High Flyer Intermediate Workbook

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English grammar and language

Transcript of High Flyer Intermediate Workbook



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lsBN 978-0 582-07943-4


We are grareful to the following for permission toreproduce coplTight material j

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Unit I

Unit 2

lrnit 3

Ittit 4


lrnit 6

lhit 7

thit Ithir 9

thit | 0

llrit I I

lhit 12

tlit | 3

tlit | 4

tlir | 5

that 16

lhit | 7

thit | 8

lhit | 9

lhit 20

lhit 2 |


thit 23

rhit 24




















I The Eurovision Song Contest is an annual (ompetition heldin Europe. The television audience votes for the best song.

Underline the people you would expect to see on thetelevision during the Eurovision Song Contest.

the singer's manager, the floor manager, the camera operatotthe sound enfiineer, dre presenter, the director, rhe rnake upartist, thc singel the prodrctirD secretrh-

2 Read the passage.



Every year countries from across Europe enter theEurovision Song Contest. People from ail over thecontinent watch the event on their televisions or listento it on the radio. lt's a fantastic break for a singer torepresent their country in this competition and havethe opportunity to be heard and seen all over EuropeThe way to fame and fortune!

To be selected they obviously not only have to soundgood but also to look good. Singers will tell you theyhave to work hard to get such a break. And on top ofthat they must have the determination and dedicationnecessary to cope with the stress of being in thepubli€ eye- The prize is worth it but the price is highl

When you watch the Eurovision Song contest don'tforget that the singer is only a small part of theprocess. There are many other people involved andmost of those people work behind the scenes.


4 lmagine you are in the recordingstudio while the Eurovision Song

Contest is being recorded. You aremaking notes on what different peopleare doing. Choose the appropriateendings from the box below and putthe verbs into the Present Continuous.

1 The sorurd engincer

is nntrolling the miring fusk.

-2 Thc floor manegcr

3 The camela opcretors

4 The director

: 5 The male up ertist

6 The singers

7 The presentcr

8 The singers' mrnrgcrs

3 write the questions to these answers.


. $'ait in the $.ilgs .

. prepare the nerit contestant

. tell the floor rnanager rrhat to do

. incroduce thc artists

. encourage their singers

. film the singer

. carry out thc directorls instructiolls

. connol the mixing desk

People from all ov'er Europe.

Thry Jrave r" worl- brrd.

Determination and dedication.

\lbrk behind dre scenes.

-'Tf\t .t-t.._--^..7.' .,/""'.----.t5 Put the appropriate modalve.bs from the boxinto the following senten.es about pop singers,

rnust rnustn't have to don't harc to shouldshouldn't

Successful pop singersother jobs.

all the business side oftheir lives for drenr.

i To reach the top they


I Good managers organ$e


9 If they sign a contract thevbreak it.

5 Put the verbs in this radio commentary oftheEurovision Song Cont€st into the correct tense.

Welcome to The Eurovision Song Conrest. ..i a sore throxt,

7 Look at the different opiniohs below and decidewhich ofth€ phrases in the box you \vould say inreply. Write them next to the aentence,

10 Tirey sing ifthey have

This year it (l take) place in /'Greece. As l_ (2 speak) to you i\the sin8ers _ (3 wait) in the \)wings,


(4 warm) up their /voices and no doubt _ (5 try) to \:ontrol their nerves, /Probably the only thing they have in common is that \-"rrey all ' (6 sing). They ,/lll _ (7 come) fromdrfferent countries. and

I don't thinh so 'fhrt's right Ofcourse notI don't agree I agree

1 The Rolling Stones is dre best pop group cvcr.

2 Heary Metal music should be barured.i8 have) different backgrounds, interests and familyiives. But tonight all of themi9 hope) for the same thing - toSong Contest.

The first contestant (10 come)come) on

The audience

fi'om Sweden andao the stage now

win the Eurovision

heai maD, of them

You don't have to hal'e a good voice to be asuccessful singer.


r 12 clap) and as I'm sure you can4 Pop singers shouldn't earn so much rnoney.

Pop music shouldn't be plal'ed in shops and


8 You are going to plan a composition on theadvantages and disadvantages of using Pop Music tolearn English. Look at the list of ideas below andmark them A (Advantage) or D (Disadvantage).

: i;;:i !!:; :f :3: :;i" * ",.r r

(13 cheer).


(14 wear) a 5 Pop singen har.e to work really hard.trouser suit and long black boots. She

(15 look) stunning.

.1',So, sit bacl< and enioy our first entry in this /ear\

: ,#;fi:i:::::::::. laa fiany aiffjcult warda

i luk"u u lona tir" to Jisten Lo then

. tlat ural pro )ncjaLjar

i il;'lur'*, w ,,''ve bpeaker,irork hard.

i Successful singclsof tirne travelling.


ignore theirmanager's advice.

Singers be prepared to

spend a lot

practrse every Clxy.

Ifthel'are not very successful theydo other jobs.

t Think of at least one more advantage and onemore disadvantage and add th€m to the list, Writea comDlete sentence for each item.


I Match the following words with their dictionarydefinitions below. Write the number ofthedefinition in the appropriat€ box.. e wirch f. a ghost

. r van4rire

Z Read the riddles below and then try to matchthem with the correct answers. Put the matchingletter in the boxes.

|.XArjPLL, U'hat dn yau cnl t -,ritch ,aitg to l)itcbhihc?

.1 ait.h l)ikcr

1 \\'hat skclcton was oncc ernpcror ofFrancei l-l2 \\tr'lt do vou crll r nickcd old roman v_no uves

or the beach? flI Hou.can vou tcll nr.in uitches apart? Lx) \4rell, it! not eas,!-- to tell r.itch is r.lich.b) Napoleon Bones aplrt.

c) A sand-*itch.

ReadingThe Yanishing Hitchhiker

3 Match the subtitles with the illustrations. Thiswill help you to understand the story which follows,

She left her coat in the car nlook nef to Dtr llousc l

-lli stcrious ensr.er nL)ldcr toman in dre hc,use

Drivel stoppcd for a hitchhiLer nDriver tool it to her house a fcru davs later f

4 wni"n of th" follo*ing would not be

title for the story?

a) The Lost Coat

b) Bumps ;rnd'l humps iJr the \ightc) Thc lTlsterious \lbrrrand) i\ Clhosr Story

a suitable

5 Read the story. The paragraphsre iumbled. Number them in the.orrect orde. in the boxes.

A couple of daJs later, he waslooking for something in thg car*hen he found a womant coat.Knowing it must be theLitchlikert, he retraced his routeD ret[rn tie coat to her. n

IIe tried to havd a conversauonrith her but she just wouldnt sayanything, not even where sheYanted to go. Instead, as theyrere approacling a junction, she*arted to point. Then shepointed at her road, and finally ather house. She got out of the car.

He drove off feeling ang4'. Ll

When he found her house, hehrocked on the door and anolder lady opened it. He held outde coat and erplained that hewanted to return it to the young'-

A friend of a ftiend was drivingdowl the Al motorway, whenhe passed a young woman whowasstanding by the side of ther_

He stopped and asled her if sheoeeded a lift. Without speakinqshe got into the car. t l

The woman burst into tears. 'Itxas my daughter's,' she said, 'but6e was killed on the A1 fiveyears ago.' n


6 Answer the followint questions with a firll answer.

1 What was the young lady doing when the driver stopped?

What was he doing when he passed the woman by the side ofthe road?

I How was the driver feeling uhen the passenger gol ourl

4 What was he doing when he fourd her coat?

What were they doing when she started to point?

7 Make sentences in the past from the following words,

Ex,\\,tPLE: bal't m! Jinger uhile ckse tbe uintlrn' I hun m1 fnger while I zuas cksing tbe wiwlut:.

1 wall in the graveyard see a vampire

Whent1T.to sleep hear a noise

Whiiedrive her car see itch by a tlee

feel a hand on my face listen to music


look at gravestone it feJI over

When6 hear a loud thump read a booL


I Write eight sentences in your notebooks combining words ofyour choice fiom each ofthe vertical columns,

ExAt\tPLFj The uitch tcredmed menacingly in the forett at milnight.the ghost

the UFO






in the gaden

in the car park

in the hal

at midnight

duing dimer

t Make six sentences in your notebook includingwords frcm at least four otthe bubbles for eacnsentence. You can add other words ofyour own ifyou want to. Think carefully about the word order.LLAJjPLL The helicapter mught jire in tbe air at about

Iar"e aI:. n 4ht

aL abafi 11.70 pn.

the folowitlq ri1hi

Dictionary Work

| 0 Use your dictionary to help you answer thefollowint questions.

1 Where is the sffess on 'irrvestigation'?

2 Whrr is the adjective of'suddenly'l

3 How maly pronunciatiois are there of 'are'?

4 What is the dictionary definition of incident'?

5 What is the past tense of 'light'?

6 'Photograph'can be used as a nour and a .

6eve.al Limeo a ni\ht:,

a fianth a1o

wh)le ) wa6 o ee?lh4

11.t0 p.m.

inve.N OaLe






arT ly

Ihe hcaent.

The bax of matche1

the pa lerqe 6IThe invest, qatian

'fhe l-)FO

The hellcapier

The hitchhiker

arauta lhe nouSe

in the barn

in ahe 'au|hbeh rd trhe fiaffi|:,airo

in Lhe air


I Time yourself and skim through the text in thirty seconds.Underline the key words.

rTr -.,1T l'",'. books bave been DLbti"hed .n J2 o.trere


3 Look at the answers and thencomplete the question. Refer to thetext ifyou cannot remember theinformation.

:rropean tradition of comic:-ustration, and has wrjtten ,:rout hlstory tn many of his i.:oks. Readers of atl ages,:aces and retigions have:.ught and toved his books.ile has given immense:rjol,rnent to millions of::opre.

2 Read the text more carefully and then answer the following

1 Ho*'many

100 million.2 Ufto

(ieorges Rirni.3 \4rhat

Drai{ing.-l \l'hen

In 19'18.

5 What

Ifis chilclhood dreans andgenres,

4 Put the verbs into the €orrecttense: the Past Simple, PresentPerf€ct Simple or Present PerfectContinuous.

1 NIillions ofpeople


5 As a child, R6mi

(read) Tintin bools over the lastfl fry years.

2 Herg6 (have) enor-mousinfluence on the Europeantrldition of cornic illustration.


J.]el-"ees :ld. .hdr .o d a rordt of rno.u,,lun,rO,ni,t,on

.ooreq trortdwide I ho\ have been a,o rno tor nore rr dn nalld,Fnturv l,,lanv or rhe chi,dfe.t who -rarrea lo collect and-eao lneT.n.ty v-c,s rgo."\e Conrinued _o read lhFrt everrn.e theheroTinrinha!L.o.sFdLont,nenls cu,ruresdrc heeosmos lookirg for adventure.

yl._l::,,':i 1": rn r'rLrs,raror r"orn Be,s_r.rm ca. eo ceo,sFs

i:l')*",::, becdme known a, rhe tdmor, herge He io"ano sp€nr ar in."edrb.\ boirg chr,dhood .1

ftte"beek. a dLrll suburb ot BruLels. I L;kily -e lov"o drawing.HergF ba ed rne cia.a( re. ot TJnr:n on h,s chjtdrooo dreamsdo games I Intrn ha\ be"r ro,ne noon. r,dden shar ks, \4nrreo

' roer capru/ed gdngsreis. hdd adven.ures w1tn cowbol. andrnoans, travelled jn Egi.pt, fought in China, hunted and tbund

.r€asure, and many more things besides.

i:y:-::l.l:^o-n rq/8 01{€d" Herse s-ar rFo ro "ee,..rpr isonedJy irrun Wr en he t"ied lo draw hr. hdnd. hou,d ger d \Ln

"":i.^.:.l,1,: l-*f'" "iehrnaiFsand h s md,ndse b.oke Lp.J:e nad Jajr€n out of love \,vrth -Dntin

3ut his achievements are enormous, He has been responsble:trr creating a particularly

dra*-ing uhen he was 17.

,1 trlillions ofpeople(enjov) his boc,lrs or.er the lasthalf centurw.

(llve)in Etterbeek, ncar Bnssels.

T:re text is about: Tintir.

IIere6.: lntin and Helgi.

- T:;:dn qave morc pleasure to: Hergd than to his rcadcrs.: his readcrs thrn Hcrg6.

Hcrg€ hada) r happy childhood.b) an excitnrg childhood.c) a dull childhood.

IJerg6 isa) French.h) Belgian.c) British.


9 R6mi

(start) reading'llntil books when I was 1.1.



f iltin _(appear) in rnanv books with hiscompanion Captain FIaddock.

his name to Hcrg€.(change)

5 Read these sentences about when difierent living famous peoplestarted their carcers and then rewrit€ the sentences usins theword ih brackets, and purting the verb in the present pe;ectContinuous. (You may have to omit some words and €hange theverb.)

I'\AUPLL: Eric Clapton starred plaving biues jn 1963. (shce)Ert Cldptan ha! been flayitg bhus since 196j.

I Harrison Ford first snrted rnaking filrns in the 1970s. (eversnlce)

2 Steven Spielberg directed his first film in i974. (since)

J IGte llloss became a model lvhen she wes fouteen. (since)

Par.arotti becerne ar opcra singcr in dre 1960s. (fbr about 30)rcrrs)

b) Look at the list o{ cartoons xndcai:toon char-rctem belo$. tJsethe verbs Son a) to write eightsentcnces in your notebookrvhich are true for 1'ou and for rnrcmber oFyour fnmilv.

Roberto Baggio strrted p1ar,lng football for thc Italian lationaltexm in the early 1990s. (since)

Thellintsto[es SupemunStartrek Batman Starq arsTom andJerry Asterix TintinArchie Transfonners

F-\A"\rpr.r: I qrlite like mm and'/en1,at rU brather is mltd tlbout them..


7 Look at th€ information aboutthe life and work of Wdt Disney.Underline the information that youthink is most important to includein a live line summary of his life.

born I901

died 1966

film produccr

ve{' anti-comnunist1928 created Mickey l{ouse . .

otler caltoon cheltctels wclctrltinnie Mouse, Goofy, DonaldDuch, and Plttothe voice of tMickel' Mouse wasprovided by Clarencc Nash1937 prodrced his fir'st feature-length cartoon, Snow \l'hiteand thc Seve+Dw:rrfs

strrted as a commercial ardstan obsessive perf-ectionist

didnt likc children,, pr n e d" Drln ty land_ $tme parkrn LatltorDra rn l9! t

the head ofhis Sound EffecrsDepartrrent nas Jamesr\ilacdonaid

8 Number the items you ticked inthe order you would include themin the summary.

6 Nladonna mede her 6rst album in 1983 (snrce)


6 'Georges R6mi loved drawing,a) The_folloving verbs and phrases all have similar nrea ngs but

are different in strength. Put them on the staircase with thc'\r'eakest on thc boftom step and the strongest on the top stcp.

to lot'e to be nl.nd about to qrite liLe to not 1nind




I The following phrases haveimilar meanings:

:o he aftxid 0fio he lrightened r)f:,-r he scared of:! be te ified of

Tt€ last one is stronter than the

r '.llLE:-: ::tred afnry ttachct:: ::rrifed of mcalit*.

Complete the following sentences:-:n

scrrcd of

4 Look at the pictures andcomplete the story. Put thein front of the picture,

match them with the notes below toletter ofthe matchins note in the box

oosc , member ofl'our

:iJrcd of':l rerrrfieJ of

2 choose the word in italicsrhi<h could go with theidi€ctive. The first on€ has been e) rang police

b) police iunrcdiatelj' put trace on calls

;: .llg-

: -::d

- :::']e

stary/chill c) onc ocning brbvsitter Lxrking alier neighbourt tvo boys/


received clisturbing phone calls

someoDe threirtened Lill hcr'/said most blood curdling md hrirrrising tlingsbalrysirter went upstairs/fcrund the boys on the other phonelaughnrg

1) police telcphoncd to tell hel clllcr on othcr phone upstairs

g) police nenrged tracc call

h) caller rang again/kept him talLing


5 Expand the notes into proper sentences, and write thesentences in the correct order in your notebook. Link thesentences with frst, then, before, ofrer, where appropriate.

L\\\1P1,t;: One eNening a btbtsittrr reteired n n ntber aJ ditt$bilg

3 Write short sentences in yourrEcebooks using the words

, :' t: I tt! rcall| iiicrcstcd hl

5 ftightening6 enciting

7 $'orried

E crhausted

O Combine pairs of sentences (or parts ofsentences) from the stor), using wher, by the time,and the Paat Perfect.

managed ta trace the call.


, Write the police report in your notebookstarting with the words prcvided. Use the PastSimple and Past Perfeat.

On (put in yesterdayt date) at 9.00 p.m. I . . .

O My Big Mistake

Combine the following words into sentences. Thefirst one has been done for you. You may have toadd some words such as articles and pronouns.

1 Last Wednesday / I get up early to finishhomework / before go to school

Last Wednesda! I got up earl! to fnih m!homeuurk before I atnt to ubool.

2 Not do it the night before / because / watch a

football match on fi

However, after sit dowl / realise / leave myhomework at home

After all thatl / be very upset / because / getup so early to finish it

Know my teacher wouldn't believe me /because / do the same thing the week befote

That time watch a film / so / not have time tof,-i.h -- h^-"",^.1

3 Arlvay, ger up early / and / do ir rll

By the time finish it / be nearly time toso / have quick breakfast / and / run tobus

This story has a happy ending.

10 When get to school / tell my best ftiend whatIdo

He laughed because the homework was for thenext day. End ofprobleml

9 Words ending in -icdl and words ending in-oble, -ibJe, are stressed on the preceding syllable.

FxtwPLE: lagbal \aptbk

Here are some ofthe lines of a song bySupertramp. Und€rline the str€ss€d syllables in thewords ending in -ico, and -obl€.

When I was young, it seemed that life was sowonderful,

a miracle, oh it was so beautiful, magical.

And all the birds in the trees, well they'd besinging so happily,

jo14rlly, plaltily watching me.

But then they sent me away to t€ach me how to besensibleJ

logical, responsible, practical.

7e*e /cxtch my

Get to bus stop just in time / and / catch bus as



: ::st a s[bstance lr ncw fired;cine

:_e damalie a petition a product


I Match the verbs with the most obvious nounfiom the box.

In the prst rnanv elephantsfcrr theil nrsLs. This is norv


(control) and poaching(dccrcascd) r lot.

7 l'fany coats

9 Scicntists (produce) a syntheticfur so that fewer anirnals(hitl) fol their tur


4 Look at the followinS definition of an animal andfill in the name.

is a large furry animal which


res substanceApply to the skin

- rerv medicine/develop/inJapan

' -:r prorluct/nrrket/South Anerice

re res/do/fiv'e times

J Put the verb in the following sentences in thecorrect tense and decide whether they are passive

. \'rirn,rls atgzwl(use) for research.

- S;ientists


animals for nedical

' I'hnt people think it is cl'ucl for animals


2 Make sentences in the Past Passive trom mei:llowing cues,


i l.'e d,tnnpe ro tbe aninnl ta: uteavnd.

- ::ododsilp/last$.eeL

from the fur offoxes.

8 In cold countries rnany people (wear)fur coats,





- Tre ,\nirnal Rights Movcrncntof the transport ol lirrc

can be dangerous but is oftcn manufacnred as a


5 Combine the following pieces of information towrite delinitions of these animalsl

I a very long neck/spots/Afiica. l he tallest animalin dre l.orld/often considcred the most elegant.


largc bird/oftcn found on a farm. /sometimeseaten on spccial occasions.

(trxnsport) li1.e.

: rht) for the abolition

- - le trsk ofelepharts


::ie) to make il.ow products. \ _is

darserous/st1-iped/cat fanill'/r-hich mostly livesin forests/often kept in zoos. The Lion


small/rmphibi.rnldrr, shinh'hich lives mostlv inr.atcr. Starts its lifc rs a tndpolc/often ftrved hvchildren.



6 How much do you know about lions!Try to respond to the following statements beforereadinS the passage,Tick one ofthe columns.

7 M"t.h th" topi. ."ntences below to theirparagraphs in the r€ading text. Write them in atthe b€ginning of their paragraph.

A fully gro-n mole lion, stonding o meke highond weighinq obout 230 kilos, moy be more thon3 metres long from his nose to the tip of his toil.,The lion is thouqht of os on Africon onimol. Oncethey lived in Europe os *ell, but they hove nowentirely disoppeored from there.


Lionesses ore smollermole lions. Lions oftenore known os prides.

ond lighter in colour $onlive in lorge fomilies which


The mothe. picks up her young ir her mouth ondcorr:es thern lo sofe ploces. lt tokes them sometime io gei up on to their feet ond wolk, but theydon't give uo eosily ond it doesn't loke them longto work out how to do it


nlike i





tre b- niged tf

es, thryolicoPe.


oiives)o oy

who,ht oflo terrt off fr

rerr reiol; cnoseo

orkers ycff nighrwere sovos put (




merris chlree


i welwos

I Read the t€xt again and check your answers toExercise 6.

2 Xlost lions come from ['cstem Asia

J Thele used to be lions in Europe

Lions rrc rnernbers of thecrt farnilv

5 Onlv the lioness looks aftcrthe young

6 Thev are good climbers

'Ihe thick hair or.er the rnale'.s headlnd shouldels is called a nane

a1l! Lions ore feored ond respected by oll ihe people iii who come ocross fiem.a,';] The lion con be distinquished from the lioness I/ becouse o[ the enormius, heow mqne thot iI becouse ol the enormous, heow mqne tholiij .ouers hir po-"rful heod ond s'houlders.

Becouse o{ its strengih mojesiy ond Iiercerress,. the lion is colled the King of the Beos\.


iii Usuolly young lions ore born three ot o iime._ Usuolly young rions ore born three ot o rim,They ore looked ofter by botn ihe mole ond



9 Look through the completed text on page 14 and find the:nra5al verbs which the following phrases could replace. Use your: ctionary to help you.

-o srop tq'lnll- :,r be responsiblc for urd do rvhat is necessarv

' :r dc1a1'

- .r meet rnlexPectedtJ'

:o strnal- :r understand '

| 0 Fill in the ltant<s with phrasal verbs which you found in1€rcis€ 9.

::n vou read in English )ou oftcn (1) r.ordsdont knor'. LTsually it is bcttcl to

::r in r dict;onaw till vou herc trier(2) tind;ng

thenr:r in e dictiona|v till Iou hevc tried tcr(3) for yoursell However, ifyor can't rnnnnge this

(4) and use vour dictionerr,-.

| | Use a phrasal verb to write the caption for each picture in

' Itt turn. on lt,lilL livht.


You are Soing to write a shortparagraph in your notebooks aboutan animal of your choice,

| 2 write the topic sentence,

r,:.,\\IPLL: A fieetoh l! o mtntb(r afthe cat fnmi\.

| 3 Expand yot r topi. sentenceinto a short paragraph adding moreinformation.


lf a word ends in .io, the stress ison the preceding syllabl€.

I x A\\IPLL d eJ i, li | : i an

| 4 Look through this unit andmark the stress on th€ wordsending in -ion.

Now add three more words endinSin -ior.

.i lJ

-l l\i ,. ll/l.lglr


^\a"f,o r\'\a




.l -What.do you know about presidenrJohn F. Kennedy? Tick the

Inlohatton that you believe to be true.a) FIe uas assassinated.

b) Iile never married.c) FIc had two childrcn.d) He tried to mrke the lives of black people better. (Ci l Rights)e) He had blond hairf) IJc nevcr visited Dallas.

2 Read the information and put the verbs in brackets in the Active


3 Put the verbs in brackets in thePresent Simple or PrcsentContinuous.

DanLrta is from Poland brt now- sheis spending one month in anEnglish school.

1 She (livc) in Polanibut dris month she_- (srai, in Englmd.

2 In Poland she (golto school by bus. Thisshe _-

I In Poland she(spend) fivc hourslearning English.



(2 elcct) in 1860.

(:l com€ ) to offrce in 1960

the pres€n(e of iheir wi\-es.14 assassinate) on a

(5 shool) fiom behind ard in the head.

(tj call) Johnson.

(7 born) in 1808 and

This rnonth(noc h:rvel

any English lessons.

4 NTow she (speaK)

Boih presidents (1 concern]

(niss) this6 She 0rol

English all the tine.Tn P.lanJ 'he rerrr, 1,,, of ,l.li.,o* -opsr"


watch) rnuch telerision inEngland because itt hard tounderstand. In Poland she

(watch) nuch nore.

4 Fill in the btanks with one ofthemodal verbs in the box,

\,\rhile Danuta is in England she(1) gct the bm to

school becausc dre school is nearenough for her to walk. She

--(2) do all herlessons in English so her. English

--O) improve a

lot this rnonth. Her parents hare.old her shc --(4)s'rite to them each week. Last timeshe wrote in Polish but thev nowsay she _-(5) do this.She _(6) v-rite in English. Tnfact, ifshe realil- urnts to improveher English she _(7)speak or write Polish for a rnonrh.

wiih th€ issue of civil ghis.



Both prcsidentsFriday and both in

Both ofthem

Boih their successors

Llrdon B. Johnson jn 1908.

Both their assassinsbefor€ they

(8 kill). ihemsetves(9 bdng)1() tdal.

Iin.oln's secr.trry (l I catl) Kennedy.

(12 ca.11) Lincoln.

(13 shoot) him in a theatre

Borh presidentswhiia living rn rhc W]lrte House.

Kennedy's secretary

Lincoln's killerbox ancl alterwads


(19 coniain) seven lettells.

The names oI both assassins

0 havc) a child who die.l

(I4 nur) to a wareh0usc.

anerwards his killer


(I5 shooi) from a $.archouse and(16 r'tln) to a fllJn theatre.

go to the thealre.(17 advise) by his secretary noi to

IGnnedy's secretary _- (18 advisel mm not to go to DaUas.

Thc last names of both presii]ents

must rnustnlt shoulcl mustshouldnt lravc to don't have

(20 contain) liftecn l€fiels.


C Travelling by bus in England.Look at the pictures and write a caption for eachusing the modal verb provided.

: shouldn't

5 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present PerfectContinuous and add since or for.: IIe watches Superrnan r,r.henever he cen. He

(rvatch) it

i The onl,v thing she reads scems to be Tintin.She (read) it



She bu1's a comic every n'eeh. She

tbu), conics ever she could reid.

b) drould

d) hav'e to

7 Choose the correct form ofthe verb.

Huggy and the Bears (1)(started/have started) pleling together fir-e yearsago

'.r'hen rhey (2) (snrdied/

\r'ere studying) at universitl'. Sincc then thev(3) (performcd/have performed)

over one hundred gigs and made three recordings.\\'hen rhcy (4) (started/hadstarted) there (5) (ncre,fta\ c

the)-) sixteen nembers ofthe band

dccidcd) this rvas too nary' and since then there(7) (have been/were)

ren players.

ro. A vexl ago(6) (decided/have

: He (drarr) cornic iisures ererhe became interested in Asterur


(read) comic books

(become) even noreit l.as made into a feanrre

isfG\hs \DAIIJ\e,,\ ,

: inust

Peoplemore than x ccntury'.


8 Combine the twoeach of the linkers inthe corr€ct tense.

as when after while by the time before

halves of the sentences usingthe box and put the verbs into

_(get) dreir(be) togedrer

(maLe) their


l0 Put the words in the box under theappropriate heading in the chart. Some ofthewords may go under more than one heading.

band photographer to go on airblood-curdling pop scene camera operatorscared furry sound engineer white as a sheetlong-eared pslclo)ogi\t lo ge|, breakhair-raising to make a single manethe charts terri{'ing social workerto do the bacLing long tailed

_the bandfirst big break theyfor five years.


th.y (record) thelast track the guitarist's sting _ (break).



another bass player


urry _(proouce.)the CD chey (get) a lot rnoreoffers ofwork.


_(play) thelast number the audience _(stat) toclap and cheer.

Y Fill in the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the

picl up pul ol-F comr rc'osr uork ourgef up gi\e up lool afier rJo withour


This is far too difEcult for me. IPlease could you _while I make a phone call?

3 I'm so stupid. I always dorng myhomework till the last minute and then I rnusually too tired to do it properlyl Then I have

very early in the morning and

6rst recording they _(plal)rnore than fifty gigs.

(finish) the

my bag for me

do it before breakfast.



Have you ever

I'r'e justa poltergeistl

this travel brochureabort New Zealand. Now I'm trying to

how to persuade mr parents to payfor me to go therel

My parents say drey haven't p;ot any money for aholiday this year so I'11 have to

Show business




I Reorder the following jumbledDrds. They all appear in Unit 7 oftqlr Students' Book.

3 head the text to check your answerc to Exercise 2.

I lofta

I nadl

i ucalhn







2 What do you think life will be

le in the year 2050?

gess the answers to the following

?es-tions before reading the text.I l\till people start a career rvhen

they are twenty and stay in thesame Lind ofjob all their life?

I l\hat will people's eating habits


\lhy will psychiatrists bebusier?

\\'hat will bemulti-cultural

the effect of moresocieties?

i \\hat kind of information willbe on identity cardsl

\\hat Linds of veapons willdere be?

- Feuter Jobs,More Sncrcks

The editors of The Futurist masazine puttogether a list of the eight mosl 'interestingfoiecasts made in 1994 6v leading scientistslresearchers, busiress expens, and s6holars.

. Humans will one day become 'composite beings'- partbiological, part mechanical, and part elecffonic.

. Lifetime jobs wili disappear To stay employed, workerswill need to develop portable sLills that they can takefiom one employer to another

. Few people in tie future will eat the traditional threesquale meals a day. Instead they will have five snacks.

. Virtual reality experiences may lead to personalityproblems that will send people to psychiatrists. Peoplemay lose their'real' identities in favour of the perfectbodies created in the world of virtual reality.

. Computers will be able to think like humans.r Crine will increase through the early part of the 2 lst

century because of the conflics created by multi-culturalsocieties.

. People will carry electronic 'smart' identity cards whichwill contain information about their education.emplo1.ment, medical history credit status, and geneticdata.

. Future wars may be fought with rninimum-bloodshedweapons that cause alrnost no deatis. Possibilitiesinclude laser rifles to cause temporary blindness,ultrasound to cause dizziness, and sedative guts to trakevictims sleeor,.













4 Look at this conversation between two maoscientists called Patrick and roe. Fill in the spaceswith the most suitable future form ofthe verb in

6 Complete the {ollowinS sentences withinformation from Exercise 5,

I \Vhen he has atteuded all the course

2 He vill do thc test whcn

IIe will have a better idca ofwhat it is like to bein space once

4 t)nce he har pa..ed rhe inr-odu.ror1 cor,r'.r

i Hc s'ill be an lstronaut rvhen


, You have now read two episodes of flre Flood.Look at these words connected with wet weather,

Use your dictionary to put the following verbs inorder on the steps, with the strongest one at thetoP.

8 Now do the same with theJol,owing nouns.

,-1."-p.* flc,od shcrrue.,t,,r'rn


9 You are going to prepare to writ€ a descriptionof Mars. Make notes ofyour ideas under thefollowing headings.

Introduction The Der.elopnent The Conclusion

Guess rvhat. \Ve _(l do)something nobody has ever done.

Wlat?Oh, I can't tell vou drat. It'.s a secretl

You can tell me. I(2 not tell) anyone.

OK. We(3 send) an astronaut to the SLNITo the SUNI No, that's impossible.

Maybe, but we(,1 do) it.\{ell how? Surely he(5 hurn). rr (6 be)too hot.

Oh no, *'e've thought of that.

So... horv

short introductory course next rveek. The course(2 give) him a general overview of the

skills required for the job. For example, one ofthetopics _(3 be) how to copewith the lack of orygen and the lack of gravig. IJe

(8 send) hirn at nightl

5 Fill in the verbs in the most suitable future form.\[ario urnr. to hecome an arnolaur. Hr i. rrnhappv because he

(7 you solve) it?

|riIRICK: \Vell, we

(1 anend) a

(4 hrr c to) le.rrn rhour rhe potentJaldangers and risks and hou to mjnimise these. Atdre end of che course rhere (5 bc) a

(8 experience) bcing in

test and if he does well he _(6 beable) to attend a four year training programmerhich _(7 enable) him to become anasffonart- On thc l.st day oftle coursc they

a sirnulator qhichlike being in spacecourse r_hich he

(9 feel) eucdv. But there are other parts of the

(10 notlook fom_ard to). Onc of them is the written test



Johnny Delter, the sax player in the up and comingfunk group Huggy and the Bears, is about to give aTV interview. He doesn't want to do the interviewbut the rest ofthe group have told him to do it.The presenter is preparing rohnny and checkingwhat he would like to do and talk about.

PRLSEN'r'LR: Well I suppose so. P,tt Q) bc ureful,t ttl )ott ni,np|on,. \\rhenlou'irback it sometimes affccts the sornd.

JOHN\-Y: No probieur. Can we start theprogramrne with me plaving and thendo dre interview?

PRESENTER: Fine.loHNNLr And (3) don't do an! intodtuctirn beJire I

Pld!.IRESDN|ER: That's dif0cult. \I/e'll have to have an

introduction so dre viewers knor-


whatt happening.r.l'.ell (4) nake it shart.Right. T,ett jLnt run through theintervier'. Co d 1'ou tell me what you\r'ant to talk about?

JoHNNLr \Vell I'll tell vou one thlng (5) I don\uant ta filk abaat untl thdt\ m! ?ri-Lrate

wPRTSENTER: So n'hat do you want to trlk about?

JoHNNY: (6) Please roncentrate on the kind ofmusithe band play . The otl'er- rnembers o{the group. .{nd also on some of ourfuture gigs.

PRF.SENTF.RI OK. Btt (7) yau nrusn't adaenise tbemtoo abztiouiy. No*' it's irne for vou togo ro \takeup. Ard r.e ll .rrrtrecording straight after that. (8) Don'tuonl abokt tbe intemicu . lnst (9) speak

clearly and for goodness, saLe (10) jzl.onasian ally !

1 lVho should have uoLelJohnnyl2 Number the fbllorving in the order in which

they v-ill happen.The interviewHis makeup session

Johmr,- plal.ing the saxA shofi introduction

t Hou do)o.r drintJohnn\ hrrbeerrlooUngduring this conversation:

a) quite relaxedt, grxDlpyc) friendty

'I Name tr.o things Johnny doesnt r.ant tohappen.


3 In your notebook wdte sentences for thephrases in italics in Exercise 2 using terl or osk andthe infinitive.

F-\\r'{PLL The presenter told hbt nat ta not 11.

I Look at the pictures andsentences.

1 The presenter is the one

then complete the

2 Johnny is the one

Z Read the dialogue and then answer thequestions that follow, lgnore the italics.pRri.sFNrERr Welcome J ohmry. Reall' glad you

could make it.JoIIN-N1': Yeah itt a rniracle I got here. I

olerslept. I'd asked my flatmate to$ xlie me but he forgot.

PRLSE\TER: So hoi. are _r'ou feeling?IoHNNI: \\'ell... rerlly nen-ous. ,And tircd are

drere any chajrs?TRESEN'I'ER: There'.s one coming. Don't worry.

Il'e'll go drrough everytlring now andhrve a sort of run-thrtngh. (l)Woulllau sit an the atber siLJe oJ tbe table

lhaselJoH\\l': C)h no. I don't rvant to sit at a table.

Tt! fir too formai. Can I hr'v'e anannchairl I prefer to look rclaned.


4 Look at these instructions thatparents might Sive to little children.Follow the example and report theones that your parents most oftensaid to you when you were young.Add one ofyour own.

tne nrc l

_ilB" q.,t"c ).-.-5top tgnfln3

jli.,r'.flgry "*{)- ;.

,ll.lupyourlrnch l

_-'Dnn I hrLe ynllr

,I_nq:{.tu1 ]l

EL\\IPt,r: Mj 1)dre|tts af.u tuA m(not to go near the Jire.I






vcry short








and jeans







at George



to Katcrina

her coat

next to Nlaria

5 who is who? Look at thephotograph of a group offriends.Make sentences in your notebooksdes€ribing each person from thewords in the chart,

dark s|in sitting att the chtir'.

Kiterina i the ane netri g t basehtllcap talking to Luis, Am.eltu a*l Anna.


6 The following statements were made to emPhasise a particularpoint. Tick the most appropriate one according to the stressed

words in italics in th€ statements.

1 Dimitrrl! brothcr tried to br,v rr1, of fte boohs

r) Not to borrorv themb) Not the magazincsc) But he 1vx!D't rble tod) But one book hacl bccn sold

2 Ahm tt went to the cinerr a on his motorbike J'esterdri'.

b) Not todryc) Not Mehmetd) Not his fatherls

Antonio told rr e he had lost ,lr kel's.

a) But Lre vas l1,ingb) I thought hc'd fbrgotten drenc) Tt nust bc trucd) Not his nother's

Did l,ou see Spirosi

a) Or did,vou olly spcak to hilrr on thc phone?

b) Ansrver trel l'm gctting angrylc) Or did you see Xristosi


7 For each sentence underline thestressed word that would make b)the correct answer,

Lnt botl thL t,uults.

b) Nor rhe meglzines


8 Add the words in the box to as

many ofthe adiectives as possibleto make them into compoundadlectives.

heired ei'ed skinned leggednosed lingered


| 0 Look at the photos ofthe Wanted people on the policenoticeboard.

EI!\'IPLE: IlrrTlrrr I rrds a rnidrlle-ag:d rutnnan in t caitd tringg/rlrr.r.

Write the descriptions you think the witnesses gave to the police inyour notebooks.





9 Fill in the sentences with asuitable <ompound adiective fromExercise 8.

1 Tcr becornc a top ballet clanceryou llccd to bc





In the arrnl'you har-e ro he

(lood pirnisis are often

l{ost fiir-hrircd pcople are



people rre bror-reyed.


I Look at the following sentences. The missingwords are either nouns, adiectives or verbs. Fill inthe blanks with the correcr part of speech.

I Chris is having roar getting strrted.

-' Reail rhe rJvice his friend hnn.

I Gefting


is dre commonest trouble.

4 \tr4rat you have to 15.,.5 ,., tI1- not Io rvords to come,

6 and thet's too7 Jmt rn*e a of all tire things .

8 Later we'll out thc right order.

2 Read the text and choose the most appropnateword from the box to fill in the blanks according tothe cont€xt. Use your answers to Exercise I to help

hard gives tbrce ligure list doproblerrs stuck


3 M"t.h th"." "rp.".sions

with their definitionsand write the appropriate letter in the box.



'| caf't play with you no\ /.

1 a shoulder to cry on

2 too hrrd to handle

3 to get to knorv sorneole better

4 to find a r-ay out ofsomedring

5 to keep a secret

6 let's facc it7 to do something on purpose

8 to givc somcone a chmce

a) to not tell ,nr,one

b) to become closer to someone

c) sonleonc li'onr $hom ]-ou get synpatllvd) too diffrcLrlt to dcal *'ithe) to gi|c sonreone an opportunitv or possibility to

do sornething

l) to lind a solution to something

g) to do sornething intentionallyh) r.e should accept it


4 Here are some thints that parents often say tosmall children, Follow the example and report thefour your parents most often said to you when youwere young. Add one ofyour own.

Bossy Parentst SayingsParents are the same the whole worldover. For generations they have beensaying the same things to the:r children.Here are some examples of theseuniversal sayings.

busyl Gay)

'You'rc ma<ing too much noisel (complain)

'When it's cold you have to wear a coatl (exp air)

'lt! time to go to bedl (tell me)

'You must hold my hand when you cross the road:

'Your hands are dirtyl (complain)

'ltk rude to answer bacld (say)

'You look just like your srandmotherl (tell me)

Chris wanls to write a letter to his mum but is



getting started. Readthe advice his friend

troublc of all. Usually, yoor mirld gets stuckwhen you'rc trying to do too many things atonce. What you have to (4) is try

(-1) is rhe commonesr

(5) words to come. Thatjust

(6). So separate them out. Just

gets you more s1uck. What you have to do nowis separate out the things and do them one at atime. You're trying to think of what to say andwhat to say first at the same timc, and that's too

make a _(7) of all the thingsyou want to say in any old order. Then ldter

(8) out the right ordcrZen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.



E:L\-\IPLE M! pc(nt! orten lditl theJ caul]n't ?kt 'iL ithm.e becaBe the! -LLere taa bt^!.



t Reported spee(h with no tense changeHere are some things that parents often say totheir teenage sons and daughters, Follow the exam-ple and report the ones that your parents often sayto you in your notebook Add one ofyour own. Usethe verb in brackets.

'You can't go out till 1-or'vc frnishcdhorner-ork.' (sai')

..i:":l]ttyryrla-.'Yon v.rf.h foo much rele\rsron-

/'You shouldnt go arouncl rvith

; influence.'(say)tl;rr,-tr.t"U"a''l

6 Read the dialogues and then complete the s€n-tences that follow them.

Dialoguc ABE\TI Hi. I're been looking everyrvhere for


JoANNA: Sorry T was in the libraryThe thing is, (1) I've got tw-o tickets fbrPhil Collins next Mrednesday.

Jo,\\Nr Thatt fantastic. But (2) I don't think I'11

be able to go.

l\try not?

JoANNAT Beca[sc (]) my parents don't likegoing out late on weekdays.

1 BeT ta toldJoamra

2 Joarn,r said

3 Joanna explained

,lryrrrYl f". *,***.'f.ryj ,t;

i'Y.*.;ia; ;;..' 1.o'npl";'1 ;

'You can't go out looking lihc that.'(say)

,1'Y-*."]1l]." ,t',"q""t"r "p

in this ho.,se.' (sr1i

'*,t.t ".*1, 1o"t t"i..,".1 tl

F.X\NIPLE MJ parentr 01+e lqi I r&n't go aut tillI'i)(f nn h ul ny h am.e',.tork.

Dialogte B

JoANNA: I{rm, (1) T've got something to ask J'or.iuoTHER: C)K, {'hat is it?

JoA\NA: \Vell the thing is (2) Beata'.s got t\l.otickcts for Phil Collins next \4rednesday

\roTrI]lR: Next l\rednesday? No, that's r weekcla-v.(3) You can't go.

.t{'\\\ \: 14\ Tr'. nol firr. AJI rn1 cierrd. rre yoi|'g.IIoTHERT \ltcil (5) I'11 talk to Beata's mother.

I Jornna told hcr mother2 Joarura told her mother

3 Her mother told

4 Joanna conplained _5 Her mother said


7 Read the dialogue and then write the originalconversation between Beata and her mother indirect speech.

Dialogue C'\ \l',ll I R: J.r|lna tellr nrc rhcr B.arJ i' going ro

d1e Phil Collins concert next\ /ednesdav

Reallyl Beata told meJoanna was

SornglDid 1ou tell Berta she could go?

Not et first. But she said thatJoannar.as going so I changed my mindl




B's \'t()Tt IliR:

'Your dirgv clothes(conplain)


I Read the quiz below and report what the participants wereasked using the cues provided.

2 Now it's your turn to do a quiz. Answer the following with ayes or no,

1 ts Delhi in India?

2 Is the zloty dre curenry of Polaldi3 Is Athcns the capital of Spaini;l Arc thcle 70 states in the USA?

5 Is part ofBr:rzil on dre eqnatorl

6 Do the Argentineans spenk Pornrguese)

7 ls scodand in Enslandr

8 ls Maradona Spanish?


J In your notebook report the questions you were asked. The firstone has been done for you as an example.

E-L,$1P]-F. 1l 1 irdr Afrl if Delhi zuas the rapitnl af hdla.


5 Match the reviews with the pic"tures and titles,

Vocabulary . /

4 put the words in the correct column in the chart below. The I f it is, a, surprishgly successful

and see rt again. n-' 4 f nis chilorp- s iantasy adve^rure

was unexpectedlyenjoyable. MacaulayCukn has never given such a goodperformance. After an action-packedopening the film enters a cartoon worldof fanlasy, horror and adventure. Thisis we I worth seeing. Ll

c Julro

./-4 put the words in the correct column in the chart below. The I f it is a surprisingly successful

nrst row has been done ror you. ;:n*: i|."tff",J:r"i ,l'tirj"?',ijll"11 casual clothes jacket leather coat --i

part for him - Sania Claus. I saw thisI dishes lbod sp:rghetti rneals .--f lilm last week and I plan to go again---. this week. lls tun a-d haopy which is1 nouse Durrollrg rlooern sefi dcmcned ,a:r|, what a Christmas frlm should be.4 st:rtionerv notebook paper English notebook 'i:l\5 iilm thriller cincrna fcat.re film ' 2 |didnl ,"a ty enjoy this titm. tt stars--l Atnold Schwa.zenegge. as the world so rrf rnp compulef rb vr Der{'nfl ',rnpucer j tirst pregnanL man. Direcror lvan7 rnoney notcs curtencv pesetas .,.] Reitman, and co-stars Danny Devto8 Rolls Rolce vehicle saloon crr car :l:l and Emma Thompson have fun, and

iiiil there are one or two good lines, but ihe

Ccnctxl laord I SDecific \4ore soecific I Mosr roeciFt. .'

l jo<e soon gels bor ng lcenanlywonl

clo he. 'a\ui iacl.er lerr-Ferc,,rri rt lhis British frlrr is based on tacr.' The tead <ta. p-oeoe Cates is

,ll] excetlent and geis sotid support from

I -- Kev n Kli^e. Tre ,in is d penod oiece

I i about dishonesty and prelence. The" , audie-ce seemed to e-joy rt nore t-a"

] ] :::/ | did so I wi give it a second chance



Answer the following questions with short answers.

l4trich fiLn is a remake ofa 1947 hit?9 Now make similar notes onanother lilm ofyour choice in yournotebook.


| 0 Th" follou,ing words all occurin Unit l0 ofyour coursebook Putthem in the chart under the wordsthat rhyme /inalude the samesounds. lf a word has more thanone syllable match the syllable thatis in bold.

three loved ingenious firlnvfirst but keep occurpublishcd countries shirtn,ean brother $-ord lovelypreuous learn monev reason$ork wonder seek eveningheard people

2 \tr h rr pcn docs R:ch"rd \nenbororrgh plrr?

3 \itich film is dre writer going to see again this rveek?

4 l\ftich filrn did the r-ritcr not enjoy?

i \tr-lo plar, the parr of ,r pregnrnl nran;

6 \\to is the director of lunhr?

7 \lhich 61m is hased on facr?

8 l4tro sripports Phoebe Cates?

9 \{hich film stars Macaulay Culkin!

l0 \{4rich filrn has cartoonsi

7 In your notebook report the questions you were asked inExercise 6 starting with , wos orked. . . .

Dilr\4PLIi: I I,iuds ashed ubitb Jilm uas a remake.


8 Look through the reviews and put the information they containunder the following h€adints.

Topic The Stars Cornnents/Opinions

NTiracle onJ,+th Sffeet






I You are going to read the diary Peter Carey wrote when he wasin the fourth form at school.

Look at the headings in the chart. Scan quickly through the diary tofill in the information about each of his teachers. Don't worryabout the words in italics.

2 l,4atch the words in the box withtheir definitions. Find the words inthe text to help you guess theirmeanrnSs,

1 clever

cracking noisc

another nx re \vc give tosorneone - often as a joke

a Jamp which gives l srnall le4hot fllne

random nicknarne blorvlampsnap bright


J Peter talks about the things thathis teachers and his €lass did whenhe was at school. Now he is anadult so these things don't happenanymore. Emphasise this bychanging the verbs in italics to used

I We uetJ to call hint Ptrcy.


2 chosen without eny' plen

r,, I'rtrk suJdcnlv r.ith :r sh.rrp


Subject Nickneme Othel inlbrmation

rlh Pargetter

Mr Evans

IIr Bloater

llr Bentlcy

Teachere I have known

I a wayo amazeA fiyaelf when I \Naa at achaal thaLbatherea ta keep a diary. I alan't balher 1,a )o mrch elee. bulI ttiL)at aay that iI'o ?rcvea inva rable a9 a aacial hiolta(y.Here are aome ranaom Lhauqhl,g frcfi fiy dla(iet.

l,4r ?areeller. fielalwork Iteaahe| We called(1) h fi 7ercy. leOot' (2) a oLranqe aok 1n hla eye ever! |t;tme anyone llL up ablowlamp. ?erhaVo he wae oecretly hapinq lhey worlA have an

aacldenN. b|N Nhere'a nalhlnq parL crlary peculi in lhal.Aller all,'lery liLlle eloe happened(3) tr r'he lea.ar., 60 we a

aakea farwafu la Lhe irduolr)al acc denL.

l'Ar Evar6: \Noa)warl: teacher,'ltleleh. \Ne rlckrafiea hirA Dai

(\Nel.h nafie pronannced Die), nalny becaL).e we hoped he

war A. le ha^ (4) a very fin6ual way of bhorNerlnq lenqlthoaf woot. He hl yar acrcae lhe boLLam wilh Lhem, ara Lhey

6nap?ea 15) - .aaner or laLel

llr lJ aeier: Malhg and Aarnea, but naI alt Ithe aafie l,ifie)le elwa:]. efielt (6) a.I'harqh vle v@re dainq qane. - even

dL)r rl Lhe MaLha e66on6. This aonfu.e (7) gafie af avcla66 who werenlt very briqht ana ha^ tu uoe ltheir 6enoe ol..t pll -a a I a.- \re -.. o hc, t - p ia.

Vr berlley: Enqlish. Ane thinl he aia (O) wa. ia nake Eall wriLe it1 exacl,ly the aafie way. le opent (9) nirch of avllr6t yea( qvlnq baak wark tf Lhe han),wril.in4 wean'L riqhl.VleOoi (A) .eell! anqry abaut lthi6 brL r"he qaoa I,hlnq we., you

car A eet aLher ki)s La aa Jav hafiewark far yarl 9r enLl





4 Look at your sentences in Exercise 3 and change the used to towourd in the four sentences wh€re this is Dossible.



8 Mat€h the words on the left tothe words on the right to makecompound nouns. They all occurin The Floot!.

a) room

b) rvork

c) floord) case

e) coat

S offrccr

5 Tick any of the following which were true tor you when you werefour years old, but arc not true for you now.

have an aftcmoon sleep

go to bed before 8.00pm

not Uke green \'€getxbles

not speak any English

not go to school

wake up very early in the moningsrvake up in the middle ofthe nightaftaid of the dark

play with toys

be very thinbe qrite fxthave blond hairhave gaps in my teeth

6 Write sentences in your notebook about the sentences you haveticked, Use wourd or used to and start each sentenc€ with:Wl'enln,hurt...

7 These sentences are about Peter's diary. Match the beginnings ofthe sentences on the left with th€ appropriate endint on the right,and (ombine them using who, which, whose or where. Write themout in your notebook

1 Mr Pargctter was the teacher

2 Peter kept a diary

I Mr Evans was the teacher,1 llr Bloater was the g;ames teacher

5 The diaries are about teachers ina school

a) they u erent very brightb) they snapped sooner or


c) he went to the school

9 Put the words in the box afterthe appropriate words in the listbelow to make compound nouns.

beck yrd-pqlL

I rain

2 suit

3 bed

4 police

5 hitchen

growth yard bisc'uits bedpack bank pistol armgraduate steet sffoke wearneion fall side rowingsailing

| 0 Put the words in the boxbefore the appropriate words inthe list below to make compoundnouns,

There were children in the class

Peter describes the teachers at

the school

Mr Evans used to hit them r-ithlcngths ofwood

aged 10

it described his teachers

he smelt

the children n'eren't allvery brighthis teachers seem sffange

his licLname was Daihe tauE;ht metalwork

torch rowing water sailingscent milk traffic sunfishing day wine







9 The diary was written by a boy





I Th" n"-". of th" following films occur In the story you areabout to read. Tick any ofthese films you have seen or heard of.

GatdJinger'l hc SatLnd of trIu:itStar Wars

2 Read the story and decide which ofthe followinS titles is themost appropriate.

a l{y livourite filnsb IIov to climbthc hdderc A disastr-ous clrccr in the cinenld The l.orld offilm rnaLing


3 Tick the correct definition ofeach word as it is used in the story.

Xly Fair Ludl

We st S te Starl

point n. . shrry end of

- r. to hol<lrnr ringer towardssomcone or omething.

head n. $e parr ofvour bod-!ehich co!$iN louf brah.nd

"tre.elour q!s, caNj nosc aDd moutn dte.

n. r ferson $ho is in chargc of

-r ro hc xrthe nl'rt or rop of

disphv n. the shoqirg ofsometliDg l! plblic o. in a clca.

r. to put rnings $'hc.c thcr caD

keep !. a Fin, milr in x c'srle.

r: to contnrue o hrve somethntg.


4 Read the story again to help youfill in the blanks.

1 T went to a large cinenawas ir1 Leicester


2 The rn:ur:rger rvas a tall thin

a lipht bluc suit.

The rnenrgerrvhat hc


do l'or rne.

I him


The manaser


mcr.hrt sort ofjob I

6t him I justto $'ork in a cincma.

7 lle me-Istxrtlng at theladder.




When I was in my early twentlesI dccided that the only busincss T

wanted to be in was theentertainmenl busirlcss, so Iwent to a large cinema inLeicester Square. London, and

asked to see the manager He$.as a tall thir man. He had a

noustache and hc was $€aring a

light blue suit. This is what Iremember of our conversation-

NIANAGER: Good morning,What can I do lor you?

M[: Please cou]d you give me ajob in your cinema?

MANAGFR: what sort oljob are you looking for?

ME: Any job at a]l. ljust want to work in a cinc1l1a.

NIAN^GLR: So you don't mind starting at the bottom oftheladder?

NrE: Thatt finc.

M^N^CLR: OK then. There's yorr ladder!

Hc was pointing to a laddd leaning ryainst lhc wall.

My newjob had the grand title ot''Head ofDisplay'. All I had to do

wm climb up the ladder and fix high on the front well ofthecinema. thosc lalge metal letters which spell out the nanc olthefilm for that week.

I can't say il was an exciting.job. In a high wind, it was oftendifi LLlt. Al'o rl \\J' ea:) Io lllake -ni.rdLe..

In the first few weeks I can rcmember I \\'rote the following:



As you ca irnagine, I didn'l manage lo keep thisjob for longlbottom of the


5 Fill in ttre verls with the corred formfuture.

of the When thcy nedicel check up thetheir space suits.

In the countn- ofRuritania there Once thcy

\\ten thel'

(Jnce dre controlsdown

space suits thel-

(l be) an election next month. Thcre are threeparties who are standing for election. Thc Doers,The Thinkers, nnd The Drearners.

Here is a radio inten'ier. with the Lcacler of dreDreemer Partl,. His namc is tr{r Nightmare.

rNTaRvrLlrER: \lhat 5 \4ften the countdo\r nth"y (have) lift off.

\trrhcn therrbc very bus_v.

I , tOL D. t\t. : eer rnro rlre.prcr slrip.

5 cRolrND sr\FF: Don't stald up till after lift off.

cRoLND s_lAl,l.: Chcck all dre connols.

cRoL\D STAFIi: Prepare for countdounl

cROLTND s'r.lt!': Please don't talL for thc nextfive minutes.



people pav more.

IN'TER\'-IF.$BR: Brt

(5 PaY?)

\tR MGI tT\tdttE: \ve

(2 do) about tanes?

\\,tll, if r-e are elected we(1 rnaktl dre rich

(4 Jer) tlc 7 Here are the instructions different peopre Savethe astronaut before lift off. Change them intoreported orders (terl) or requests (dsk).

E!\r\{PLET GROLTNII) S'I_,\IF: Pleese $.ould you go tothe medical ccnffe.

Tlx gnnntl staJfnsked him. to go to tbe nrctlical *ntre.

I N'LRSI: -llke your shirt off.

DocToR: Plerse could vou plrt on your sPrce

stit nou,?

(ifr ofQ the

poor people pay less?

rlR ^_lcHTMutE:

Yes of coursc.

INIER\TFIV r,:R: Horv truch less

(6 reduce) thcir tar b]' i0o/..

INrFR\;rrilr'LR: 'l hatt a lot. How(7 pai') for thatl

nrk NICHIiL\RE| Thrt\ easy. \le 2 D()c'foRr Take a deep blcath.(8 reduce) the

money we spend ol Educrtion.

I^TER\rnr.$TR: IIov(9 able) to do drat? It! already notcnough.

r'rR NrcHr'trlulE: Oh no, that's not troel Theproblem no\V is thrt we areeclucating peoplc for too long.\Vel'e on11,

(10 scnd) childrcn to schoolbetween thc agcs oftcn endfourteen. This(11 give) us a lot mole nonel'.

O Look at the sequence of events that might takeplace before a space launch. Complete thesentences that tollow.

I Astronauts have final medical check

2 Put on space suits

3 Get into specc ship,1 Check controls

5 Start countdown

6 Lift offl7 Asffone[ts vcrr,/ busy


8 Describing the people involved in thelaunch.Change the lirst sentence using the cues

I The older astronaut has less hair. FIeto the grourd staflThc older astronaut is the one

Central Park rnd Spanish Harlem aresPace


rs wavlng

completely different.

9 New V;rk has an amazing slgline.

10 I'm tired of doing ill these exercises.

The doctor is vel' tall. He has a *-hite colt and

The tall man

I 0 Answer the questions in the survey.

is the doctor.

Thc Chief Crintroller is thin and he has a

moustache. He is kx)king at the TV nonitor-I'he ChielController is the drin man

The ChiefEnginccr is weadng glasscs. He isinspecting the control panei.

The tranis the Chief Engineer.

The vounger astronaut's wife is the elegant lad-v.

She i. rerrirrg.r red hnr .rnd a corr -rnd rhe i.crylng.

The eleg,rnt lady

the t'ife of the r,-ounser astronaut.

6 The monkey . . . \\rell that's pretty obvioLrs.He's the one rrearing a green stit. He has thebananal

1\e monkey is dre one

J Which verb would you use to report thefollowing sentences? Choose the appropriate verbfor each sentence from the list in the box and writeit next to the sentence.

tell say explain conplain


I hate the food in this restuntlnr. rampldln'1hat ras the best 6lm I've seen lbr ages.

'l'he leaer a in the dictionary tells us that the





Iy friend cen never keep

The nusic is far too loud.

I1n sure itl goirg to rain.

gurvey on how ceenagers alo theirhonerdork.

1 ,o^ r ne do or .s." y spe don your !]omework?

a) less than the qiven limeb) the siven tinec) more than the qiven time2 bihere do you do your honework?

a) an your bedroonL

b) in the kitchenc) in the lounse3 I',ihat do you listen lo while you do

your honeirork?

b) rhe lelevision

4 r.ihen do you do your homework?

a) as soon as you qe. nome

Do you get anyone to help you doyour homework?

a brother or sisterDo you Let anyone interrupt youwhen you are doing your horrework?

homework hone with you?

Chinese u'ornen used to marryrlery young.


| | In your notebook report the questions you

wer€ asked in the questionnaire starting each with

| 2 Tick at least eight questions that interest you

1 \44rere are all my black socks?

2 Hor- many hours of TV did I watch last year?

3 Has my English improved this year?

4 Can I afford a new CD?

5 Did rny mother use to be like rne?

6 Will 1 ever get married?

7 Why am T reading thcse strange questions?!

lJ who rnventeo cocl colar'

I Is there a toilet on a helicopter?

10 Will today be like yesterday!

11 Am I becoming liLe my perentsi

12 How long has my teachcr been teaching?

13 Is my teacher going out tonight?

l4 \t4rrr qere Inr prrenlc doing in l('-5:15 Am T going to pass my English test?

16 When rvill the world come to an end:

17 I\4rere was ny teacher living in 1973?

18 \lhy have I been reading all these strangequestions?l

| 3 In your notebook report the questions you

ticked. Put the heading, ticked the guestiot thotosk€d me.,......


| 4 The words in tlre puzzle all appear in Unit l2ofyour coursebook. The first, last, and one otherletter are missinS. Read the clues to helP yor'l

complete them.

1 special boots for moving on ice

2 ,\merican English for an underground railnay

I a business that arranges senices for people

4 to have decided or planned to do something

i a.rnall quantit) which grve' r"u inforrari"rrabout something

6 a long narror-piece ofmaterial uscd lor t)'inghair

7 something you use to do up vour jacket

8 a hard protective hat

9 the child ofyolr uncle or aunt

10 loudtess ofsound


I 5 You are going to write a short article for a

trav€l brochure about your town in your notebook.

a) List all the infonnatlon you think it should


b) Number the infonnation in the order in rvhich

you think it should be included.

c) Write the inffoduction.

d) List what would go in the Development and inwhat order.

e) Write the conclusion.

lhe apeotion lhat" aoke^ fie ]



Vocabulary I

I The following adiectives can all be used todescribe food or drink. Write the names ofat l€asttwo foods or drinks from the box below next to theadjectives which could describe them. You can use

the words in the box more than once.

honey crisps tomato chilli coffeesausagcs omnge cola pizza chocolatemilk biscuia lernon peppers lemonade











J sausages/pizzalscr'unptious

4 milVcoflee/filling

j honev/ice crean/healdrv

6 biscuits/crisps/appetising

7 crisps/biscuits/crunchy

4 Fill in the blanks with very, too, enough.

1 I can't drink this coke. It was opened yesterdayso it isn't fizzvYou rhouldni eat *o many crisp*. They re

I like mv coffee not sweet.

Let's buy fillet steak. It's expensive buttender







2 Choose four ofthe adjectives in Exercise l. Inyour notebooks write four sentences for eachadiective comparing the foods or drinks. Use thesame structurcs as in the example.


1 Crisps are a sahier faad thun sau,ragn.

2 Pizza can be as sahy as sausages.

) Sawages are not as sal4t as cisps.

4 Crisl)s are tbe sahiest faad an the litt.

3 Give your opinions about the following pairs offoods and drink as in the example.

D r\{PLE: 1 Chacol.ate is the mast delirious.

1 chocolate/coffee/delicious

6 \ou doli eat fmit and repetables.

5 I prefer brown chocolate. White chocolate js


Try to eat more because they aregood for you.

- \il' si\rer i. verJ .porry bec.ru*e.he ear*much chocolate.

Be careful. The plate isi" th" ^."" f.. l^".

hot. I left it

2 colalemonade/sweet



5 Read the facts about food.

O In your notebook write your opinion about someof th€se facts. Use each ofthe words in the box andwrite two sentences for ea€h as in the examDl€.

surprlsmg mtcrcsong anrusrng rmporrrnf

EXA|,!PLFj I think fact I h mare interesting thdr] .fint 4.

I thlnl fux i i the most intrestbtg.

, Write rhe questions to the following answersabout the information in the text,1 Japan

Ltr/hich cohntt"v cdtcbet the most fishl2 Finland.

4 Rice.

5 100 million torxres.

6 Four to five cups a dal'.

7 l0cn x 17cm.

8 15,000 bananas.

9 1'he chilli pcpper.

10 15,000 people.


I In 1993 ".r*"" *"s carried out to find out howmany vegetarians there are and what kind ofpeople are more likely to be vegetarians. Look atthe results and write six sentences in yournotebooks to make a report about it, using thewords in the box.

nost sornc a few nearlv all almost all

3 Gernanv,

FX.4,NIPLF.: Most aJ the papulatian cat m.cat.

Near\ nll afthe nah popalaion eat meaL

Realut Gallup Suvey in January 19{13.

Sarnple: 4299 o\,er 16 yeax olds in Gr€at Bdtain.

. 4.30/0 oI population is vegetarian

. 6.5% of poplrlation avoid red meat

' 28% eirt red mcat only occaslomly

. :1.2% ofmale popl ation is vegetarian

. 5..1% of female popl aliolr is vegetaria|

. 13.30/0 of 16 2.1t€ar old fernales are vegetaian

. C8 2 4l-.f o,r

. Vegetariarism is rnost connnon anongst t-oungpeople age.l 11 18.



I Match the words with theirdefinitions. Try to do this withoutyour dictionanf. lt will help you tolook for their roots or see if theylook like a word in your language.

I surset flI parK l

3 helicopter n4 reef n5 scuba dive I'6 photograph n7 astrbnomer fl8 magicel fl

a picnre obtained by using e

an aircraft which takes offvertically

sorneone who studies lhe sur,moon and stars

a line ofsherp rocks or bank ofsand near the surface ofthe sca

the time v_hen dre sundisappears as night begins

rnysterious and exciting

to swim unden'atcr g'ith specialbreathing equipment

2 Read the advertisements and thenPassive.

Dut the verbs into the Futlre








a large grassy area of Land in r

Cairns and the Reef

rorth andon a daj''s luxurJ cruisc to thc Great Barder RceI. You

(12 givcJ thc oppoftunityto snorkcl, scuba divc or vie\ the coral ard manyspecics oI lish from a glass bottomed boat.

(10 llr.)(11 trke)

Sensational SingaporeThe most modem and Li\,€ly tradn€ centre in the l'ar East is yo]lr filststop on this adventurc. You (r meet)byan exp-.denced tour escort who

'vill help you Lo turd -vour way roulrd

and the best bargail$. There is anpcaccful Southem Istands ard

optional sunset cruise io iher l,a navr ,rr\i hrarLr"cl

(2 pro\ade) at Singaporc Zoo.

Magical AyersRock

(5 fly) to the Outback for a$,onderful tour of the cavesar.l the ancient rocL paintin€of lhe ,{boriqinal site. Utrru.A loca] astronomer xiIeirplain all about the desertsL]' and then an optionalhclicoptcr ridc ovcr thc rock

(6lny or)

Picturesque Perth

tuke) to the boatingccntrc and then tothe King's Park

where you wil beable to takephotognphs of theblack swarLs. A tour ofthe citt, is included

(4 drive) tothe magjcal forcst ofthe Pilnucles.


3 Put the words in theth€y appear in the text.

box into the chart under the place in whi(n

sctba dir.e helicopter zoo cavesharborr cruise coral sunset cruisecity tour snorkel

Bondi bcachbargains black svans

Now use your notes in the chart to write five sentences to tell yourfriend about the five destinations.

L]{'\",4PLF.: Iflak ga to Per"th, loa ,ta take pbotagrd?hs ofthe btac*

Other verbs vou could use: like/choase/stay in/book/enjoy

4 W"it" fi"" -or" ,.ntences in your notebook to give arecommendation to you. friend about the five destinationa.EI|IIPL} IJ lau uant ta scuba di-.te, ga n tbc Clreat Barier Re{.

5 Rewrite your sentences in Ex€rcise 4 to make re€ommendationsin other ways, Use you thould, make swe, wh,l ilon\ you,

L.X-\MPLII IJ !0u ua t ta scuba dtue, makc sure yoL go ta th( (]reatBatrier Rc{.

5 Rewrite these sentences using unle$.EL\,\,rpLF. I Yau can't go on this halidal unless yau are ricb1 Yor can't go on this holiday if 1'ou arent rich.2 You sho dn't scuba dive if there isnt an expcrt with you.3 Don't carry money with you if you don't have a money belt.4 You can't hire a boat ifyou don,t girc them your passport.5 Itt dificult to telephone home ifl,ou don,t have a phone card.6 There's no point taLing photographs in dre dark ifyor donl

have a flash.

7 Three ofthe fotlowing sentencesshould be in the Future Passive,D€cide which sentences they areand rewrite them in your notebookin the Future Passive.

I Someone will book dre flight foryou

2 I will lend ,vou my map of the

The tour guide will draw you a

nlap of the area.'lihe tour operator will make all

1e travel arnngenents.A local expert will tellyou about

Sorneone will take yot from theairpoft to the hotel.

Someone will takc your luggagelo Jrour room.

8 Ar astronomer will tell vouabout the desert night sky.


I Think of a wett.known hotidayarea in your country. Make notesin your notebook under thefollowing headings.

t Your penfriend has asked youfor some information about thisarea, Select the most importantideas from your notes and thenwrite the informdtion in a letter.


Aaaa Fa)n|,a

baa TairNa

Singapore Peth Ayers Rock Sydney Cairns andthe Reef



I Circle the answer you prefer to each question. lfnone ofthem are true for you, you can add one of

What would you do if . . .

I you saw a mouse in your bedroom?

jump on to the bed

ffy to catch ltleave the room and shut the door

you didnt have a television?

talL to my farnily more

listen to the radio

you became very rich?

give money to all my familyblly e meg? stereo sl.ste1n

put the noney in the bank

you got shipwrecLed on a desert island)

build myself a shelter

try to catch some fish

look out for a passing ship

I Write out your choices for each of your answersto Exercise I in a full sentence as in the example.

E)TAMPLE: I If Isau um.otue hm1 bedroom,lnaald l.eaue the raom and shut tbe d.oor.



J Now use your answers to Exercise 2 to makemore aonditional sentences.

LL{MPLE: I If I saw a mouse in my bedroom, I aouLlleaue the room and sbut the daot'.

If I kJi the room and :bat tbe daor, tbe n'ouse uoudn'tbe able to follow me.


















you saw a ghost?

talk to itscteam

you were the Principal ofyo[r sc]rooll

abolish homework

abolish exams

make the holidays longer



4 Read the story and then answer the question atthe end.

Fact or Fiction?A couple called Roberto and Ameliabought a new car. One day Amelia, wllowas an English teacher, got in the car togo to work. She was just about to driveoff when she remembered she had leftthe iron on. (She usually ironed her workclothes the night before, but that nightshe had felt too tired, so she had to do itin the morning). So Amelia ran back intothe flat to tum off the iron. While she wasthere a lot of post arrived so she read allher letters and then hurried back to thecar. But the car had gone. Of course shehadn't locked it as she hadn't thoughtshe would be long. She was very upset.She told the police that the car had bee11

stolen, and then took the bus to work.

That evening when she got home, shesaw their car parked outside their Ilat inits usual parking place. On the front seatthere was a big bunch of floweis with anote. The note said, 'Thank you for theloan of the car. I'm sorry to have upset

5 Underline the core ofthese sentences (Subject,Verb, Obiect or Complement).


Sbe tald tbe ftolice thutlbe mr hatl been stolen


and then toaL lhe bus ta uorkv[Rts I O!t!C]'

1 A couple called Roberto and Amelia bought a

you. Please accept these two ballettickets for Romeo and Juliet tomollownight.' There was no name.

The next nitht Amelia and Robertodressed up and went to the ballet. Theyhad a lovely evening and got home atmidnight. But when they I/alked intotheir flat they got a llordble shock. TheIlat was empty. Everything had gone. Al1their |:u rnilu re. their belonging..Everything.

Who do you think tookeverything?

One tla1 Arne1ia, r.ho llas an English teacher,

got in the car to go to rvork.

That cveningl n'hen she got home, she saw tieircar parlcd outside their flat in irs nsual parlingpiace.

On the front seat there rves e big bunch ofllowers with a note.

The ncxt night Robclto and Anelia dresscd uP

ald tent to the ballet.


the night beforcshe rvouldn't hrvc had to iron them in themorning.

J She tould have only left hcr car fbr a fewlrrrutes

Grammar 2

6 Complete the following conditional

5 l-rre,: ga-rs.z rlur1. 1':rrl, ir rlrrfc,rr |liglrr


1 Tfshe hadn't felt so tired,the light before. 6 have carl not have to go to work bv bus

her post.

It r.ould haveieen rruch more diflic t for thethiefto steal the car

their possessions rvouldn't havc bcen stolen.

8 Note ofthis would have h'rppened

I buy/ car/looL after it rcv care{irll-r

i look alier itl last a long time


8 The words in the left column all occur in Unitl5 ofvour coursebook, Match them with the wordsthat could mean their opposite in the right column.she wouldn't heve had to liet the bus to uork.

6 thetickets, they rvouldn't have gone to thc ballct.

1 good friends

2 constantly

3 traged)i

4 escape

5 secredv

6 to her horror7 in peace

8 best fticnrl9 instantly

a) be captured

c) to her joy

d) gradually

c) worst cnemy

f) bitter enen,ies

gJ collre(lv

h) openly

i) occasionrlli'

/ Before Roberto and Amelia got their car theyoften used to talk about buying one. Here are someof the things they used to say, \lvrite the sentenc€s

out in full using Ifand the First Conditional.

r\A\lPLtr t have/enough mollety'buy new car'

If{e haz:e enaugh ntor*.y, ue uill buy n ne-,t: ur.I not have/ enough rnoney for net onc/ buy

/second-hand one

9 Complete the following sentences with one ofthe exDressions in the left column.

1 Itwasa for Amelia and

As thc thief knew thev were.a'y for hJm to

Roberto r.hen all dreir possessions were stolen.

2 \4'hen the cer r.as stolen Amelia rang the police

at the opera it wasli'om the

fl-.r - ,rhn',r hrino , ;,,ofir

4 \{tren thei' got becl< to the flat Amelja sarv

that every-thing had beenstolcn.

5 'l-hq' couldnt stav in their'flat that night sothel'sta,ved il] dre flat ofsome

-l take it to n'ork/ alu avs lock it



I Look at the box and find thewords which mean the opposite of:

caring selfish intelligentathletic fit modest kildcowardly talented cliligentpopdar outgorng

2 Look at the box aSain and circlethe words whi€h can form theiropposite by adding the prefix -un.

Use your di€tionary to help you.

l:.XAlt'!.Pl,l:.: c:d,rtng - ancanng

3 Look at the list offamouspeople. Choose four people thatinterest you - two living and twodead. Write their nam€s in thechart and add three adjectives fromthe box (or their opposites).Choose one that is true for thatperson, one which you think may betrue, and one that you think can'tb€ true, Don't forget you can

Amold Sch.!1-rrzcnegger.{ustrian film star (living)

PabLr Picasso

Rajiv Gandhi

Italian opera singer (liring)

Polish French scientist (dead)

President of South A$icr (living)

British pop star (dead)

Blazilian soccer pla,ver (living)()reekphilosopher (derd)

Jameican reggae singcr (dcad)

British blues guitarist and singer (living)

Anerican 6Lrn star (living)

British pop singer (dead)

Anerican film star (dead)

Spanih painter (dead)

Indialpolitician (dead)

Lrciauo Pavaroni

Marie CuieNelson Mandela

Tohn T,ennon



Bob MarleyEric Clapton

Harrison Ford

Freddie Nlercury

-&{arilln Monroe



shy Mnrtin Luther ling Anerican Cir.ii Rights campaigner (dead)

-fi'ue Nor True

Stercn Spielbelg talented outgomg l^tl

Charlie Chaplin pop ar athlctic unintelligent

the prefix -unto form theopposite.


Grammar I

4 Use the information in your chart to writesentences about the two living people in yournotebook. Follow the model in the example. Usemust, moy, might, cdn, or could,


Ster.en Spielberg is a r.ery successful film directora) He must be talenterl.

b) He may be outgoing.

) He mn\ be kzy.

) Now do the same for the two dead people inyour chart. Use murt h ove, con't ho'!e, aouldn't hove,

may hove, or might hdve,


Charlie Chaplin was a veq' successful filmconedian and director.

t) IIe tntut haue been popalar.

b) He m.ight ha',te been. athhic.t) He mn't hau been u.ztintcll'igent.


O Read the short story and underline anyexamples contained in the text.

fAn enonnous amouot of eiectrical goods such as

I videos, computers, televisions and stereo equipmentI had been stolen from a store which is like a largehad been stolen from a store which is like a large l

shop which sells all sorts of goods. The cdminal (or ./

cdminals) took the goods away in thei. getaway i

vehicle -, vrn Three well known criminals A, B, Cwere brought to t}le police station for questioning.

The fbllowing facts were discovered.

I No one other than A, B and C were involvcd inthe robbery.

2 C never does a robbery withoul A (and possibly

3 B does not know how to drive.

7 ls A innocent or guilty?Read the solution to the problem and fill in themissing verbs using mo,/ hdve, migit hove,.ouldhdve, must hove, cdn't hdve, couldn't hove,

1 At least onc of them -zut:LLllzlbeei NlIw.2 One or tvo of them


3 Not all of them

+ lf B lr'_as innocent, dren A and/or C



been grilty.5 IfB v-as guilq', then he had

an accoDrplice since he couldn't drive. So A orC

6C been innocent, but ifbeen gri1ry

8 'lJrerefore A been guilty.

Statement 2 says C never does r robbervn'idrout A" so if C ras grilw then A

been innocent,

I Read the information about a Scottish familyand fill in their family tree on the next page.

1 .{ngus has one brother. His name is Andrew.

2 Angus'.s cousins are Fergus ald Graham.

3 Graham's father is Bruce.

4 David is married to IIary5 Fergus's mother is Dorothy.6 Dorothyt niece is Susan.

7 Susan's parents are Robef andJean.

8 Graham's grandfather is Charles.

9 Charles has three sons, Bruce, Robert, andDar,'id.


Fanily Tiee


Grammar 2

9 Fill in the sentences about the family tree usingmust or cdn't and a verb,

1 Clue 1 tells me thatFergas ran't be

Angs' brother.

2 Clue 2 tells me


| 0 Write three short paragraphs about your ownfamily tree and describe your close relatives usingthe new vocabulary you have learnt.

Paragraph I Gir.e the names ofyourgrandparents and an adjective to describe each ofthem.

EIL!,t\IPr.E; I ha|)e one grandmotber anJ nuo

granrlfathers. M1 guwlmother is lery oatgaing but herhusbantl is quite sh1.

Paragraph 2: Name and describe your parents and(some o1) your uncles and aunts.

Paragraph 3: Name and dcscribe your brothers andsisters and (some o1) your cousins.


that Andrew's cousinsFergus and Gmham.

that BruceClue I tells meFergus's fatherClue 4 tells me that Maryrnarried to Bruce.

Clue 5 tells me that Mary

Clue 6 tells me that Andrew's sisterSusan,

7 Clue 7 tells rne that Angus's motherJean.

8 Clue 8 tells me that Fergus's grandmodlerdead.

Clue 9 tells me that Roberta sister,


Sun SignsHow often do you turn to the page in amagazirte or newspaper to read your sun sign?Are you interested in _


. ., r:rr:1.: :.r).::.r.... .:. ..r'..... r. rr.rr' r:.

The sun i6n t the only factor or influence on humanbehaviour and traits or characleristics. but it'6 verylmPoflanr. rrue. gun slSns can De wrong rr rneyre useowithout t3 examinel then carefullv. ln otherwords we Eusl anal,'se them. But people who bave studiedLhem are very good at .--- -- -_ [4 give) quickreliable inlorfBatioo (in{ormatioD you can trust} about

However. people are diflerent. There are sosre people whohave ditliculty in


(7 takel any ot thisseriously, while, others #ally eqioy.. . . (astudy] it. If you afe one of ti6se.people,


(9 unde$tand) the twelve sun signs will litenlly change yourlife. It will allow you to (lo understand)people you've never even met. You'll soon feel closer tostrangers, as well as to friends.


I Put the verbs in the passate in the correct form.

2 Find wordsfollowing.

I natll

in the passage which mean the same as the

Sun signs are a good indicator ofhuman behaviour

Sun signs are totally accurate.

Sur signs are the onlv factor toconsider when analysing hurnancharacteristics and behaviour.

Sun sigrs ere particularll' usefulfor helping us to anallsestrangers.


2 enal,vsc

J factor,1 reliable

5 traits

3 Read the passage and then tick which of thesesummarises it best,

1 It's importrnt to reacl i-our sun sign everyday


4 Choose the answer you like bestand write out the sentence in yournotebook, putting the verb in theinfinitive or gerund form.

1 I dislikea) be/alone.b) wash up.c) do homework.

2 I'rn afiaid ofa) be/in the dark.b) travel/by air.c) doltcsts.

I I'm bad ata) follov/instructions.b) iron/clothes.c) xrite/letters.4 My parents adr,ise mea) r-ork hard.b) not talVto str-angers.c) listen tolny teachers.

5 My parents allon' nea) go out/on Saturdat nights.b) invitc/rn1' friends home/at

v'eekends.c) ride/rny bike to school.

6 Ml' teacher recomrnendsa) read/English everv day.b) do/ ury homeworV before 7.00

pm.go/to bed/before 10.00 p.m.

I enjoyread/comics.read/ny horoscope.vatch,/sciencc fi ction fi lms.

I'm thinLing ofgolto dre cinerna/this v'eelendgive up/Englishlbecone/a doctor.










5 Match the endings with the beginnings.

1 I'rn interested n2 I have dif6ctlty nJ 1m mln!3ng L4 I'msorry n5 You have to be good n6 I'm afraid n7 I can't imagine fld I enloy

a) of failing the test.

b) in remembering ioa ofnen *-ords.

c) for not doing my homeworL btt . . .

d) of learning another language.

e) doing puzzles.

l) at speaking and understanding to be an EngJishtranshtor.

g) in studying English at university.

h) being able to understand ilms il English.

6 Complete these sentences about when you w€relittle. Add a verb in the infinitive or terund form.When I was litde ...

8 Match the following uses of rpring with theirdictionary entries.

I The bed was really uncomfortable because mostof the springs were broken.

2 F'e*h water drawn liom a mountarn .pringtastes delicious.

3 Daffodils grow nr the Spring.

4 The lion made a sudden spring at the deer andkilled it.

a) the season between winter and summer

b) a place where water comcs up nanrrally fiom theground

c) a length ofmetal wound around, l'hich retumsto its original .hape afier being pu'he,

d) a sudden large jurnp


9 Follow the instructions.


| 0 Look at Episode 5 of The Frood. Write a ones€nten(e summary ofthe story to tell a fri€nd whomissed the last episode.

1 I enjoyed

2 my parents didn't allow me

) my parena permitted me

4 I tied to avoid

5 I couldn't imagine

6 I disliled


7 Match the following us€s of riflg with therrdictionary entries,

1 Thcre was a ring at dre door.

2 I bought a beautiful silver ring at the market.1 l'll oi.e -n. ' rino r^n;ofir,1 Il there is a ring arourd dre rnoon it rvill rain.

5 It was a huge circus ring.a) circular metal band usually worn on a fingerb) an enclosed space with seats around it in which

an activity takes place

the sound of a bell

to telephone soneone

a circulxr shape





Use o new poge in your notebook.

Drow o squore with sides of l5cm.

Inside the squore drow three porollelhorizontol lines with o spoce of oboul $reeond o holI cm belween them. {equidistont).

In the middle of the top line drow o smolltriongle.

On the left side o[ the middle line drow osmoll circle.

On the right side of the bottom line drow osmoll reciongle.

Drow o verlicol line in the middle of thecircle.

Drow two horizontol porollel lines in therectongle.

Compore your picture with o friendIOmOrrow!









I Read the love story and then read the statements that follow it.lfyou think it is a statement of fact put F in the box, and ifyouthink it is an opinion put O.

9 Iflleitaro had klown that his*ili woulcl die he rvc'uld nothave let the r,'illagers cut downthe tree. L

lU I he Empemr rr.as nruch morcpr'\\ crh lh.rn llerLJro. L l

2 Complete the followingsentences, The first one has beendone for you.

I Heitarci/por-erirl/the LmperorLleittt'o iits not ns pozlezfrl as theEntperor.

2 Heitaro'.s wife/shv/Heitrro

3 Heitaro/rich/the Errperor

4 Heitaro/poo1/the Emperor

5 The Empelor,rpor-ertul/Ileitaro

6 Heitarois r.ifelold/hirn


3 Read the story on the next pageand complete the sentences. Youwill have to choose b€tween theFirst and Second Conditional, and

I Herlaro \\a9 poof. L2 Ileitaro'.s wite rvas probably much 1'ounger than hirn.

I Heitaro's rvife rlas r.ery bear:ti{irl. 'l-1 Heitero rvrs e good nan.

' Hrir,if, u*J .,'1'-rr un,l.r rJ e ui)1,,u ne..o r ne rnlpefnr \I'rs \.e[- flcn.- | leimr, qas rnrrr h kind, r r}rrr r\. I rr1.r"-.il 'llhe \41i1lor-'Iiee rvas a 1.erv* special tree. n

Willow WifeI"leitaro was a poor Japaneseman who lived in a hut close toa very beautiful. tall. willolvtree. Heitaro loved the willowmore thar] anything else in hislill:. Everyday he used to prayunderneatl-r its long comlbrting

branches. One night, when hewas praying under the tree, a

beautiful young woman appeared.She looked as if she wanted to speak

{.ith him but was too shy. 'Honorable lady, I see youare waiting for someone. I will leave.'

She spoke softly. 'fhere is no need. No one will come.''Does he not love you enough?' asked Heitaro.'He will not come because he is already here .' Withthcse words she smilcd and disappeared.

After this the wornan appeared every evening. Oneevening Heitaro asked her to manlr him. She agreedand in time they had a child. Heitaro was happier thanhe could ever have imagined.

Years passed and then word cane that the Emperorneeded line wood to build a tenple. The villagersdecided to oller the wood of the willow because it wasthe best tree to be lound anlnvhere. Heitaro said to hiswife. 'Belore I met you I could not have lived withoutthe willow, but now I have you and the child.'The villagers arrived and started to cut down the tree.Immediately the wile cried out in pain. Suddenly thewillow fell q.ith a loud crash. Willow wile Iell at thclame Lime. Willow wile was no more ,


The T\wo DoorsIn a faraway country there is a king whohas an unusual way ot dealing MLI-criminals. He never orders them to bekilled, but he gives them a dlfficult choicetomal<e.,.In his palace grounds there is a big arenawith two doors. Behlnd one of thesedoors there is a very hungry tiger Behindthe other door ttrere is a beautifirl gir:l.Criminals do nol know which door iswhich, but they have to open one of them.

4 Complete the following sentences by adding averb in the gerund form. Make one sentence truefor you and the other true for a member ofyourfamily.

rx-a-MpLE]' 1 I enjql plaling tennis.

My brotber enjoy aatching ba:hetball.

J lflchoose/the tigeri door/tiger/eat rhem

2 ITchoose the other one/marry the girl

This king has a daughter he loves verymuch. However, he has just discoveredthat she has fallen in love with a verv Doorsoldier. The king is very angry arrd frlitold his soldiers lo arresl lhc young man.

J Iflsoldier/rich/ldng/nor arrest him

The poor soldier will be taken to the arenato decide if he will live or die.

The king and his daughter and all thecourt s/ill be there. The princess knowswhich door is whlch and so she will beable to give him a sign.

4 If point toltiger's door/ her loved oneleaten

5 Ifpoint tolother door/her loved onelmarry

1 I enjoy

Mv (choose a member ofvour familv)

2 I avoid


good at

interested in

7 I'mMy

(1 mark) and(2 return) to you by the weekend.

5 Put the verbs in brackets in the Future Active orPassive.

Tfyou gire lour reacher you' work b1 tonrorrou it

ve difficulty in

mad about

(J reward). You (4 give) a

Ifyou get full marks you

day off school nert week when you(5 take) to see dre Nanrral

History Museutn. You(6 see) many interesting displays and at the end ofrhe visir r ou



in the museurn restaurant. In the afteinoon lrcrl(8 drive) to the cinema

where you (9 see) afilm about Wlldlife in Aliica in glorious colour andstereophonic sound.

the other hand, ifyou dont do your homework




Destrnation Price in I Duration Flight time









10 days

I x-eek

+ days

2 weeks

I0 davs

20 hours

8 hours

t hour

12 hours

2 hours

6 Look at the details of the four holidays and then comPlete thes€ntences that follow in full.

Sy,1,'eyl1ong fl ight tnrre

\vdnc.t I'a: the lonsc,t lliph ttnc.


3 holiday in Barcelona ,4ong/holiday h Prris

1 flight Prds/ long/ flight Barcelona

5 Vancouver/expensive/Bornba-v

6 Paris/short flight tine

; Paris/cheap

ii holiday in Bombar''/long

tlongt for rJIof rhtm ald it\(expensive) for John and Tom.

3 The holiday in S-rdncy is

for 'Iirm and lllartin.2 The holiday in Bornbay is


4 Thc flrght tiLnr to Sydnel is(long) for Ton.

The holidav in Vancouv'er is(short) for

1 The holidai' in Sydney is(long) for John

but it's not (long)

The holiday in Paris is


forall of them but it'.s


6 The holiday in Vancouver isn't(long) for N'Iartin.

t holidayBarcelom/long,4rolidry S1dne1'

1 0 Flight timc/ \'ancouver/long/Bombay

7 Tom, Martin and John are Planning to go on holiday together.However, they are having a problem finding a holiday that suits

them all because they all have different needs' Look at theirdifierent needs and fill in the sentences with very, too, or enough.

Tom Martin

John but it's(erpensrve/.

The holiday in Barcelona is


forJohn but it is



I write conditional sentences inyour notebook with these Pairs of

Exr\],,tPr.F: 1 IJ Joa bail Lrem it

Cooking tips.1 Boil crcam: it curdles.

2 Boil the \r'ater. Othenvise thetea is disgusting.

Boil an egg more than fourminutes. Other$ise not cooked.

Put peelcd potatoes into water.Otherwise they go brown.

Stir ail the time. The sauce will

Wash up as vou cook. Yourkitchen rvill stay tidl'.

Cooh beef r short time. It r.ill

Keep the rnilk in the fridge.Othenvise it will go sour

hates long flightsmaximum cost 5800

number of davs 10

maxirnum cost t900nurnber of dar,s 12

maxinum cost 95 00

number of dals 7


t Make speculations about why the followinghappened using must have, con't hovel.ouldn't have.

EXAMPLEI I You mast haue boiled it.

I The cream curdled.


2 The tea was dispJusting.


3 The egg wasn't cooked.


4 The potatoes went brorlm.


5 The sauce was lumpyYou

6 The beefwasn't rare enough.


7 The milk I bought this morning went sour.


| 0 Write a sentence below each ofthe followingin the Third .onditional,1 I boiled the crearn and it curdled.

If I badn't boiletl the ream. it uoaldn't hazte


2 Jack didnt boil dre ii.xter. The tex was



Anna boiied the egg for three minutes. It wasn'tcooked.


Pedro left the peeled potatoes out of$'aterThey went brorvn.



ll Answer the clues to fill in the crossword withwords from the story of Pocahontas.

1 a person who is unfamiliar to you (8)

2 to put something under earth ('l)

I sorneone who has recendy come to a place (8)

4 take by force (7)

Down1 a place wherc people live (10)

2 iasting for a very long time or for ever (9)

J at illless - often caused by infection (7)

4 the use of physical force to hurt or harmsomeone (8)


| 2 Use these notes to write out the story in

complete sentences in your notebook, Use the Pasttense.

The HaonaLer and the Monkel,s

t hatmaker ready to sell his hats

2 puts hats in cart/sets out to rnatket

3 hatrnaker tired - hot - rests under tree/fallsasleep

4 monkey's cone dorl'n

5 each takes hat - puts it on - goes backup tree

6 man wakes up/sees $'rnptv barrol.

7 looks up - sees monkeys with hats

8 shakes fiss/monkeys copy

t hatmaLer has idea

10 throws hat on ground/n,onkeys copy

11 rnan picks up hats/continues to market

I forgot to stir the satce so it went lumpy.


Giovanni forgot to put the nillc in the fridgeovernight so it went sour.




I Write out the following instructions in your notebook putting th€words in the ritht order.

1 Fill in (it).

Fill in ftoth sides of dre form).Pick up (me) at 10.

Pick up (the book) from the libraryDon't bring along llack).Don't bring along (too rnanl' lriends).

Doni tb-get to harld in rall r our u o-k r by T ue.dav.

Don't forget to hand in (it) by TiesdairI tried on (three dresses and a sLirt).

Try on (them).

Do up (them) before you trip oi'er them.

Do up $our shoe laces) befbre you trip over them.

Put ol (a coat, scarf, hat and gloves) because it's so cold.

4 Complete the sentences withthe present or past form ofshould(n't) or ought(n't to.

I tnnis players(control) their langage.

2 The spectxtor

7 My new boots dont fit me well because I hadn't- themurooelll uhen T boushr rhem.

J In your notebook rewrite each sentence in Exercise 2 using themodels given in the example.

E:trttlPLL 1 IfI had ?nked up tbe a??liatian for"r, I utuLl haae got tbe

I should ba'.te ren*mbered ta pik up tbe dp?liatian fann.

(disturb)the football player

I The referee(listen to)

what dre player rvas trving tosay

,1 Thc rcferee's decision

alrvays (be) final.

5 Sportsmen and women rvhoaccept illegal payments

(ban) from cornpetitivc eventsfor at least Or'o years.

Plaprs who do not obey therules



It was clearly a foul. The

(a$-ard) a penalql8 The 1994 \Vorld football cup

_ (take place) in sucha large country as the USA.

5 Circle the most suitableending for the following

1 I've bought a temis racketand

a) balls.

b) no balls.

I'r''e bought a tennis racketbut

a) I'm not very happy v'ith itb) I love itI've bought a tennis racket.The trouble is

a) I never have time to playtennrc,

b) I play three tirnes a weel.I've bought a tennis racketbesides

a) new balls and shorts.

b) nothing else.

Put on (this).

8 Tllce back (it). It doesn't suit vou.Ti!e I'acl rthar rerrible hetr. lr doe,n't,uiL )ou.

2 Put the verbs in the box into the sentences below. Use each verbonly once and put it in the right form,

from the O|rnoic skier lbrfalse information.

was \Vednesdav, so we couldnt get any tickets.

5 We didn't have enough tickets for dre match becauseJacka fiiend.

6 I twisted mv ankle playing football bccausc I hadn't

taLe back pichup try on bring along hand in fillindo up put on

I I couldn't get anv dckets for the match because I forgot tothe application form from the club.

2 The Oi_vrnpic sr-imrler was fined for not rhecorrec swlm cap.

3 lihe gold rnedal was

+1 all our foons on Thursday but thc closing datc

nr1 boos properlrr



6 Scan the Fantastic Sports Factsbelow to find the answers to thesequestions. Wdte them in yournotebook.

I \{'hich rvords in t}e text meanthe followingl

a) not allorved to take part in anactivity because vou have donesomething against the nles.

b) to get the golfball in the hole-,i rt --h, --" .h^r

c) withort any shoes

d) not allowed

e) a pair ofpoles with footsupports used to raise you abovethe ground

2 Vl4rich sport is mentioned mostoften?

I Who:

a) was disqualified for eatingchocolatei

b) was disqualified twice?

c) has to buy their parmer dinnerld) scored two holes-in one in two


,1 What did a fir'e year old do?

5 What was so special aboutMargaret Weldon?

6 Whicl do you drink is the mostfantastic fact?


7 Put the words into the box under the co ect sports heading.Some words may go in more than one category. Use yourdictionaries if necessary.

sen'e slopes throw double fault dribble set chairliftoff-side hole sticks draw goggles racLet shoot score

cross-country net foul club wing goal 1til

yellov card love green

Tennis Football Golf Slding Basketball


8 Write three sentences in your notebook about each ofthesesports which includ€ the following information.

number of play'ers

equiprnent (e.g. ski boots, ball)

where it is played

Fantastic Sports FactsI Coby 0 wai lhe younSell golfer ever 10 get a h0l0 in one- lle vas a five ytar old.

2 A baseball lnvek I per cenl further in Denver lhan rnflkre eLe in the US bKaule the rir is 17 Fr cent thinner thrn at lea]el/el.

3 [ you get a hole in one in lapan you have to buy y0ur pa ner dinner and tak! home prelenl! Ior your t ends. lt can (o!l tlt00.

4 one of the stnngesl football mat(he! ever play0d in B tain was betvleen two leamr. one term had lheir amr tied to their ridel rnd ylere

boolhsii the olher olayed on i/rc-metre fiih!-

ln 1987 tk \,inning horse a5 dirqualified beoure it had ealen (hocolate bdore the n(e. Ihe cho(olate contained a lubslance tound in coftee

bern! which is bannrd under dub ruhr.

O Soventylour-yeaFold llargaret Weldon ic0red iao hoies.in-one in two dal!. She ir lotally blind.

7 R*i, Rrir,rr, tirsl in the 1979 ew Yorlt marathon but was disqualilied becru* she had hken the lubway lor part 0l the rcute. Ihe mxt year

she }rar disqualilied again afler a speclator np0rled rhe hrd joined the rare r mih lrom the linith line.



I The following jumbled words all appear in Unit20. Reorder the letters and writ€ th€m next totheir dictionary definitions below.


3 Read the advertisement and cross out tnealternetives that do not fit.

1 p;tbeftlaoernu

2 kdesbairrn

3 cdsipoev

4 apaptricint

5 noccpmyaa

6 ctngleede

8 ufqilderi






not exsy to torEiet

to get ofTa ship or plane

the action of finding something

to have the lnor-ledge or experience necessary

for e particular job

2 Use your dictionary to match the words to theirdefinitions. You can find the words in italics in thetext that follows.. kilV s Laagbt e r / rrr'lur der

to maLe e plant, anin, al or

to comrnit dre crine of

a person v_ho takes part in an activity or event

to go with someone

shouing a lack of crre or attenti"n

to think carefulll'

illegally ending r person's lite.

to rnake rnany people die



an infection in the body orthe mind, not caNed by.ccident





cruelly ol riolentlJ' or in great nurnbers. Tomake an mimal dre, especially for food.

illlles s / ai bnent / diseas e

a period of being illsomething x'rong with the

body that is not serious



to stffer or die from leck offood

to stop livingto die because of something

Adopt a tiger todayllundred! 0f tigers are nill being ilhgalll llaughtered

througholt A!ia. Every day two vlild tiger! dis, fiequently

having behind young helphs cubr {baby tigen) to slarye.

Care for the Wild is ollering you the chance to provide a

recure {uture for a tiger which doe! not have any parents (an

orphan). Ai the beginning 0f thir cntury there were pfobably

more than 100,000 ylild tigeri throughout fuia. l]owevel, today

a) there are only around !,000.

b) this hasnl changed.

This reprelent! an enomous decleale ol 95per cent.


a) this de(rcare is slowing down.

b) the tiger coirld become extinct in the !vild belore ths year


llegal trade in tigsr parb fu very successlul although

a) it is ilhgal. b) i{ ilnt ilkgal.


a) ilhgal killing has ltopped.

b) ilhgal killing ir on the increale.

One rsason lor this fiade is the belief in iome parts ol the

v{orld that tiger body part5 can curc soms ailment! although

a) there ii proof of thii.

b) there ii absolutely no prool of this.

'sheba'tvai only a lew days old when ihs was found next Io

the body ol her mother she ],as alone in the wild and vety

weak from hunger but

a) !he wa! 0ne ol rhs lu(ky fev, to be nscued in time.

b) she died.

Ai well ar this

a) she has been adopted by the Tiget Adoption Programmo.

b) she has been lelt all alone.

She ii givei food and lhelter ai well as

a) n0 noPe.

b) attendants lo look alter her.

11 you give fl0 you will become a foster patent. In addition

a) more tigels will perirh.

b) you will receive a fantastic gilt pack which includes a

photograph of lheba.

T0 lind our nore \{ l! lo: krc fn lhe Wild, Arhl0lfi, llonham Road,

Rlqer, Wen iusirx Rllll 4Q)(. Englafd.

terrible that happens



{ Write a formal lerter to The Titer Trust askingfor en application form for the Adopt a Tigerscheme. You can use the letter ofapplication inExercis€ l0 of Unit 20 as a model. Start your letterwith De Si Modam...


5 Put one ofthe linkers in the box in each ofthefollowinS sentences.

however the trouble is bcsicles although

Put the verbs from the box into the sentences inthe Future Continuous.

ffy explore dance wear improve spend

his ercnirgs




u rrm clothes.


listenirg to Jazz.


Miguelto keep drv.




painting skills.

differcnt islalds.

a! the discos.

extinct in the wild befbr.e the )'ear 2000.

4 Tadal tbere are anl araund. 50aa tigers.

rhere uerr prnbahll Inu-c Lhr) l00.Ul

2 Todal there are only aroand 5AAa tiget'.j.your donrtr.n could hclp to

rescue them,

3 Today there are only anund 1000 tigcrs.

I Tnrlq thert ,ne only aro n,l 5000 tivtlat the beginning ofthe centuly

they are in danger ofbecoming

nanl'ofthese are not going to

it takes a lot o[money to


, Look at the list of activities you may be dointthis time .ext year. Write sentences in yournotebook in the Future Continuous starting'Thistime next year , , .' . lf th€y are true tor you makethem aflirmative, ifthey aren't true for you makethem negative,

LXAI'IPLE: 1 This time netct yar I uon't llc using thisEnglbh book.

1 use this Lnglish book

2 learn anodrer langrage

3 live in a different to*'n4 go to e differelt school

5 do more sport

6 speak English rnore tluendy.7 r.ork harder

8 rvatch less television

9 lcam a musical instrument

8 Moke or doPut the words in the box in the corrcct corumn.

a mistahe a job vour hornewort a decrsrona cup oftex a quiz n plan a puzzlcthe washing an effort an exercise a cakea plomise a noise your bed

Make Do

srwive the ccntury5 Today thcre are only Erotwl t000 tigers

the Tiger AdoptionProgramme is doing all it call to stop the

6 Totu1tbere are anl droantl tAaA gers.

Protect them.

6 Look at the six contrasting holidays these peoprehave booked {or next year.. Peter is going sLiing in Colorado inJerruary.. Cristina is going to go canoeing through France

in July.Elena is going to take a rclaxing winter holidayin Benidom inJanuary .

Joao is going to go to the anmralJazz Festival inSt Lrcia in May.

Vigr. I i. going ro l.rrr hou ro piinr in franccnr July.Aurora is going to go round the Caribbeanislands in May.



I Look at the list of verbs that can be associated

with hair. Write sentences to show those you can

do yourself and thos€ that a hairdresser does foryou.

EX.\tIPLE: 1 I hare m! hair tl|ed fu a hainlresser. OR

I can d1e rry hair myself.

r dye

3 What does your teacher:Iet/not let you do?

make/not make you do?

\lVrite true sentences about the following:

I hand il yotr hornework on time

My teadrer

\r'rite in green intMy reacher

wnte neatly

My teacher2 cur

sit where lor lilce in the classroornI brushMy teacher

copy your friendt work4 rvash Ilb' teacher

My teacher

My teacher

get help with your homework5 perm

use a dictionary

chew gtm in class7 sryle

8 comb

9 straighten

Tick the items that you usually do yourself.

wash your clothes

My teacher

9 stand up when you answer a question

My teacher

10 s.ear earrings

My teacher


4 Label the pictures usins the words in the box.Use your dictionary to help you.

lip mouth neck ear eye nose eyebrowtongue moustache temples chin cheekjaw hair teeth


2 iron your clothes

3 cook your mcels

4 makc your bed

clean 1'our bedroom

6 clean your shoes

l'lake sentenres about the items you have notticked as in the example.

D\',\tPt t: I t4 ally hnie ny rlo'he, tasbcd lbr ne.


5 Put the verbs in the box with the word(s) they can be used with.Some may go in morc than one column. Use your dictionary tohelp you.

7 Write the explanationsof the following words inyour notebook.

a rnanicure eyebrousa head toss a click


8 Think of..o--onpolite body gesture in yourcountry. Write two shortparagraphs: one describinthow it is done and theother describing what itcan mean.

smile shut bljnk snifl open smell yar.n wink blon'

nose mouth eye(s)


5 Read the passage and then fill in the chart below,

True FaLse

1 The head toss usually

2 The British and the'Ilrkish interpret itin the same war,',

3 There are at least sevendifferent interpreetionsof the head toss.

4 The head toss is a1wa1n

a silent gesture.

5 Itt important toulderstand dresignificence of tlifferentbodv gestures.

The head tossoft 0l ih .0mm0n bddy geiua i the hrad hsi. Thir n when th. head i! tols{d qu&ry uplvardr and ba(k, d! and then it n bv€r0d agan

morc llovl. The eyebrcv!, lhe Ift 0l hah above the ey$, arc u$aly niled rrd often lh€ qer arc ruled ba(k. lomernA rhe eys ary .ostd. Th€

prnoi mal nake a $ft n0ire with ftn l0rglr {hi(h ,re !a I a 'ditk . Hovevef, the kad hts dots nol mean tht sme in w{l (omlry. lioipe0p e, lndlding nyslf, us ir to mean o. L wai ome in a (ounlry vkre lhe h0ad losr mern! Ye!. l had m appointment at a B$uty Padour

vherc lwas goirg r0 hive 'ny

nah d0m: a maiilure. I alked a bus d yer if his bu! lllar going t0lhe nrtet lvanted. He did the h€rd hls !0 |

ddr't get 0n rhe bu. The mft thing happened with rhe rext blr and th€ next. fnary lr€rlsrd that lh€l had in lad been saling Yts. l€rn\,]hie I

had mi$ed my appointment so I had t0 do iry frr nrFdfl

fe5eald€ra*ed|l00peophin40p|acel'dhelhgrlheyu!edlh.headt0$,'584!ridtheydjdnol!lgthi!gt!tult,]02pph!aidi&yu$dfand r rernr'llo. ll4 proph urd ir fo \wer or\r dfie+nr me irg..





I Antonio is sixteen. Look at the time line belowwhich shows Antonio's Dlans and ambitions. Theletters represent the years.Fill in the years putting this year by letter a, nextyear by letter b and continuing year by year up toletter P.

Z Look at the sentences in the example. Completethe second sentence with wil, be oble to and thenwrit€ four more following the same pattern.

F:t.!.v,pLr If lau stxrd! English harrl yu uill be able to

get a "^ery

good. job.

If1'ou get a very good job you


3 Look at the information about Antonio In

Grammar l. lmagine it is now year i. Write a shortbiography ofAntonio for the Internet. Follow thisplan and don't forget to edit your work.

Paragraph I The irnportant events in his past

Paragraph 2 His life now

Paragraph 3 How he sees the future hisambitions and hopes


4 Combine the sentences in lists A and B addingone ofthe following linkers to the betinnint ormiddle of each sentence. You can use a sentencemore than once. \A/rite out the sentences in yournotebook.

ExANttPLE: He tec me xety famous becaase he inuetzted

tbe Robotrarell.er.

List Ahe became very farnous

he inventcd the Robotraveller

he worked for a USA research company

he invented the Robotrar.eller

he norked for a USA research company



spend year studf irrg in USA I

pass first exem inTnforrnatiol Tlchaoiogy


Piss final schooland leeve school


grxduate in InfornutionTlchnolog.v*

ioin muld-n.rtir,ml hi tccresearch companl in USA

invent dre Robotraveller

set malated

become a millionaire






Now complete the sentences according to theinformation on the time line.

If eveq'thing goes according to plan:

1 By (date b) he uill haae lassed hi first9!S!t1-

2 Bv ldatc d) he

J Br- ftlate fl he so because as a result consequendy since

+ Bv fdate h) he

5 Bv fdate i) he

6 Bv (date l) he

7 Bv (date n) he

E Bv (dcre u) he


List Bhe invented the Robotraveller

he had the opportuniw to inventthe Robotraveller

he became a rnillionairehe had the opportunity to inventthe Robotraveller

5 Decide which definition is thebest for the following 'new' words.Then read the information below toch€ck your answers,

Information Superhighwaya very fast roadvely specjalised informationa irorldiride netrlork whichprovides electronic

the rvork of fishermena set ofcomputers thxt areinterconnected and shareinformationa nev' techrological job

video conferencingmeetings il'here the participantssee and cornmunicate widr eachother through the computersa conference abott r.ideos

telecommutinga mini-telerisioD vou can take

The Information Superhighway- What's in it for you?

So whet's all this about the infomation superhighway?

? The i ormatiorl superhighway

? To profide remote electronic

rvill be a worldwide network that connects everyone to everyoneelse and providcs just about any so of electroniccomrnunication imaginable. As a result, you']] be able to pluginto ihe network through yorll computer, TV, phone, or a devicethat combines all three.







banking, teaching, shopping, taxpaying, game playing, video-conferencing. film orde ng, medical help - the list goes on.







to get films ofyour choice on televisior tlyenty-fbul hours a day.You u.ill be able to work from home, or 'telecommute', morcsimpl,v because of the possibility of Video-conferencing. Andsince yorfll be able to simply send one elecironic (e-maillmessage io everyone al once, you u'on't have to dng all yourfriends one by one io tell them a pafiy has been carcelled.

You will have more choice. So if ,vou're a fbotball fan, you maybe able to wat.h any of some sixty league games on a Saturdayaftcmoon.

The most talked-about service is video-on-demand. This mearsyou']] be able to look electrcnically though a list of films, chooseone, then start it whenever -vou rvant.

out shopping, d ve a car, visit friends, go to films and plays, ordo most of tho things you normally do now But it might makemany things you do easier and more con\.e ent.

? It won't eliminate the need to go

? You irill be able

the information you \a ant.

b) the transport of televisionsc) uorking from hon,e using

electronic con, munications

6 The following questions have atlbeen taken out ofthe text. Writethem in the correct place.

1 \l4rat won't it do?

2 \ 4rat is it?

3 \\trat rvill you be able to do tharyou cant do now!

4 IIow will it change your llfc?5 What's the purpose?

? Schoolchildren willbenelit enormorsly since they s'ill be able to communicate 'ithother classes, teachers and experts thousands of miles away.El'eryone \arill be able to tap into libraries holding the world'sknowledge.


7 Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences,

log in call up access read out linked optic fingertips

I lfvou are to e nail the world is at your

2 Ifyou need particular information you can justto CD ROIiI rvhich v-ill the


I Your PC. *il]'1 One


data.cable can give us _ to masscs of


I Skim through the text to findthe answ€rs to these questions.Time yourselfto see how long ittakes you. Don't worry about thenumbered phrases.

1 How f;st is it possible to re,rd?

How rnanl' rvords can the e,ve

see in one glarr':e?

How many trmes per second canthe eyc move frorn one group ofrvords to another?

Wtrat should we train thc e1'e

c'r the brain?

i \44rat does the brain select?

\{4rat should rve dividesentences into?

Is there onll' onc way to divide


2 Rewrite the underlined phrases in your notebooks using thefollowing words. Use each word at least once.

can coulcl shoulddont have to

nust mmtnt ought to Lrave to

IIow to read faster and understand more!

Reading speeds

IJ your rcading speed is less ihan 100 words per minute, it is doubttulwhether you understand ihc essential nlealling of m€diun-difticutiter,.ts. In this cdse i, is o ooo.J idra io (1) sp€nd sone time on

improling youl reading skills. Il is ,osstrle to (2) increase your

reading speeds dmmatically rvith training. Peorle dre drle to (3) read

at a speed of 1000 wods p€r ninute. The ey€ /ras ,he abilir3l ,o (4)

see up to six words in onc glance, :nd move from one group ofwor_ds to arother loul times every second.

Is it ad1)isable to (.5) train the eye or the brarn!

IL is essential to (.6) ltrailr. the brain. The eye passes on a lot ofinformation from which the bmin selects r'lhat is impoftant.

Some techrdques and exercises for increasing yourreading apeed.

Most peopl€ read mofe sloi{,'ly tlun necessary. Howevef it isntenoughjlist to ldrol' the techniques. ltE-4ssss€q&lb (7) practjse

them for seveml {.eeks.

It's possiblc to irain yourself to see more $'ords wilh each glance.{

adr-ise uou Lo (8) begln by analysing te),.ts and dividing t}le sentences

up into meaningful groups of fi\'o to lbul words. 1tb .L gord dded lo

(9) do this rviih a ftiend ard compare the way you have both di\'idedit. Ther€ is no fght and wrong in this €n€rcise. ro llris (10) withseveml t€xts durirg the filst few days. r'rn 'i onlz do (1I) this

exercise on the fust day,

Use a pencil or r'Lrler or er.en your finger to direct yorr eyes and togive 1]rem a feeling ofthe speed you wart to go.

Read foul or five pages as fast a-s you can. fi tsn ? nc-cessoTv to (12)

wonf,' about comprch€nsion.


3 l,{atch the two halves of the conversations.Write the letters ofthe endings in the boxes nextto the beginnings.

1 I'm no good at tennis. [ l

2 J ve been plavine <qunh for rje lasr o0, a-' " -



Iile was sent off for argting with the referee. nSebasoan says he scored tr-o ofthe goals onSaorday. .I m not at rll trtThe problern is that training taLes so mtchtime. flI'm really excited. Our fencilg coach says I maybe in the team next week. L lIf I do plav in the team will vot come and



I lrrrcr. 4lenerr i lener. o lerter' 7 leners

hit race balls squash referee

net kick tain boxing ryclisttearn coach runner fencing

goal match muscle xthlete

o@@o@ oeocc

OC oco






6 Correct the mistakes underlined in the letterMaryla sent to her penfriend in England.

Deat Judy,

Ihis lelter wlll be ohora 50 ) car notr lo wr\le veryaoo^itEv |. IiAIno'""aie. aeoeata. lowr)Ne. bul warl ta lrv te you ta QgNa ?olarA thb

'ufirner 60',tau itll can 7ee rn\ town,

\a- ) -A4" -ea 1 b'Io'" b",a. e q-444' :J

rea.ly here.Vle mn.t, No hvry to rnake thear.arqenerNs lf yau can I,o q9,

7 eage 5ay yeo ana wril:,e lo me aaan. I an fiak:)n4my exafig now 9J!99thaN ta why I carrat $/r te a

fiare lonAer etter,








a) Yes, but at least you won't get so out of breathwhen you play sports.

b) I might. It just depends when it is.

c) He can't hxve. He lvas on the beach with us alld"y

d) You must be exhausted.

e) It's your own fault. If you train everyday vouwill feel better

f) Don r get too ercired. He . ould be ralng ir jusr

. to keep you interested.

g) Well it's his own fault. He shouldn't have kickedthe other player.

ht In that case 1ou .houlJ ger 'ome coaching.

4 Look at the conversations again in Exercise 3and mark them A, B, C, or D according to whethermey arei

A erpressing 100 per cent certeinty.

B expressing possibility.

C giving advice.

D expressing deduction.


5 Sportsworld

a) Can you fill in the u hire football, in thi* *portpuzzle? Start with the word already v,ritten and fitall r}re orher' around ir. When the pu,,,le iscomplete, one sports word will be left over Whichonel


using rhr conrext


I Read the description ofthe radio Programme E-Town and ifyoudon't know the meanings ofthe words in italics guess them by:

2 Read the text to help you mat.hthe words with their definitions.Use your dictionary ifyou ne€d to.Write the word next to thedefinition.

land soil earth

I the solid dry part ofthe earth's

surlice, as compered v-idr the

The world in which rve live.Also the substance that plantsgro1\'-ln.

3 The top covering in whichplxnts gro$..

broadcast air cransmit

I send out electric nressages,

signals and ner-s.

2 to send out something on radioor teievision.

3 to put sornething'on the air'.

lookilg at their forrnation

thinking about cognates

looking at the explanations










E-chievement Ai'ard





3 Combine the tollowing sentencewith the dillerent endings using

ea€h linker in the box once only, Insome cases you will have to start anew sentence. ll/rite them in yournotebook.

as well as because althoughhor.ever since as a result so

It's importalt to use biodegradablematerials

I it's sometirnes difficult to flnddrem.

2 there uill be less problems withrubbish disposal.

3 they will rot naturall.y.

4 they are more erpensir.e.

5 recyclcd products.

6 I'll give you the narnes ofsomesrppliers.

7 thev are more en'ironmentallyfriendly.

E -TownE-To1]Vn is a national US radio show which airs , the American

expression for 'to be on the air' - on more than a hundred National

Public radio stations (NPR) each week. It broadcasts musical guests,

interviews with ecology experts, authors, politicians, artists, and others,

ard the E-chievement Award. E-chievement is a combinatron of the

letter E and the word achievement. The E- stands for ecology,

environment, earth, excitement, etc. The award goes to someone

nominated by the listeners.

Past winners include:

. a 14 year old who invented a biodegradable golftee , which

is the small plastic device you put into the earth to balance

the ball on. His invention dissolves into a harmless mulch

that's actually good for the soil.

. a teacher who, with her inner-city students, used commrmity

donated maierials to create a nature sanctuary in the unused

plece ofland next to their school;

. an investment banker who gave up his job to spend a year

volunteering for environmental causes,

E Town's mjx of music and message is lively, inspiring, and fun so ifyour local NPR station transmiis the programme, tune in. Ifit doesnt,




some of ."'our uashingby hand rather than ua1's use thervashing machinc. _(,1) surethat the pon'der you use isen\,ilonmentally friendly .Aodu,'hcn you _(5) thel{'rshing up don't use morcdetergent than vou necd. \br canre-cvcle a lot of ploducts. Forcxample, old supcmlarket bags

_(6) vcry good rubbishbags. It's much bctter for 1.our

One way of (2) it is to

health to (7) 1'our ot'nmeals rather than bry ready-

ones. F,,r erarnpLe, ht'rne-


4 Fill in th€ blanks with thecorrect form otdo or moke.

Hor-can you


your bitto protect the etvironmcnt?Here are a firv sinple ideas for 1.outo tl-v,

6 Your parents are going to go on this Paris tour. Look at theiritinerary and then lill in th€ blanks with a suitable verb in FutureContinuous or in Future Perfect.

1 On day one at 11.00 hrs thcvon the coach to Paris.

Bv 14.30 they


pizzas are ea$' to_(9) pnrticular\ if vou gct)rrur mum to _(10) itradrer thanYourselfl

(i1) it

5 lmagine you are living in an idealworld! Technology is so advancedthat it can do almost anything.Write sentences in your notebookto show which of the following youwould choose to do yourself andwhich you would have done for you.

T.XAMPLE I tuould haxt all my rnealt

ndy m]r roorn

cook all my neals

nuke my bccl

choose my clrdres

make decisions

put on my clothes

do my homework

plan mv weei<encls

$'rite mv lettcrs

Before thel' go to Notre Drme drey



in Pads.

dreir hotel.

At 17.10 hrs dreyIlEscargot Restaurant.

They won't be hulgry on thc boat trip because theydinner.

On the secondpictures ir the

dav thcl'Lour're in the morning.

l,\lhen thev lunch dreyshoppmg.

8 By thc thev get on thc coach lln afraid theya Lrt ofrnonev on the Champs


.A.t 17.20 drev for the coach.9

It) Thel uill be verv hungrv by the timethey


thcv get horne becauseany dnner,

tour of PorisDoy 1

Coach departs at 10.00 hrs

Affives Prds 14.00 hrs.

Chcck into Hotel Tirlippe, rue St.Doninique.(htinli to Notlc Dime Cathedral 16.00 hrs

Dinner at IlEscargot Restaurant 17.00 hrs

Boat trip on the Scine 19.30 hrs

Day 2Tiip co the Louvre Art gallery 10.00 hrs

Lunch on fuverboat Restaurant 12.10 hrs

Shopping on dre Champs Elysccs 14.30 hrs

Coach departs 17.30 hrs


Ai p.e.erit we i,te ir a f ar I the n d'

a e of the . Ly, bfi nefi \reek \re'rc

4ain4 to noE ta a hau.e I the n dAIe

af natr'herc tr rhe cantry. Thete wl I be

a'. af th ry. be eb e tu Ao rher€

thet I canr aa lr lhe row.. llowe\ter

Iherc' be athe. th n4a thaN worLbe

ab e La da .a eabiiti

7 Writ"."nt"n.". uring will (not)be dble to usinS the cues provided.

I Match the verbs with their prepositions. Then put th€m insentences in your notebook using the most suitable words fromcolumn 3.

FxAMpt.F.: Ldst Tteek I forgot to hand bt m1 botneuat'k.

| 0 Choose the most suitable ending for the following sentencesand write the letter in the box,

1 l'rn really soq. I should have told 1'ot the par-g'*-ascancelled. : l

2 \,\t're hrving a party on Sanrrday. Please come. n3 We might be having a barbecue on Saturd,y I.l \\ie're having a par6, ol Snnrrday. Do hope vou can ccrlne. You

don't have to let mc l<norl'.

5 Th surprised Maria hasn't corne to the party- J

6 l{'e'll har.e to stop the rnusic rt 11.00

7 Our neighbours conplained ibout the music xt off pllrg,.donl rndcrsmnd it.

a) She mrst hale folgotten abort it.b) It can't h:rve disturbed them. \l''e were plaring it leally quietll'.

c) Arrd you can bring a fiiend n'idr vou iflou *-ant tc,.

d) It clepends on the n'eather.

e) Just nlrn up.

I Our neighbours don't like it.g) I cornpletely forgot.

1 play my music loudly9 Fill in the blanks with let or moke in the right tense.

Yesterclav iny ltriend


mc borrorl his ncrv CD but he(2) me promise to renrn it tomcrrrow. I was rcellyI go for uallc in thc country pleased becarse my brother nel'er (3) me borow

eny ofhis CDs. I don't thinL it's liir because my mother

(:l) ne lcnd n1' brother mt'nerl jncket even droughI n'alk to the cineme (5) me borrou anl'ofhis $ings.

-l keep more pets

i cetch a bus outsjde ml dool

6 ralh to dre superrnar*et

i plcl ibotb,rll in tht grrtler

8 gror' flowers

9 swin in dre












a pxir of shoes

a friend

a form

1'ou homen ork

a libnry bookyour holiday tickcts

l0 walk to the sports centre



I I Look at the steps involved in writing a gooopiece ofwritten work. The steps are not in the(orrect order. Number them so that they are inthe correct order.

Putting dre notes into sentences

Making a first draft ilcluding selecting the tensesand Ley vocebulary

W-riting a plan

Gathering ideas and making notes

Thinking about the punctuation

MaLing a final draftSelecting and prioritising the content

l'diring rhe gra mn ra r. rpelling,n,l puncruarion

A final edit

| 2 Follow the steps in Exer€ise | | to v/rite aninformal letter to someone in the class below you.Tell th€m about this English course and include thefollowing information.

The things you think thcy u'ill enjoy.

The things you think they will not enjoy.

The drings you think they will find difficult.Any adr.ice you can think of.


I t The following detinitions all describe wordsfrom Units 19-24 ofyour coursebook. Read thedefinitions and then circle the matchint word in the

Remember it may be written from top to bottom,bottom to top, left to right, or diagonally. Writethe word next to its definition.

1 a pcrson (usually over sixq'vears old) v-ho hasstopped vorking xnd reccives money from thestate. Pewi.oner



an arlFment or quarrel,

tcJ catL'h someone who is believed to be guilty ofx crime,

.l to set liee an animal or pcrson.

5 a ieeling that sorneote nay be gtilw.

o rle a, r or crime .l ralJne sornethrng thar doc.not Delong to l'ot,a person n'ho makes e forrnal l'ritten request.Fo- eranrple. For ,. j,'h.

8 \{'ith small holes. For example lbr enrrings.

9 sign or object which represents somethine else.

10 pieces offlesh in vour bodyjoiting the bones.Pronunciation

l3 Mark the stressea

compurer memorlinventor informationcable data

syllable on the following

comrnunication celevisioninteractive channel

UB\r R


\'' R




I .l Now rewrite the words marking the stressedsyllable and v/riting in the schwa /A/. Say the wordsout loud.

LXAMPLE: ramfata



FUYERHigh Flyet is a two-level Entlish course designed especially forteenage learners at intemediate and upper intermediate level.Hith Flyettakes lea'ne's beyond th€ intermediate plateau, so thatthey are ready for a First Certificate couEe, or an equivalent levelof study.


,, Thorouth teachint and practice of readint, writint, li5teningand speaking skills.

a Stimulatint readint texts with strong appeal to the teenagelearner,

a Clear and succinct grammar boxes leading to rigorous and

systematic trammar practice.

a Exciting and imaginative storyline5 with realistic teenatecharacterg, which encourage readint for pleasure and classdiscussion,

a Pronunciation hot spots which go beyond individual sounds totackle areas such as stress and intonation,

a The best of tried and tested methodoloty to help students and

teachers through this ditficult learning period.

a Clear, easy to follow, step-by-step teacher's notes.

a A full range of components for consolidation, practice and


Hith Flyer Intermediate and Upper lntermediate


Class CassettesTestsCrammar Practice Book

lsBN 0-532-07t41-3


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