History of the town Sanok. A few historical facts about Sanok 1150 - The first written reference to...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of History of the town Sanok. A few historical facts about Sanok 1150 - The first written reference to...

History of the town Sanok

A few historical facts about Sanok

• 1150 - The first written reference to Sanok in a Ruthenian chronicle "Latopis Hipacki", mentioning an expedition of the Hungarian king Geyza II to Halicz Ruthenia.

• 1339 - On the 20 of January Sanok is granted a municipal privilege based on Magdeburg Law by prince George II Trojdenovitch of Halicz, issued in Włodzimierz Wołyński. Bartko from Sandomierz was made the first chief.

• 1366 - On the 25 of April Polish king Kazimierz the Great reconfirms the municipal privilege of Sanok.

• 1368 - The town is granted a royal privilege for organizing 8 days' yearly fair beginning on friday before Whit Sunday.

A few historical facts about Sanok

• 1407 - Grzegorz from Sanok, one of the greatest Polish humanists is born.

• 1417 - On the 2 of May king Władysław Jagiełło marries Elżbieta Granowska in Sanok parish church.

• 1487 - A hospital for the poor is founded in the buildings of former Franciscan monastery outside the town walls.

A few historical facts about Sanok

• 1510 - King Zygmunt I allows the townsmen to build water-supply system across the grounds belonging to the crown. An income from this project is to be used for the town's purposes

A few historical facts about Sanok

The Castle

• The Castle - built in Gothic style in times of Kazimierz the Great, on the site of a formerRuthenian stronghold, transformed in 1523-48into Renaissance style.

District office building

• District office building from years 1875-80, presently the town hall. The Sanok Area's emblem on the façade.

The Franciscan monasteryand church• The Franciscan monasteryand

church from 1632-40, originally in Baroque style, rebuilt in later times. Late Baroque altars and the paintingof the Blessed Virgin Mother of the Sanok Land inside

Historical Museum

• The building of so called "Inn" built in 1775-99 -presently the head office of the Historical Museum.