Hitler Project

Post on 22-May-2015

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A project of Hitlers life

Transcript of Hitler Project

Hitler’s Life

By: Christina Mejia


Gonzalo A. Corral

Hitler’s Roots

Early Life• Birth April 20, 1889

– Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn

• Attended monastery school in Lambach, Austria– Top of the Class and Ring Leader of friends

• Father sent him to technical high school• In 1903 his dad dies of a lung hemorrhage • In 1907 his mom dies from cancer• In 1907 he traveled to Vienna to become an artist but

failed the Academy of Fine Arts entrance exam twice

The Rise of Hitler


• In 1913 Hitler went to Munich, Germany and volunteered for service in German Army in 1914

• In September of 1919 Hitler joined the German Workers Party which later evolved into the Nazi Party

• 1923 He was Tried for treason and imprisoned– Writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle)

• World depression aided the failing Nazi Party

• In January 1933 he became chancellor of Germany

The Nazi Regime and its Demise

Georges, Grim Reaper, The Nation (April, 1933)

The Nazi Regime

• The Enabling Act 1933– Gave Hitler Dictatorship powers

• In 1933 the government abolished self government in German states– In 1934 the Reichsrat was abolished

• In July of 1933 Nazi Party is the only legal party

• In 1934, following the death of Hindenburg, Hitler becomes his successor


• In November of 1937 Hitler planed his aggression against Europe

• On September 1st of 1939 Hitler invaded Poland sparking WWII

• June 6, 1944, Allied forces landed on Normandy Beach, France (D-Day)

• The Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944 was Hitler’s final stand

Hitler’s Legacy• Approximately 6 million people died under his rule

in concentration camps– This would be Hitler’s “Final Solution”

• In 1943 Hitler’s health deteriorates rapidly– In 1944 Hitler suffers a heart attack and is confined to

bed for several days

• Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 – Seven days later Germany surrenders


• http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~lenin/ADOLF_HITLER_BIOGRAP.html

• http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERhitler.htm• http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/

kampf.htm• An album of Nazism by William Loren Katz• Metacafe.com which provided our video clip

And Special Thanks to Ms. Catron