High Point

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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high point

Transcript of High Point

A Bible story that shows someone at the high point of his life would be the story of King David. When David became king, he was the most successful king in the history of Israel. He was able to unite Israel and make it one country. Yet, his ruling of Israel did not lead to pride; he was still close to God and able to follow Him, even though there were so many things to tempt him into sinning. Many people would think that David would change because of all his fame and glory, but his relationship with God was still strong because he believed in God throughout his high point. Because of this faith, he was able to rule Israel with justice and righteousness.

However, one day, David sinned. He committed adultery by murdering the husband of Bathsheba and then marrying Bathsheba himself. For many, this would have been the end of their high points - they would have given up and fallen into temptation. But David was different. Though many must have thought David would never return to God, David realized his mistakes after Nathan came to him and rebuked him. After David realized what he did was wrong, he tried his best to go back to God, and he was successful in doing so. Eventually, David committing a major sin and still coming back to God reached throughout Israel and taught everyone that all can go back to God. God is always willing to accept us, even when we turn away from Him.

David was at full harmony with God because he resisted temptation and had faith in God. Therefore, what David did during his high point should be emulated by all of us - he did not let pride or happiness get into his head; instead, he kept putting God first. Though David made a mistake by committing sin in the Bathsheba story, he also teaches us a second valuable lesson. When we sin in our high points, God is still willing to take us back if we’re willing to repent. David did this. He realized that he was committing sin and disobeying God, so he changed, and his rule continued to prosper. This shows that no matter how serious the sin or no matter who the person is God is always willing to bring all of us back with him - He always wants us to be in harmony with Him.

This story can help you when you are at your highest point because it teaches you that even though everything is going your way and you have so much success in life, that does not mean that you should start feeling that you don’t need God. In fact you should thank God for all the things that has happened to you. If you ever do start feeling that you don’t need God, you should remember God has guided you and has helped you throughout your life and you may have not gotten to where you are right now without God. And if you think that God won’t accept you for what you have done, you have to remember that God will always accept us when we have strayed away from him just like David when he committed sin, God accepted him without any hesitation.

We need God during our high points because He is the one we thank for when good things come our way. By staying by his side throughout the high points of our lives, we will continue being happy while also being God-centered and righteous. If we sin, as David did, being truly repentant is how to deal with it.

To stay in harmony with God during our high points, we should follow His teachings in the Bible. We can follow The Ten Commandments, using them as a guide in our lives. Another thing we can do is to pray to God regularly, so you can just simply talk to Him.

Those who see God in the highest points of their lives are thankful for all the things that have happened. They thank God for their successes and victories. However, those who do not remain with God in the high points of their lives become full of pride. They start thinking they do not need God because they have so much success in their life. As such, it is vital that we keep our relationship with God, even in our high points.

However, we should not make staying in a high point our main goal. Instead, we can serve God when we are in our highest point. We can thank God for what has happened, and still live a simple a life. We should use our time at our high points to help others and commit acts of service, and we should not get caught up in success. Simple acts such as praying or going to mass will help us stay down-to-earth and humble.

God shows His want for us to be with Him by always staying with us and guiding us through our lives and helping us through our high points, and in all other points of our life, too. He wants us to be with Him, because He wants us all to be in harmony with Him.