Holding Local Government to Account - John Baillie, Chair of the Accounts Commission (23.09.13)

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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John Baillie CA is a former partner of KPMG (Edinburgh & London) and a recently retired member of the Competition Commission. John is a visiting Professor of Accounting and former Johnstone Smith Professor of Accounting at Glasgow University. He was appointed to the Chair of the Accounts Commission Scotland in November 2012 is a Non Executive Member of the Audit Scotland Board and is on the Committee of the Scottish Accountancy Trust for Education and Research.

Transcript of Holding Local Government to Account - John Baillie, Chair of the Accounts Commission (23.09.13)

Holding local government to account: current and future challenges

John Baillie - Chair of the Accounts Commission

John Baillie 25 September 2013 2

Issues and discussion

• Accounts Commission• Councils• Financial position – from riches to austerity• Local authority audit and scrutiny• Challenges for councils• Community planning partnerships• Coordinating / streamlining scrutiny• Benchmarking• Single outcome agreements• ‘How councils work’• Final questions – for councils; for audit

John Baillie 25 September 2013

The challenge of reducing finances


John Baillie 25 September 2013 4

Questions on delivering services

• Is there a need for the service?• If so, how should it be delivered, and by whom?• Have all the realistic choices been explored?• Is there sufficient evidence to make an informed


John Baillie 25 September 2013 5

Final Questions

• Councils and CPPs• How much service is enough?• Will CPPs succeed?• Will they expand?

• Audit• Develop benchmarking• Continue streamlining• Develop CPP audits• Pace of improvement• Arm’s length external organisations• Expectations of audit

Holding local government to account: current and future challenges

John Baillie - Chair of the Accounts Commission