History of horror

Post on 05-Sep-2014

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Transcript of History of horror

History of Horror

By Aaron McGreevy

The first horror filmsThe first horror film was made in France in 1896. It was only 18 seconds long, longer films did not appear until the 1900s.Also some the very first horror where silent and the first American horror film was Frankenstein made in 1910 and portrayed horror characters as a monster and is seen as the best made up monster of all time and is still used throughout the genre even today.

Hollywood Horror films early 1930s

The American Universal Studios began a successful Gothic horror film series which included titles such as Frankenstein ,The Mummy and Dracula. These films where designed to thrill and fear the viewer and quickly became a popular genre in film.

History of Horror 1950sAs horror films became more popular and technology advanced and Two sub-genres began to where created the horror of Armageddon film and the horror of the demonic film. The majority of films where low budget and included storylines such as Alien invasions , deadly mutations to people, plants, insects and films such as Godzilla which originated from Japan.

History of Horror 1960s

The 60s claimed some of the best horrors films and during the social revolution the movies were more edgy, featuring controversial levels of violence and sexuality. British born actor Alfred Hitchcock was responsible for the first “slasher” movie (Psycho). He is one of the most famous for his unique series of horror films.

History of Horror 1970s-1980sThe critical and success of films such as Rosemary's Baby led to the release of more films with supernatural themes such as The Exorcist in 1973.Other films such as the Omen (1976) where the main theme of a mans child is the antichrist and led to more satanic horror movies. Also in the 70s horror author Stephen King made his debut and had many films nominated for academy awards such as Carrie and the Shining.

History of Horror 1990s

This is considered my films critics the best decade for horror with such Slasher films as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th , Halloween and Childs. All of these films made sequels which was not successful with the fans and critics except the hugely popular Silence of the Lambs.

History of Horror 2000s +The 21st century saw a quiet era for the horror genre but saw successful francizes such as Final Destination and SAW. Asian horror movies which have been remade into American versions such as The Ring and The Grudge. Also there was an increase in the Zombie horror such as Dawn of the Dead, Resident evil as well zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead.