Hezlett Happenings ~ 24 July 2020 · 7/24/2020  · resume at various times. Pleasingly, our new...

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Transcript of Hezlett Happenings ~ 24 July 2020 · 7/24/2020  · resume at various times. Pleasingly, our new...

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

Hezlett Happenings ~ 24 July 2020

Welcome Back!

It has been a real joy spending time with many students in their classrooms this week. After an interrupted first semester, this term and next provide hope for some high-quality teaching and learning. From Kindergarten who celebrated their 100th day of learning this week to Stage 2 who have been exploring sustainability; Stage 1 who are modelling writing from high quality picture books to Stage 3 who are investigating change of state of matter, it has been a terrific start! Thank you to our teachers and support staff who devoted considerable time throughout the holidays to prepare for the term ahead. During the holidays Mr Hogan and I toured a large but socially distant group of new and prospective students and their parents around the school. It was a tremendous opportunity to talk about our innovative programs, contemporary pedagogies and deliberate approach to educate ‘the whole child.’ This term we have welcomed 17 new students, with more on their way. Our enrolments continue to grow and our current students are becoming experts in welcoming new friends. COVID-19 Update & Restrictions

Heath advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) remains consistent that schools are safe for students and staff alike. Physical distancing requirements of adults are not the same for students and staff who work in schools are exercising caution. A comprehensive set of guidelines provided by the Department of Education are being implemented at North Kellyville Public School and enhanced cleaning is being maintained. This term parents and carers will only have restricted access to the school site. Drop off and pick up routines established in Term 2 will continue, meaning that we ask parents to observe the ‘STUDENTS ONLY PAST THIS POINT’ signage and to practise social

distancing at all times. Regrettably, parents and carers are unable to volunteer in the classroom. Our extra-curricular offerings will recommence with coordinating teachers establishing lunch time rehearsals/practices for groups such as choir, dance, PSSA sport, chess and debating. Teachers will communicate with students directly about these initiatives. While the Hills Performing Arts Festival has been cancelled for 2020, the NSW Junior Chess League Competition, Ridges Inter-School Debating Competition and PSSA Summer Competition will all resume at various times. Pleasingly, our new fixed playground equipment will be used. Congratulations once again to our P&C who successfully obtained a state government grant and then procured the equipment. I know that our students are eagerly waiting for the metaphorical ribbon to be cut!


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

The Sport in Schools Australia (SISA) program which had commenced in Term 1 will resume this term. Every class will have a 1-hour long SISA session each week. SISA day is Tuesday. Students should come to school wearing appropriate uniform. There is a cost involved in participating in this program which will be included in Term 3 statements of account. Unpaid items from Term 1 will also appear on this term’s statement of account, including SISA. As the final 3 sessions of SISA in Term 1 did not occur, a reduced rate for Term 1 will be included. Those who paid the full amount will receive a credit for Term 3. On-site parent meetings are strongly discouraged. All contact with teachers and other staff should be via email, telephone or virtual meeting platforms as far as possible. Where onsite meetings occur, they are to be by appointment only. Please be assured that good hygiene practices that were implemented last term and taught to students will continue for the foreseeable future. Students will be prompted to wash their hands with soap and water regularly each day, lengthy assemblies will not occur, and more playground spaces will be used to ensure students can play unencumbered by crowds. Victorian Travellers & COVID Case Locations

Tightening of the NSW/Victoria border means that any students or staff who have travelled through or visited Victoria must isolate for 14 days upon leaving Victoria. The NSW Government regularly updates its webpage containing lists of COVID-19 case locations. The website can be found here. These health alerts are very helpful to guide decision making about when to get tested and/or isolate. We ask that parents inform the school if a student is tested. Communication Flow Chart

To receive the most effective and timely response to a query, parents are asked to use this chart when directing their communication within the school. The flowchart only progresses to the next level if the issue or concern is not satisfactorily resolved. All school personnel are committed to providing a high level of service. T3 Soccer

Many of our community hirers have returned to the school. The following message is from the T3 Soccer program organisers. We are pleased to announce that T3 will be back during Term 3 at North Kellyville to share the same passion and excitement for football that we left with. During our time off, our coaches have been eager to get back out onto the ovals. They have been busy

designing skills & practice for the return of play. We are expecting a big turnout for our Term 3 program that will be COVID compliant. We will have hand sanitizer on deck and adhere to statutory bodies in regards to COVID guidelines. Program details & registration form below. When: Tuesdays for 8 weeks beginning 28 July Cost: $112 Time: 3:10 - 4:10 pm Registration form here. P&C Meeting Via Zoom

The next meeting of the P&C will take place on Wednesday 5 August at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held virtually, on Zoom. An agenda and login details will be provided shortly. Please mark this date and time in your calendar; new members are always welcome! Child Protection Classes

This term all class in the school will participate in lessons in the Child Protection program. Topics covered include defining safe / unsafe and private / public, secrets, trusted adults, protective strategies such as ‘no, go, tell,’ threats and bribes, warning signals and body parts. These classes are designed to provide an age-appropriate level of awareness for students in order to protect themselves when feeling unsafe. If you would prefer that your child not participate in these lessons, please email the school email address below. Statements of Account

In the coming weeks parents will receive, via email, a statement of account. Accounts will include items related to teaching and learning as well as resources and voluntary contributions to both the school and P&C. Please talk to me if you are experiencing difficulty making payment as some support might be available. Tom Moth Principal

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

Dream Big Award Recipients

Our Dream Big awards celebrate student endeavour. Congratulations this week to Week 10 and Week 1 recipients:


K-6A Joshua M

K-6A Zidan D

K-6B Liam M

K-6C Frankie C

KC Fateh S

KC Fateh S

KC Filippos D

KC Harrison K

KKC Hunter N

KKC Imogen B

KKC Manvi M

KKC Ricky C

KKC Zoya K

KO Curtis C

KO Mika J

KO Mishika N

KO Shanaya V

KO Shiv P

KO Mika L

KP Harriet O

KP Jacob M

KP Kai D

KPV Angad S

KPV Avik P

KPV Christoper D

KPV Seerit K

KPV Shryaan G

KPV Yahya A

KR Gavin P

KR Jackson K

KR Riya R

KR Shariyan T

KV Aayona B

KV Eshaan A

KV Kobi L

KV Max S

2/1A Ingrid C

2/1A Natalie X

2/1A Arin D

2/1A Zachary C

2/1AK Isaac L

2/1AK Pritham S

2/1AK Rannveer G

2/1B Bernardo M

2/1B Kaiden M

2/1B Noah L-G

2/1D Emmett A

2/1D Karissa R

2/1H Dylan C

2/1H Harper G

2/1H Zoella L

2/1I Benjamin T

2/1I Ruby W

2/1J Ethan Y

2/1J Mila R

2/1J Riley I

2/1J Saanvi A

2/1K Aarav K

2/1K Avril S

2/1M Aditya K

2/1M Aser M

2/1M Lilian A

2/1M Willow R-M

2/1P Lewa S

4/3B Siena F

4/3B Walid G

4/3B Walid G

4/3C Marques P

4/3C Samuel J

4/3C Sanaa A

4/3C Yash D

4/3S Anjay M

4/3S Maxmillian N

4/3T Lucas K

4/3T Sehej B

6/5A Aaron S

6/5A Parth M

6/5A Samantha A

6/5A Yaazhini S

6/5H Angelo A

6/5H Louise K

6/5S Bani M

6/5S Chloe G

Enrolment for 2021 Including Kindergarten

Our administration team is currently accepting enrolment applications and supporting documentation for students commencing in 2021. If you are enrolling a sibling of a student currently at our school or any another NSW Department school please contact the office for a pre-filled application. Our school is adhering to the Department of Education enrolment policy for local and non-local enrolments. This process and information can be found on our website. Please contact the office for further clarification if required. Future Kindergarten students should be enrolled prior to the end of August to ensure that we can communicate information about orientation programs. Please note that students residing outside of the catchment zone, including those who live in close proximity south of the school must complete a non-local enrolment application for their enrolment to be considered. Non-local students are not guaranteed enrolment. Only exceptional and compelling cases are considered. Kindergarten Information Session Cancelled

The planned information sessions due to be held next Monday have been cancelled. Luke Hogan Deputy Principal


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

Kindergarten 2021 Information Session Cancelled

Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 situation all upcoming Kindergarten information sessions on Monday 27th July 2020 have been cancelled. In place of these sessions the school will be presenting an alternative digital version. Details of this will be emailed when available. Please contact the school office with your email address if you had not booked a session but would be interested in having this information emailed to you in due course. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by cancelling our sessions. If you would like to apply to enrol your child at our school, enrolments for 2021 Kindergarten are now open. Please contact our school office by email northkellyville-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au or phone 8801 1911. K-6A’s Off and Running

And we're off and running! Term 3 has started with a burst of sunny days and enthusiasm for learning! K-6A commenced the week with a bang, getting stuck into some cool dance moves and fundamental movement skills with our fantastic SISA instructors. All the students are keen to begin some engaging new units this term in History and Science. We're looking forward to studying the material world, and exploring the properties and uses of different materials. We took our breaks outside this week to explore the built environment of our own school grounds, having lots of fun along the way. We're already so glad to all be back at school with our friends, celebrating learning and achievement!

Purple Hub-pdate

6/5A, 4/3C & KC are unique classes at North Kellyville Public School. We are affectionally known as ‘Purple’ classes. We have the flexibility and freedom to collaborate with both Orange & Blue Hub Teachers on our Stage. Purple Hub teachers, Miss Ashelford, Miss Cannon & Miss Cheah organised a Peer Support / Buddy Class style team building experience for our students to come together. We coordinated a variety of simple yet constructive activities that enabled students to work together. The purpose was to facilitate student interactions, establish new connections, develop social skills, strengthen support and embrace differences whilst creating a caring and safe environment. Students enjoyed being role models, gaining insights, learning about compassion and empathy by guiding the younger generation. The little ones enjoyed learning from the older students, understanding game


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

expectations, participation and fairness. It was incredibly fun engaging with students from different cohorts. Students are known, valued and cared for.


Milly Cheah Classroom Teacher


Whilst we still have hygiene protocols in place to ensure we are a COVID-SAFE library, students are now able to start borrowing books again this term. And they have been super-excited to hear this news! Classes borrowing days are as follows: Monday KV, KO, KR & KKC

Tuesday Stage 3, 2/1H, 2/1P, 2/1D & 2/1A

Wednesday KC, KP, KPV, 2/1M, 2/1AK, 2/1B, 2/1J, 4/3C

Thursday Stage 2, 2/1K & 2/1I

Friday K/6A, K/6B & K/6C

Book Club

Issue 5 is out! Brochures have now been distributed to classes. Ordering remains open until Friday 7 August. All orders must be placed using Scholastic’s LOOP system – this can be done online or via the app. NO cash orders can be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation. Instructions for how to do this can be found at the end of the brochure. Register for an account here. Mini-Writers’ Festival

Next week, Stage 2 and 3 students will be participating in a mini-writer’s festival via Littlescribe. Some well-respected authors and illustrators will be live streaming an interactive session to inspire and develop our students’ writing. This is sure to be an engaging and highly valuable experience for them. Who knows… we may just have the next Andrew Daddo or James Foley amongst our students! Premier’s Reading Challenge

Our latest batch of READING HEROES have emerged! Congratulations to the following students on their recent completion of the Challenge:

K-2 Challenge 3-4 Challenge 5-6 Challenge Aiden C. Micah T. Ethan E. Lihini D. Alex W.

Russell N. Lisa T.

Zainab A. Queeny L. Dylan C.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has adapted its rules for 2020 to ensure no student is disadvantaged and can still complete the Challenge this year. Students are able to include more personal choice books to their record and include books read collaboratively. Please go to the website for more information.


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

It is now critical for ALL K-2 parents to keep track of their child’s reading records. I can no longer guarantee that I can add enough books to their reading records, due to the fact that we have lost such a significant period of time where we could be sharing and reading books in the library and in classrooms. I have included a video tutorial that guides you through the process of adding books to your child’s reading record. ePlatform & Storybox Library

A reminder for parents and students that the school funds an annual subscription to Storybox Library and Wheelers ePlatform. What does this mean? Well, students can access these incredible resources, free of charge, from any web-enabled device. AND you can add what you read here to your Premier’s Reading Challenge record.

Until next time…happy reading!

Ms Katie Whelan Teacher Librarian


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911

Out Of School Hours Care – Wesley Mission has been appointed as the provider of out of school hours care. The centre will run out of the school hall both before and after school. Morning care will commence from 6:30am, while care in the afternoon will be provided until 6:30pm. Contact OOSH on 96266620 or email oosh@wesleymission.org.au.

Facebook Page – ‘Like’ our Facebook page and encourage all of your friends, families and neighbours to do likewise!

Mailing List – To be added to the Hezlett Happenings mailing list, click here.

Parent Handbook – Edition 2 of the North Kellyville Public School Parent Handbook if available here. Please read this document to become acquainted with many school programs and procedures.

School Stream App – A lot of news, forms and notices are pushed out to mobile devices through our School Stream App. If you haven’t yet downloaded the app, do so now!

Parent Volunteers – must supply 100 points of ID to be brought to the office where it will be photocopied and kept on file for audit purposes and Appendix 5 which is a summary of the 100 points and a signed declaration about character and previous offences.

Follow our staff on Twitter: @moth_t @KaseyLeaMcGill @NewthSamantha @SoniaKadian1 @Miss_M_Cannon @Caitlin65032239 @NKPSLibrary @Lauren33421276 @muqadasa_ghaf @cheahmilly

Dollarmites School Banking – The P&C led school banking initiative is currently on hold.


120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155



8801 1911