HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)

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Transcript of HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


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  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)










































    Tim BurtonsAlice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass

    The famous 1951 Disney version of Alice in Wonderland depicts a taleof a young girl named Alice who followed a rabbit down its hole andinto a strange new world called Wonderland. In contrast, Tim Burtonsversion is closer to the original story written by Lewis Carroll. In BurtonsAlice in Wonderland, Alice is a nineteen year old woman about to bemarried and have her whole life change, instead of a child who in the endwalked home with her older sister as the Disney version portrayed. Hershort attention span and knack for the fantastical sends her running afterthe infamous rabbit once again and down the rabbit hole into a worldknown as Underland. She is greeted by Tweedledee, Tweedledum, andDormouse, who take her to meet Abosolom the blue caterpillar (voicedby Alan Rickman). The debate of whether or not she is the correct Aliceto defeat the Jabberwocky the Queen of Hearts beloved evil monster

    ensues. The rest of the movie is an outrageous journey for Alice todiscover herself and conquer the Red Queen and the Jabberwocky.Favorite characters include Johnny Depps performance as the Mad Hatter,but he is always a fan favorite. The silliness of the Tweedle brothers,voiced by Matt Lucas, was also refreshing. Mia Wasikowskas depictionof Alice was less than impressive, but Anne Hathaways portrayal of theWhite Queen was amusing with her dramatic daintiness. The one actorwho particularly stood out from them all was Helena Bonham Carteras the Red Queen (or the Queen of Hearts). Her performance was filled

    with red-hot anger and quick wit, which dominated the rest of the cast.(Its hard to find someone to scream Off with their heads! just right.)The effects that were used in the movie were intriguing, to say the veryleast, especially the part where Alice fell down the rabbit hole and theitems within the hole seem to come straight at you. However, I feel thatthe film does not need to be in 3D since there were only a few thingswithin the film that actually popped out at the audience. The monstrouscreatures and the red metal army of cards were interesting (they lookedvery different from the card army from the Disney version of Alice) aswas the White Queens army of chess pieces. My favorite visual aspect ofthe movie is the costuming. The number of times Alices dress changedwas lost on me, but I liked most of the costume designs, especially thesteampunk-influenced outfits of Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts.

    Tim Burton has definitely delivered an enjoyable film. Even though somemay be disappointed that it is more of a sequel to Disneys version, themovie is still captivating and can certainly stand on its own. Though I donot call myself an avid fan of Burtons work, the experience of watchingthis film has rendered me speechless.

    By: Tiffany ChangImage Source: http://lordofdesign.com/alice-in-wonderland-hq-posters/

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    Ocarina of Rhyme - A special dedication to allthe gamers out there. Rather than relying on classicrock-oriented music as a backing, this album utilizeda variety of music from t he N64 classic Ocarina of Timeas its jumping off point for hip hop beats.

    ALBUMNo6Jaydiohead - This combination of Jay-Z's vocalswith both well known and more obscure Radioheadtracks makes for an enjoyable and fresh experience.


    Sgt. Petsound's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Theclassics of the late 60s and all time, The Beatles' Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and The BeachBoys' Pet Sounds come together to create thispsychedelic trip hinted at in later works by the bands like

    Revolution 9. Some effects even bring Mario Brotherstunes into the mix.


    No4American Edit - Whether you loved or hated GreenDay's American Idiot, the creators of this mashupalbum, under the alias Dean Gray, made a thoroughlyenjoyable work stemming from Green Day's original, anincorporating sources as disparate as Johnny Cash,

    George Bush, Ray Charles, Kanye West, Oasis, and thDr. Who Theme. You'll likely be coming back to this on



    A Night At The Hip Hopera - The Kleptones isarguably one of the best mashup/remix artists out therein terms of creating an enjoyable and cohesive work.Drawing from Queen's enormous catalogue andsamples ranging from De La Soul to Justin Timberlaketo the Beastie Boys to Ferris Bueller to Neon GenesisEvangelion, this amazing album grabs you and doesn'tlet go until it ends.



    2 The Beatles Never Broke Up - I admit personal biaon this one. Even without being a fan of all thingsBeatles, this is a fun bunch of mashups of the four'ssolo work (with a ridiculous story to go along with it),exploring the concept of the music the Fab Four wouhave made had they not broken up.





    The SFU Surrey campus holdsan Open House event in earlyMarch annually. All of theprograms that call Surreyhome get a chance to showoff their projects and whatmakes them exciting. It isalso an opportunity for SFUapplicants, or possibleapplicants, to get an up-closeview of the campus, and whatSFU Surrey has to offer.

    Relive some of the sights ofOpen House 2010 through thearticulate photography ofClariss Chua, a senior-levelSIAT student and HIASPIREdesign team alumnus.

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    of the DecadeLooking back on the last decade, one struggles to figure out the 00s defining musical identity. Clearly we have autotuneand the slow rise of "indie rock", but overwhelmingly, the dominant aspect seems to be the mashup and/or remix. Inhonour of this recognition, I present to you a sampling of some of the better (in my humble opinion) and comparativelyaccessible/easy-to-find mashup albums of the decade.

    T p


    NoJay Zeezer - A simple concept, this album utilized Weezer'sself-titled debut as a backing for a cappella mixes with Jay-Z's

    Black Album. Weezer's tendency to have lyrics such as: "What'swith these homes dissing my girl?" almost sounds like a naturalcombination at times.

    RainyDayz - AmpLive took Radiohead's In Rainbows andproduced a track by track mashup with a variety of hip hop

    vocals. A fun listen.



    Grey Album - One of the most influential mashupalbums of all time, DJ Dangermouse arguably made aname for himself with this brilliantly named combinationof The Beatles White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album.Legal disputes erupted on an enormous scale, but thequality and creativity of this mix dictates it will live on,no matter how underground.



    Mashup Albums

    Feed The Animals - Girl Talk's most recent album.His music arises from combining and tweakingan astronomical number of samples from all sorts ofgenre sources. Any of his albums could fit on this list,but I consider this to be the most refined.





  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    Steampunk is a sub-genre of speculative fiction that is set in a world where steam power is widely

    used and mechanical technology has advanced to a degree that clearly distinguishes it from any

    historical era. As a rule, it tends to place style and plot advancement ahead of hard science, and often

    adopts elements of neo-Victorian style and themes of re bellion. Since only works created after the

    advent of electrical power are considered to be true steampunk, which excludes the novels of H.G.

    Wells, Jules Verne and the other earlier writers who heavily influenced the genre, steampunk works are

    almost always set outside of the present timeline and can be viewed as alternate possible futures.

    Wild Wild West (1999) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld

    A science fiction Western action-comedy featuring

    sometimes ridiculously advanced steampunk

    technology and bizarre mechanical inventions. The

    film follows two unlikely and uncooperative partners

    who are investigating the disappearance of Americas

    top scientists.

    FilmSherlock Holmes (2009) dir. Guy Ritchie

    Holmes and Watson investigate a series of murders

    that are apparently connected to occult rituals, and

    face off against the supposedly risen-from-the-dead

    Lord Blackwood. Despite being Sherlock Holmes, the

    films technology and overall atmosphere definitely

    bring it into steampunk territory, but with slightly

    harder science than is typical of the genre.

    STEAMPUNK101: Portrait of a timeless genre

    Literature :

    The Difference Engine (1990)

    William Gibson and Bruce Sterling

    This novel is credited with popularizing the genre

    amongst science fiction fans. It takes place in an

    alternate 1955, thirty years after Charles Babbage

    successfully built a mechanical computer. It follows

    several characters during the search for some

    reportedly powerful computer punch cards, and has

    cyberpunk, dystopian and postmodern elements.

    The Golden Compass (Northern Lights) (1995)

    Philip Pullman

    This fantasy-flavoured steampunk novel is set in a

    parallel universe where people have incarnate souls

    in the form of shape-shifting daemons. An

    11-year-old journeys north in search of her missing

    friend and imprisoned father/uncle.

    Illustrated by Jonathan Morrissewritten by Derek James


    Jonathan Morrissey is part oIllustration and Modeling C

    a Surrey-based student grointerested in expressing thethe visual arts. HIASPIRE

    him about it to find out moreclub activities check it out o

    Written by:

    Chelsea Schellenberg

    Image from http://www.kratkocasnik.com/blog/wp-con-tent/uploads/2010/01/sherlock-holmes-poster.jpg

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    Graphic Novels:

    Video Games:Thief series (PC, 1998)

    A massively popular stealth-action series se

    neo-Victorian/medieval steampunk world. I

    thief named Garrett who undertakes variou

    and saves the world. Since the scenarios al

    self-imposed challenges and fan-created sc

    very popular among devoted fans. Thief 4


    Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (PC, 2006A PC real-time strategy game set in a world

    magic coexist, the campaign follows an inve

    who commands an army on a quest to aven

    and capture enemy territory.

    Epic Mickey (Wii, Q4 2010)

    Years after accidentally creating the Phanto

    overrun the Cartoon Wasteland, Mickey (Mo

    his mirror into his brothers now-sinister wo

    mistake. Although still in development, the

    set in a surrealistically bizarre steampunk

    Mickey as his more mischievous earlier inca

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    Alan MooreThis graphic novel series is considered almost

    prototypical of the genre. A team of

    extraordinary individuals, adapted from fictional

    characters from the Victorian periods classical

    literature (and from later works as the series

    progresses), undertake missions in the service

    of England and the world. Warning: contains

    graphic violence and disturbing themes.

    Full Metal Alchemist Arakawa HiromuAn ongoing manga series set in a universe

    where alchemy is a highly advanced scientific


    The story features two brothers on a quest to

    restore their bodies after a disastrous failed

    attempt to resurrect their mother using


    Imagefrom minitokyo.net@Yamar




    Image from

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    For most people, changing schools can be a daunting prospect, which is howI felt when I transferred to SFU from Douglas College this past September. Iam now in my third year, and being a college transfer student has made thischange somewhat less intimidating than if I had come here straight from highschool. I have found, in the past couple of months that I have been here, thatthe Surrey campus and university life are quite easy to adapt to.

    My first impression of the Surrey campus was that it feels like you are attendingmeetings in a funky office tower rather than attending class at a university.Its new and modern and that was refreshing f or me, having come from anolder school. It isnt so large that you can get lost easily (which came in handythe first week of classes), but not so small that you feel claustrophobic. Iparticularly enjoy how there are so m any comfortable places to sit and study,and plenty of outlets to charge your laptop too. Finally, the mall on the groundfloor is very handy. You can do some shopping between classes, easily pick upsomething you forgot, and the food court is a nice change from cafeteria food.One of the reasons that I went straight to college instead of university wasthat I came from a smaller high school and wanted smaller class sizes (not tomention cheaper tuition). I thought it would be less intimidating to start off mypost secondary education in a familiar environment. Having gotten used to thisover the past couple of years, I became worried when it was time to transfer.

    Would classes at SFU be so large that Ill just be a number? Fortunately, theseworries were dismissed when I got to the Surrey campus. The classes are large,but not so enormous that you cant ask a question or talk to the professorsafter class.

    Another worry of mine was that the course workload would be a lot heavierjust because SFU is a university. Once again I was pleasantly surprised thatit was about the same amount I was given at college. Tutorials were a newconcept for me. Before if I needed help, I would see the professor during theiroffice hours and it was m ore tempting to slack off on the assigned readings.Now Im finding the tutorials are actually quite useful. They are great forasking the questions you were too intimidated to ask in class, and act as amotivator to do the readings, since there can be assignments in the tutorials.Now I look at them as an extension of class time, and a chance to learn moreabout the material.

    All in all, Im glad that I transferred to SFU. I feel the Surrey campus is a greatlearning environment, and everything is so accessible. Im looking forward tocompleting my undergrad degree here over the next couple of years.

    SFU Surrey:A Transfer Students Perspective

    By: Chelsea Szafranski

  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)


    Ways toYour VolunteeringMaximize


    Step it up - if you enjoy a volunteer role with an organization, ndout if there are more senior roles you could take on or get trained for,

    so you can enhance your leadership skills and experience.

    Think on it take time when you complete a volunteer positionto reect on what you learned or gained, what you might have done

    dierently, and ask supervisors or co-volunteers for feedback.

    IX. Go for the $$ - include your volunteer experience on applicationsfor awards or scholarships.

    X. Get the good word in and ask for a reference from volunteercoordinators or people you work with after you volunteer.

    SFU Surrey Student Ambassador Program


    Know yourself and pick volunteer opportunities that twith who you are, your interests, likes, and abilities.

    Know your gaps and look for volunteer opportunities that giveyou the chance to build new sk ills, get new experiences, meet new

    people, and broaden your horizons.II.


    Tell it to the world let everyone you encounter in your volunteerlife know what you want. Tell your volunteer supervisor know what you

    are hoping to gain, so they can look for opportunities for you.

    Know what you want and see how you can alignyour volunteering with your goals, i.e. getting experience in

    an industry, giving back to the community, building your public

    speaking skills, etc.


    Spell it out on your resume. Meet up with a Career Advisor orCo-op Coordinator to determine the best way to highlight your

    volunteer activities.


    VI. Meet everyone you can- when you are volunteering, make an

    eort to meet other volunteers/sta in the organization and build your

    network. You never know when your paths will cross again.



    Illustration and ModelingSpotlight on S

    The Illustration and Modeling Club is a

    group for those interested in expressin

    visual arts. HIASPIRE talked with Jona

    Vice President of the IMG Club who dre

    in this issue) to nd out more about th

    Q.How did you become involved wit

    A.I became involved because I love 2D arencourage others and myself to practice an

    example of his work can be seen on pages

    Q.What is the objective of the IMG C

    A.To provide a relaxed environment to expdiscuss illustration and modeling with like

    Q.What opportunities and resourcesfor its members?

    A. We currently have a little stash of matpencils and water colours to acrylic paints

    with. We don't have any explicit opportuni

    do have the materials and the knowledge

    regarding dierent aspects of illustration a

    Q.What kind of activities does your (past and future)?

    A. Some activities we have done in the pa

    drawings on a whiteboard, pin making, ma

    (markers, water colour, conte, acrylic) and

    speaker. One future project we have lined u

    book showcasing nished works of memb

    Q.When and how often does the clu

    A. The club usually meets once a week at

    on the semester.

    Q. Does the club's illustrations tendor is anything fair game?

    A. Anything is fair game although duringhave a theme or idea that the illustrations

    Q.Does the club have a website or o

    showcases the members' creations?A. At the moment we have an underutiliz

    Q.How can students nd out more a

    A. Email the club at img.sfu@gmail.com

    requests and what have you.


  • 8/7/2019 HIASPIRE Magazine Issue 13 (pages shuffled)



    &A Retrospective of Vancouvers2010 Olympic celebration sites


    Downtown v. Surrey - Ethan JohRichmond: Vivien LoBurnaby and Zip Line: Chelsea

    ice wine tasting, and a free outdoor ice rink.While the festivities here somewhat paled in

    comparison to other celebration sites, theO-Zone certainly brought a great deal of pep,foot traffic and commercial activity to asuburban city that is otherwise remarkablyconservative and punctuated by

    contemporary Asian culture.

    The O-Zone was Richmond's officialcelebration site for the 2010 Winter OlympicGames, which spanned 60 acres from

    Richmond City Hall to Minoru Park. Inaddition to the typical amenities (jumbotron,live stage, food, fireworks), the O-Zonefeatured the Holland Heineken House, amassive Cranberry field with a ferris wheel,

    Covering a distance of 170m in about thirtyseconds, the free Olympic Zip Line boasted

    a maximum height of six stories tall, amagnificent view of Robson Square, and avery, very long line-up. To be fair, the viewand ride were truly exhilarating. Had the line

    been three hours instead of seven and theweather been a little warmer that day, it

    might have been worth it. As it was, the ZipLine was an experience but not one I wouldbe in a hurry to repeat.

    LiveCity Yaletown and Surrey's Holland Parkwere both plazas of activities with a large

    focus on musical stage performances in theevenings. There were however, some keydifferences between the two. While Yaletownhad some very impressive corporate presencewith the Coca Cola and Panasonic pavilions,

    that was largely all one had to do to bide theirtime waiting for whichever band they wereseeing later. On the other hand, the Surreysite had a much more relaxed and

    family-friendly atmosphere, with activities forchildren, more open space, a variety ofmulticultural presentation, busker areas, andPNE-style concession stands. The

    implementation of a tented stage (with liquor,unlike Yaletown) and an outdoor stage allowedfor an even greater diversity of acts andexperiences. Overall, both sites were definitely

    worth a visit, but Surrey's embrace of the partymood definitely created more draw toencourage return visits.

    Olympic Torch by Daniel Poirier

    Surrey House Stage by Anna Koniarska

    LiveCity Yaletow

    Inverted @ VAG by A

    O-Zone Stage by Queenie Chou

    Downtown vs. Surrey



    The Zip Line

    Although Burnaby was mostly just a transithub during the games, its residents were aseager to cheer on Team Canada as those of

    the downtown core. The torch's trek throughBurnaby was met with enthusiastic crowds.Fans gathered in bars, restaurants and livingrooms to watch televised events, or tooktransit to Olympic venues. Canadian flags

    were displayed on windows or worn aroundshoulders. And, in North

    Burnaby, a guy walked around honking anair horn and shouting the news whenever aCanadian won a gold medal. And for hoursafter the Canadian men won hockey gold,you might have mistaken the scene on

    Hastingsthe loud honking and shouting,and the flag-clad, cheering pedestriansforan actual parade, except that everyone wasmoving in different directions.