History of testosterone from discovery to production

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of History of testosterone from discovery to production

History of Testosterone from Discovery to ProductionHistory of Testosterone

Today testosterone is one of the most common and discussed subject in medical studies. It is an important element in both men and women’s life. Although there are a lot of studies were performed over the past 50 years there are still a lot of things that need to be discovered.The biological effects of testosterone were known since antiquity but up until the 1800’s there was no certain data concerning this hormone. The first studies were performed on animals. One of the first experimentations were made by John Hunter on capons (castrated roosters). He transplanted testes into these animals to see if there are improvements in their behavior and in the way they looked. The animals showed

positive response. They regained their natural behavior in a certain degree. Adolph Berthold did a similar experiment in 1849. It proved to be a success as the castrated roosters grew in weight and lost any competitive or aggressive behavior and any form of sex drive (for information on how to increase your sex drive check maca root powder article). The ones that were transplanted with testes where in no way affected and maintained their normal behavior.The name of Testosterone was attributed to the hormone in 1935 Ernest Laqueur when he isolated the hormone from bull testicles. He is recognized as the discoverer of sexual hormones.From that moment research concerning testosterone accelerated greatly. In 1951 it was discovered that testosterone has a positive effect concerning nitrogen balance in the body and can develop and maintain muscle mass. This is a vital step as the nitrogen balance influences protein synthesis meaning it has an important effect on muscle, ligaments and bones. Also testosterone is able to stimulate the production of enzymes that maintain structural integrity of bones, muscles and ligament. This leads to a faster and easier repair in case they are damaged. It was attempted in this period to synthesize testosterone but the effects of the resulting products back then were proven to be uncertain or even toxic in some cases. This problem is not an issue anymore due to medical advancements and the improvements of natural testosterone supplements. In the 1960’s anabolic steroids were developed. Though the effects showed sooner than expected and where largely used especially by bodybuilders, the side effects were also negative. It caused shrinkage of the testes, decrease in sexual desire and potency and also liver damage leading to anemia, renal insufficiency and dysfunction of the pituitary gland. Today anabolic steroids are illegal or very much frowned upon.An alternative to anabolic steroids was discovered in 1997. The transdermal method of testosterone replacement provides the patient with natural testosterone that lacks the negative effects of synthetic testosterone. In the present there are a number of methods to administrate testosterone, from injections to pills to the already mentioned transdermal method.Natural testosterone however is not a “fountain of youth”. It can only maintain its results alongside a workout program and a diet that needs to be carefully selected. The consumption of testosterone supplements is also recommended after consulting a specialist which can decide if

it necessary or not.