Hindu Holy Books What sort of things would you expect to find in the Hindu Holy Books ? To describe...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Hindu Holy Books What sort of things would you expect to find in the Hindu Holy Books ? To describe...

Hindu Holy Books

What sort of things would you expect to find in the

Hindu Holy Books ?

To describe what the main books in Hinduism are about

To give examples of Hindu teachings from the holy books

To reflect on which book has the most to teach

Epic poems (=tales of great deeds) eg the Ramayana

• rules & instructions about how to worship the gods

The Upanishads(=sitting and listening)

The Vedas(=the knowledge)

•Stories about the gods

•Teachings about how to live

The Vedas(=the handbook)

The Upanishads(=listen and learn)

Epic poems (=tales of great deeds)

Can you match the Holy Book to what it is about, from its meaning (in brackets) ?

**Which of these do you think were written down? Which were passed on as stories orally first ?

The Vedas(=the handbook)

The Upanishads(=listen & learn)

Epic poems (=tales of great deeds)

YOUR TASK1. Answer the questions for your text2. Teach your partner about your book3. Write your conclusion:

• Which holy book would you be most likely to read? Which would you be least likely to read? Explain why.

Which of the teachers did you enjoy learning from the most? Why?

Which of the 3 books did you find most interesting to learn about ?

The Vedas(=the knowledge)

The Upanishads(=sitting and listening)

Epic poems (=tales of great deeds) eg the RamayanaEg Mahabharata

• Is this anything like the Bible?

The Vedas(=the handbook)

The Upanishads(=listen & learn)

Epic poems (=tales of great deeds)

The Story of Arjuna’s Concentration

• Which holy book would you expect to find this story in?

• Draw a picture of what was happening.

• Explain underneath what it is teaching you.