Historic Cities In Portugal

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Historic Cities In Portugal

Some historical cities and the rooster

Mari Soone


Contents1. Guimarães

2. Afonso I

3. Fàtima

4. Viseu

5. The Rooster from Barcelos

1. Guimarães-The Cradle City 10th century, Castle 1st capital, brithplace of a country 1095 -the 2nd County of Portugal 1128 - Alfonso I, independence from the

Kingdom of León ‘The Shakespeare of Portugal’-Gil Vicente World Heritage Site in 2001 Europian capital of culture 2012

cradle- häll,origin-päritolu, essentially-põhiolemuselt

Castle of St. Mamede

•10th c, Countess Mumadona Dias

•Ordered the construction a monastery>

•Castle to protect from moors and normans

•Battle of São Mamede, 1128

clergymen- vaimulikud,monastery- klooster

Citânia de Briteiros

Archeological ruins, national monument

1,7 km,10 min

Church of S.Gualter

1.1. Afonso I


Count Henry of Burgundy 1128

the Battle of São Mamede 1139 the first King of Portugal

Political weakness

right time-right place 1185 died in Coimbra

2. Fàtima

Muslim origin-Fatima name of Mohammed's sister

13.05.- 13.10.1917. The Blessed Virgin Mary (The Lady of The Rosary)

13.10.1917. – Miracle 2000. Pope John Paul II 2010. Pope Benedict XVI Pilgrimage destination 13th, every month



3. Viseu

The Roman term "viso“ (a good view) Grão Vasco museum Serra da Estrela Fine cheeses The centre the production of popular Dão


The Rooster from Barcelos

National symbol "The winning of justice when you fight for it" The legend Virgin Mary St. John “If I lie, the rooster on that tray will stay where it isbut if I am telling the truth,

it will rise and crow".

Used materials http://www.travel-in-portugal.com/ http://whc.unesco.org/ http://www.answers.com/topic/alfonso-i http://www.freewebs.com/ http://www.vatican.va/ http://www.lisbon-and-portugal.com/travel/history-of-portugal.html Silmaringi reisijuht Portugal 1997, 2008 Vila Real, Roteiro Ruristico http://www.excerptsofinri.com/fatima.html http://home.online.no/~nancys/portugal/country/rooster.html

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