Hermosillo Sun 29

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pdf of the print edition Hermosillo Sun: the English newspaper of Hermosillo Sonora Mexico

Transcript of Hermosillo Sun 29

’Tis the Season

Winter baseball

► 6

Dogs rule Nutrition . . .

Welcome to our world . . . can taste so good!

7 9

Fall 2014

Published by the Department of Foreign Languages


The English Newspaper of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico No. 29

Jackie Reina



s: J




The Forajidos (Outlaws) Country Band did their part to

commemorate the University of Sonora’s (Unison) 72nd anniversary in the opening day ceremony on October 12. One of the hottest regional groups in country music, they lead the country

music movement, playing anywhere from private functions to night clubs to prestigious events such as the recognition of our Alma Mater where they performed in front of the administration building.

The group’s musical manager, Gaspior Madrigal, who plays electric guitar

and pedal steel guitar, is also the force behind the annual Country Music Festival in Hermosillo, which draws talent from all over Mexico.

The group is pure country, but they’re versatile too. They returned to the University campus on October 30 as part of the “Sixth Annual Trova y Poesia” (ballads and poetry) event, this time as backup to the acclaimed artist Armando Palomas. (Read more about him on page 4.)

In an interview with the Hermosillo Sun, Gaspior Madrigal said the Forajidos Country Band spent about six weeks preparing for the Hermosillo shows which they would do with Armando Palomas, adapting Palomas’ songs to the country style of their band.

Madrigal and Palomas have been friends for 10 years and this was not the first time they have performed together.

The “mother tongue” of country music is English, and the Forajidos Country band

sings in both Spanish and English. As representatives of an English newspaper in a Spanish speaking country, we were interested to find out more about the band’s song and language choice.

Before the group went on stage for the Trova y Poesia performance we went backstage to talk with Forajidos Country Band lead singer Eduardo Coronado, who also sings all of the numbers they do in English.

He told us that the six musicians decide as a group which tunes they’ll incorporate into their shows based on what they like and what they think their audiences will like. They choose who is going to play which parts and then tackle the lyrics—English or Spanish.

Coronado said they respect the songs’ original language, but there are some songs that are easier to adapt to Spanish. Coronado said he knows a bit of English and doesn’t have any problem learning the words; pronunciation is

harder, though. Regarding the band

playing two shows at Unison’s anniversary celebration, Coronado said that it happened by chance. The opening ceremony

starred the Forajidos Country Band and in the Trova y Poesia show, their purpose was to accompany Palomas.

Facebook: Forajidos Country Band Oficial

Gaspior Madrigal (left) and Eduardo Coronado of the Forajidos Country Band have fun on stage, here fanning “smoke” away with Gaspior’s hat during a concert at the University of Sonora’s 72nd anniver-sary celebration.

Armando Palomas, from Aquascalientes, Mexico, does a show at Esta Cabral Restaurarte in Hermo-sillo. The Forajidos Country Band backs up most of his performance. Read more about the artist on page 4.

2 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Hermosillo Sun is a project by the Department of Foreign Languages,

University of Sonora.

It is made possible by the Department of Foreign Languages

and the Ministry of Public Education.

Our mission is to promote cultural awareness and encourage national and international

tourism in our state.

The content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Department,

the University or the Ministry of Public Education.

Hermosillo Sun



Dr. Nora Pamplon, head, B.A. in ELT



DESIGN and LAYOUT Jackie Reina, M.A.


Impresora y Editorial S.A. de C.V. 5,000 copies


Adriana AltamiranoAlan Villegas

Fernanda Elisa NavarroFidel Partida

Jorge Luis “CJ”Contreras RoblesMaria de los Angeles Villega


Jesus Alberto RubioJorge Estupinan

Priscilla Mungarro F

Online VersionEnrique Villanueva


Poems and art by students in the B.A. in English Language Teaching

Contact the Editor: jreina@lenext.uson.mx

The Catrina Festival is a cultural-academic event celebrated at

the University of Sonora. “Catrina” is a representation of death. The Department of Visual Arts puts on the shows which consist of various artistic activities celebrated in honor of the famous Mexican festivity “The Day of the Dead.”

The attractions and activities of the festival are organized mostly by the students of the B.A. in Visual Arts, and range from painting exhibitions, Catrina costume contests, big altars commemorating the dead and real-size cardboard-elaborated skeletons, to musical and dance performances.

Moreover, people can enjoy the typical Day of the Dead Mexican food given during this celebration, such as “pan de muerto,” (bread of death) a bread covered with sugar and said to be from dead people, and

“champurro,” a drink made of corn, dark chocolate and vanilla, usually drunk hot.

In an interview with the Hermosillo Sun, Rosa Angélica Santana Corrales, M.A., academy president of visual arts and organizer of the Catrina Festival, stated that the event’s purpose is to preserve the cultural traditions of Mexico, in addition to promoting the appreciation of artistic work which the students execute with plenty enthusiasm.

Santana Corrales explained that even though this idea started just seven years ago in their department, the public’s response has been so good that they have made it more extensive and invited the participation of some students from other departments.

With the economic support of Fine Arts Department and the University of Sonora, along with the collaboration of teachers and students from

Fernanda Elisa Navarro García

Students in the University of Sonora’s Visual Arts Department prepare for a Day of the Dead activity.

Performing Arts and Music, the Catrina Festival grows bigger as time goes by. It delights our senses with

Mexican traditions that have remained in our country for years.

Fine Arts’Annual Parade

and remembering one of our own

Left: Spanish teacher Rebeca Ramirez sets up a Day of the Dead al-tar, a tradition in the Department of Foreign Languages. Above, right: We remem-ber our colleage Bertha Durazo with an altar arranged by Maria Elena Venegas Sanchez.









Photos: Jackie Reina



s: J















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3University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Maria De Los Angeles Villegas

El Mezquite Sombreros is more than just a hat store; it is also a brand name. We were

pleased to meet Lourdes Robles, the owner of El Mezquite Sombreros.

She explained that this is a family business that has been run only by women. She also asked to do this interview completely in English, and we were delighted to comply.

The company began when Robles’ grandfather, born in San Francisco del Rincon, Guanajuato, loved making handmade hats but was not interested in fighting with other merchants to sell his hats for 5 cents. He knew he had to sell his hats elsewhere and chose Sinaloa and Sonora as his starting points.

It was then that Robles’ grandparents moved to Ciudad Obregon, Sonora and found a salesman who would be willing to take wholesale lots.

Robles’ mother, Victoria López Arriaga, would listen to the conversations her grandparents would have at the dinner table. Somebody needs to live in Hermosillo, they would say, adding that our city is the place where you can do any kind of business.

The business has been commercially active for 42 years. In 1972 Robles’ mom married and moved to Hermosillo with her

h u s b a n d .

Here , her mother, who loves merchandise, became the business director.

“The only one and the best one,” proclaimed Robles.

At first, the business started as sales representatives for different name brands, not only for hats but also shoes, sandals, bags, etc.

By 1997, El Mezquite Sombreros became a name brand and in 2000, they made their business work using only brand name products and by reducing the merchandisable products to hats only.

Initially, the El Mezquite Sombreros label was put on country hats only, but with the demand for hats by women and children in different styles, they expanded their models.

At El Mezquite Sombreros there are two types of hats that can be found or serviced—straw and felt—and they have sophisticated machinery in their factory to provide quality services for these two materials.

The proprietor was specific about their services because they have customers who come in wanting their leather hats serviced, but she explained that they do not have the machinery nor the experience to work with leather hats.

When helping someone choose a hat, the people at El Mezquite Sombreros want to suit the clients according to their needs and what they want to project. They ask several questions that will provide enough information to help the salesperson suggest the perfect hat for the client.

Some of the questions include what is the purpose of buying a hat? Why are you going to put on a hat? How long will you be wearing it? What type of event do you need it

for? Lourdes said that when it comes to prices they are very competitive because they own the brand name of El Mezquite Sombreros and they own the factory where the hats are manufactured.

C o m p a r e d to brand names from USA, they are also c o m p e t i t i v e in quality and prices, Lourdes said “Stetsons were our Papas!”

She talked about the different brand names and how the cost is higher when what is actually being bought is the brand name but the quality of the hats from El Mezquite Sombreros is exactly the same.

She emphasized, however, “Our brand and business is well-known throughout Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja

California, Southern USA and Chihuahua.”

Hats play an important role in the re-emerging country music movement that we have encountered here in Hermosillo. At El Mezquite Sombreros the country followers can choose from eight different crownings on hats as Cheyenne, Sonora, Cattleman and Truman, just to mention some.

Lourdes is proud to say that they have participated in different events here in Hermosillo in the past. She believes that in these country style events “the bonding of families has grown strong in beliefs, values, integration, faith and it is for everyone. Enjoy it!”

El Mezquite Sombreros has six different ways to do business: buying hats to suit personal needs; hat consultants where they shape the rim and crowning of the hat depending on the client’s image, this includes their body, shape, skin color, complexion, etc.; restoration, shaping and cleaning of the hat, it’s more than just fixing; a sales catalog that provides job opportunities for others; social networking has been the best way to increase their sales; and they expect to open a new franchise in a year or two.

El Mezquite Sombreros will suit a hat for any season or occasional for the whole family.

“All that you need in hats, it’s with us!” says Ms. Robles enthusiastically.

Need a hat?psst!

Let us hel


After you’ve read our newspaper and shared it with your friends, you can —• Crumple it up and put it in stinky sneakers for a couple days.• Line the bottom of a trash can to absorb odors.• Put sheets—black ink only—inside containers for a few days.• Line the kitty box before adding litter.• And of course, you can do what everyone has always done—line your bird cage!

Fabulous ideas from The Frugal Path

Yanez 185 on the corner of Morelia, downtown HermosilloEl Mezquite Sombreros can be found on Facebook as elmezquitesombreros1,

Instagram as El MezquiteSombreros, Twitter as @elmezquitesomb, and on YouTube as El Mezquite Sombreros.

Store owner Lourdes Robles runs through the videos that their company has posted on YouTube, demonstrating that advertising does not have to be expensive.

Photos: Jackie Reina

4 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

“Let peace begin on earth and let it begin with me.”

Kristy Love Brooks is the recipient of the

2014 Las Vegas Rock ‘N’ Soul Hall of Fame Music Icon Award. Ms. Love received her award at the Black Music Association’s (BMA) yearly gala held at Alexis Park Resorts on September 7, 2014.

This prestigious honor recognizes Kristy Love for longevity in her career as a solo vocal artist, actress, and as a member of the International Recording Group “The Platters.”

The honor extends to her work as an educator; she holds a doctorate degree and three masters. She is currently a professor at the Art Institute of Las Vegas.

She is also recognized for her humanitarian efforts to help bring peace to the world. Her original single, “All Over the World,” a New Years – Peace song, has inspired an annual peace movement with a Lighting Ceremony and Love Fest.

The Nevada Arts Council awarded Kristy Love a 2015 Jackpot Grant to support her ideas for this project during which people will hold a vision and a vibration together—all wanting peace for the planet. They will turn on lights and sing peace songs at the same time “All Over the World” during a world clock vigil (midnight-12 noon on New Year’s Day).

In personal correspondence with the Hermosillo Sun, the artist said, “The music icon award has been a blessing and an honor. I am planning to release the ‘All Over the World’ video by Dave Future during the Thanksgiving weekend on YouTube.

“It will highlight my project for peace all over the world. The project ‘One Light, One Love, One Peace’ will invite the world to turn on lights on New Year’s Day all over the world at the same time.”

Kristy Love, your friends and colleagues in Mexico congratulate you on your prestigious and well-

deserved award and look forward to encouraging peace “All Over the World” with you on New Year’s Day.

Join the Peace movement and support the Declaration for Peace

Lighting Ceremony by going to www.KristyLoveBrooks.com.

Jackie Reina



s co








Hermosillo residents had the opportunity

to see Armando Palomas, a singer and musician from Aguascalientes, Mexico, twice this fall. Hermosillo Sun reporters caught up with him at his hotel before his second show.

Addressing the popular belief that Palomas is a “protest singer,” we asked him about his perception of the message his music portrays. He said that he might better be considered a singer who “denounces,” or criticizes, the norm.

In his 25-year career as a singer, he has disagreed with many political issues in Mexico; however, he expressed a greater disdain for the media.

He said he’s never liked how big media dominates the people, that what they show is like wearing a mask to change reality, giving false news, a real life soap opera.

The singer-songwriter said he has had many opportunities to be on television, but he felt the atmosphere would infringe on his dedication to doing his music his way, adding that he has been consistent in his work for 23 years, and he simply hasn’t wanted to play television’s game.

His aversion to television doesn’t mean his audience is limited. He has done concerts in Mexico in places such as the Lunario National Auditorium in Mexico City and the House of Blues in the United States.

The artist said he doesn’t consider his views at all radical. He is firm in his

principles and beliefs, and that’s what’s kept him on stage for the last 23 years. And if there is anything radical about him, it’s his way of doing business—he doesn’t use big publishing houses or a personal manager.

He finances himself. He manufactures his own CDs, makes his own recordings, does his own production and distribution, plus he still finds time to write and compose songs and do concerts.

He never wanted a sponsor. He didn’t want to be accountable to the music industry, only to himself. He wanted to be a free artist. Freedom is his essence!

He has had the opportunity to sign in the music industry, but he refused because they wanted to “mutilate” his music.

“Take out this phrase, replace that one; it needs to sound more refined in order to broadcast me on radio.”

Nobody will mutilate his songs, not even him, he insisted.

So he’s forever been independent because that’s where the best things are in art and culture, and he emphasized that “garbage is on television.”

He said maybe he could have made more money if he played the industry game, but his music is a passion uninhibited by money, noting that his independence still gives employment to his musicians and driver.

Life is fun for Armando Palomas. Somebody has to sing, to travel, meet people, drink, eat different foods,

Grace Jouanne

Armando Palomas performs with the Forajidos Country Band at the University of Sonora in October. Read more about the musicians on page 1.

learn different ideologies and cultures. The artist said his life has been a blessing, and he doesn’t know who sent it to him—god or the devil.

He has made 24 records, a bit of everything—blues, rock ’n roll, nortena, mariachi, ranchera—and now in Hermosillo to make a recording with the Forajidos Country Band (see page 1 for more about the Forajidos and Armando Palomas). He said this was a first in country music for him.

As for his personal style, he said it’s difficult to describe musical style. He’s a clown, a poet, a lover—he’s like a locksmith

who opens the hearts of the people—sad, happy, angry, whatever. He’s the creator of his own world, and its name is Armando Palomas.

At the end of the interview, we asked the musician if there was anything else he’d like to say to our readers. He picked up our Hermosillo Sun newspaper, ran it through his fingers, smelled it, and said he liked seeing newspapers still using paper and reporters sitting down and talking face to face with him rather than emailing him a list of questions.

And then he said to tell people to use their time with productive things, not virtual.

“Books will enrich you. Turn off the TV and turn on intuition.”

He’s a clever and witty guy. It’s hard to see this side of him at a venue with the large general audience he had at his University of Sonora performance.However, it dominated one segment of his sold-out show at Esta Cabral Restaurarte, a local bar known for bringing in good talent.

During one set there, the Forajidos left the stage and Palomas worked solo with his acoustic guitar. This was when the audience saw, beyond the talent, the story teller and comedian.

In one song, a long one

indeed, he would intertwine song and story. By then it was late in the evening, and with an adult audience, he didn’t hold back on innuendos, specifically targeting Ricky Martin who was performing at the Expo Forum in Hermosillo the very same night.

Later he asked a few people in the audience for their first name and he’d make a verse to rhyme with the name, again suited to a late night drinking crowd.

He kept the audience listening and laughing. And nobody left early.

Jackie Reina contributed to this report.

Photo: Jackie Reina

5University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Alexia Sobarzo Rosas is a student at the University of

Sonora. She is studying as an English teacher trainee, but she has a passion that many people share around the world.

Since she was a little girl, she loved acting and constantly participated in plays.

In 2012 she participated as an extra in the movie Chavez directed by Mexican actor and movie director Diego Luna.

“Even though thousands of citizens were part of the movie as extras, it was an amazing experience being so close to someone very famous and very good at what he does,” she shared with us.

Extras know or should know ahead of time what they are going to be facing.

“A day in an extra is exciting when the day begins, but as the day continues, you

wish the day to be over.” She said an extra has

to wait for long periods of time. And when the movie starts being filmed, extras have to be so careful about what they are doing because, even though they are not the main focus of the camera, a bad decision or wrong move can ruin the scene. Then everyone has to start all over again, wasting the movie roll and trying the director’s patience.

Alexia said it seems most of the people do it for the money but others, herself included, do it for pleasure. Alexia had the opportunity to work three different days, and she earned 600 pesos per day.

But life had a much greater surprise for Alexia. In February 2014 she saw some news on Facebook about a movie that was going to be filmed in Hermosillo and she went for it without thinking twice.

She talked about the process she went through in the audition.

The first step was e x h a u s t i n g , hours of

waiting in line for her turn. For the casting all the hopeful people had to prove

their acting skills through a few

exe rc i s e s where

t h e y h a d

t o

act random situations with other participants.

Two weeks after the casting Alexia received what is called the “first call back” — moving to the next level. A few people were called and this time they had to act in front of the movie director.

She was already happy for having that opportunity, but things weren’t going to stop there. A third call made her feel closer to fulfilling her dream of being in a movie.

These were the final trials and there was no room for mistakes. The participants had to attend a five-day workshop where they would demonstrate why they were there.

“The environment was great. I met some really nice people there,” she said to us.

Finally the day came and she received the most important call of her life so far. She was told that she had been chosen for a supporting

role in the movie. “I can’t explain what I

felt at that moment.” She also said that the person who called explained some things she had to do but her mind felt blank due to the excitement.

Alexia was given the movie script and due to a confidentiality agreement we can’t reveal her role in the movie.

She learned her lines and went to make her dream true. She told us that she filmed for three days and was really happy about this new experience.

She is currently working in some “shorts” with local directors. She says that every time she acts, she can be another person and that feels amazing.

“I plan to continue with my teaching major, but I’m also seeking more opportunities that keep me close to my dream and passion.”

The aspiring actress said that being an extra was

hard but motivational for her. It also had its down side —an opportunity disappeared right before her eyes. In 2013 Alexia was selected for a supporting role in an independent movie out of the country, something she had been waiting for all of her life.

Video auditions were available at the official webpage of the movie and anyone in the world could send in a video.

“I was just surfing the web when I came across the audition and I just sent the video.”

Alexia was chosen both for her acting skills and her determination. She shared with us that she looked up the director on Facebook and added him as a “friend” just to send two more videos. She thinks the director liked

her motivation and interest and that helped her to get the role.

She continued talking to the director, arranging all the details like the script, the business visa, and a few more details that needed to be taken into consideration.

Year 2014 arrived and with the new year, a new dream was about to come true. She even had her teeth braces removed as part of the agreement with the production company. The expenses for the flight to the place where the movie was going to be shot were paid by the movie production.

“It was a long way, and I was glad my parents could go with me.”

She thought that everything was prepared; all it was missing was the word “Action!” As it turned out, Alexia was about to make

one of the most difficult decisions she’d ever taken.

She was told that the starting day had to be put off some weeks.

“I had to choose between waiting there or losing a semester which meant that I would have lost one school year,” said the young student sadly.

She came home and returned to classes, saying that sometimes things don’t work out in life as we plan and people just have to move on.

On a positive note, while she was there, Alexia had an experience that not many get to enjoy.

One day at the hotel she saw a bunch of people gathered and she went closer to see what was happening. What a surprise! They were shooting an episode of the well-known TV series “Modern Family.”

CJ Contreras

Nobody said it would be Easy

Photos: In headline: Photo by Horacio Sobarzo Orci“Blood” on face: a selfie Alexia Sobarzo took after being touched up by makeup artist Esmeralda GarciaLeft: A passerby shot this picture of Alexia Sorbarzo with Sonora actor Jesus “Choby” Ochoa

6 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Fidel Partida

Names, stories, remembrances and tributes can be

appreciated on a forearm, neck and all over the skin of many people nowadays as a form of art. This is why people walk in a tattoo shop, seasoned with a bit of metal and rockabilly, in Hermosillo, Sonora to meet one of the many tattoo artists around: Aaron López Carrillo, also known as Pumba.

Born in Hermosillo, Sonora and raised in Arizona, Aaron decided to become a tattoo artist at age 12. Now, in his 30’s he has over 33 piercings and an unknown amount of tattoos due to his vision of body art. Far beyond ink, pain and skin, Aaron perceives tattoos as an entire harmony for its beauty, meanwhile body piercing resembles to ones rebellion.

While still in Arizona,

Aaron has his debut as a tattoo artist at age 16. Aaron started practicing on his own skin and on some others that trusted his skills. So far he has worked in two professional tattoo shops. And in spite being self taught on this skin art form, Aaron has helped many people who had the eagerness to learn this beautiful process.

Tattoo lovers are aware that tattoos come in a wide variety of techniques. Aaron stated that he can work most of them. However, he feels that the American Traditional is his favorite to work as well as large presentations.

But when asked about his favorite work, he said, “My favorite tattoo has not arrived yet.” He also stated that he has been working on a project for over a year already and is still incomplete.

“It hurts and feels sore,” says Aaron in regards to the myth of the pain when getting a tattoo done.

His personal advice to anyone looking forward to getting a tattoo done is to choose it well because it is intended to be a forever partner, “… not for fashion.” Also, “if you really want it, have it done.”

And the main requirement to belong to the inked skin crew will be to show up with the money.

Many people still remember the day in which a certain job was denied to a person who had an inked scar that could be easily seen. Since tattoos have been considered a taboo for society and branding for misfits, it may seem to be a underappreciated form of art.

“If tattoos were to be charged properly, not anyone could afford one”, shared Aaron López.

As well he stated that, even though each artist set their own price, the prices are respected by others. The size and the design have a great percentage while setting the price.

Aaron’s perception of a tattoo is the same as a surgery, in which he calls his clients “patients”. In his words, “making a tattoo is a surgical procedure, because it is a wound and needs to be taken care as such to prevent infection.”

Based on this comment he provided a list of proper care for “fresh” creations: rinse with warm or hot

water, prevent sunlight, and wash the wound with the foam of neutral soap (must not use the soap directly). Do not scratch it (sometimes a fresh tattoo may itch) and apply hypoallergenic body lotion.

In some cases, the tattoo may feel sore. For this, one of the best remedies will be to apply aloe vera at night. In the event of infection visit your tattoo artist immediately.

It may be a name, a face, or a personal meaning but

the truth is that tattoos have been gradually integrated to the contemporary society. Thanks to this, many artists, like Aaron, are getting out of the shadows and dark alleys to malls and more adequate facilities in which it is safer to have a tattoo done or to get pierced.

The time has come in which tattoos and piercings are debuting in society as one’s personal signature and to tell one’s history. Time keeps moving and humankind keeps evolving.

Photos courtesy Aaron López Carrillo

Barbershop Music ~ this is classic ~Alan Villegas

Walking through Hermosillo’s Centro (downtown), you can see many

interesting places such as restaurants, shops, salons and barbershops. But if you pay attention, you might not just see but hear one of them as well. Located on the busy Colosio Street, the “Alta Peluqueria Flores” barbershop is more than meets the eye.

Mr. José Flores has been working in his barbershop almost every day for the last 20-some years. He loves his work as a barber, but his passion lies in the sounds that give him the energy that enables him to continue working six and a half days a week.

He is a music collector and started this hobby some 50 years ago. In a room connected to his shop he keeps his collection consisting mainly of hundreds and hundreds of vinyl records stored in two ceiling-high bookcases, along with tapes and compact disks. Some of the records are visibly quite old.

He likes almost every kind of music, and that is reflected in the assortment of album covers visible in the bookcases—from Argentinian and Latin styles to disco and American rock ‘n’ roll.

When asked about the start of his hobby, he remembered the time when he was a 10-year-old boy. Then, records were a luxury and their prices ranged from twelve to thirty

pesos, a lot of money for the time. Sometime later, wandering in a junkyard,

he found a slightly chipped record of “Dueto Amanecer,” a Sonoran duet he had always liked because he thought their voices were

like velvet. He had thought he would never get his hands on one of their albums since they were an “old” group for the time. He still keeps it.

Television and radio are of no use to the hair cutter. What he needs to work is music, day and night.

He says that even if he doesn’t eat, he can get through the day as long as he is listening to music. That is his meal, he says.

Even though he spends around thirteen hours a day attending customers, with music he doesn’t feel like he is shut up in his barbershop.

Be it a classical masterpiece or a local old band, he enjoys the songs like they were journeys onto faraway lands and into other people’s lives. To him, it’s a great joy just being able to listen to the music he loves.

Mr. Flores makes a call to the young people to pay attention to and value our roots, our life, what makes us Mexican, and what is stored in our music. To him, music is something we must treasure along with work and family. It is like a gift from God, he says.

And that’s not allA white door near the entrance leads to a

small bazaar shop. This is where Mr. Flores sells antiques and decorative items.If you like scouting out unusual things, it’s worth checking back from time to time. Sometimes he has lots of good stuff, other times not much at all.

He said occasionally local personalities, sometimes along with their security guards, have come here to look around. He adds that he read somewhere that no one can resist entering a bazaar.

Barber and music connoisseur Jose Flores puts a record on a turntable in a room attached to his barbershop.

Listen for the music, maybe even get your hair trimmed, at Colosio 105 between Garmendia and Morales Streets, downtown Hermosillo.Photos: Jackie Reina

7University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Everyone likes to travel, to see the world and its sights, to meet

other people, to speak a different language, to taste different foods.

Every year, the Foreign Languages Department at the University of Sonora makes all of this possible for anyone who comes to their International Cultural Fair. Held for one day in late October or early November, the fair is an event where we can do all of the above—in the department parking lot.

Karin Neudecker, coordinator of the non-English language courses in the department, told us about the history of the Cultural Fair.

“This year is the 17th edition, so it started in the year 1997... as an idea of teacher Maria Elena Venegas.”

Venegas, a teacher in the department, had attended a national French language teachers convention at the time and heard about a similar event held in another university. She brought the idea back and thus the International Cultural Fair was born.

It started small, with just a few languages represented and a limited

number of students participating. Now it has grown both in size and attendance.

Although it is difficult to have an estimate since many people come

and go during the approximately 5-hour event, the number of attendees is estimated to be around 1200 people, and the number keeps growing each year.

Although the Fair’s main goal is to bring the students learning a language closer to the traditions and culture of the countries that speak it, it is not limited to the

department’s or the university’s students. Anyone who wishes to learn about different cultures is welcome here.

“Last year there was an [elementary] school group from Caborca visiting us,” said Neudecker.

Finally, Neudecker, who also teaches German in the department, told us about a particular memory she enjoyed.

“In 2011 we had the language teaching conference FONELEX at our department and the Cultural Fair was part of it. We had national and international conference guests who could experience the show, and it was wonderful. Everybody was so impressed with the variety, quality and enthusiasm of the participants.

“Everybody, teachers and students, did their best and it was the best show ever. At the end I was so proud of our great team and I had to congratulate everybody in public.”

This year’s International Cultural Fair was held on November 7.

Alan Villegas








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In the Department of Foreign Languages, we love our pets and they love us. In the upper right, Dr. Nora Pamplon Irigoyen poses with Sammy and 16-year-old Cuca (inset). Dr. Pamplon was appointed head of the B. A. in English Language Teaching this semester. Jesus Leal Olivas holds Sophi in the lower right. As a relatively new administrative secretary to the department, one of his responsibilities is to get the Hermosillo Sun out to the public. In the lower left, Luis Canci-no and Stitch represent the General English courses which serve the English language needs of Unison students as well as the general public. This is Luis’ first semester in the role of coordinator. In the center is our boss, Carla Gastelum Knight, who became head of the Department last year after spending six years as head of the B. A. in English Language Teaching. She is also our dog hero. Most of her dogs were sad, sick, starving and dying of thirst when she rescued them from the streets. And look at what beauties they are now—Canela, Keyla, Nena, Niña and Sasha. The Hermosillo Sun, an animal friendly newspaper published by the Department, is proud to call these compassionate people colleagues.



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8 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

8 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

Adriana Altamirano

Jorge Estupiñán

As a vegan of eight years, I’ve learned to avoid eating out in Hermosillo as much

as possible. Known as the capital of roast beef, Hermosillo and its culinary scene has little to offer to non-meat eaters.

I have yet to find a restaurant that specifically offers vegan dishes on its menu so when I decide to eat out, I usually have to settle for an insipid and expensive salad. That’s why I was thrilled when I was told that the newly remodeled University of Sonora dining room was offering a 100% vegetarian burger on their menu.

Recently, I decided to eat a vegetarian burger at the dining room only to find out that they had taken it off the menu due to low demand. The next best option was the salad bar.

I arrived at the dining room on a Friday at 3:25 p.m. Since Fridays are usually the least busy days, I assumed that the service would be prompt. Only one of the two registers was working, and there were four people waiting in line ahead of me.

Four minutes later came my turn to order. I opted for a small salad, which costs 50 pesos and includes 5 ingredients and a choice of dressing. Once I paid, the cashier gave me ticket and instructed me to ask for my salad in the neighboring salad bar.

The salad container comes with lettuce and the next step is to choose one of three types of grilled chicken. Since I opted to not have chicken in my salad, they told me that I could exchange it for one vegetable serving. I thought that was ungenerous since to me one portion of

chicken is not the equivalent of one vegetable serving; two vegetable portions would be better.

I was allowed to choose four vegetable servings. The fresh vegetables are cucumber, shredded carrots, green bell peppers, tomatoes, wheat sprouts, and broccoli.

The canned items are black olives, pineapple, peaches, beets, corn kernels, and mushrooms. Other items are cooked pasta, shredded white cheese and ham. After

Sonora is known as one of the top meat consuming states in

Mexico; however, lately a new way of living has increased its popularity—vegetarianism.

It is the theory or practice of eating only plants. The vegetarian diet includes grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts; it excludes meat, poultry, and fish.

However, some vegetarians eat dairy products (lacto vegetarians), egg products (ovo vegetarians), or both (ovo-lacto vegetarians). Those who eat no animal products, including honey, are called vegans.

For years there was only a small place downtown where a vegetarian could go and have a meat-free dish. Not all restaurants included specific “veggie” dishes; it was hard to find or to ask for one.

It was eight years ago when Lupita Ramírez decided to open a new option for vegetarians in Hermosillo. El Señor Sol is a different concept about restaurants; it is located in one of the first populated areas in Hermosillo, San Benito.

The place itself is not one of those common traditional fancy restaurants; it is a house adapted to be a cozy environment to have a meal.

From the moment you enter, there is a warm welcome from the well known waitress Miranda. She makes you feel at home, and for those frequent clients, she treats them as part of the family.

It is a small place with the smell of home. The proprietor Ramírez does

not want to make the place bigger nor franchise it. She said in an interview with the Hermosillo Sun that it would lose her main concept and that she would lose the close contact she has with her guests.

The idea to open a vegetarian restaurant started when Ms. Ramírez decided to improve her own eating habits to become a healthier

person. She used to be part of

a medical organization, and then she studied in a naturalist institution where she chose the profile as Therapist and Cooking and Nutrition.

Before opening the vegetarian place, she studied the vegetarian philosophy and related areas. In the beginning many people discouraged her from opening a vegetarian restaurant in a city and state where the main dishes are meat based.

She said it was all about facing challenges and adjusting attitudes that helped her to move forward. She likes to consider herself a woman who faces challenges straight on. People told her that the restaurant would not survive longer than six months or a year, but El Señor Sol continues to serve our community—more than eight years later.

A Day at El Señor SolIt is 6 a.m. and Doña

Lupita (in Spanish, “doña” is a title of respect) is ready to start another journey to choose the best products for her clients.

Arriving at “Mercado de Abastos,” she personally

selects the freshest fruits and vegetables. She does not like them to be delivered to her restaurant.

She says that many of the sellers ask her why she goes and picks them out personally, and to that she answers that she wants to know exactly what quality her diners will be eating.

Not all of the products sold at the local market

are organic; still, there are some of good qualities. The proprietor tries to have a 50/50 mix of non-organic and organic. From a business point of view, non-organic foods help to keep the prices on the menu reasonable.

BreakfastThere are many dishes

for breakfast and brunch. Some examples are eggs (scrambled, omelet, and fried) served with enough vegetables as a side, some including fried corn tortilla with sauce, fresh fruit, orange or grapefruit juice, and coffee. Other dishes are quesadillas (accompanied with fried beans, fresh fruit, coffee and juice); sincronizadas (same as quesadillas but with mushrooms, green pepper, and veggie bacon); tacos, popularly known in Sonora as de Cabeza (head) or Barbacoa (BBQ), but at El Señor Sol the “meat” is made of soy; molletes (four half breads with fried beans, cheese, and some toppings like mushrooms, veggie chorizo and veggie bacon); burritos (similar to tacos but with fried soy meat).

Other traditional breakfasts include hot cakes, French toast, oatmeal, corn tamales, sandwiches, and the popular red or green chilaquiles (fried corn tortilla with sauce).

As mentioned before, all dishes include coffee, juice, fresh fruit or yogurt with fruit, and fried or whole beans.

The price for breakfast is around 95 pesos. That seems a fair price considering all the things they offer and the amount of food. Photo: University of Sonora News Service

LunchThe personnel serve

lunch from 12 noon and until 4 p.m. El Señor Sol has what is known as “comida corrida,” which is an already established menu for all diners. Every day the meal contains a delicious salad, soup or cream, main dish, beans, dessert, refill beverage and a digestive tea.

The establishment guarantees that their lunch dishes are not repeated within a period of at least in 45 days and the lunches contain no more than 950 calories per meal. The lunch price is 100 pesos.

In case they receive a guest with diabetes or any other disease, El Señor Sol has a special dish for them. It is just a matter of asking for it because it is not on the menu.

She wants all her clients to eat the same food, so she prepares every day the same food but changes some ingredients to accommodate special needs.

For instance, something that may vary is the beverage; it can be sweetened with regular sugar or agave honey; a dish containing dairy may be modified with soy milk; cheese may be replaced with tofu for vegans. Dessert may be made with agave honey or sugar free. Just remember to ask for it because it is not included in the menu.

Vegans should especially take note because, as a vegan

friend pointed out, the menu is heavy in egg and dairy products, leaving not much left to choose from unless the kitchen makes replacements.

After eating there several times you get used to the portions. Perhaps they seem a bit small at first, but there is such variety and good balance in every meal that your stomach will become more than pleased.

SaturdayOn Saturdays, the menu

varies a little. The restaurant offers just burgers or the complete burger menu—salad, soup, main dish or burger, dessert, and digestive tea. The price for the complete meal is 100 pesos. Make sure to reserve one

early or you may end up not getting one.

If you see Lupita Ramírez walking around her dining room, she might ask you for permission to give you a little massage before or after eating. As you sit in your chair, she stands behind you and gives a massage which lasts about two minutes or less, and oh, how those couple minutes can relax the body.

El Señor Sol Quintana Roo # 121 between Reyes and NaranjoCol. San Benito www.Facebook.com/SolVegetariano Twitter: @solvegetariano

El Señor Sol

Unison Dining Room

Reporter Jorge Estupinan interviews El Senor Sol owner Lupita Ramírez.

When not working, Lupita Ramírez and her husband might be riding around on their trike motorcycle.

Fresh breads straight out of the oven at Trespiedras tantalize the tastebuds.



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9University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Adriana Altamirano

9University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

Jorge Estupiñán

that you have to choose whether you want croutons or corn chips.

The last step is to choose the dressing. They offer cream based dressings such as ranch, cilantro, and chipotle and they also offer two vinaigrettes: strawberry vinaigrette and honey-mustard vinaigrette.

My salad consisted of lettuce, tomato, broccoli, black olives, cooked pasta, croutons, and strawberry vinaigrette. A couple of minutes

later, I received my salad in a clear plastic container.

Then I had to visit the condiments area to get a fork and napkins. There you can also pick up spoons, straws, hot sauce, jalapeño peppers, mustard, ketchup, salt, coffee creamer, sugar substitute and hand sanitizer.

The dining rooms seats about 165 people and I decided to grab a table in one of the corners and proceeded to eat my salad.

The lettuce was crisp and the vegetables were fresh. The sweetness of the strawberries together with the sour taste of the vinaigrette turned out to be a great combination.

As I was enjoying my delicious and healthy salad, I noticed that there are two flat screens and the one nearest to me was broadcasting a show about polar bears.

Once you finish your food you can choose one of four large and conveniently placed garbage cans to deposit your residuals.

After that I decided to visit the restroom and I was glad to see that they were fairly clean; they had toilet paper and hand soap. Unfortunately, the hand dryer was not working.

Overall, visiting the university´s dining room was a pleasant experience, complete with a delicious and rather reasonably priced salad. Overall. prices range from a quesadilla which costs 18 pesos to a 70 pesos gourmet burger.

They are open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

If you want to learn more about the dining room and its menu you can visit their webpage at www.comedor.uson.mx.

Trespiedras, which bills itself as nourishment with a

conscience, is a vegetarian/vegan take-out restaurant dedicated to providing healthy food that tastes good.

The owners, Inés Cázarez and Mauricio Peregrina, began selling food from their home in March 2013, and later that year, in September, they opened a storefront for takeout service.

It is not a conventional place, and besides making good food, the workers have a variety of other talents. In addition to a nutritionist, there are artists, a hydro-geologist, painters, designers—all with a passion for tasty and healthy food.

In an interview with the Hermosillo Sun, Cázarez said that they all considered what they planned to do would last for just a while, but since then the place has increased in popularity and flourished.

The menu has a theme and a region every month. To create it, the seven members of the place get together and decide the ingredients by following the advice of the nutritionist that they have on staff.

They show the consumer the nutritional facts of the food every day on Facebook.

They recently started selling breakfast on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon.

Trespiedras’ menu varies from month to month. For instance, in October a Tuesday menu included a veggie burger with vegetarian bread that includes dairy; however, customers could get it completely vegan—no animal product at all—by asking ahead of time. A Wednesday menu was a 100% vegan and gluten free meal. Thursday offered veggie lasagna/ pizza or vegan gluten free.

Cázarez said that they wish they could only sell 100% organic products, but in vegetables it is almost impossible because of the local weather conditions. They try to get as many organic products as possible by supporting the local markets.

She said that they start baking breads used in the meals at 5 a.m. They also bake artisanal breads and sweet breads as well as vegetarian, vegan and gluten free cookies.

If anyone is worried about giving up taste when eating products free of animal ingredients, our photographer makes a good testimony. While there for the interview, she bought a loaf of vegan whole wheat bread, fresh from the oven, and one each of the vegan pastries offered that day, five pieces total. She said the pastries were so good that she ate them all that very afternoon. The bread lasted longer but was equally good.

As for knowing which products are vegetarian and which are vegan, you have to ask and trust that the proprietors are honest with you. And they simply must be.

There are not a lot of vegetarians and vegans in this part of Mexico which prides itself on its animal products, so the restaurant can’t afford to alienate its customers.

When you go to Trespiedras, you need to look beyond the area where it’s located because the shop is a cozy welcoming place but its location is not. Although near the center of town, it all looks like it had been abandoned years ago.

Once inside the little store, in addition to the meals and baked goods, Trespiedras sells vegetarian and vegan products which they use in their restaurant cooking as well.

Some of the products they have are coconut butter, coconut milk, gluten free hot cakes flour, sea salt, different types of oils, etc.

The owners of Trespiedras, who used to work in the teaching field in another Mexican state, moved to Hermosillo seeking new life opportunities. At that time, they did not know was it would be in food sales.

They plan to open a “health plaza” in the same location, promoting a healthy lifestyle that includes a store,

a medicinal center, food stands, and a coffee area.

They use social media to sell their products. If you want to buy a meal from them, you go to their Facebook page and order from the menu of the day by sending a message, an inbox, to them. This is how they worked it when they were selling from home and it remains their method even though they have an establishment now.

The owners advertise cooking workshops frequently on their Facebook site; they open 10 places for people with or without vegetarian/vegan cooking experience. They are focused on bakery, vegetarian food, drinks and desserts.

They also advertise classes to grow organic foods and set up yoga sessions.

As they broaden their base, they truly do seem dedicated to promoting high quality lifestyles and an appreciation for the environment. In fact, when you go to pick up a meal, you get a small discount if you bring your own non-disposable containers.

Inés Cázarez explained that Tres Piedras (trespiedras) is a popular saying from Piedras Negras, Coahuila where the number of rocks (piedras) indicated quality. One was the lowest, and the higher the number, the better the quality. Thus, Tres Piedras. However, the restaurant uses one word, Trespiedras, because that is how local people say it.

Photo: University of Sonora News Service


Unison Dining Room

Fresh breads straight out of the oven at Trespiedras tantalize the tastebuds.

Trespiedras proprietor Inés Cázarez talks with a reporter in the store area of the restaurant. Behind her is a sampling of the specialty items available for sale to the public.

Restaurant owners Inés Cázarez and Mauricio Peregrina pose in front of their industrial ovens.

TrespiedrasZacatecas #73 on the corner with Felicitas Zermeño

Colonia 5 de Mayowww.facebook.com/trespiedrass



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Jackie Reina contributed to this report.

10 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Can you find 12 differences in the drawings?

W M J H Z T I P, H J T U H U P, P Q R D H U P, E R Y U O P W R M

G H M D M N.


Q P A P Z Q R A W Z U X P A M W U P D U T W Z W S E H Z , O R U

E R Y U O P U H R J X U U W A M W U P D U X P M Y P C S, H Z Q

U X P M P T U H V P E N Y U H Z Q.

W X, T S T D W R C Q O R U C T F P H Z W U X P M


U X P G W M V S W M G W E P Z ! U X P M P T Y Y W E R D X

N P U U W O P Q W Z P.


G W E H Z G T U X W R U X P M D W Z Y P Z U.


G P C C G X H U J W Q G H Z U Y U X P E U W Q W,


G T U X U X P T M W G Z Q P Y T M P Y .

U X P W C Q P M T J P U, U X P J M P H U P M A W G P M T

Y P P E U W X H F P U W X P C A U X P G W M C Q; T H E

C T V P H Y Z W G O H C C - U X P S R M U X P M T H E

M W C C P Q U X P E W M P T J H T Z.

“Failure is Impossible”

Susan B Anthony (1820-1906), an American social reformer and women’s rights activist, is the source of these encrypted quotes. The code is the same for the entire puzzle.

Puzzle code D = C

Quotes from brainyquote.com

Pirates On Board

Look in the grid for words related to pirates.Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions.

Photo courtesy Library of Congress

© 2002 Bonnie J Malcolm Used with permission

Puzzle answers are on page 14.

Puzzler: Ms. Gypsy

~ ~ About our puzzles ~ ~We use tried and true puzzle formats,but the content is the original work

of the author/artist.

ahoyanchorbuccaneercannoncaptaindeckhandsdesert islandearringeyepatchfirst mate


pillage and plunderplankquartermasterraidsilverskull and bonesswab the decktreasurewalk the plankyo ho ho


11University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

A tired old man, Wrinkles all over his face, Tells me a story.

Dania Robles

Shift ReleaseWhen the phone stops ringing at night,we cuddle up and rest the fight.

Always aware our senses are, although our thoughts are flying far.

Let’s go! Shift is almost over;Time to party! Let’s stay sober.

Maria Villegas

The Heart Collector“Oh Ana, I love you so much.Does your heart belong to me?”— “Yes, Pierre. My heart is yours to keepand in your arms I yearn to sleep.”

“Oh Dana, I love you so much.Would you die if I leave you now?”— “Yes, Pierre. What is life without love?My life is nothing without your love!”

“Oh Lana, I love you so much.Let’s spend our life together.”— “Yes, Pierre! I’m so very happy.Let’s celebrate, throw a party!”

— “Oh Marley, I love you so much.Why can’t you love me back, my dear?Out of my mind I can’t get you!Ah, no girl do I love but you!”

— “Silly Pierre! You love me so much?No! My heart is not your plaything.Go away. I breathe for my loverwho’s not a cruel heart collector.”

Manuel Cubedo Ruiz

Love’s Familiar HandAs she had done for sixty yearsShe reached for his hand,That familiar clasp.It was reassuring, knownWith time, soft, wrinkled, more beautiful.And she reached, stretched,But then she rememberedHe was but a memoryLike a faded dreamBlurry vision of joy.So she breathed his nameCalled to the pastWhispered to longingAnd was still with what remained.

Bridget Siljander

Sweet Childhood o’ Mine Life was as sweet as life could ever be.Wherever you looked, you could find magic.I wouldn’t worry, not even about me.Life was so good and everything but tragic.Only you and your imagination—That was all you needed to create your own world.From the presidents of our own nationto princesses, heroes and hunters of gold—To make new friends you just needed a smile.You played for hours that seemed just a while.You could be yourself and feel free in and out.Those were the best years without any doubt.

Alexia Sobarzo

She is barking loud,she can not keep her mouth shut.I give her a hug.

Luz Elena Arvizu Navarro

Artist: Isain Olivarria

He put the gun down As he took me in his arms Bang! I shot him. Dead.

Ana Rosaura Ruiz Garcia

The water falls hard.Hate those days when it happens Like thousands of tears.

Valeria Sánchez Vázquez

Shining through the glass,A round shape, high in the skyMakes my room glow bright.

Jorge Lam Iribe

A Beautiful GoddessI always feel safe in her powerful arms.She is there all the time when I need her,And I know she will protect me forever. How could she have fallen in love with me?

Esteban Dominguez Garcia

An old silent street…An old car runs into meCrash! Silence again.

Carlos Urrea

Hush Hush, little baby Don’t make a sound. Look at the trees that are all around. Look at the green that covers every space. Look at the bird as it tries to flee from this place. Look at the bird as it falls to the ground. See how it lays, without making a sound. Look at the bird that couldn’t even fight Or hide from the darkness That covers all the light.

Imani Cruz

12 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Governments use technology for our own good because we don’t know about the threats to our society. They keep track of our financial situations so they can develop programs to help us. They keep an eye on the people who represent a serious risk to our children. They know what is best for us and therefore what makes us happy. They know what we need and how to supply it. Thanks to governments and their technology, we are evolving into a utopia.Marco V Burgoin M

E-books have revolutionized the way we read, and being smart is the new cool.Jessica Morales

Transgenic technology is poisoning our food. People don’t know what they’re eating nowadays. Vegetable corporations have started using cheap pesticides to save money, and in factory farming, they give steroids and other hormones to produce more meat, milk and fur. Technology may be poisoning us, and many of us don’t even know it.Cristian Alejandro Herrera C

Without technology, we would be cavemen like the Flintstones.Juan Manuel Coronado M

People carry cellphones as if they are sacred. There is a lot to see, hear and smell, and we should be living the moments, not just posting about them.Astrid Paredes

People can say a lot of things through technology, but try saying the same thing face to face and it’s really different.Manuel Gurrola A

If you are texting or sending a message through social media you cannot perceive facial expression, voice volume, voice tone, etc. which are important to understanding the message you are receiving.Eder Gonzalez N

We shouldn’t let the internet raise our kids.Ana Miriam Espinoza A

Technology isn’t the problem; the problem is how we use it.Marianna Leon V

Technology progresses with humanity, and humans progress where there is technological progress.Hernan Araujo

We use technology to escape reality with the excuse that we are being “social.”Carlos A Urrea F

Globalization is growing from people exchanging culture, music, fashion, thoughts and ideas, and applying them in their own society.Jorge Lam

Sometimes we know or care more about people on the internet than in our own family. Mariana Nevarez

Many people think what’s important is the next new device, how many applications it can have, how many pixels the camera will have. Adriana Ruiz V

It is awesome how in a few minutes after something happened in another place, we can know about it.Dania Robles

Nowadays even if a person is sitting next to us, we text them and don’t care if we waste our phone credit. Manuel Gurrola A




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After brainstorming a number of ideas about which freshman students in the B.A. in English Language Teaching at the University of Sonora would like to write a short paragraph relaying opinions, they voted to talk about the pros and cons of technology. Here are excerpts from some of the paragraphs.

13University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

Jessica Guadalupe Arreguín Gomez is a 21-year-old weightlifter

from Hermosillo Sonora who has been in the sporting world since she was a child.

She was 10 years old when her father convinced her to play soccer. She started playing soccer with boys in elementary school and continued until junior high when she joined the school’s female soccer team.

Jessica was an excellent player and was known as “La Ronaldhiña,” named after Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho Gaúcho, because of her technique with the ball. She traveled and won several competitions with the female team.

Her life in sports was about to get serious—but not in soccer.

In an interview with the Hermosillo Sun, she said that her class was taken to the school auditorium for a talk. That was when she met Alejandro Romo, a weightlifting instructor, who was persuading young students to practice this sport. Her father had already mentioned that she had the body of weightlifter even before she heard the talk, as she told us. She felt interested and motivated and started lifting weights in 2006.

In order to understand this sport, we asked Jessica what weightlifting was about. She said that weightlifting is a

discipline in which a person tries to lift weight standing up as much as possible. It uses a barbell loaded with weight plates and there

are two types of lifts, the “snatch” and “clean and jerk,” she explained to us.

Although these are complicated moves, we consulted Wikipedia for the simplest definitions of the terms. In a “snatch” the weightlifters “lift the barbell from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion.” The “clean and jerk” is two motions. Again per Wikipedia, “The clean portion consists of the lifter moving a weighted barbell from the floor to a racked position,” about shoulder height, and “the jerk portion involves lifting the weight above the head until the arms are straight and the bar is stationary.”

The novice weightlifter also said that each athlete receives three attempts in each lift and the total score result is the highest of each one and an average of both.

Romo was her coach for four months and Bulgarian coach Georgue Ivanov took his place later. Jessica’s first

competition was in 2007 in Huatulco, Oaxaca where the National Olympics for people under 21 was held. She mentioned that people

didn’t have high expectations for her because it was her first time ever. Nevertheless, she won her first two medals, silver in snatch and bronze in total.

That competition was really encouraging for Jessica and for the people around her. She felt she had truly discovered what seemed would be her future. She kept training hard for Monterrey 2008 National Olympics where she won silver in two competition lifts—the snatch and clean and jerk and also in total.

The next year’s competition was special for her because it was in Hermosillo. She would be home and was determined to win gold.

The pressure she felt for being in her hometown and all the people close to her there watching made her perform the worst in her life, getting only silver in clean and jerk. She was really sad because people said gold was really likely back then.

With no excuses and

continuing to train at her best, Jessica competed next year in Guadalajara where she won the only gold medal in this kind of participation.

With gold in snatch and two silver medals, one in clean and jerk and the other in total, she finished what had been the best participation in her life.

An important step in her career was made in 2011 after winning three silver medals in Merida, Yucatan. After that competition, she received a call and was asked to join the Mexican Weightlifting Team (FMLP, Federacion Mexicana de Levantamiento de Pesas)

As part of the Mexican team, she participated in Pan-American Youth Guadalajara 2011 (Panamericano Juvenil Guadalajara 2011) where she obtained one gold in clean and jerk and two silvers.

The athlete told us that throughout the processes and competitions, she received 100% support from her family and that she is the person she is right now thanks to them.

2012 had its ups and downs when she moved to DF (Distrito Federal), which many people know as Mexico City, and won three silver medals in Guanajuato’s 2012 Olympics for people under 21.

Unfortunately, an injury in one of the lifts left her out of any competition for four months. Laughing, she told us that was a discouraging time in her life, but now that it’s behind she finds it funny because those have been the only vacations that she has had since she was 14 and started as a weightlifter.

Not everything was negative that time, however, because she was requested for “Youth World” (Mundial Juvenil) held in Guatemala.

With only three months of preparation after her injury, Jessica participated courageously and gave what she said was the best performance ever. She said that this was the only time she managed to do all of the combination of six lifts which is really difficult.

Sadly, she finished in eighth place in snatch and clean and jerk, but ninth in total, and she needed to get eighth place in order to get an important scholarship for high performance athletes.

She returned to Mexico satisfied but sad for not

getting that scholarship. Nevertheless, all of the friends she met in DF made her feel happier day by day.

She told us that her career as an athlete has been very pleasurable but that she also learned about the bad and dirty things hidden in sports as they relate to politics. She said she had a terrible experience in 2013 when she was not selected for World competition in Peru. She didn’t want to talk about what happened, but she felt she has been treated unfairly. In that moment, Jessica thought about going home and retiring from weightlifting. That she was still furious about the experience was evident as she talked about it.

She returned to Hermosillo in 2013 tired of the bad politics of sports. She had already decided not to continue studying Nutrition, which is what she was doing before moving to DF. She said that Rafael Escobedo rescued her in her moments of desperation. Escobedo is a professional trainer and coach of the Sonora team and Mexican team as well, she added.

He invited her to train with him at the Sonora State University (UES, Universidad Estatal de Sonora) and she gladly accepted since he had been a good friend to her before. She is currently studying in that same university, majoring in Athletic Training

(Entrenamiento Deportivo). She received a scholarship again to continue her studies and her work as an athlete.

This year she participated in Puebla 2014, winning a silver medal. She said that it was all thanks to Escobedo and she is really grateful for his support.

To her surprise, she was invited to two important competitions, a World University (Mundial Universitario) in Thailand in November and a Mundial de Mayores (above 21 years old) in Kazakhstan in December. She is really

excited to demonstrate her potential in this new category because she belongs now to a higher category—age 21-plus years.

Jessica mentioned that if bad decisions made by political reasons don’t affect her, she plans to retire at the age of 27.

She is currently a cross fit trainer as well as weightlifting trainer for children and teenagers through the State University and the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sports (CONADE), and she has many plans for the future. But for now, she is concentrating on her schooling and preparing the November and December competitions.

We finished the interview by asking Jessica about her happiest moment in her weightlifting career and she chose the gold medal in Guadalajara because besides being her first gold medal, she met two good friends who were rivals one day.

“I saw you as a monster,” said one of them to Jessica, meaning that the rival thought Jessica was going to win the rest of the competitions.

Without a doubt Jessica Arreguin, “la ronaldinha,” is a good example for future generations and worthy of our admiration.

The athlete told us that throughout the processes and competitions, she received 100% support from her family and that she is the person she is right now thanks to them.

CJ Contreras

Read recent issues online. www.LenguasExtranjeras.uson.mx





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Photos courtesy Jessica Guadalupe Arreguín Gomez

14 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico


~~ puzzle answers from page 8 ~~

Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry.I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women! There is so much yet to be done.No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent.I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball - the further I am rolled the more I gain.

Susan B. Anthony quotes

PiratesBuckle on saddle strapTree on horizonFlower on cactusSombrero colorSaddle colorPyramid color

Cactus movedBranch leaf movedSombrero brim widerShirt sleeve stripeRope longerWalking cane taller

It is reprehensible that people have been stealing parts of the Héctor Espino statue, and the fact that nobody is doing a thing to stop

the thievery is unacceptable.Forgotten and unattended, the statue is at the

mercy of vandals. They just took the bat that Héctor Espino held in his left arm. Earlier, three bats mounted on the base of the statue as well as a plaque honoring the great baseball player had disappeared. In addition, the structure is defaced with graffiti.

The statue is located in a desolate area and truth be told, it’s been abandoned. It’s surrounded by mounds of earth — no protection, no lighting, no supervision.

What a lack of respect for such a big sports figure, especially baseball!

It can be argued that the fault lies with the thugs. However, the authorities know that these kinds of evil acts will be committed when things are left unattended and pieces could be sold for a good price or become a nice addition to someone’s “collection.”

So why has Héctor Espino’s statue — a valuable work of art — been abandoned? Why is there such disdain, neglect, irresponsibility?

It all comes down to this. The state government brought this on by removing the statue from its original home, the Héctor Espino baseball stadium, without any real strategy to care for or preserve it. It sits out in a deserted place, out in the wild. The consequences were predictable.

This, friends, is not fair!Such action, coupled with the vandalism

commonplace these days, translates into an offensive and disrespectful showing against the greatest hitter who has emerged thus far in the history of Mexican baseball and a hero and icon in particular for our home team.

Look. Let’s hope the statue can be installed in the interior corridor of our new baseball home, Sonora Stadium. And if such a project is designed, why not think about the idea that it could be a gallery to place, in addition to Héctor Espino, other legends and heroes in the history of the Hermosillo Naranjeros—whether notable players, directors, managers, you name it.

Jesús Alberto Rubio

Baseball historian and columnist Jesus Alberto Rubio addresses the condition of an iconic statue left behind when the Hermosillo Naranjeros baseball team moved from the Hector Espino Baseball Stadium to Sonora Stadium.From “At Bat” Sept. 10, 2014

What’s going on?After more than a week of protests,

complaints, demands, analytical reflections, proposals, etc., about the lack of protection of the Héctor Espino statue, nobody in a position of authority or leadership has done anything about it.

Is it going to be left unguarded forever — without bats, without its plaque, defaced, and amid mountains of earth? Is nobody going to repair the damage and restore the statue?

Through the Sonora Sports Commission [CODESON], the government moved the statue to that site. Therefore, they should take action regarding the matter. Or at minimum, the city of Hermosillo could help secure it.

And the Hermosillo Naranjeros baseball club — What role do they play in this case? Why not propose or insist that it be moved to the inner corridor of Sonora Stadium immediately? Will it be left to the community, fans, organizations, and baseball leagues to protect and guard the Héctor Espino sculpture?

The truth is, it’s not really up to them. The responsibility lies at government levels. But why is there no action?

What’s going on?! I repeat: Is the statue of this Mexican baseball icon going to be left completely abandoned, mutilated and broken?

What an insult!

From “At Bat” Sept. 15, 2014

Editor’s noteIn a subsequent article, Jesus Alberto Rubio reported that the Sonora Sports Commission said they would repair and move the statue by the beginning of the winter baseball season in October. Thus far, the bat has been replaced but the statue remains in the same desolate location. What an insult, indeed.

The Hector Espino statue stands in a desolate area, surrounded by piles of dirt. It is defaced with graffiti and some of the lower bats are missing.

Subsequently, the bat went missing from the statue’s hand. The bat was replaced after baseball historian and columnist Jesus Alberto Rubio went public with his complaints, but despite promises to to something to guard the statue, to date the government has done nothing more.

Baseball historian and columnist Jesus Alberto Rubio

Photo: Hermosillo Sun/Miriam Deneb German Hage

Photo composite courtesy University News Service



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Translations by Jackie Reina

15University of sonoraDepartment of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo sonora mexico

They say that for someone to become a legendary player he leaves his mark on his

team and stands out among the other players. It’s not at all easy, but passion, time, and wearing the same uniform over the years could convert Luis Alfonso Garcia Alvarez to an immortal with Hermosillo Naranjeros.

The native of Guadalajara, Jalisco, has worn the Hermosillo Naranjeros uniform for 15 years. The only season he missed was when he played with the Rakuten Golden Eagles in Japan and they did not allow him to work winter baseball in 2011. But that is behind us now.

After the Naranjeros were crowned Mexican Pacific League champions for the 16th time and also took home the Caribbean Series trophy in February 2014 in Venezuela, Garcia went one step further in career home runs as well as in RBIs above the star player from Empalme, Ronnie Camacho.

Garcia boasts 461 RBIs which places him in 13th place, and he’s 6th in career home runs with 138, only one away from a tie with Camacho.

In an interview, Garcia Alvarez said that wearing the Naranjeros jersey for 15 years is

a commitment to the fans. The people of Hermosillo know a lot about baseball. They’re very good and know how to recognize his dedication.

He added that he tries to convey the pride of wearing the orange shirt to his fellow players, and every single day he strives to do his best and get things right on the field.

Every game is a different situation. However, the infielder goes out to the field with the mindset of making outs in each inning. But the most important thing for him is to impress upon his colleagues that they are a winning team, an organization that doesn’t tolerate many defeats and always seeks to achieve victories.

Goals and records For Luis Alfonso Garcia,

achieving a number is important. But first in his mind is the victory they expect in that night’s game. First and foremost is his effort to help the team win. After that he thinks about and is motivated by the knowledge that what he does in that game could help give him a record that would be written up in the books.

The power hitter said that whenever he goes out with the mentality of doing what he needs to

do to support the team, to produce, to play, essentially to do his job, if he performs well, the team has a better chance to win. That’s assuming everyone is healthy.

As for records, they are given alone, but they are very motivating when you look back and see everything you’ve done. They serve to help you continue preparing, but most important is that you contribute to getting the win.

138 home runs may be easy to say. It’s the most hit in the old baseball park which was named after another Hermosillo Naranjeros baseball legend, Hector Espino. In that park Luis Alfonso was able to hit over 130 homers. The new Sonora Stadium has complicated matters when it comes to those big hits, though.

The baseball player said that Sonora Stadium is less kind when it comes to home runs, explaining it’s no secret that the ball doesn’t fly as well in the new stadium as it did in Hector Espino Stadium. There’s humidity and when you get a hit, the ball tends to die, and that’s why his home run number has decreased.

A no excuse kind of guy, he said that this is baseball and you have to adjust to get started again, and he doesn’t stand around with his arms crossed; the hits don’t happen by themselves. The slugger added that he works every day on adjustments, and through it all his focus is on producing runs to help the team and get the win.

In the not too distant future, this man from Guadalajara would like to be a manager. Baseball is the king of sports, it’s complicated and playing every day is demanding.

But the intensity offers him the opportunity to make adjustments. So yes, he would like to manage a team in the someday, to help

the younger players who are just beginning their careers, to teach them what he has learned about how baseball is played. But right now he is focused on playing.

The future? Time will tell. Only God knows, he said.

Garcia takes his responsibility as a baseball player seriously, not just for himself and his teammates but for the fans. He reiterated that the Hermosillo fans expect great things. They pay for a ticket and they want to see their team win and therefore, going out and doing his

utmost every single day with the Naranjeros is a big responsibility.

Luis Alfonso Garcia began his career with Naranjeros in the 1999-2000 season and played every season except for the 2011-2012 while he was playing in Japan. In his career he has also been part of Major League Baseball with organizations like the Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Cardinals, Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Mets. He has also represented Mexico in the World Baseball Classic.

Priscilla Mungarro F.

The team recently brought in a new manager, Lino Rivera.

He has said that his vision for the team is to put more emphasis on pitching and move things around so that the team under his leadership resembles the team structure of last year. He said pitching is key and batting should flow to get the wins.

The skipper also addressed player health, noting that some players have experienced health issues, and he emphasized the importance of players being in

top condition. He acknowledged that the

team has struggled this year and that they are trying to turn the trend around.

On a personal note, the new manager is delighted to be working in Mexico. He is Puerto Rican-Mexican and said that he feels blessed that Mexico has opened the doors for him. He said he doesn’t feel like a foreigner and again thanks Mexico for this opportunity to lead the Hermosillo Naranjeros baseball team.

New skipper in townPriscilla Mungarro F.

Translations by Jackie Reina

Photos: Priscilla Mungarro F.

16 University of sonora Department of foreign LangUages

HermosiLLo sUn faLL 2014 no. 29 HermosiLLo, sonora mexico





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B. A. in English Language Teaching Dept. of Foreign Languages

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