Hillside Men: 1 Timothy 1:3-11

Post on 08-May-2015

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In this session, we cover how we as Godly men are to read the Bible, what purpose the Law has, and how Godly men fight false doctrine with sound doctrine.

Transcript of Hillside Men: 1 Timothy 1:3-11

The Vision of Hillside Men

BEFORE WE BEGIN • Singles, not homers. • I will speak to not-yet-believers. • The Bible is about Jesus. • The Bible interprets itself. • Scriptures > Opinion • Transformation > Information


!Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Dress for action like a man; I will question you and you

make it known to me. Job 38:2-3


1 TIMOTHY 1:3-11

Myths & Endless Speculations

Why are these so dangerous in the Church?

Examples of Modern-Day Myths & Speculations

Modern-Day Myths & Speculations✦ Eschatology (End-Times) ✦ Free Will vs. God’s Sovereignty ✦ Christianity & Science ✦ Spiritual Gifts ✦ How to Baptize New Believers ✦ What Happens at Communion


Closed-Handed vs. Open-Handed Issues

Open-Handed Issues

✦ Eschatology (End-Times) ✦ Free Will vs. God’s Sovereignty ✦ Christianity & Science ✦ Spiritual Gifts ✦ How to Baptize New Believers ✦ What Happens at Communion


Closed-Handed Issues

✦ Jesus’ Second Return ✦ God Saves Sinners ✦ God is Creator. ✦ The Holy Spirit is currently active. ✦ Baptism is commanded of the Church. ✦ Communion is commanded of the Church.



“Stop majoring on the minors.” AJ Hart

Famous Commentator on the Book of Romans

What’s the big deal?

The key word in verse four is “devoted”.

Idolatry is giving a good thing more weight

than it should have.

This is true of doctrines as well.

Problems arise when open-handed issues are elevated to

closed-handed issues.

Instead of focusing on the certainties we have by faith

and for hope, we focus on the things that we are unsure of.

By wanting to know the unknowable, we are in

essence claiming to be God.

This has been the problem since the Garden of Eden.

The purpose of Biblical ministry is love, via

a pure heart, clarity of conscience and true faith.

As Christians, we are not called to be

right, but righteous.

My fear is that verses 6 & 7 are prevalent

in the Church today.

So many people want to teach the Scriptures

without having a clue what they are talking about.

It is possible to read, teach, or write about the Scriptures

and not have a clue what they are really saying.

This is true regardless if you have a M.Div or other seminary degree or not.

JOHN 5:30-40

The Bible is for us, but it is not about us.

The Scriptures are all about Jesus.

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted

to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.


LUKE 24:27








DAY OF ATONEMENT (Leviticus 16)



EVIL-MERODACH (2 Kings 25)

If you read the Bible and you don’t see

Jesus, read it again.

Two principles for reading the Bible.

It’s about Jesus.

It interprets itself.

What do you confidently, but falsely, assume

about the Scriptures?

Paul continues, addressing the purpose of the Law.

The Law is comprised of three parts, interwoven together.

Ceremonial Law Fulfilled in Christ

Judicial Law Unnecessary With Christ

Moral Law Magnified By Christ

Paul is referring to the Moral Law here.

The Law is good.

Because we aren’t.

The Law proves to us that we do not measure up.

The Law is only written for the sinner.

The Law was written for you.

The Law leads us to the Gospel.

The Law proves that we need Jesus.

For God has done what the Law, weakened by the flesh could not do.



Jesus came to do what the Law could not:

exterminate sin.

Jesus came to do what the Law could not:

resurrect the dead.

Godly men see Jesus in the Scriptures and love the

Jesus of the Scriptures.

Godly men fight false doctrine by cherishing sound doctrine, namely the Gospel of Christ.

Jesus is the Good News.