History Research Paper The_phoenix612 Version

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  • 8/3/2019 History Research Paper The_phoenix612 Version


    Gas and the Government:

    Chemical Research and Military Reorganization of Science during WWIthe_phoenix612

    Poison gas warfare was introduced to the Great War in April 1915 on the

    battlefields surrounding Ypres, Belgium. While commonly referred to as the first wartime

    use of chemical weaponry, this is untrue. Warring parties have a long, rich history of

    exploiting novel ways of killing the enemy, stretching all the way back to the

    Peloponnesian War when the Spartan armies burned pitch and sulfur under the walls of

    Platea and Belium in the (unsuccessful) hope of choking the defenders into submission.


    In the Crimean War, the Admiral Lord Dundonald (a renowned chemist) proposed

    reducing the cities of St. Petersburg and Sevastopol with sulfur fumes. The British

    sailors were to be protected by charcoal respirators developed for industrial use in the

    London chemical industry, but the plan was abandoned for fears of shifting winds and

    insufficient quantities of respirators.2 From this point in history, the wartime use of

    chemicals were inseparable from domestic chemical industries. During the Great War,

    there were but a handful of chemicals necessary for war purposes: chlorine,

    hydrochloric acid, ammonia, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, and alcohol.3 These

    basic chemicals, requisite for conventional arms production, were cornerstones of the

    peaceful chemical industries and countries with established infrastructures for their

    production benefitted greatly when implementing scale-up procedures.

    The real innovations in the Great War, however, were in chemicals developed

    and manufactured expressly for their inherent offensive capabilities. For these particular

    1Amos Fries, Chemical Warfare (New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1921), 1

    2Robert B. Edgerton, Death or Glory: The Legacy of the Crimean War(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999), 249.

    3F. A. Hessel, Chemistry in Warfare: Its Strategic Importance (New York: Hastings House, 1942), 132.

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    gases there existed no infrastructure for their production, and only scattered,

    disorganized infrastructure for their large-scale manufacture. For these reasons, the

    United States was able to become a global leader in the production of offensive gas

    weaponry by the end of the Great War. This process resulted in massive government

    funding of, and interest in, primary scientific research by 1919. When the war came to a

    close and disarming tendencies came to dominate domestic politics, there was a great

    battle over the future of the emergent Chemical Warfare Service This battle, fought in

    newspaper editorials, Senate deliberations, and academic journals, was won by the

    chemists and military men already invested in the research infrastructure. The Chemical

    Warfare Service was maintained at active research levels until 1934 when the Great

    Depression knocked its appropriations down to a bare minimum. When the Army

    ramped up for WWII, the Chemical Warfare Service was envisioned to play a huge role

    in hostilities in both the European and Pacific theaters. However, political attitudes and

    public opinion were never in favor of re-introducing the horrors of large-scale chemical


    Astonishingly, the US War Department did little to nothing to prepare for chemical

    warfare in the two year span between its introduction at Ypres and the American

    declaration of war. The only man who, at the outbreak of the war, had any experience

    remotely applicable to chemical warfare was Van H. Manning, the Director of the

    Bureau of Mines. The Bureau had been studying poisonous and explosive gases as

    they existed in mines since its inception in 1910 under the Department of the Interior

    and was developing apparatus for safe breathing in the presence of noxious gases.

    Manning offered his Bureaus services to the military in February 1917. On April 3 1917

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    the National Research Council created the Subcommittee on Noxious Gases, headed

    by Manning and including officers from the Ordnance and Medical Corps of both the

    Army and the Navy. The work carried out by this subcommittee came to be the nucleus

    for research on chemical warfare and would evolve into the Research Division of the


    One reason the Army took preparations for chemical warfare lightly is that in the

    spring of 1917, the balance of chemical warfare was shifting to the defense. Anti-gas

    preparations were steadily increasing in effectiveness, and dichloroethyl sulfide, better

    known as mustard gas, had yet to be introduced by the Germans. Once the devastating

    capabilities of mustard gas manifested on European battlefields, the Army accelerated

    chemical endeavors. General Order No. 8 of July 15, 1917 created the Gas Service as

    part of the American Expeditionary Force deployed to Europe.5 The Service was

    charged with the conduct of the entire gas and flame service, both offense and defense

    . . . and control of all experimental work pertaining to gas warfare.6 Requisitions for this

    novel and multi-headed department were drawn from all over the Army: personnel and

    material for offensive purposes were drawn from the Corps of Engineers, personnel and

    material for defensive purposes were drawn from the Medical Corps, and all gas bombs,

    shells, and similar material were supplied by the Ordnance Department.

    Heading this new Service was Lt. Col Amos Fries, soon to be Col. Amos Fries.

    Fries first task was staffing his Service with experienced men, of whom the US Army

    4Brophy, Leo P. and George J.B. Fisher, The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War(Washington D.C.:

    Department of the Army, 1959), 1:4.5

    Fries, 72.6

    Major General A. W. Brewster, Activities of the Chemical Warfare Service, in United States Army in the World

    War 1917-1919: Reports of the Commander-in-Chief, Staff Sections and Services (Washington D.C.: Center of

    Military History, 1991), 15:291.

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    was noticeably lacking. Two Medical Corps officers had been attached to Allied Medical

    Departments, Col. James R. Church with the French Army, and Col. Harry L. Gilchrist

    with the British Expeditionary Force.7 These officers, and about two hundred others,

    made up the forward-deployed Gas Service providing American troops in Europe with

    gas masks and limited amounts of offensive chemicals, which were mainly obtained

    from the French.

    Once the importance of chemical warfare was brought to the nations attention,8

    118 of the nations top chemists, representing 21 universities, three industrial

    companies, and three government agencies, offered aid for the war effort.9 Labs were

    created across the United States to promote this research, but it was readily apparent to

    Mannings Bureau and Subcommittee that domestic research projects should be

    centralized and organized. American University, on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.,

    had tendered use of their facilities to the war effort in April 1917 and with a $175,000

    allotment from the War and Navy Departments, the American University Experiment

    Station was born.10 Dr. George A. Burrell, who had been in charge of the Bureau of

    Mines gas research for several years, was chosen to head the research division of the

    Noxious Gas Subcommittee. Under Burrell were several engineers from the Bureau of

    Mines: A.C. Fieldner, the chief chemist at the Pittsburgh Research Station, Dr. Yandell

    Henderson, a Professor of physiology at Yale University, Bradley Dewey, director of an

    7Brophy, 1:6.

    8The British, from whom we received virtually all of our news of war proceedings, had kept the severity of

    chemical attacks out of the eye of the US public for fear that the truth would only harden Americas commitment

    to neutrality. Upon US entry to the war, the British had no problem shocking the reading public with tales of gas.9

    Brophy, 2:5.10

    Fries, 33.

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    industrial research laboratory, and Warren K. Lewis, professor of Chemical Engineering

    at MIT.11

    The first task assigned to the Bureau of Mines in May 1917 was the provision of

    25,000 gas masks to be completed and shipped overseas by July of the same year. The

    necessary production was divided among companies across the country, with the main

    work being done at the American Can Company in Brooklyn, New York. The first masks

    were ready for testing in June and Bradley Dewey, Yandell Henderson, and George

    Burrell decided to test them themselves. The test, crude but effective, consisted of

    Henderson walking into a gas chamber and emptying a canister of chlorine. But for

    bleached hair and socks, Henderson was unharmed.12 While these masks ultimately

    proved ineffective for battlefield use, the new Gas Service had proved its worth, and in

    July 1917 received $125,000 from the War Department budget to fund research into

    existing and novel forms of gas warfare.

    American University was only 24 years old in 1917, and required significant

    improvement to capably serve as a national center for war gas research. These

    improvements were made possible by a 2 million dollar budget for fiscal year 1917, and

    research began in September of that year.13 Eight disparate sections of chemical

    research were organized by Manning at American University: Chemical Research,

    Physiological Research, Pyrotechnic Research, Chemical Manufacture, Mechanical

    Research, Submarine Gases, Dirigible and Balloon Gas, and Gas Mask Examination.

    11Col. George A. Burrell, The Research Division, Chemical Warfare Service, U.S.A. The Journal of Industrial and

    Engineering Chemistry11 (1919), 93-94.12

    Burrell, 95.13

    Fries, 38.

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    Thus, it was not merely a center for developing new weaponized gases, but a veritable

    center of American science, funded and organized by the federal government. By the

    end of the war, researchers occupied sixty purpose-built buildings on the campus.14

    On June 28, 1918 the Gas Service of the AEF and the Noxious Gases

    Subcommittee became the Chemical Warfare Service by General Order 62 of the War

    Department.15 This Service, led by Maj. Gen. William L. Sibert16, organized every aspect

    of chemical warfare under one man, from pure scientific research to the field training of

    new recruits in gas attack procedures.17 The scientists working at American University,

    now numbering over 1,600, strongly resisted this reorganization. They noted that under

    the Bureau of Mines, the organization is complex and delicate but well articulated and

    working with an efficiency and enthusiasm which have impressed us greatly. When the

    War Department pushed through its reorganization in June, an editorial was published

    in the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistrywhich lamented the Presidents

    decision, and remarked that the red tape of military methods would destroy the

    congeniality built up among the researchers and would retard their progress.18 These

    fears were never realized, however, because hostilities came to a close soon after the

    adjustments were made.

    14 U.S. Bureau of Education, The War Work of American Colleges and Universities during the War, U.S. Bureau of

    Education, Higher Education CircularNo. 6 (Washington D.C.: 1918)15

    Brewster, 15:293.16

    General Pershing required a man of suitably high rank and strong personality to cut through typical bureaucratic

    obstacles, and in Sibert he had his man. Sibert had previously overseen construction of the Panama Canal and had

    commanded the Big Red One in France. (Brophy, 1:12)17

    James E. Hewes, From Root to McNamara: Army Organization and Administration (Washington D.C.: Center of

    Military History, 1975), 387-390.18

    By Order of the President (editorial), The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry10 (1918), 590.

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    The Chemical Warfare Service aided the American war effort in three ways:

    provision of effective gas masks, mass production of existing war gases, and

    development of new chemical weapons for wartime use. Each of these

    accomplishments were the purview of a separate division of the CWS, and each

    deserves exposition. The development of reliable gas masks was the first and most

    critical task of the CWS. As previously mentioned, the first attempt at manufacturing an

    American gas mask failed, so the Research Division turned to facsimile of existing

    British models, making improvements where possible. The charcoal box was enlarged

    from the British model, the mouthpiece made larger and less flexible, and the technical

    expertise of the Goodrich and Goodyear companies were requisitioned to produce a

    high-quality gas mask for American use.19 Once a design was settled upon in March

    1918, the Gas Defense Division of the CWS set about producing masks at an incredible

    pace. By wars end little more than eight months later, 5,692,000 masks were produced

    in the US, more than half of which came from the Long Island City Plant in New York.20

    The production of war gases was a critical component not only of the American

    war effort, but also of the Allied war effort as a whole. None of the war gases used in

    Europe, except for chlorine, had ever been commercially produced in the United States.

    Unlike Germany, whose powerful prewar chemical industry was simply augmented by

    wartime appropriations, the production infrastructure had to be built from scratch in

    America. Because the Federal Railroad Commission restricted transport of hazardous

    chemicals to a specific sort of slow, expensive train, the decision was made to

    centralize chemical production near Washington. A special plant was constructed in

    19Burrell, 96.

    20Fries, 49.

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    Maryland near the shell-filling facilities.21 The Edgewood Arsenal division of the CWS

    came to consist of all the plants on the Edgewood reservation as well as phosgene

    plants in Niagara and New Jersey, bromine wells in Michigan, and a mustard gas plant

    in Buffalo.22 Construction began in September 1917 and production began in January of

    the next year.23 Whereas at the outset of hostilities the US Army obtained nearly all of

    its poison gas (chlorine and phosgene, mainly) from the French, by the middle of 1918

    the United States was outproducing England and France combined, as well as

    quadrupling Germanys production of war gases; the Edgewood Arsenal alone was

    producing 675 tons of war gas per week.


    In fact, so much toxin was produced at

    Edgewood that the Army ran out of shells and began shipping gas in bulk directly to

    England and France to be put into shells overseas.26 The Research Division of the CWS

    was responsible for a breakthrough in the production of mustard gas, aiding both the

    British and the American war efforts. Mustard gas, the most widely used and most

    devastating gas used late in the war, was produced through a complicated chain of

    reactions. First, ethylene (C2H4) is created by the dehydration of ethyl alcohol. It is then

    reacted with hypochlorous acid to form ethylene chlorhydrin (ClCH2CH2OH) which,

    when heated with hydrochloric acid, produces dichloroethyl sulfide (ClCH2CH2)2S, more

    commonly known as mustard gas. This method of production was found to be

    unsuitable for large scale production by US scientists, who attributed German

    21Fries, 33.

    22Benedict Crowell,Americas Munitions: 1917-1918 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1919), 398.

    23Brophy, 2:15.

    24Crowell, 396.

    25Brophy, 1:12.

    26Brophy, 2:18

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    successes with the method to their superior chemical factories.27 Ethylene chlorohydrin,

    however, was in very limited supply. Chemists of the Research Division explored

    several avenues for working around this, and eventually came upon the direct reaction

    of ethylene and sulfur dichloride in January 1918.28

    The work done by the CWS that had the most lasting impact was the

    primary chemistry research done at American University. This is not because the

    chemicals developed were particularly significant but because it was in the research of

    the Offense Division that full cooperation among all branches of the CWS was achieved,

    and the precedents for large-scale government research projects were set. In order to

    best coordinate the efforts of the more than 1,200 scientists stationed at American

    University, men were organized into divisions with focused responsibilities, and projects

    would be passed from division to division as they neared completion. For example,

    when a new toxic substance was devised, it would first be synthesized by the Offense

    Research Section. If the substance was solid under normal conditions, it was sent to the

    Dispersoid Section to engineer a method for dispersal. After this was accomplished, or if

    the substance was already a liquid, the Toxicological Section tested the substance for

    offensive properties, including lachrymatory and vesicatory29 effects. At this stage a

    committee of chemists, pharmacologists, and physiologists determined if the substance

    had potential for field usage. If it did, the Chemical Production Section and the Small

    Scale Manufacturing Section worked out how to produce it on a large scale: anywhere

    from 50 to 2,000 pounds. If a successful method was found, it was passed on to the

    27Fries, 152.

    28Clarence J. West, The History of Mustard Gas, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering 22 (1920), 541.

    29Vesicatory gases are those that cause blistering upon skin contact. The most notorious example is mustard gas.

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    Development Division for large-scale production. While production methods were being

    devised, the Analytical Section was working in conjunction with the Defense Section to

    ensure Allied troops chemical protection systems would protect them from the gas. The

    Pyrotechnic Division was studying its effects when fired from shells or released from

    cylinders, and the Medical Division tested its effects on animal or human subjects.30 In

    just over a year of work, the Offense Chemical Research Section prepared and tested

    1,600 gases by these methods, but only a very few passed all the necessary tests for


    In order to be selected as a war gas, a chemical had to pass a variety of tests.

    Foremost among these was that the gas must have a useful physiological effect. This

    was not always lethality: brombenzyl cyanide was produced for its tear-producing effect,

    diphenylchloroarsine caused acute sneezing fits, and chloropicrin induced nausea.32

    The chemicals raw materials must have been readily available: many iodine-based

    compounds were rejected on these grounds. The physical and chemical properties of

    the vaporized chemical must also be suitable for military purposes. Cyanide gas was

    rejected by the US Army because its vapor density was too low, and dense clouds

    would not form. With regards to chemical properties, reactivity to moisture and iron were

    critical. Several gases were rejected because they hydrolysed too easily, and several

    others reacted poorly to being contained in iron artillery shells for the six month delay

    between shell filling in America and firing in Europe. Hydrogen Sulfide was rejected for

    war use rather belatedly when the British discovered that, when vaporized, the gas was

    30Fries, 40-42.

    31William L. Sibert,Annual Reports Chief of Chemical Warfare Service (Washington D.C.: GPO, 1919), 187.

    32Crowell, 395-407.

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    extremely flammable and suffered a series of explosions in their own trenches.33 The

    most significant gases discovered by the Research Division during World War I were

    Lewisite and chloroacetophenone.

    Lewisite, a vesicant similar to mustard gas but several times as dangerous, was

    considered the most valuable secret of the Chemical Warfare Service at the close of

    hostilities due to its production method. The drive to find alternative methods of mustard

    gas production had led chemists to explore the reactions of ethylene and acetylene on

    inorganic chlorides.34 One such reaction, acetylene and arsenic trichloride with

    aluminum chloride as a catalyst, was discovered by a Captain Winford Lee Lewis in

    April 1918. A purpose-built plant was constructed in Ohio for production of Lewisite, and

    production began in September.35 Lewisite held several key advantages over mustard

    gas: it was more toxic than mustard gas, it was less persistent, allowing it to be used

    immediately preceding an attack, and it was easier to manufacture.36 Unfortunately,

    Lewisite was not manufactured in scale in time to be used in the planned 1919

    offensive. It was retained and designated a primary chemical weapon by the US Army

    until 1943, when its limitations became known: that its effects are immediately felt,

    which reduced exposure times, and the British development of anti-Lewisite, which

    prevents Lewisite burns.37

    33W.D. Bancroft, History of the Chemical Warfare Service in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Chemical Warfare

    Service, 1919), 57.34

    Fries, 187.35

    Vilensky, Joel A. and Pandy R. Sinish, Weaponry: Lewisite Americas World War I Chemical Weapon, MHQ:

    The Quarterly Journal of MilitaryHistoryVol. 17 (Spring 2005), 82.36

    Augustin M. Prentiss, Chemicals in War: A Treatise on Chemical Warfare (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1937), 192.37

    Vilensky, 83.

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    Chloroacetophenone is a lachrymator, or tear-producing agent, which was first

    synthesized in May 1917 by the Research Station of the CWS. Lachrymators proved

    useful toward the end of the war when armies realized that they could dramatically

    reduce their opponents combat effectiveness simply by forcing them to don masks.

    Lachrymators were ideal chemicals for this purpose because they were active at far

    lesser concentrations than were the killing or vesicating gases. At the time, the best

    lachrymator was the French brombenzyl cyanide, and chloroacetophenone was several

    times more effective at producing lachrymation.38 Additionally, chloroacetophenone was

    a solid, making it easier to handle and distribute, and was easier to produce than was

    brombenzyl cyanide. It was not distributed in time for wartime use in WWI, but it has

    become the standard tear gas for police, army, and riot forces, now known by the trade

    name Mace.

    As illustrated by the examples of new gas development, as well as improved

    methods of synthesis, the Chemical Warfare Service was critical for coordinating

    American research efforts with allied research efforts, as well as coordinating military

    research units with university scientists across the nation. WWI was the first time the

    government had recognized one of the pure sciences on its own terms and incorporated

    primary scientific research into military structure. As a direct result of governmental

    involvement, the 1,200 scientists funded by the federal government as part of the CWS

    produced results at an unprecedented pace at a time when their nation needed them

    most, and it was a direct result of governmental involvement. The wartime editor of the

    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistrynoted with some pride the exemplary

    38Fries, 16.

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    work accomplished by a joint effort between the military and the scientific community,

    and predicted that future crises could be solved in a similar manner.39 Due in large part

    to the proven success of government funded and organized scientific endeavors, the

    US Army was quick to use the cutting edge of science in the next great conflict, and

    turned a slight advantage in the new field of atomic physics into a war-winning asset.

    It did not take long for American thinkers to see what benefits new forms of

    scientific organization could provide. As early as 1920 Senator Elihu Root, a prominent

    statesman and attorney, remarked, Science has been arranging, classifying,

    methodizing, simplifying everything except itself. It has made possible the tremendous

    modern development of the power of organization which has so multiplied the effective

    power of human effort as to make the differences from the past seem to be of kind

    rather than degree. . . . the effective power of a great number of scientific men may be

    increased by organization just as the effective power of a great number of laborers may

    be increased by military discipline.40 However, with the Armistice came tremendous

    uncertainty regarding the future of the CWS. By June 1919, the 20,000 men serving in

    the Chemical Warfare Service at the time of the Armistice had been drawn down to

    589.41 The General Order providing for the existence of the CWS was only valid until six

    months after the close of hostilities,42 and it soon became apparent that both military

    and public opinion were set firmly against chemical warfare.

    39Charles H. Herty, The Reserves of the Chemical Warfare Service (Washington, D.C.: National Research Council,

    1921), 17.40

    George Ellery Hale, The Possibilities of Coperation in Research, in The New World of Science, ed. Robert M.

    Yerkes (New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1920), 394-395.41

    Sibert, 15.42

    Brophy, 1:15.

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    The Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker, was of the opinion that peacetime

    research and development were of little concern to the Army, and that what little must

    be done, could be done by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Chief of Staff, Peyton C.

    March, was also adamant that the CWS should be abolished.43 Professional soldiers

    also despised chemical warfare; they viewed it as corrupting the expertise and honor of

    their profession, and representing the ruthlessness and inhumanity of modern war.44

    Public opinion was dominated by an intense desire to return to isolationism.

    Accompanying this desire was tremendous pressure on the Army to demobilize as

    much as possible and return to prewar levels of spending and activity.


    Several high-ranking Army officers disagreed with these notions, however.

    Brigadier General Amos Fries, Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service, was obviously

    supportive of its continued existence, as was General William L. Sibert, who preceded

    Fries in his post at the head of the CWS. Benedict Crowell, the Assistant Secretary of

    War in charge of munitions, was also a strong supporter of the CWS. He was educated

    as a chemist and believed that the future of warfare lay in the field of chemistry. 46 Most

    importantly, though, the American chemical industry was attempting to sway public

    opinion in favor of chemical weaponry in the wake of the Treaty of Versailles. One

    provision of the Treaty, Article 172, demanded that Germany hand over all chemical

    processes [including drawings of plants, manufacturing instructions, and reports of

    research to date] used during the war.47 As Germany had, by far, the worlds most

    43Brophy, 1:16.

    44Frederic J. Brown, Chemical Warfare: A Study in Restraints (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968), 10.

    45Brophy, 2:28.

    46Brophy, 1:16.

    47Brown, 53.

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    advance chemical industry at the outbreak of war, this provided American chemical

    companies access to invaluable trade and military secrets. In order to take full

    advantage of this newfound wealth, however, the chemical industry had to alter the

    American publics hostility to all things chemical. The industry, and particularly DuPont

    Company, saw the solution as a matter of educating three groups: first, the American

    people as the ultimate consumers; second, for the consuming industries; and third, for

    the national legislators. A massive educational campaign was launched in 1919 that

    lasted until 1925. 48 Editorials were written in major scientific journals.49 Special editions

    of New York newspapers were written, and full-page editorials were sent to 40 other

    major papers.50 Speakers were even sent out across the nation to stump for the cause

    of the Chemical Warfare Service and its attending organization. The Journal of

    Industrial and Engineering Chemistrypublished editorials calling for unity among

    chemists51 and reprinted General Pershings testimony to Congress in favor of

    permanently establishing the Chemical Warfare Service.

    The Chemical Warfare Service under Gen. Fries mounted a propaganda

    campaign to rehabilitate the image of chemical warfare and portray it was the most

    humane form of killing in modern warfare. Statistics were presented by the Chief

    Medical Officer of the CWS to show that, if the most humane weapons were so by

    nature of their ratios of wounded to killed, chemical weapons were, in fact, the highest

    form of killing. 2,039,329 men of the AEF arrived in France; 258,338 ended up

    casualties in battle. Of these, 34,249 were killed and less than 200 were killed by action

    48Brown, 57.

    49The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry11 (1919), 810-820..

    50Brown, 58.

    51Chemical Warfare Service Endangered, The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry12 (1920), 2-3.

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    of gas. Of the 224,089 men hospitalized, 70,552 were gas victims and 1,221 of these

    died. Thus, of the 70,000 AEF men gassed in WWI, 2 percent died while of the 187,000

    men wounded by conventional weapons, 24.3 percent died. This was hailed as proof of

    the superiority of chemical weapons: they can win a battle while killing or maiming the

    fewest number of soldiers.52

    The most effective argument for the continuation of the CWS was that the United

    States must continue to be prepared for the outbreak of future chemical warfare. This

    argument was, perhaps, too successful. After waging an immense propaganda

    campaign to awaken the American public to the dangers of chemical warfare, there now

    existed public pressures to prohibit chemical warfare altogether. This pressure

    manifested in the Washington Arms Conference of 1922 and the Geneva Convention of

    1925. The CWS won its fight for survival and was made a permanent branch of the

    Army equal to the Infantry, Artillery, and Air Corps, under the National Defense Act of

    1920,53 but it now had to fight to prove its relevance in a world that was abolishing gas

    warfare. This was attempted through another propaganda campaign detailing the

    peacetime uses of war gases.

    These peacetime uses were chronicled in the Journal of Industrial and

    Engineering Chemistryunder the titles Contributions from the Chemical Warfare

    Service, U.S.A. Notable examples included the treatment of respiratory disease,

    insecticides, and riot control agents. Immediately following the 1918 influenza epidemic,

    chlorine was touted as a cure for many respiratory diseases, including the common cold

    52Harry L. Gilchrist,A Comparative Study of World War Casualties from Gas and Other Weapons (Washington, D.C.:

    GPO, 1928).53

    Brophy, 2:24.

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    and whooping cough. This radical idea was popularized because there was not a single

    case of the influenza reported among the workers handling chlorine, while the disease

    devastated the other departments. After some clinical trials, and after President

    Coolidge had a cold successfully treated by chlorine therapy, therapeutic chlorine

    became highly fashionable. The clinical trials were fraught with scientific errors,

    including the absence of control groups and relying on self-reporting of symptoms and

    curative effects by trial subjects, but the trials and the subsequent publicity succeeded

    in ridding the public of their fear of chlorine.54

    Researchers first evaluated the potential value of war gases as insecticides in

    1922. At that time, one of the most pressing concerns facing agriculture was the boll

    weevil ravaging the Southern cotton industry. A mustard gas and charcoal compound

    was found promising, but it proved too volatile for safe handling. Sodium fluorosilicate

    was eventually the compound recommended by the CWS researchers.55 Other

    compounds were discovered for use treating the bottoms of ships against barnacles,

    treating docks against marine borers, and for ship fumigation.56

    The 1924 annual report of the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service singles out

    the peacetime use of tear gas by police forces as the outstanding example of the value

    of the work underway at Edgewood Arsenal during peacetime. General Fries later

    stated that every week . . . gas is used by Police Departments in saving lives of

    policemen and innocent bystanders and in overcoming criminals in barricaded buildings

    54Harry L. Gilchrist, Chlorine gas Its Uses a Hundred Years Ago. Wisconsin Medical Journal23 (1924) 235-238.

    55H.W. Walker and J. E. Mills, Chemical Warfare Service Boll Weevil Investigation Progress Report,Journal of

    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry19 (1927), 710-711.56

    Amos Fries, By-products of chemical warfare,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry20 (1928), 1079,


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    without a shot being fired or without danger to anyone.57 This potential application was

    first publicized to the Senate in 1919 by then-Colonel Fries:

    Fries: I might make this observation, that is we are going to have to police

    Mexico or the Philippines again, or Haiti or San Domingo, or any other placewhere people are not equipped with gas masks, there is no substance or no halfdozen substances that can rout them so easily as gas. You can kill them if youwant to with the poisonous gas or simply blind them temporarily with the tear gas,and then handle them almost any way you see fit.Senator Chamberlain: The beauty about the tear gas is that it puts a man out ofbusiness so far as fighting is concerned, but does not kill him?Fries: Yes. As a matter of fact the police authorities of the United States havebegun to take that up in regard to routing desperadoes who get into houses. Allthat is bound to be considered sooner or later.58

    Fries used these arguments extensively in his letters to newspapers, but it was

    ultimately widespread domestic unrest, instead of foreign unrest or isolated

    desperadoes, that caused law enforcement to call upon the aid of the CWS. The fear of

    spreading Communism and the increasingly violent labor strikes in 1919 led the New

    York Police Department to request tear gas grenades for use against civilian protests,

    and provided a much-needed publicity surge for the CWS. In a 1919 letter to General

    Sibert, ret. Admiral A.C. Dillingham, the Director for Public Safety in Norfolk, VA,

    requested a tear gas delivery system to deal with his great deal of trouble with the

    Negro element that contained no power, in order to minimize the danger to the public.

    The War Department, however, refused to supply police departments or National Guard

    units with any tear gas grenades until General Pershing became Chief of Staff under the

    Harding Administration in 1921. Barely three weeks later, the first demonstration of tear

    gas by a police force took place in Philadelphia, where a mob of 200 policemen were

    unable to capture six other policemen armed with tear gas grenades. Four days later a

    57Amos Fries, Letter to Editor of the Washington Post, July 6, 1925.

    58U.S. Senate, Hearings on H.R. 5227, An Act Making Appropriations for the Support of the Army for the Fiscal

    Year Ending June 30, 1920, 66th

    Congress, 1st

    Session, June 18, 1919, p. 291.

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    similar demonstration was held by the NYPD, and both departments eagerly adopted

    the new tools and formed gas units within their forces by February 1922. 59 By

    September 1923, over 600 cities had equipped their police forces with tear gas, and the

    CWS published a pamphlet titled Provisional Instructions for the Control of Mobs by

    Chemical Warfare.6061 The Red Scare that prompted the introduction of tear gas had

    subsided by 1921 when the gas became available, but the police use of gas against

    individual criminals nonetheless boosted the image of chemical warfare for the public.

    By the mid-1920s, the public had shed their irrational fear of gas that was borne of the

    horrors of the battlefield thanks to the development and dissemination of peacetime

    uses for gas. The Chemical Warfare Service was successfully able to maintain its close

    ties with the American community of academic chemists, ties which would pay

    dividends as America prepared to go to war twenty years later. Although appropriations

    levels remained low, and suffered as a result of the Great Depression, they were

    sufficient to maintain an active research force at Edgewood Arsenal until the re-eruption

    of European hostilities in 1939.

    The United States participated in WWI for less than two years, but this time was

    sufficient for great strides to be made in science-government relations. The federal

    government became aware, for the first time, that science had great potential for

    winning a war. In order to utilize this potential, the nations scientific community was

    organized and mobilized under military structure and leadership. No longer were

    researchers sent to fight on the front lines, from this point on these researchers were

    59William A. McGarry, Philadelphias tear bombs and mobs, Scientific American 125 (1921), 197, 209-211.

    60New York Times, Sept. 17, 1923, p. 1.

    61Chemical Warfare Service, Provisional Instructions for the Control of Mobs by Chemical Warfare, (Washington,

    D.C., 1922).

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    sent to centralized research institutions, to collaborate with their fellows for the

    betterment of the war effort. While initially skeptical of this arrangement, American

    chemists were impressed by the work of the Research Division of the Chemical Warfare

    Service at American University, and were subsequently much more accepting of similar

    arrangements in WWII. The programs initiated during WWI were phased out or proved

    irrelevant by the unexpected trends in the next war, but they laid the foundation for a

    symbiotic relationship between scientific research and military organization that would

    make it possible for the United States to fight and defeat two formidable enemies in a

    global, two-front war thirty years later.

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