Hist 140 port empire, assignment # 3

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Hist 140 port empire, assignment # 3


Portuguese Empire

By: Aubree Balkan

+Chapter 6

The Caiapo began in 1778 and was a troublesome group that protected the Goias and refused to change belief and their way of life

Damiana failed at presiding over a group of Christian Caiapo and found their was no place in any other world than their own

+Chapter 8

Antonio de Gouveia knew astrology, alchemy, fortune, and practiced medicine, and used it in spite of the Inquisition

Gouveia spent his life proving his innocence as he lead his life as an adventeror

+Chapter 14

Catarina de Monte Sinay, a nun in Brazil, reflects on her life and the fortune she had accumulated

She awaited her fate and feared the outcome since she did not honor the archbishop


The first global empire in history

The longest lived of the modern European colonial empires, spanning almost six centuries

The empire spread through a vast number of territories

+Age of Discovery

Portuguese sailors were at the vanguard of European overseas exploration, discovering and mapping the coasts of Africa, Asia, and Brazil

Methodical expeditions started in 1419 along West Africa’s coast under the sponsership of Prince Henry the Navigator, reaching the Cape of Good Hope and entering the Indian Ocean in 1488.

+Legacy & Decolonization

Seven of the former colonies of Portugal have Portuguese as their official language

In the wake of WWII, decolonization movements began to gain momentum in the empires of European powers