History and principles of conductive media for standard DNA

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Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13




History and principles of conductive media for standard DNA electrophoresis�

Jonathan R. Brody and Scott E. Kern¤

Department of Oncology, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,Baltimore, MD 21231, USA

Available online 28 July 2004


DNA electrophoresis has been a dominant technique in molecular biology for 30 years. The foundation for this common tech-nique is based on a few simple electrochemical principles. Electrophoretic DNA separation borrowed from existing protein andRNA techniques developed in the 1950s and 1960s. For 30 years, common DNA electrophoretic conductive media remained largelyunchanged, with Tris as the primary cation. DNA electrophoresis relies simply upon the negative charge of the phosphate backboneand the ability to distribute a voltage gradient in a sieving matrix. Nevertheless, the conductive properties in DNA electrophoresisare complicated by choices involving voltage, electric current, conductivity, temperature, and the concentration and identity of theionic species present. DiVerences among the extant chemical recipes for common conductive media aVect central properties. Tris-based buVers, even in optimal form, create a runaway positive feedback loop between heat generation and retention, temperature,conductivity, and current. This is undesirable, leading to limitations on the permissible electric Weld and to impaired resolution.Recently, we developed low-molarity conductive media to mitigate this positive feedback loop. Such media allow for application of ahigher electric Weld. Applications of DNA electrophoresis can now be reengineered for lower ionic strength, higher Weld strengths,and lower requirements for heat dissipation. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

0003-2697/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ab.2004.05.054

� The authors are governed by the ConXict of Interest policies of the Johest derives from rights they may have regarding intellectual property concerter Media LLC, to which these rights have been assigned.

¤ Corresponding author.E-mail address: sk@jhmi.edu (S.E. Kern).

Molecular biologists must separate soluble nucleicacid molecules according to size. DNA electrophoresisthereby becomes an essential technique. Applications ofDNA electrophoresis include analytic techniques suchas restriction enzyme mapping, conWrmation of theidentity of plasmid inserts and the products ofpolymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequence analysis,comparisons of polymorphisms among a population,and preparative techniques such as the separation offragments for recovery and cloning and thequantitation of individual DNA species in a mixture.Practically every molecular biology publication todayrelies upon these techniques directly or indirectly.

ns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The authors' conXict of inter-ning new electrophoretic conductive media and as owners of Faster Bet-

2 J.R. Brody, S.E. Kern / Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13

Electrophoresis now encompasses three major plat-forms of enclosing device: slab gel electrophoresis, capil-lary electrophoresis, and microfabricated devices. Slabgels, the most common form of DNA electrophoresis,involve molding a polymer (e.g., agarose) with conduc-tive medium and applying a voltage so that multiplesamples can migrate in parallel. Inversion and two-dimensional arrangements of the electric Weld in slab gelsare used for very large DNA fragments but commandspecial equipment and are not entirely standardized.Capillary electrophoresis uses thin channels (usually offused silica) to distinguish DNA fragments. The specialfeatures of capillary design are thus considered a special-ized literature or industry trade secrets and will not bediscussed here. Microfabricated/microchannel devicesare relatively new; they separate DNA fragments as onefeature of a more comprehensive analyte-processing sys-tem. The principles of electrophoretic separation ofDNA by fragment size are largely unchanged by instru-ment design, but design-speciWc interactions at the inter-face of the enclosure and the matrix become increasinglyimportant as the width of the path decreases. This articlewill primarily focus on conductive media in continuouselectrical Welds, from the perspective of both reportedand unpublished newer studies using DNA slab gels.

The goal of a conductive medium is to maintain anorderly distribution of the electric Weld. This electric Weldis measured in volts/cm. The voltage gradient is estab-lished across a length of a gel. The properties of mostimmediate importance in separating DNA by size arethe choice of sieving matrix, the pore size (its concentra-tion), and the conductive medium used.

The local strength of the electric Weld determines themovement of the ions in solution, producing both the cur-rent and the electrokinetic movement of the negativelycharged DNA. The electromotive force acting on theDNA is equal to the local electric Weld (E) times the netcharge (Q). This force is oVset by the friction of the DNAmolecule against the conductive medium [1] and the siev-ing matrix. The basic principles for double-strandedDNA also hold for RNA and for single-stranded (dena-tured) DNA, although, for these, denaturants and heatare generally used to prevent intramolecular and intermo-lecular hybridization. Additionally, RNA is hydrolyzedby alkaline conditions, limiting the choice of conditionssomewhat. RNA and denaturants are not covered in thisarticle except in passing.


The story of DNA electrophoresis is a 62-year his-tory. In 1942, Coleman and Miller [2] reported themigration of neutral hexoses toward the anode with aborax (sodium borate) solution. Carbohydrate electro-phoretic separation was more widely explored in the

1950s. Extensive and varied studies formed a set of rulesfor covalent borate complexation occurring with com-pounds containing adjacent –OH groups, such as carbo-hydrates [1,3]. For neutral sugars, high concentrations ofborate provided the charge needed for successful electro-phoretic separation of diVering sugars [4]. The Wrst elec-trophoretic separations of neutral carbohydrates werereported in 1952 [5]. Acidic carbohydrates were alsoassayed in nonborate buVers, but boric acid was oftenneeded to provide separation. This separation dependedon the formation of covalent borate complexes with thesugars [6,7]. Surprisingly, although this separation byvoltage and chromatography could have directly set thestage for the use of conductive media to separate poly-nucleotide molecules in an electrophoretic device, it didnot. Instead, RNA and DNA electrophoresis evolvedwith little change from the methods of protein electro-phoresis. Most of the critical developments in DNA elec-trophoresis occurred in a brief spurt centered near 1971.Since this “golden era” of molecular biology there wasno signiWcant progress in the evolution of the DNA elec-trophoretic conductive media for slab gel electrophoresisfor nearly three decades.

DNA was a common and notable contaminant inprotein and RNA electrophoresis. For example, Thorne[8] in 1962 (a report comprising, in all, a single para-graph) separated poliovirus RNA from DNA, but thisvignette is evident only in a reinterpretation provided byThorne [9] in 1966. In 1965, Richards et al. [10] usedTris-based media to separate RNA and subsequent stud-ies followed using similar methods [11].

In the early 1970s these electrophoretic techniquesbecame reWned and solidiWed for applications to map thestructure of DNA. Danna and Nathans [12] in 1971 usedDNA electrophoresis to establish the relative molarity(number) and length of fragments of SV40 DNA thathad been produced by the new restriction endonucleasefrom Hemophilus inXuenzae. Aaij and Borst [13] in 1972used ethidium bromide in the conductive medium toillustrate how linear and circular DNA of various phagemigrated diVerentially. At the time, they noted that thetechnique of DNA gel electrophoresis had “hardly beenused.” Also in 1972, Hayward and Smith [14] separatedand mapped the single-stranded DNA of T5 phage.

Conductive media

The exploration of diVerent ions in electrophoresisbeneWted from diverse eVorts of many protein scientistsover decades. DiVerent proteins have diVering chargedensities, which vary with pH. This produced a greatinterest in the understanding of the leading and laggingedges of ionic zones, an interest that generally did notcarry over into nucleic acid electrophoresis. For exam-ple, to isolate the property of “conductance” from theartifacts produced by mass ionic migration, protein

J.R. Brody, S.E. Kern / Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13 3

investigators cleverly used alternating current [15].Various electrolytes included the use of Tris(2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol), acetate, borate, gly-cine, chloride, sulfate, and/or phosphate to control bothpH and conductance. Their theories carried over intoearly thought with regard to RNA and DNA electro-phoresis, although the utility of these complex rules inthe newer Welds was perhaps more assumed than demon-strated. For example, in 1965 [10] it was argued thatRNA mobility was intermediate between fast and trail-ing anions and should be focused in the large pore gel“to achieve adequate resolution.” Yet this report con-tained no related experimentation or discussion of therelative measured values of RNA and ion mobilities.

Tris reigned

For reasons not fully evident today, Tris becameestablished as the favored cation for DNA electrophore-sis. The loaded sample for RNA gels included EDTA[16], which often persisted in the derivative recipes forDNA conductive media, seemingly needlessly. Tris ace-tate (TA)1 was used in DNA electrophoresis in 1971 [12],where EDTA remained restricted to the loaded sample.Tris acetate EDTA (TAE) was used in 1972 as the gelconductive medium by two groups [13,14].

Tris boric acid EDTA (TBE) was used for RNA elec-trophoresis in 1968 [11] and for RNA sequencing in 1973[17]. In the latter report, Maniatis (neither an author norcited in the references) is credited in the text for havingprovided the key autoradiogram. His method is absentfrom the text other than mention of 7 M urea in thepolyacrylamide gel. He was probably using Tris boricacid in some form. Also in 1973, Maniatis and Ptashne[18] used Tris boric acid MgCl2 to analyze protein–DNAinteractions. Subsequently, DNA sequencing using TBEurea gels was used in a classic 1974 study employingbase-speciWc chemical DNA cleavage [19].

Even though TBE and TAE dominated and emergedas the celebrity buVers in the Weld, other electrolytescompeted. The early history of RNA electrophoreticbuVers was derivative of earlier methodology. An exam-ple of this is found in a 1965 table [10] of anion/cationpairs that produced acceptable resolution. The authorsspeciWcally recommended acetate to be the counterion touse with creatine, cacodylate with imidazole, diethyl bar-biturate with imidazole or with Tris, and glycyl glycinewith ammediol. Barbiturate anion was common in earlyDNA electrophoresis, sometimes called by other namessuch as barbital or the trade name Veronal. Phosphatewas not an uncommon anion for RNA in the 1960s and1970s [20] and for DNA electrophoresis in the early

1 Abbreviations used: TA, Tris acetate; TAE, Tris acetate EDTA;TBE, Tris boric acid EDTA; MOPS, Morpholinopropanesulfonate.

1970s. A phosphate solution was recommended in theoriginal version of the laboratory protocol book Molec-ular Cloning alongside TAE and TBE [21]. One earlyrecipe included 36 mM Tris along with 30 mM sodiumphosphate; the conductance must have been exception-ally high in this case [14]. Chloride anion was the mostcommon to accompany the Tris cation in biologicbuVers and often did so in protein electrophoresis, butonly occasionally was Tris–HCl explored in DNA elec-trophoresis [13,14].

Saline has been largely avoided in DNA electrophore-sis. The use of sodium or, alternately, chloride in anyappreciable molarity is usually exclusive of the other ion.Exceptions are found among the earlier studies [22,23],which usually concerned low-resolution electrophoreticmeasurements of DNA mobility (often in solution ratherthan in gels). Like the sodium borate methods to sepa-rate neutral sugars from the 1940s, such sodium-basedmethods were not adapted for high-resolution separa-tion and mapping of multiple DNA fragments in gels;they were, however, used for high-resolution RNA gels,where sodium morpholinopropanesulfonate (MOPS), ananionic biological buVer amine) became commonplace.

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was sometimesincluded in early DNA electrophoresis, perhaps to pre-vent undesirable interactions of DNA with contami-nants in the sample and the matrix [12–14]. Yet evenwith these contrarian explorations, TAE and TBEremained predominant. Evidence of this is betrayed inthe newer laboratory protocol books that recite onlyTris-based media [24,25].

Samples and denaturants

Sample-loading solutions (“loading buVers”) are oftwo major categories: (1) those for nondenaturing gelsand having ionic conditions roughly matched to the geland (2) those employing denaturing conditions, the solu-tion often being deionized, and incorporating no attemptto match the gel ionic conditions. Other ingredients ofthese loading solutions include dyes, detergents such asSDS or sodium sarcosine, EDTA to reduce intermolecu-lar interactions mediated by divalent cations, dense andviscous additives such as Wcoll, sucrose, and glycerol toenable settling of the sample in or on the gel, and RNaseto reduce the size of RNA fragments that are oftencopuriWed with DNA. EDTA in the sample medium pre-vents the denaturation of DNA that is otherwise facili-tated by dyes at low-ionic strength [26], although thesodium content of the EDTA must be responsible in partfor this property [27]. These ingredients can add undesir-able properties. Glycerol produces “streaming” of thesample to yield U-shaped bands [27] and can react withboric acid ion in the gel to disturb resolution [28]. Thecounterion that accompanies the dyes or detergents canproduce bending of the bands in individual lanes

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enhancing of migration distances or a simple loss of res-olution. Excess salt can be mitigated by diVusion when asample is allowed to “sit” in the well for a time beforeseparation [29]. Newer alternatives to the laborious load-ing of liquid samples include Wlters or solid matrices thatabsorb or bind the DNA until applied directly and veryeYciently to the gel [30], termed “combs” in one popularmanifestation.

Denaturing conditions do not as a rule aVect the fun-damental principles of electrokinetic movement of thenucleic acids. To achieve denaturing conditions, the gel-loading conditions can incorporate formamide, urea,heating, and alkaline pH for DNA gels. For RNA, themost common denaturant is formaldehyde. AlthoughRNA and DNA hybridization is promoted by highersalt concentrations, little attention has been devoted toimproving the electrophoretic resolution of denaturedpolynucleic acids through the reduction of ionic strengthof the conductive solution. This seems a valuable direc-tion for future research.

To the heat of the solution

The diYculties encountered in the development ofprotein electrophoresis accent the key importance ofjoule heating. Two major problems were overcome. Infree boundary electrophoresis, the thermal convectionproduced by heating was initially managed by runningthe separations near 4 °C, this being the point of maxi-mal density of the conductive media, to minimize the dis-turbance created. Later, this problem was managed byzone electrophoresis, which took place within a matrix.The second problem was the quantity of heat retained bythe separative cell. This was in part managed by changesin the shape and environment of the cell or separativesupport (such as Wlter paper) to allow more eYcient heatradiation [15,31]. Interestingly, there was apparently attimes a misconception that eVective protein separationhad a “need for a strong current” [32].

Although agar was used in 1951 for electrophoreticseparation of nucleic acid components, the nucleic acidWeld soon found a preference for paper as the conductivematrix, for with agar “it is diYcult to avoid overheatingand consequent ‘sweating' of the gel” [1]. Nucleic acidand protein researchers in the early 1950s oftenimmersed the paper in a bath of the nonpolar insulatorcarbon tetrachloride or chlorobenzene to achieve cool-ing [1,4]. In the early days of nucleotide electrophoresis,50 mM ammonium formate or ammonium acetate wasoften preferred to allow the use of higher voltage; in con-trast, the higher conductivity of 50 mM phosphate orborate solutions necessitated a reduction of the voltagegradient [1]. Eventually, protein separations were cooledby the use of gels sandwiched between two glass platesor thin plastic membranes [4].

New designs marketed for DNA electrophoresis hear-ken to the 1950s practices in protein electrophoresis. Themost recent products include thinner slab gels and capil-laries, a reduction of the cross-sectional path for electriccurrent by a limitation or elimination of the older prac-tice of gel immersion in a reservoir of conductivemedium, and the encasement of slab gels between twoplates of thin plastic. Melting of the gel still occurs atlow-voltage with the newest agarose platforms. This isnot unexpected, for no fundamentally new engineeringproperties are incorporated in the gels.

A runaway positive feedback loop and new explorations

Heat generation sets limitations for gel electrophore-sis. Heating restricts the amount of voltage applied tothe gel system, since it can denature the sample or reducegel integrity [33,34]. Heating is explained in part byOhm's law and the power law where voltage (V), current(I), and power (P) are directly related (P D VI) [33–35].These variables are ultimately aVected by ionic conduc-tance due to choice of the solutes and their concentra-tions in the conductive media. Heating is also dependentupon the proportional relationship of temperature andthe conductivity of a solution. This latter relationship isimplied in a frustration expressed in a report of carbohy-drate electrophoresis from 1952 [5]. Although the volt-age was held steady, “the temperature rose a few degreesduring the run. The current usually increased by 30–40per cent.”

This frustration applied also to DNA electrophoresis.We found that exploration of the central electrothermalrelationships led to promising new approaches in electro-phoretic conditions. At constant voltage, a positive feed-back loop existed between the temperature of the buVerand the current for all Tris-based conductive media (Figs.1A–C) [35]. At constant voltage, TAE and TBE gels expe-rienced an increased temperature and current over time(Figs. 1A and B). To verify that temperature and currentwere directly interrelated, we manipulated the temperatureof the media. For TAE and TBE, external control of thetemperature of the conductive media resulted in increasedcurrent (Fig. 1C). SuperXuous sodium ions and the highamount of Tris ions in these buVers were responsible forproducing unnecessary current and limited the ability torun gels at a high voltage. Hence, in these common con-ductive media, heat and current were related in a positivefeedback loop that limited the permissible voltage (Fig. 2).This principle lays the foundation for the electrothermalproperties of DNA electrophoresis in which temperaturedirectly aVects the conductance of the electrophoretic sys-tem; the rate of heat generation accelerates over time, plac-ing strict limits on the speed of electrophoretic separations.

We explored the constituents of TBE and TAE asprepared by major biotechnology suppliers, laborato-ries within our institution, and standard laboratory

J.R. Brody, S.E. Kern / Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13 5

manuals (such as Molecular Cloning) [24,36]. Variousprotocols use either free acid EDTA (Invitrogen, Carls-bad, CA), disodium EDTA (Current Protocols inMolecular Biology) [24,36], or tetrasodium EDTA(USB, Cleveland, OH). Although this might appear tobe a trivial diVerence, media containing equimolarEDTA of diVerent forms behaved quite diVerently. Asexpected, media containing EDTA (acid) had a lesser

Fig. 2. Fundamental electrothermal relationship of DNA electro-phoresis. The “runaway” positive feedback loop is created by an inter-active increase in temperature and conductance of the conductivemedia during electrophoresis.

current initially and maintained a reduced current overtime, as compared to the two other forms of EDTA thatcontained additional sodium (Fig. 1D). We concludedthat amounts of sodium capable of generating signiW-cant current are included in common media. Anotherprotocol speciWed sodium acetate to be added to TAEalong with disodium EDTA, perhaps a holdover fromthe use of sodium acetate in conductive buVers for RNAgels in the 1960s [14,16,37]. EDTA, introduced initiallyinto the sample buVer to prevent RNA from remainingat the origin [16] and to protect against endonucleaseactivity, is now superXuous, since most DNA samplesare readily soluble and since commonly used enzymestoday would not carry an undesirable enzymaticactivity under electrophoretic conditions [16]. We alsofound that EDTA was not needed even when usingelectrophoretic media based on creek water (Pinelands,NJ) and tap water (Baltimore, MD) (data not shown),presumably ruling out a general need for inhibition ofendonuclease activity. The addition of free acid EDTAinto the conductive media would be minimallyconductive, however, and could be used in situationswhere EDTA may be speciWcally desired. Another ionicsource is also often overlooked; ammonium persulfate,

Fig. 1. EVects of conductive media on current and temperature during agarose electrophoresis. TBE is 89 mM Tris boric acid, 2 mM disodium EDTA;TAE is 40 mM Tris acetate, 2 mM disodium EDTA [24]. “A,” 10 mM sodium acetate, 2.5 mM NaCl; “B,” 10 mM sodium boric acid pH 8.5 [35]. Sim-pliWed EDTA-free versions of Tris boric acid (20 mM Tris, 20 mM boric acid) and Tris acetate (30 mM Tris, 20 mM acetate) were prepared (A) Heatgeneration by conductive media over time during electrophoresis at constant voltage (150 V) in a closed electrophoretic system. Media were not recir-culated or cooled. At longer time points, temperature continued to increase at similar relative rates. Using simpliWed Tris boric acid, temperature didnot change; using simpliWed Tris acetate temperature rose 4 °C. (B) Conductance of media, measured in the same experiment as (A), over time at con-stant voltage (150 V). With use of a simpliWed Tris boric acid, current increased from 18 to 19 mA; with a simpliWed Tris acetate, current increasedfrom 100 to 111 mA. (C) EVect of external heating of conductive media on conductance. Solutions were heated or cooled to 17, 24, and 30 °C and thecurrent was immediately measured. (D) Equal concentrations (2 mM) of diVerent forms of EDTA used in electrophoretic media were added to TAE(40 mM Tris) and compared at constant voltage (150 V) during electrophoresis. Lines connect the measured data points (Wlled circles). Studies of con-ductance, temperature, and voltage used a horizontal gel rig with safety cover (MGU-500, CBS, Del Mar, CA) and a power source that provided cur-rent readings at set voltages (FB 570, Fisher Biotech, Pittsburg, PA). All media were analyzed at the same volume (650 ml) in the reservoir.

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present in polyacrylamide gels, contributesconsiderable current.

Caveats for Tris- and acetate-based electrophoresis

As judged by the reduced current, temperature gener-ation, and gel resolution, TBE was a better conductivemedium than TAE (Figs. 1A–C, and 4). It is not unusualto encounter a 0.5£ form of TBE, having 45–50 mM Tris[24] or a 0.5£ TAE, having 20 mM Tris in particularapplications, such as in analysis of protein–DNA inter-actions or in electrophoresis of large DNA under refrig-erated conditions. The underlying reasons for use of aparticular medium are not as a rule well documented,but one can take advantage of the reduced joule heatingof dilute solutions and of the improved separation oflarge DNA fragments by acetate ion.

In continuous voltage electrophoresis, acetate sepa-rates large DNA fragments better than borate, althoughborate resolves smaller DNA fragments (2 kb and lower)well. This has led some investigators to favor TAE in theresolution of larger DNA, and to favor TBE for smallerfragments. This diVerence among the conductive mediamay be due to borate–DNA complexes and is partiallymitigated by large (greater than 45 mM) concentrationsof borate [38]. These guidelines do not hold for Weldinversion gel systems, where borate systems can separatemegabase DNA fragments admirably.

SimpliWed versions of common Tris-based media

We explored simpliWed versions of TBE and TAE,some lacking EDTA and sodium, at lower concentra-tions of Tris; this approach provided limited practicalbeneWt. These media could mitigate the feedback loopbut had impaired resolution when used at highervoltages and when using Tris at less than 30 mM (datanot shown and Fig. 1) [39]. Indeed, Loening [40] in 1969explored a “low-salt buVer” that included 30 mM Tris–HCl.

Alternatives to Tris acetate and Tris boric acid

Conventional Tris media have several additional dis-advantages, including high cost, precipitation of stocksolutions (speciWcally TBE), and recipe complexity. Dueto the disadvantages of TAE and TBE, others and weexplored new media. For example, a variety of alternateelectrolytes for DNA electrophoresis was explored in theearly years. Some of this history was discussed above.Once TAE and TBE became established as the defaultconductive media in the mid-1970s, alternative ions werestill occasionally explored, but the use of alternate con-ductive media for slab gels was usually experimental ortemporary and never widespread. The exploration of

alternative cations and anions is well developed in capil-lary electrophoresis, although relatively few of thesealternatives have been evaluated substantially for DNAseparations [41]. The acceptance of alternate ions waslimited by their own high costs, low availability, a dearthof evidence for their signiWcant advantages, and a pro-gressive standardization of common molecular biologyprotocols [21,25]. There was some opinion favorable toTris that, although amines and borate bound to DNA,Tris did not [38]. There were also concerns that alternateions might produce unpredictable results in an otherwisefamiliar system. For example, while pore size wasunchanged by the choice of conductive medium in whichthe gel was cast, it could appear to change were electro-endosmosis not taken into account [42]. Further con-cerns remained that certain matrices required athreshold ionic environment to retain integrity. Rulesgoverning such interactions are not generalizable andwill not be covered in this article. Despite the generallack of enthusiasm for alternate conductive media, thechoice of conductive media for DNA electrophoresis canbe used to lower the current per unit voltage, resulting inlower heat generation and better performance [35,39].Investigators searching for alternative media in capillaryelectrophoresis have had some success [41]. There isjustiWcation for additional exploration of alternatemedia.

Amine cations serving as alternates to Tris have beensuggested. In an interesting suggestion, the matching ofpK values of the cations and anions was proposed, asrepresented in the ionic pairs of ethanolamine:Capso pH9.6, triethanolamine:tricine pH 7.9, and bis Tris:Aces, pH6.7. These new media outperformed TAE and TBE andappeared to represent a promising new direction. Thereport, however, was not speciWc about the relative con-centrations of sodium ions in each solution tested, adetail that could have dominated the performance diVer-ences observed [39]. Other cations (morpholine and imi-dazol) were also explored to replace Tris, but resolutionsuVered [43].

The metal cation sodium is standard in RNA elec-trophoresis in the form of 7–9 mM sodium MOPS.Metal cations are nearly unexplored in the literature ofhigh-resolution DNA electrophoresis. In other formsof electrophoresis, for example, univalent metal cationsare known to alter the electrophoretic properties due totheir binding to surfaces of micelles and detergents[44], properties with essentially no current relevance tothe electrophoresis of DNA. Divalent cations such asMg2+ have been used to stabilize protein–DNA inter-actions during electrophoretic assays of dissociationrates [18], but their capacities for precipitation and forcrusting on surfaces have made them no more thanoccasional constituents in the conductive media. Wethus explored monovalent metal cations, as guidedempirically.

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We also explored organic and inorganic anions, Wrstcomparing acetate and borate (Brody et al., unpub-lished). Some alternate anions from the literature werenoted above. Interestingly, MOPS is successful as amedium perhaps because it contains small amounts ofsodium and no Tris and thus no superXuous ions.

To reengineer newer electrophoretic media in a man-ner perhaps more free of conventional design biases, wechose to systematically explore unbuVered mixtures ofsalts comprising anions of high and low electromobility(electromobility is discussed below). Combinations ofsodium chloride and sodium acetate provided satisfac-tory electrophoretic performance near 10 mM totalsodium ion concentration (Fig. 3). Importantly, thesestudies identiWed ranges in which sodium served as anacceptable cation. Sodium chloride has a known abilityto disrupt complexes of DNA with itself or with otherions [45], a property that may contribute to our observa-tion of optimal composite media. Sodium chloride/ace-tate media thus provided a new paradigm from which todesign a novel and distinct family of low-conductivemetal cation conductive media for DNA electrophoresis.A sodium chloride/acetate combination conducting theleast current and having excellent resolution over a pro-longed run time was chosen as an working example ofthis form of medium (Figs. 1A and B, 4A and B).

In contrast, due to rapid ion exhaustion, media con-taining predominantly sodium chloride produced in our

studies in slab gels a phenomenon that we interpret as asalt boundary (a form of “stacking;” Fig. 3), which wasassociated with a moving zone of deformity in the thick-ness of the gel. Low-molarity sodium chloride was anadequate medium for resolution for DNA electrophore-sis with some design alterations, however, it did not miti-gate the positive feedback loop Figs. 1A and B. In ourexplorations, we were able to prevent our salt bound-aries with a simple increase in the eVective volume of theanodal reservoir or by recirculation of the solutionsbetween the two reservoirs (data not shown). This dem-onstrated that the problem was one of ion exhaustionand not one speciWc to altered ion migration at the reser-voir/polymer interface. A similar problem may havebeen described in 1951 by Gordon et al. [46], who suc-cessfully addressed the anodal swelling of the gel by anincrease in the ionic strength of the anodal reservoir ofelectrolyte. A related problem in polyacrylamide gelswas described by Spencer [47] in 1983 and by others whonoted anomalous conductivity zones that developedduring electrophoresis at the cathodal end of electro-phoretic capillaries and by Bilenko et al. [48] in 2003 whonoted anodal resistive zones in capillaries. These deleteri-ous zones were attributed by Spencer [47] and followers[48] to a diVerence in ionic transfer number at the reser-voir/polymer interface. Figeys et al. [49] were able toovercome this ionic depletion by increasing the saltconcentration of the reservoir but adhered to the basic

Fig. 3. Salt boundary in sodium acetate/sodium chloride agarose gels. (A) 11 mM sodium chloride, 1.5 mM sodium acetate run at standard electro-phoretic conditions (8 V/cm, 11 h). (B) 10 mM sodium acetate, 2.5 mM sodium chloride run at standard electrophoretic conditions (8 V/cm, 11 h).A ladder (1 kb Plus; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and an unpuriWed PCR product in reaction buVer were applied using glycerol loading solutions.

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theory of Spencer [47]. In any respect, a beneWt forincluding a nonchloride anion in addition to anyoptional chloride ions arose in our explorations, forthese anions prevented the salt boundary without resortto larger reservoir size or recirculation. That is, in simplerig designs, low-molarity sodium chloride media provedinsuYcient as an electrolyte for DNA electrophoresis. Incontrast, we did not observe salt boundaries when a non-chloride anion was substituted (acetate at greater than2.5 mM, for example, suYced; Fig. 3). Brief studies usingpolyacrylamide appeared to give results similar to thoseusing agarose (data not shown).

These explorations allowed us to reanalyze the com-mon perception of Tris as “the best” cation for DNAelectrophoresis. Sodium chloride/acetate media could beused as starting points for anion substitutions. A clearlyexceptional anion was borate. Sodium boric acid at10 mM sodium was excellent at almost all electro-phoretic conditions [35]. Variants of sodium boric acidworked best within a range of 7.5 and 12.5 mM sodiumwhen used with DNA fragment sizes of 100–2000 bp inconventional concentrations of agarose gel (0.5–2.0%).At a 2.0% agarose concentration, sodium boric acid atthis and at much lower concentrations could resolve verysmall fragments of DNA (20–100 bp) successfully in aga-

Fig. 4. pH changes in DNA electrophoresis. “A,” an acetate-basedbuVerless conductive medium as described in Fig. 1 (10 mM sodiumacetate, 2.5 mM sodium chloride) that produced resolution similar toTAE; “B,” 10 mM sodium boric acid pH 8.5 [35]. (A) “BuVer” exhaus-tion. pH changes of conductive media were analyzed in the cathodicchamber during electrophoresis (10 V/cm, 1 h). (B) pH changes of con-ductive media were analyzed in the anodic chamber during electro-phoresis (10 V/cm, 1 h). See methods in Fig. 1.

rose (Brody et al. unpublished). Sodium boric acid per-formed as well as conventional media, TBE and TAE, atconventional temperature (21 °C) and voltage (8 V/cm)in the size range of 100–2000 bp, conditions under whichsodium boric acid could be run at three or more timesfaster than TAE or TBE due to its lower Joule heating,permitting a much higher voltage [35]. Sodium boric acidalso performed well in polyacrylamide gels under dena-turing conditions (155 °C, urea) (data not shown).

Sodium boric acid as the conductive medium was ableto abrogate the “runaway” feedback loop of increasingcurrent and temperature (Figs. 1A–C and 2). Sodiumchloride/acetate performed better than TAE in analysisof the feedback loop (Figs. 1A–C) yet was unable to mit-igate the feedback loop to the same extent as did sodiumboric acid.


The pK values of the functional groups of the nucleicacids were established in 1925 and 1926 [1,50–52]. Theprimary phosphate groups of nucleotides are fully disso-ciated below pH 2, while the amino groups of the basesdissociate between pH 2 and 5 and allow diVerentiationbetween the mononucleotides in electrophoresis at acidpH. The secondary phosphates have essentially identicalpK values at 6. The enol groups Wrst to dissociate havepK values near or above 9 [1]. The electrophoresis ofpolynucleotides thus solely depends upon the charge ofthe ionized linking phosphate groups when separationsare performed at a pH range of 5–10. DNA moleculesmigrate most rapidly (have the largest negative netcharge) above pH 7, conditions at which, for practicalpurposes, the phosphates are fully deprotonated. Withinthese considerations, the pH is not a major factor forelectrophoresis of DNA or RNA [10].

Most researchers refer to conductive media as“buVers.” Nonetheless, a more circumspect treatment isvaluable. Tris and borate are electrophoretic buVers, butacetate (pKa of 4.7) is not. We conWrmed these expecta-tions by using pH monitoring to capture the changes inpH in the cathodic and anodic chambers of a rig over thecourse of an electrophoretic run (Fig. 4). It is not wellknown that unbuVered solutions, such as sodium chlo-ride/acetate (Figs. 1, 3, and 4) or lithium acetate (Brodyet al., unpublised), could serve as acceptable solutionsfor DNA electrophoresis.

General principles of electromobility and conductivity

The conductivity of a material is the reciprocal of itsresistivity, an innate property of a given solution ormaterial independent of thickness or length. These prop-erties can be distinguished from the total conductance orits reciprocal, the resistance, of a quantity of a material.The conductance depends not only on the conductivity

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but also on the length of the current path and the cross-sectional area orthogonal to the current. The conductiv-ity of an electrolyte in solution is the product of its con-centration and molar conductivity. Molar conductivityof a dissociable solute increases with ionization and thusdepends on dilution and pH; it is decreased by any inter-action with other solutes and surfaces.

It is easy to overlook that the cations and the anionscontribute independently to conductivity and that oneor both can become locally depleted (termed electrolyteexhaustion) during the course of electrophoresis [35].The transport number is the fraction of the current car-ried by each ionic species. Molar conductivity depends,in opposing ways, upon both the charge of an ion andthe friction (viscosity) that it encounters as it passesthrough a solvent. Ions do not exist alone but are accom-panied by a shell of solvent and sometimes by other ions.Thus, if ions of two types are of a similar atomic dimen-sion and charge but one has a larger solvated size, thelatter will be less electromobile and less conductive. Lith-ium, for example, is less conductive than sodium.

Cation and anion mobilities are known. The mea-sured cationic mobilities, relative to potassium ion, areas follows: ammonium 1.00, sodium 0.68, Tris 0.40. Nearits pK of 8.3, Tris was found to be reversibly protonatedand thus proportionally less electromobile than thisvalue would indicate [53,54]. Others have measuredanionic mobilities, again relative to cationic potassium,which follow: acetate 0.56, chloride 1.03, monobasicphosphate 0.45, dibasic phosphate 0.39, propionate 0.49,sulfate 0.55, borate 0.54 [53–55]. In agreement with theseexpectations, we found that a 20 mM Tris–HCl solutionat pH 8.1, having somewhat more than 10 mM each cat-ions and anions, has 73% of the conductivity of a 10 mMNaCl solution (and a 10 mM sodium borate solution has48%). Consequently, Tris media usually incorporate 40–80 mM Tris. The discrepancy in the necessary concentra-tions of Tris and sodium ions in acceptable forms ofelectrophoretic conductive media is thereby rationalized.

The literature, despite its inconsistencies with regardto the preferred constituents of a conductive medium,contains repeated warnings that highly conductive ionsare to be avoided. In the early 1950s, it was noted thatthe use of borate or phosphate anions, in place of for-mate or acetate, caused excessive heating in nucleic acidelectrophoresis. In an early paper on RNA electrophore-sis [37], Tris base and diethylbarbituric acid were used,“free acid and free base being chosen to avoid ions ofhigh mobility.” It is rather clear how the data on conduc-tivity can be used to engineer some desirable modiWca-tions into DNA electrophoresis. Low-conductivesolutions would permit a reduced heat generation andpermit higher voltage, speeding the electrophoretic sepa-ration of DNA and reducing both the real and theapparent causes of poor resolution. In our most recentexplorations, we took advantage of the low-conductivity

of lithium ion to design boric-acid-based and acetate-based media of even lower conductivity (Brody et al.unpublished). Lithium ion has a larger shell of hydrationthan does sodium and consequently a lower electromo-bility, and for small DNA fragments (20–100 bp), vari-ous boric acid media incorporating alkali metals orethanolamine as the cation could be used in 1 mM solu-tions for rapid, high-resolution, ultra-high voltage (up to150 V/cm) separations in slab agarose gels (Brody et al.,unpublished).

Additional comments on boric acid and boric acid ion

Boric acid has the formula H3BO3 or B(OH)3. Itsanion, B(OH)4

¡ , unlike other oxyanions, is formed bythe addition of a hydroxyl group. Despite its multiplehydrogen atoms, boric acid is monobasic. The anion istermed the boric acid ion, or simply borate. The pK isvariably reported from 9.1 to 9.4. At or below this pH, aboric acid solution serves as an eVective buVer againstthe production of hydroxide at the cathode. Boric acidanion migrates anodally. At the anode, it can donate ahydroxyl ion to buVer the production of hydronium ion.At a standard electrophoretic pH range of 8.0–8.5, thevast majority of boron is in the form of uncharged boricacid and will have no electromobility in that form.Because electrophoretic solutions do not predominantlycontain the anion but instead contain uncharged boricacid, they can be more properly termed with names suchas “sodium boric acid” or “Tris boric acid.” The lowerthe pH of the conductive medium, the larger the fractionthat remains as boric acid, a reserve for the buVering ofthe electrode reactions and for “replacing” the ionicmigration toward the anode [35]. Boric acid is also oxi-dized and presumably cannot be chemically destroyed atthe anode, unlike acetate. These properties account forthe superior performance of boric acid solutions to delayboth electrolyte exhaustion and buVer exhaustion, asdemonstrated above (see Fig. 4) [35]. A more accurateexplanation would convey that boric acid and its anionare in a dynamic equilibrium, governed by the pH of thesolution. A given boron atom migrates in an electric Weldwith a speed proportional to the ionized fraction andthus relatively slowly compared to anions of carboxylicacids.

Boric acid ion has long been known to form a cova-lent complex with adjacent cis-hydroxyl and, althoughperhaps less avidly, with other vicinal dihydroxyl groups[56]. This accounted for the usefulness of boric acid solu-tions to allow separation of neutral carbohydrates [3].Boric acid ion, having four oxygens, when present in lim-iting concentrations, is reported to form complexes (typeIII complexes) that link diVerent carbohydrate mole-cules [1,56]. For this reason, some reports have advisedlarge concentrations of boric acid for the purpose of sat-urating each molecule of polymer, precluding cross-link-

10 J.R. Brody, S.E. Kern / Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13

ing. One might think that these considerations couldpotentially complicate separations of RNA, but not nec-essarily those of DNA, as DNA lacks the cis-hydroxylsfound in ribose. Nonetheless, there is experimental evi-dence for complexation of DNA in boric acid solutions.For example, DNA complexes were detected readilywith use of 0.5£ TBE (45 mM Tris) as compared to stan-dard TBE (90 mM Tris) [57]. Early studies [56] hadfound evidence for such complexation in certain nonpla-nar orientations despite the lack of vicinal dihydroxyls,which presumably must be provided in DNA. Such con-siderations have encouraged the use of high ionicstrengths to achieve optimal DNA resolution.

The exact nature of DNA–borate complex remainsuncertain, and they are not always detected. For exam-ple, such complexes are not always observed in agarosegels, and a competition of agarose for boric acid ion wassuggested as the reason for their absence [57]. The anionalso forms complexes with glycerol, which might havesome signiWcance for loading media that contain both.

Boric acid solutions partially inhibit the interaction ofDNA with silica surfaces when in the presence of chao-tropic salts, such as used in the glassmilk procedure [58].Lower concentrations of boric acid, such as present in0.5£ TBE, sodium boric acid medium [35], and acetate-based media, readily permit fragment isolation and clon-ing from agarose gel slices.

Caveats for all conductive media

The voltage applied by the power source greatlyexceeds that applied to slab gels. Critical electrical prop-erties are best measured at or on the gel. In all buVeredsystems tested by us in slab gels, the measured voltage“seen” by the gel (using voltmeter probes and measuringacross the length of the gel) was roughly half of the set-ting on the power supply when tested across the gel. Fur-ther, the potential diVerences across the “upper” and“lower” halves of the gel were equivalent and stable overthe course of a standard electrophoretic run (data notshown). The electrophoretic force experienced by eachsegment of the gel thus was consistent with the conceptof Weld strength, calculated by dividing volts by distance,although this would be modiWed locally by the exhaus-tion of individual ionic species through migration[13,36]. Most of the remaining voltage drop and powerconsumption is assumed to be attributable to the elec-trolysis of water. This is justiWed by the known highenergy consumption required for the rapid electrolysisthat occurs during electrophoresis, which by Ohm's lawcommands a voltage step-down (potential diVerence) atthe site of the reaction. The reservoirs that electricallylink the electrodes and the ends of the gel characteristi-cally have a high orthogonal cross-sectional area ascompared to the gel and thus account for relatively little

voltage drop. The proportion of voltage drop attribut-able to electrolysis would thus be relatively higher forgels of greater cross-sectional area or of shorter length.The values of the electric Weld in the literature, unfortu-nately, usually specify the voltage delivered, rather thanthat experienced by the gel [24]. It is, along these lines,possible to cool the gel by immersion in a less conductivereservoir solution. This was intentionally applied by theuse of less conductive solutions such as reservoirs oforganic solvents in early protein electrophoresis or aslikely achieved by Kozulik [59] to permit a reduction inband slanting (discussed below).

The use of a low-conductance loading medium can besuggested to elevate the initial electric Weld across thesample and is expected to produce tighter bands. This isan inherent practice in denaturing DNA electrophoresiswhen the loading medium includes deionized formamide.

The cross-sectional area, measured perpendicular tothe direction of current, is a determinant of resistanceand inXuences the voltage drop that occurs along thelength of a gel. The generous width of the reservoirchambers at the electrodes oVers a very high conduc-tance, rendering the distance of the electrode from thegel a minor consideration. In contrast, wedge gels have agradient in electric Weld strength, with a lesser Weld andslower speed of DNA migration where the gel is mostthick. Wedge shapes were developed for sequencing gelsto progressively retain smaller fragments that otherwisewould migrate into the anodal electrolyte reservoir [60].It is possible to reduce the overall voltage requirementsminimally by placement of the electrodes nearer to thegel, but this would not directly change the heat genera-tion within the gel.

Low-concentration conductive media do not neces-sarily “exhaust” faster in our explorations, a favorableWnding that is attributable to a lower current, whichcompensates for the reduction in the ionic reserves [35].Ion exhaustion is reduced in boric acid media as com-pared to acetate media, due to the reserve provided byboric acid [35]; i.e., its average electromobility is reduced.

Redox reactions at the electrodes are often overlooked

The cathode forms hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions,and the anode creates oxygen and hydronium ions, bythe energy-consuming electrolytic decomposition ofwater discussed above. Both gasses are diatomic mole-cules. At times when a question of the correct polarity inan equipment setup may exist, it is generally easy to dis-tinguish the anode from the cathode by the twofoldgreater rate of bubbling at the cathode.

Other expected reactions include the reduction ofsodium ions at the cathode to form nonionic sodium,which immediately reacts with water to generate sodiumhydroxide and hydrogen gas. Other anodic reactions canalso be suspected. In adopting TAE for nucleic acid

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electrophoresis, Loening and Ingle [61] chose acetateinstead of chloride since chloride would be expected toproduce hypochlorite by electrolysis.

Radicals are formed by oxidative decarboxylation atthe anode. In Tris media, a peracid derivative of Trisformed at the anode. Indeed, the anode generated anoxidant species for all compounds tested that containedhydroxyl or carboxyl groups [62].

The literature on the redox reactions can be confus-ing. For example, an insightful report [39] suggested arational approach for designing alternate conductivemedia, yet the published mechanistic illustration of theredox reaction at the anode depicted the loss of an elec-tron as literally removing the charge of an anion. Infact, such a loss would chemically destroy the anion. Aredox reaction had been confused for an acid–base reac-tion by the illustrator (the anode generates hydroniumions, the representation of which would have saved theWgure).

The substitution of sodium salicylate for the sodiumacetate in sodium chloride/acetate medium illustratesthis reaction class. The anodic chamber becomes brightyellow due to the oxidative decarboxylation of salicylatefollowed by oxidative meta-cleavage of the catecholintermediate to form 2-hydroxy muconic semialdehyde.This reaction is duplicated by leaving a bottle of sodiumsalicylate solution open over time; the solution similarlyturns bright yellow (data not shown).

The chemical eVects of the redox reactions would becritical for deciding whether and how long to recirculatethe medium during electrophoresis or whether to reusemedia in multiple runs. Unfortunately, the consumptionrate of the ions is not generally known and is certainlynot considered in formulating such decisions inindividual laboratories.

More caveats on heat and resolution

DNA migrates faster under high temperatures [63].This accounts for the “smiling” of DNA bands across agel. Similarly, the narrowing of a lane in a gel indicatesa relatively high salt concentration in the loadedsample.

Higher temperatures increase the diVusion of DNA,causing a loss of resolution. In slab gels, temperaturesare better controlled with vertical rigs, translating intoimproved resolution. In contrast, horizontal gels experi-ence a considerable problem; they have an overlay ofconductive medium which can increase the temperatureof the top of the gel. This creates the appearance of alower resolution in horizontal gels. Yet, cutting the gelalong the lane shows that this is in part a visual illusionproduced by the bands slanting by means of theirmigrating faster near the top surface of the gel than atthe bottom [59]. Cooling of both faces of a gel thus canimprove the real and the apparent resolution. Gels with

less heat generation or having more eVective heatradiation oVer better resolution. It is also possible to usevigorous convection (which can be achieved by recircu-lation of the medium) or to use a lower-conductivereservoir solution (noted above). Such measures tomitigate the eVects of Joule heating especially can aid theresolution of smaller fragments, due to the severity of theproblems of diVusion and of band slanting beinginversely proportional to the fragment length.

An increased volume of buVer in the gel rig increasesboth the current and the temperature during electro-phoresis at constant voltage. Some investigators regret-ably believe that the use of a greater depth of overlay ofconductive medium would act as a heat sink for the gel.New precast designs now reduce the thickness of the gel,and some designs eliminate the overlay usually found inhorizontal gels to accommodate the limitations of Trismedia. In the past, vertical rigs were usually used toaccomplish similar goals.

DNA electrophoresis revisted

One of the two invariant components of commonlyused conductive media, EDTA, remains unexplained[64]. The other, Tris, is ubiquitous in homemade gels, inprecast slab gel systems, and in most capillary systems.But the 30-year dominance of TAE and TBE is beingseriously challenged.

It is worthwhile to consider the conditions thataccounted for the acceptance and persistence of thesechemical solutions. As mentioned earlier, there was aprogressive standardization of the common publishedlaboratory protocols. But while this would explain theadoption of Tris by the masses of researchers, the con-tinued acceptance by the most insightful investigatorswould not be explained. Other explanations arerequired. First, a familiarity with the older conductivemedia could account for this stagnation. Choices amongprotein electrophoretic buVers had been heavily con-strained by the diYculty in managing the physical prop-erties of proteins, a diverse analyte. It may have beenassumed by the early investigators of nucleic acid elec-trophoresis that an improvement upon these buVerswould oVer rewards only with a considerable investmentof time and attention. Indeed, Richards et al. [10] in 1965argued for a governing theory of protein-like complexityand that RNA mobility was intermediate between fastand trailing anions and should be focused in the largepore gel ”to achieve adequate resolution.” Given theexcitement oVered by the alternative uses of their eVorts(the mapping and sequencing of the Wrst genomes), thefamiliarity with the protein buVers contributed a con-tentedness; these solutions found unmodiWed adoptionfor nucleic acid electrophoretic separation by even themost creative investigators.

12 J.R. Brody, S.E. Kern / Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2004) 1–13

Second, a “Catch 22” also accounted for quickacceptance of Tris media 30 years ago and the lack ofsigniWcant further maturation of the Weld. Investigatorswould have beneWted from a change from Tris to moreelectromobile cations, but such a simple change producedexcessive current at similar concentrations. Also, investi-gators would beneWt from reducing the ionic strength, butin a Tris system this led to poor resolution (i.e., below0.5£ TBE). The solution lay in the simultaneous explora-tion and change of both factors.

Third, the concern that DNA complexes would formand result in reduced resolution, in conductive mediahaving limiting concentrations of boric acid ion, sup-ported the continued use of boric acid solutions in whichthe anionic form was present at over 30 mM. In suchsolutions, the nonionic form was present at many timesthis value.

Finally, there has been a peculiar orthodoxy to adherestrictly to the term “buVer.” When explaining the electri-cal advantages of new conductive media to otherwisecapable colleagues, the common questions are “Whatprovides the buVering?” or “How well does it buVer thepH?” A better Wrst question would be “How well does itdistribute the electric Weld over a given period of time?”Perhaps investigators' perceptions have been channeledinappropriately by use of the term “buVer” for all con-ductive media.

It is possible that the 30-year arrested maturation ofconductive media was responsible for a signiWcant loss oftime and money. Investigators who commonly use slab gelelectrophoresis can readily move to a more successful sys-tem of low-ionic, low-conductive media such as sodiumboric acid [35]. We recently estimated that for agaroseelectrophoresis alone in the United States, the scientiWccommunity would have saved over 30 million dollars lastyear in reduced chemical expenditures [35]. If one includesthe cost of materials, labor, time to make up solutions, etc.as “total process cost,” one can estimate a potential sav-ings of nearly 35 dollars for each hour recovered. Withsuch considerations in mind, it is interesting to imagine afantastic history in which Tris-less media were adopted inthe early 1970s. For example, at what earlier date wouldthe human genome project have been accomplished andat what fraction of the cost?

Note added in proof

The cited unpublished observations of J.R. Brody arenow presented in J.R. Brody et al., BioTechniques (2004,in press).


This work was supported by NIH Grant CA62924.


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