Here's why your career needs you to move to singapore

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Here's why your career needs you to move to singapore


Jumpstart your career with a move to


Eli Schwartz


Why Asia?



Asia is the world’s most populous continent


With 4.5 Billion People


Just by sheer population


Asia will determine the direction of the world


And you probably didn’t know just these 5 facts

about Asia


Asia has 3 out of 4 of the most populous countries

in the world


China, India and Indonesia


Asia is home to the largest spoken language in the



Mandarin: 1.2 billion native speakers


Even Mark Zuckerberg speaks Mandarin



7 of the world’s 10 largest cities are in Asia


Shanghai, Beijing, Istanbul, Karachi,

Mumbai, Gaungzhou, Dehli


Asia has the highest point on earth and the lowest


Mt Everest & the Dead Sea


3 of the 5 wealthiest countries in the world are

in Asia


Qatar, Singapore, & Brunei


But Asia is not one country


So stop pretending it’s one called




Of the different regions


The Middle East, India, China, South East Asia, Japan, Korea


Focus on South East Asia or China


You get the most bang for your buck


Literally and figuratively


To truly learn Asia


You need to move there


And start learning what its really about


As a Westerner


Here are your choices





Too much pollution





Also has pollution





Not that democratic


Neither is Kuala Lumpur



Hong Kong



Very densely populated


Which leaves





No tariff's on imports


There is world class healthcare


At 2nd world prices


One of the safest big cities in the world


Fastest Internet speeds



You don’t need a car


Even if you wanted one


They are 2-3x what they cost in the US


But taxis are abundant and cheap


Public transportation is convenient




English is the official language


But there’s plenty of diversity




Little India


Arab Street


Lots of public holidays


Largest producer of startups in Asia


Blk 71 is most dense startup hub in the world



What is Singapore?


A single large island


With some smaller Islands


A drive across a bridge to Malaysia


45 minute ferry from Indonesia


Population 5 million


Where is it?




How can you move?


Visa applications take days


If a job applies for you


Jobs are abundant


Just look at LinkedIn


So what are you waiting for?


Pack your bags!


Any questions? Tweet @5le