HIST 212 The Persian Empire - WordPress.com · The Persian Empire. Origins • Median Empire –...

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Transcript of HIST 212 The Persian Empire - WordPress.com · The Persian Empire. Origins • Median Empire –...

The Persian Empire

Origins• Median Empire

– Tribes unified under Medes

• Achaemenids

Cyrus the GreatCyrus the Great

580 – 529 B. C. E.580 – 529 B. C. E.

A tolerant ruler

The Greeks called him a“Law-Giver.”

The Jews called him “theanointed of the Lord.”

Darius the Great(526 – 485 B. C. E.)

Darius the Great(526 – 485 B. C. E.)


Extended the Persian Empire

Darius’s policiesDarius’s policies

tax-collecting system.


Royal Road

postal system.

“the King’s eyes and ears.”



“Royal Road”“Royal Road”

Persian Archers & SoldiersPersian Archers & Soldiers

Persian Immortals: the Royal Guards of


Paris, Musée du Louvre

The Parthians

Parthian prince

Parthian city of Hatra

Zarathustra [Zoroaster], 6c BCE:Good Thoughts, Good Deed, Good Words

Zarathustra [Zoroaster], 6c BCE:Good Thoughts, Good Deed, Good Words

“Tree of Life”“Tree of Life”

Dualistic Battle of Good vs. Evil

Dualistic Battle of Good vs. Evil

Ahura Mazda“Holy Spirit”Ahura Mazda“Holy Spirit”

Ahriman“Destructive Spirit”

Ahriman“Destructive Spirit”

Zend-Avesta(The “Book of Law”)

Zend-Avesta(The “Book of Law”)

The “Sacred Fire” the force to fightevil.

The “Sacred Fire” the force to fightevil.

Zoroastrian EthicsZoroastrian Ethics

• right thinking and right conduct

• not a function of the “nation”

• first religion to recognize the individual human– morality and ethics

Aingru Mainyu



(truth, soul, mind)

(lie, body, flesh)The Physical World

The Cosmic World

Spenta Mainyu

AhuraAhura MazdaMazdaAhuraAhura MazdaMazda“He that in the beginning thought, “Let the blessed realms be filled with lights, he it is, who by his wisdom created Right.

I have conceived of thee, Oh, Mazda, in my thought that you are, the First who is also the Last, the Father of Good Thought, the Lord to judge the actions of life.”


• prosperity in the present life

• destruction of the world by fire

• final judgment

• reward: blissful heaven or a fiery hell

Behistun Inscription

1) I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, the king of Persia, the king of countries, the son of Hystaspes, the grandson of Arsames, the Achaemenid.

(2) King Darius says: My father is Hystaspes; the father of Hystaspes was Arsames; the father of Arsames was Ariaramnes; the father of Ariaramnes was Teispes; the father of Teispes was Achaemenes.

(3) King Darius says: That is why we are called Achaemenids; from antiquity we have been noble; from antiquity has our dynasty been royal.

(4) King Darius says: Eight of my dynasty were kings before me; I am the ninth. Nine in succession we have been kings.

(5) King Darius says: By the grace of Ahuramazda am I king; Ahuramazda has granted me the kingdom.

(6) King Darius says: These are the countries which are subject unto me, and by the grace of Ahuramazda I became king of them: Persia, Elam, Babylonia, Assyria, Arabia, Egypt, the countries by the Sea, Lydia, the Greeks, Media, Armenia, Cappadocia, Parthia, Drangiana, Aria, Chorasmia, Bactria, Sogdia, Gandara, Scythia, Sattagydia, Arachosia and Maka; twenty-three lands in all.

(7) King Darius says: These are the countries which are subject to me; by the grace of Ahuramazda they became subject to me; they brought tribute unto me. Whatsoever commands have been laid on them by me, by night or by day, have been performed by them.

Temple of Anahita at Ecbatana

Persian Cuneiform

Darius I on the throne, with the tall figure of Crown Prince Xerxes behind him.