Hi! My name is Charlie Brown I’m the Captain of my very own Baseball team… and today is our...

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Transcript of Hi! My name is Charlie Brown I’m the Captain of my very own Baseball team… and today is our...


My name is Charlie Brown

I’m the Captain of my very own Baseball team… and today is our first big game!

All our Friends are on the team

I recruit only the very best!

Besides managing, I am also the team’s pitcher. It’s a very important position. In every game, I can either be the hero… or the goat. It’s very difficult.

I throw to Schroeder, who is our catcher.

He’s also a great piano player

Let’s see here… My sister Sally plays on first


..Linus guards second base like a champ…

… and nothing gets past Pigpen at third…

… and nothing gets past Pigpen at third…

… except maybe bathtime…

Lucy and Peppermint Patty play in the field.

So the whole team is made up of:

7 Players in all.

We sure do make a great team!

I just know we can win today!

There’s just one small problem…

The game starts in twenty minutes

And I’m the ONLY ONE HERE!

I’ve got to find everyone… and FAST!

Maybe you can help me!

We’d better get busy…

I made this dandy chart to help us keep track of the team. Have a


So far… I’m the only one ready to go…

And we are missing everyone else!!!

There are two really simple ways to say this.

For starters, let’s just compare the two groups on my little


“How many are in the

first group”

Compared to

“How many are in the second


Compared to…And we write it

like this:


…person present…

… people not presen


We call this a….


So right now, the ratio of people ready to people missing is:

“ ONE to SIX”

The second way to describe the

team… is a little different.

This time, instead of comparing the number of ready people to the number

of missing ones…

We will compare the number of players who are ready…

To the number of playerson the ENTIRE TEAM

To the number of playerson the ENTIRE TEAM

Looking at the team THIS way shows us


… of the…

We are talking about.

So right now there is only :

…of the…

“7” total team members ready to play.

…person ready to


So you can see that we now have:

…out of…

… total players on the team!

… and that is what we call a…


Think you’ve got it?

I hope so, because you’ll need those skills


We’re close to Schroeder’s house!

Schroeder! What are you doing?

You know we have a game soon!

Oh I know, Chuck.

I’m just getting prepared. Nothing psychs me up like

Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.

I’ll go over as soon as I finish.

OK then… We’ll see you there in a few


Good. Shroeder is accounted for.

So now that we know where Schroeder is…

We have….And FIVE still

missing…TWO ready to go and…

Do you remember how to show that as a ratio?

If you said…



Then you would be exactly right!

Good work! Now, the ratio of people ready to people missing is:

“ TWO to FIVE”

Now to show this as a fraction…

… we still have the 7 team members on the bottom…

… but now one more of the seven is accounted for so...

Now TWO are ready out of the

SEVEN total team members.

Do you remember how to write that?


“TWO out of SEVEN”


“Two Sevenths

Looks like you are really getting the hang of this.

You have the makings of an excellent manager!

Let’s see who else we can find.

Somehow… I think I’m forgetting


Hey Linus!

C’mon! Hurry! We’ll be late!

C’mon Linus! The game starts really soon!

Oh. Right.

Yep… I know. I was just telling


Hey come on you guys… It’s almost game time! Sheesh…

We know, Charlie Brown.

We’ll be there.

Well… that’s two more.

We’re getting closer!

So if we have Sally and Linus now…

We have….…THREE still

missing…FOUR ready to go and…

So… I bet you can tell me the ratio of ready players to

missing ones… can’t you?

What do you think?



Did you say..

Do you know the FRACTION of the team

that is READY TO PLAY?

The size of the team hasn’t changed…

there are still SEVEN.

… but now two more of us are ready to go!

So that makes…

“FOUR out of SEVEN”


“FOUR Sevenths” of us that are ready!

Good, Good! Now we only need to find the remaining three team members, and we have the whole team!

As a matter of fact… I think I see them coming this way


Lucy! Patty! Pigpen!

Are you going to the game?

On our way, Chuck!

Word.One step ahead of you!

Well, that’s everyone!

Good grief!

I guess a manager’s work is never done!

Everyone’s ready, so…

… now there’s no number of missing


… to compare the number of ready players



Doesn’t tell us much.

It’s just easier to say “All Seven are


Fractions are different though.

We can still compare the number of ready players to

the number of players on the team.

Watch what happens:

Now all 7 of us are ready to


Out of the 7 on the


Which tells us that…



“Seven Sevenths” of us that are ready!

Seven ready players out of a team made of seven


And as you might have guessed…READY

Team of:

Is equal to one whole team… ready to play!

Well it looks like things are finally in order. … and just in

time, too!

Good Grief! That really could have been a mess.

Thanks for coming by to


Now that you can compare groups with ratios and fractions…

You can compare all

sorts of things.

Maybe you’ll even manage a baseball team one day.

You never know...


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