[Hitman] Clan - PTP Clan

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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Transcript of [Hitman] Clan - PTP Clan

After Team [NO] clan was banned on April 16, 2012, the clan [Hitman] (former brother-clan to [NO]) emerged once again as a separate clan, but with players from [NO] who were allowed to

play on PTP Server, without the [NO] tag. Approved by the former [NO] Management and leader, eriX of Sweden, and lead by [Hitman]Jimmy and [Hitman]Mantas.


VIP of PTP. Founder of the [Hitman] clan. Very skilled player in various playing styles.


Admin of PTP. One of PTP’s best duelists. Amazing skills on foot, as well as in vehicle. Got PTP’s best killing spree with 121 kills.


Epic duelist. One of the oldest members of [Hitman].


Admin of PTP. Great duelist and very good personality.


VIP of PTP. Leader of former [Rawr] clan. Friendly player with fantastic skills and great attitude.


VIP of PTP. The President-killing machine. Very good skills on foot.


VIP of PTP. Great skills on foot and good President hunter. PTP’s no. 1 killer (/topkills).


Admin of PTP. Great dueling skills and a very good stunter.


Admin of PTP. Good in duels and in taking down the President. Brother of [Hitman]Mertcan.


VIP of PTP. Skillful player, particularly in duels.


VIP of PTP. Very good player, good as Security. Brother of [Hitman]Bake.


VIP of PTP. Very good skills in dueling and driving. Good President killer.


VIP of PTP. Epic personality. Good skills on foot.


VIP of PTP. Sexy Stunter and wicked as Security.

[Hitman]MegaPilotEmperor of the skies. Expert Heli and Rustler pilot. Good assassin.


Expert heli-killer. Good skills on foot, as well as in vehicle.


VIP of PTP. Skillful player and a fun guy to be around with.


Great fighter in many playing styles. Good foot skills.


Amazing fighter with fantastic skills in most playing styles. Great person all in all.




Tests of [Hitman] clan:

1. Kill the President in under 5 minutes

2. Survive as the President (min. of 40 players online)

3. Kill 10 enemies without dying (DB allowed, no Civilian kills allowed)

4. Kill 3 enemies without dying (no DB, no Armor/Health regeneration)

5. Kill the tester in a foot duel

6. Kill the tester in a DB duel