything looks pretty but how to I ask for


Presentation Notes
Now you have an understand about all the various designed elements that may be part of your campaign, you have your top line messaging and you know the call to action, but actually putting pen to paper – asking isn’t easy! How do you know when to ask and how often?

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Email #3

Email #4


Email #5

Email #6

Email #7

FB Post FB Post

FB Post FB Post

FB Post

FB Post FB Post

FB Post


Presentation Notes
A busy holiday communications calendar should not be a scary thing. It is a busy time of year and your constituents are hearing a lot from, family, friends, the retail lists they subscribe to and other charities. It is a time to ensure your information is out there and available to your constituents. This calendar is not as extensive as ones we create but gives you an idea about the schedule. So often we see hesitation to send constituents more than 1-2 emails. We have seen, however, that an increase in emails helps to increase revenue. There is a general trend with emails where we see a steady increase in donations over the month of donations with the biggest revenue coming in between the week of Christmas and New Years

Tips for the Copy

• Short and sweet • Focus on the donor – how are they

helping and who are they helping? • Make it personal – Dear friend • Interesting subject line • Teaser preview pane • Ask for a donation! (more than once)

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Writing emotional copy can be difficult. The easy solution is to hire hjc. We also want to provide some tips around writing copy during the holiday season.

Marketing Your Campaign

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If one of your goals is to grow your audience, you will need to market your campaign. Marketing does cost money but it is a worthy investment. We specialize in online marketing and generally speaking, you only pay per click – which means you are only spending money on people who actually view your campaign landing, donation form or wherever you are sending them to.

Timing – When to Start Planning

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Start Early!

Presentation Notes
It is best to start as early as possible, we have been talking holiday with some of our clients since July. But don’t freak out! There is still time. The example I showed you earlier was kicked off in Late October. We have went through the best case scenarios but you can pick and choose what you have for your campaign based on the time you have to do all the background work. It is better to do something that nothing!

Timing – When to Start Planning Deliverable Duration Meeting #1 1/2 day

Meeting #2 2 hours

Campaign Concept Development

1-2 weeks

Design phase 3-4 Weeks

Implementation 2-3 weeks

Copy Phase 4-5 weeks

Marketing Plan 1 week

Campaign Duration 4-8 weeks

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Sit back and Enjoy the Holidays!

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