Hidden Treasures Brought to Life - A National Competition for UK public libraries Cathy Gormal...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Hidden Treasures Brought to Life - A National Competition for UK public libraries Cathy Gormal...

Hidden Treasures Brought to Life -A National Competition for UK public libraries

Cathy Gormal Information, e- learning and web support co-ordinator

The British Library working with…

• Society of Chief Librarians• Scottish library chiefs • UK Public Libraries

- Generously sponsored by Microsoft

Renfrewshire - the Scottish winner

The Arbuthnott manuscripts

• Prize value worth £10,000

Consisting of -Creation of 30 pages of digital images into virtual texts

using ‘Turning the Page’ software

Hosting on the British Library website for next 3 years

Why Arbuthnott?

• Unique significance in Scottish religion

• Illuminated Manuscript dates from 1491

• Important example of Scottish medieval art and letters

Donated to Paisley by Archibald Coats on 31st January 1899

Which 30 pages?

working with museum expertise –

• Of Scottish cultural significance• Most visually compelling• Demonstrably Scottish

turn the pages

“Of the autorite of God Almychty, Fadir and Sonne and Haily Gast and of the Blissit Virgyne Sanct Mary and of al

the Haly sanctis of Hewyne; we curs, wareis and condamnis al thaim that ar fornemmyt, and al thaim that gifis help, consale, supple, reset, or favor to thame: Cursit

be thai syttand, standand, rydand, gangand, slepand, waikand, etand, and drinkand: In hows and owt of hows: Cursit be thai fra the crowne af the hede to the soile of

the fute: Castyn be thai owt of the dwelling place of Cristin menn, and othir menn bruke thar lordschip: Na helparis have thai: Few be thar daies: Other men bruke thar possessionis: Oute be thai tane of the buke of lyfe,

and with rychtwiss menn be thai nocht wrytyn: thar dwelling be with Dathan and Abyrone, the quhilkis the

erde swellyit for thar synn: And as this candil is castyn fra the sycht of God into the depast pot of hel, ever to

remaine with cursit Nero the wikkyt emperour and his cursit falowschip, bot gif thai cum til amendis eftir thair

power. Amen.”

The transcription of the concluding curse of the excommunication


Warns against the removal of the missal from the church of Arbuthnott.

Translated from Latin it reads:

"May anyone selling, or changing, or taking away, or retaining, or alienating this book from the said church, be cursed wherever he is, unless he repents and restores it immediately".

Next steps – adding value • Promote• On council website , bookmarks, postcards

and other merchandise• Longer term• Have original on display

• Disseminate• Paisley Abbey , church groups

• Build on experience• Investigate purchase of software • Identify other treasures

• Integrate the content into other networks• Glow –the Scottish schools intranet

Glow - library content which enhances learning and teaching



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