Hold on to your customers...Two reasons to hold onto your customers 1. It makes good business sense...

Post on 09-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Hold on to your customers...Two reasons to hold onto your customers 1. It makes good business sense...

Hold on to your customers

Samantha Hillion-Burnswww.BrillianceCX.com

What is the purpose of business?

The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.

Peter Drucker

Hold on to your customers

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Hold on to your customers

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What do we mean: Hold onto your customers?

Creating positive behavioural and emotional bonds

Hold on to your customers

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Two reasons to hold onto your customers

1. It makes good business sense

Customers with strong positive affiliations with a brand / company:

• Spend more

• Cost less to serve over time

• Cost less to keep than to replace

• Are much more willing to recommend that brand / company to others

Two reasons to hold onto your customers

Customers with strong positive affiliations with a brand / company:

• Are the most effective marketing agents


✓ People give twice as much attention to recommendations from friends than from any other source

✓ People trust recommendations from people they know

Once a referral becomes a customer, they are less likely to leave

And they bring on average a 25% higher profit margin

1. It makes good business sense

Two reasons to hold onto your customers

2. Your customers need your support

Companies reacting in one of two ways during COVID-19 lockdown:

Reaching out to get more support from

their customers

Reaching out to give more support to their customers

2. Your customers need your support

With the emotional and financial strain of COVID and lockdown…

• Remember your customers are human beings

• Need to feel more connected

• Need to feel a less vulnerable

2. Your customers need your support

Reach out to your customers

• New appreciation of human connection

• Time to listen between the lines

• Time to be more empathic

• Time to show more compassion

2. Your customers need your support

Employees also need to feel needed

2. Your customers need your support

Work more fulfilling when meaningfully meeting the needs of others

Two reasons to hold onto your customers

2. Your customers need your support

1. It makes good business sense

Hold on to your customers

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Hold onto your customers




Hold onto your customers

Reach out



Reach out to your customers

• Call them – no selling

• Listen extra carefully

• Keep healthy, stay strong cards

• Share tips or insights

• Invite their stories

Hold onto your customers

Hold onto your customers

Reach out to your customers

Hold onto your customers

Reach out




Hold onto your customers

Respond to your customers

• Respond to needs with special deals or new offerings

• Be super-available, high energy

• Effective knowledge

• Superior complaint management

Hold onto your customers

Reach out

Respond ReviewR


Hold onto your customers

Review all processes with your customers in mind

• Strategy and governance

• Each function in every division

• Policies, processes, systems

• Evidence of good customer outcomes

Hold onto your customers

Reach out

Respond Review


Hold onto your customers

• Design

• Communicate

• Budget

• Care for employees

Proactively look after customers’ best interests

Hold on to your customers

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Hold on to your customers

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Hold on to your customers

Samantha Hillion-Burnswww.BrillianceCX.com

• Founder and Director of Brilliance

• Samantha Hillion-Burns is dedicated to helping companies around the world create more value for and through their customers.

• Samantha has over 25 years’ executive experience in the field of customer success, including customer experience management; customer trust and loyalty; customer ethics; customer communication; service design and complaints management.

• She has an international MBA cum laude mastering customer loyalty, and a degree in psychology and communications.

• Sam has over 150 firms using her custom-designed subscription systems to successfully implement, monitor and measure business practices to meet both customer experience and regulatory requirements.


About Samantha Hillion-Burns