Hkr 3220 power point michael scott

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Transcript of Hkr 3220 power point michael scott

Unit 2: Navigation LessonsMaps: Lesson 2

Michael Scott201240363

June, 22nd, 2015

Reading a Map

● Reading a map is similar to any literacy. Practice is needed and context is essential.

● A map can’t tell where you are going, but only where you are.

● Like the Compass, the ability to read a map starts with the components of a map.

● A typical topographic map consists of contour lines, UTM grid, a key showing landmarks such as forests, rivers, bridges, etc and has a scale of 1: 50,000. (1cm=50km)

● Maps are two-dimensional, however they are representations of the three-dimensional world.

Topographic Map

Elevation and Contour Lines

● An essential map reading skill is translating contour lines into hills, slopes, mountains and valleys.

● Contour Lines: Elevation denoted by brown lines. Contour lines that are spaced closely together mean a steep slope, whereas contour lines farther apart means less steepness.

● Contour elevation is denoted in the margin on the map and tells how much elevation is gained between contour lines.

UTM Grid

● Allows user to plot points on a map easily and accurate.

● Allows participants to go from a big picture to a small picture from somewhere in the real world in a coordinated system.

● Easting is the number that tells the position from east to west. (Right to Left)

● Northing is the number that tells the position north to south. (Up to Down)

● Each block of the UTM grid represents 1 square kilometer with each line segment equaling 1 kilometer.

Determining UTM Coordinates

● UTM’s are six-figure numbers with the first three representing easting and the second three representing northing.

● When determining UTM coordinates it is important to remember the phrase: “Going in the house, then up the stairs.” Meaning that you go horizontally across the map first (easting), then vertically up the map second. (northing)

● For example, the number 284706. The three digit number 284 would represent Easting in the 28th grid line and about 4 tenths. The three digit number 706 would represent Northing in the 70th gridline and about 6 tenths.


● Redmond, K. Foran, A. Dwyer, S. (2010). Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education. Unit 2: Navigational Lessons, Pages 85-88.