Hiori Kino, Hiroshi Kontani and Tsuyoshi Miyazaki

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Phase Diagram of b ’-(BEDT-TTF) 2 ICl 2 under High Pressure based on the First-Princples Electronic Structure. Hiori Kino, Hiroshi Kontani and Tsuyoshi Miyazaki. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 73, 25 (2004). Experimental phase diagram. b ’-(BEDT-TTF) 2 ICl 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Hiori Kino, Hiroshi Kontani and Tsuyoshi Miyazaki

Phase Diagram of Phase Diagram of ’-(BEDT-TTF)’-(BEDT-TTF)22IClICl22 under High Pressure under High Pressure

based on the based on the First-Princples Electronic Structur Structure e

Hiori Kino, Hiroshi Kontani and Tsuyoshi MiyazakiJ. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 73, 25 (2004).

Experimental phase diagram

Onset superconducting transition temperature=14.2K (the highest among organic superconductors),SC nodes: unknown

AFI at ambient pressure (commensurate vector: unknown)

I phase under pressures: magnetic structures: unknown


Taniguchi et al.

Electronic structure: First-Principles result





HOMO, HOMO-1: the HOMO of BEDT-TTF molecule

Pressure → increase dimensionality of the Fermi surface

van-Hove singularity at point: shift downward under pressures→ large DOS at EF



Phys. Rev. B 68, 220511 (2003)


Understanding of

the phase diagram

origin of the superconductivity

origin of the high transition temperature

A Model

A tight binding Hamiltonian (Hubbard model)

Electronic structure near the EF:the HOMO of BEDT-TTF molecule, tight binding fit of the first-principles result

superconductivity: (probably) next to the antiferromagnetic phase→on-site Coulomb interaction


ksksksks nnUccH Only the HOMO band

and effective on-site Coulomb interaction(a dimer model)

Electronic structure

Tigiht binding parameters:0-12GPa: interpolation>12GPa: linear extrapolation

|t(p1)| much larger than others

band width: linear increase P>4GPa

DOS at EF: van-Hove singularity near EF

Fermi surface: 1D→2D

(Original crystal structure: not square)

0.2 -0.20


Approximation to include effects of Coulomb interaction: fluctuation exchange (FLEX)



Antiferromagnetism: Stoner criterionSuperconductivity: (linearized) Eliashberg equation


ksksksks nnUccH




Resultsc.f. Exp.



rapid increase of TN (P<4GPa) --- 1D suppress the AF orderbroad peak of TN (P=6GPa) --- nesting vector =(,0)decrease of TN (P>8GPa) --- 1D→2D, dimensional crossover, worse nestingshoulder of TN (P~10GPa) --- nesting vector (commensurate→incommensurate)emergence of SC (P>14GPa) --- origin AF fluctuation

AF: antiferromgetismSC: superconductivity

SC order parameter

SC orderFermi surfaces

SC order: singlet dxy,, no triplet

effects of U: Fermi surface nests better






Theory: SC at ~14GPa. Exp: SC at 8GPa

Origin of this discrepancy: worse tight binding fit under pressures --- position of van Hove Singularity. A Model Hamiltonian (A dimer model): worse for higher pressures. t(p1) v.s. other t

Comparison of FS


DFT (Miyazaki) Tight binding model


Possible origin of high Tc

In increasing pressure,

Band width: largerDOS: stays large due to the tail of van Hove singularity

Calculated Tc: larger than that in the modeled simple-quasi-1D TMTSF salts.

0.2 -0.20
