HELPS Ministry Magazine

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A magazine inspiring leaders and supporters in the local Christian church sponsored by Armorbearers International.

Transcript of HELPS Ministry Magazine

I LoveMy Church!


Helps Ministry Magazine – Premier Issue – Jan/Feb 2012

In this issue Th e Fame Factor | A Devotion to Serve | I Love My Church!

10 Powers of Fame and infl uence to impact your culture

Th e Fame Factor for the Lord’s Glory Alone

A Devotion to Serve

• Serve As A New Creation

• Featured Armorbearer Question


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helps ministry magazine

A word from the publishers

Thank you for your support and interest over the years. We proudly announce our newest ministry project, the Helps Ministry magazine. We will publish our magazine on a two month production schedule. Digital

and print copies will be available. As always, we covet your prayers, participation and support in helping us minister to the Body of Christ. With a tinge of sadness, we said good-bye to the Armorbearer Coach ezine. Our ezine retired after 90 issues. We will still periodically release a blog or a Special Update from Armorbearers International.

We offer a big thank you to the leaders, pastors and armorbearers that referred us all year in 2011 to your church and other ministries. Because of YOU the Armorbearers International community continues to grow. Remember us during the new year and go by the featured Shout Out testimony page. Just click the Tell A Friend link on the website to refer us to your friends and ministry associates. We, sincerely appreciate it.

Also, our community Ministry of Helps Network located at the website continues to grow. Yet, it ’s still missing something, YOU and your team. Go there now and browse around. Greet, Chat, Pray and Grow with other Christians, Local Church Pastors, Leaders and Helpers. Create a group for your specifi c church or ministry team, ask a question, post your church or ministry group’s pictures, promote your church or ministry for your area and more.

This issue, we present two articles The Fame Factor and Let Your Light Shine. We seek to call the Body of Christ to use Her considerable influence and light to impact our culture for Christ. The A Devotion to Serve column this month features Serve As A New Creation, a devotional excerpted from our book A Devotion to Serve. We invite your comments and feedback. Enjoy and forward it to a friend that you think might enjoy reading out magazine. Additionally, we feature one of the Q/A session called “An Armorbearer Stigma?”

Thank you for reading. Have a blessed and prosperous new year in 2012!

Helping leaders and supporters build strong teams in the local church, Rev. Varn Brown &Minister Earma Brown Publishers

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a devotion to serve

Serve as a New CreationDie to the old man (life.) You truly are a new creation in Christ. You are not that old person. You’re not supposed to act like the old man either. You know the one that used to curse the kids, the dog and everything in sight. O.k. so you grew up in the Church and you never cursed the kids.

But have you talked ugly about your neighbor or held a grudge for longer than you want to admit? Have you felt prideful about all the things you haven’t done like your sinful brother? In Christianese, a defi nition for dying is ‘letting go.’ Let go of the old to receive the new in Christ.

Be quick to repent. Repentance is good for the soul. And yes, it takes humility to repent. To admit that you are wrong in anything grows humil-ity in your life. Did you just fi nished screaming at the kids or at your employees?

Maybe what you said was right but how you delivered it could use some work -- some extra patience. Practice humility; go apologize. Don’t worry; they won’t lose respect. They will respect you more and you will grow in what virtue? Yes, humility.

Don’t be afraid to let go of the old to receive the new. Or even walk the ‘death walk’ as Varn so eloquently taught us. Jesus said to us, “If you love your life you will lose it. If you give it up in this world, you gain eternal life.” It’s a principle of God; whatever you release to him you will gain so much more. Let go; be humble and receive God’s best — his promotion.

-Minister Brown

Meditation Moment: Th erefore, if any-one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! –2 Corinthians 5:17



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In this issueA Word From Th e Publishers 03

A Devotion To Serve 04

Th e Fame Factor 07

Let Your Light Shine 10

Armorbearer FAQ: Armorbearer Stigma? 14

I Love My Church! 17

Readers Favorite 18


EditorEarma Brown

Deputy editorVarn Brown

ContactHelps Ministry magazine is a ministry project of Nasa Ministries. If you have any questions about this maga-zine, please contact us via the website or via

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helps ministry magazine

We are the light of the world. We

the people of God are the lamp...

left A local church

Are you flowing beautifully in fame or have you lost your mind? I’m asking about the fame factor in

your life? Do you realize yet we’ve all been given a measure of fame in Christ? Are you wearing it with dignity and humility? Or are you strutting around like the colorful peacock as we see some do?

The reason, I want to talk to you on this subject is I get to see a lot of armor-bearers in action.I’m concerned about the number I see with a wrong state of mind, even a stigma that we as armor-bearers sometimes adopt. You might have heard this statement too, “Oh, here comes those armorbearers..” Th ey’re usually talk-ing about the eff ect of the fame that we can be enveloped in when we are with our famous leaders.

The Fame FactorTh e fame factor is very obvious. If we are wise, we will see it for what it truly is: When we are serving our famous lead-ers it is just that; it’s their fame. Now, I’m not saying that we as armorbearers aren’t famous. But it’s usually a lot less and on a diff erent level of fame. So, we should keep ourselves in check with the Holy Spirit. We as armorbearers should know and acknowl-edge where we are in the authority chain in our church.

Th anks for not tuning me out; I have a little more to say. Can I be straight up with you about this matter? When I served very close to my leaders, it was such a place of

beauty and honor. You would like to stay there forever. They (our leaders) are so large in the spirit and famous. How can I say’s like when the Queen of Sheba went to see King Solomon. She saw him in his earthly splendor and the anointing on his life; she said the words that were told her didn’t compare with what she was experiencing.

Armorbearers will truly understand what I’m trying to say, because they have experienced it. So, leaders please forgive me if it sounds like I’m just spouting words. Sometimes, being in service of a great and famous person can be like being on a natu-ral high.

It’s A Great HonorNow, here is the tricky part that we must be

very careful about. When it comes to ser-vice, you and I are just the mule (donkey), yes I said a mule. But wait! Before you tune me out; it gets better.

You know Jesus used one once on his ride to Jerusalem and there was great honor in it (for the donkey.) You probably remem-ber the story. Our Lord and Savior on his

way to the cross to pay the overwhelming price for our sin tells his disciples to go into town and there would be a donkey tied to a tree.

He further tells them to loose it and bring it to him. If anyone ask, tell him that the Master has need of him, he said. In a similar way, there is honor in this ser-vice (armorbearing.) Armorbearers, you can be sure; the Lord will not forget this great labor of love you have done toward Him. Meaning, God can use us even if we have been acting like a donkey all of our lives. Th ere’s still hope for us in His great salvation.

I wanted to create this picture in your mind. I didn’t want to insult you but my true feelings are, I will be for the Lord whatever He wants me to be. I know you

feel the same way too. Th e reason I mentioned the donkey story

is for the fi rst time I saw how pride, arro-gance, and a few misled agendas can send you down a shaky path, even in a place of service. After teaching on the subject of the ministry of Helps and armorbearing for years in diff erent churches, I see how

Th e FameFactor

Are you fl owing beautifully in fame or have you lost your mind? by Varn Brown

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top The blessing of the Lord maketh righ; he adds no trouble to it. Proverbs 10:22

right A local church.

important it is to do it right and lay a good pattern. For we will be judged according to our works; I feel the weight of it. Rev. 20:12

What Is Fame!So, about fame what is it? What do we do with it? If you were to look in Webster’s Dictionary, you would fi nd fame described as a reputation for good, the state of being well known, distinc-tion, esteem, public esteem, greatness, dignity, rank, standing, superiority, good character or popularity.

In the Kingdom, fame is an elevation from God. He appoints His people to fame and honor. And to answer the other question, what we do with it is use it for God’s glory. Remember, we are the light of the world. In other words, we the people of God are the lamp on the stand, placed to shed light wherever we are.

Now, I ask the hard question. Are we guilty of misusing it or are we wearing it like we should. Don’t forget the Word of God says pride comes before a fall. So, there is fame and usually pride can be only a few wrong steps away, if we’re not careful.

Again, the reason I felt led to write this article is I get to see a lot of armor bearers in operation all the time. One of the fi rst questions I ask about the servant (armorbearer), is he or she operating in the correct spirit? Or is he/she acting like they’re running everything even the leader. Th ere is always a structured chain of authority and a true leader will make sure it’s being honored. If it’s not being respected, it can be devastating.

It’s like the commercial where the people say one by one, “I’m Tiger Woods.” Or the “I wanna be like Mike” in the Michael Jordan commer-cials. Th e Word of God says as a mature leader in the Kingdom of God, you must reprove and rebuke. You leaders, I know I don’t have to tell you but it’s never delightful. I’ve found it’s better to be obedient to the Spirit of the Lord than to be disobedient to him. So here we go.

Back to Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan, you know truthfully we can say we all want to be like them. We can wear their shirts, hats and receive small portions of them but we can never be fully them.

Do you see it, we can serve our leaders and receive all that the Lord has for us from our leaders. But, we must be careful demanding with our faith the mantle we see on them. We should be careful even when claiming by faith what we see on them; we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Th is does not mean we won’t receive our

leader’s mantle, it just means we should be prayerful.

We should be careful not to try to control our leaders. For the Word of God says the spirit of control is as the spirit of witchcraft. So we should seek to be in agreement with them in unity.

In God We TrustNow I know this can be controversial but it needs to be discussed. I realize all relationship aren’t the same. Some relationships will be diff erent between the leader and the servant. Some will go on to carry their leader’s mantle and take it to the next level. Th en there are others who will continue in the servant and leader roles. And they will be richly

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top The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Psa. 23:1

top Bless the Lord, O house of Levi! You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord! Psa. 135:20


Th e harvest season may even be when you are the leader being served. Or, it could come when you are the Pastor; you will receive the service you have sown. So armorbearers make sure you are planting the right seeds for you will surely reap what you sow good or bad. And remember, as for the fame factor you can enjoy it but it should be used for the Lords glory.

There’s fame on our Pastors, Apostles, Prophets and some bits of fame even falls on us and we are favored. But, it is very important that we use fame for the Lords Glory alone. When we do, it won’t become a stumbling block to us or cause us to fall. But if used correctly, it will be a stepping stone for the Lords Glory.

have the same goals and are on the same page with your leader. When that hap-pens, fame is in its rightful place—on the leader. To be transparent, the reason I can write this is because I’ve been there. To be very honest, I still have to work on it; making sure that the fame in my life is used to honor God. I don’t want to touch my leaders’ fame because God uses it in his life for His glory and His alone.

I believe I am seeing this matter cor-rectly. As you know, the armorbearer season is a serving season. It’s a season where you serve and plant good seeds. If you do it well, you will reap a good harvest. l

rewarded for it. But, this again, should always be the Lord’s decision.

Before you say it, I realize there are rela-tionships like Moses and Joshua or Elijah and Elisha. And sometimes, we as the servant will indeed receive the double portion mantle; but remember it’s all in Gods hands.

Th e normal relationship between the leader and the servant is where I want to put my focus. Because, I see a lot (not all) of armorbearers stuck. It’s like they are ship wrecked and this shouldn’t be. Either they’re dragging their feet not wanting to go to the next level. Or they are running ahead of God using their faith as canons; they’re releasing faith bombs to receive something they’re not ready for.

Remember, if we serve in synch with our leaders by the Holy Spirit guidance it will go much smoother and easier. So, make sure you

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Let Your Light Shine

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Did you know our Father God calls us (the Body of Christ) and even gifts us with a measure of fame? One of the greatest powers of fame is

infl uence. He has called us the children of light (Christians) to be an infl uence for good. In Scripture, Believers are described as salt and light. Salt preserves, fl avors; light illu-minates and brings clarity. Both are metaphors of God’s call for us to impact and infl uence our society.

The Apostle Matthew quoting Jesus said it like this, “You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hidden. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house.”

He goes on to say, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:13a,14-16) Of course, we are all given a measure of fame. (light, infl uence) Each measure given is not the same. Just like in the story of the talents, each person was given a diff erent amount. One was given ten, then another fi ve and one was only given one.

As Christians, we are all famous in our area of infl u-ence. We are each given a measure of fame (infl uence) to grow and multiply. For some of us, we are famous in our family circle or our neighborhood. Others have been given regional or even worldwide fame and infl uence to spend wisely.

Th e truth is God has given us fame (the ability to infl u-ence) and along with this privilege comes a responsibility to use it for God’s glory. From the moment we are in Christ (born again), we are especially empowered to infl uence others to good.

Are you using your infl uence to encourage someone? We can choose to use this power in a godly manner infl uenc-ing others for the good. We all have an area of infl uence to be accountable for. For example, are you infl uencing your spouse with encouragement, respect, admiration and your faith in God? Or are you infl uencing her/him with negative words, gossip and disrespect? What about your children? Are they being infl uenced by your gentle spirit or your temper tantrums?

Did you know our Father God calls us (the

Body of Christ) and even gifts us with a

measure of fame? One of the greatest powers

of fame is infl uence. He has called us the

Children of Light (Christians) to be an

infl uence for good... By Earma Brown

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Ask God for

wisdom with

any counsel you

attempt to give.

Sometimes, the

best counsel is to

listen and allow

the Holy Spirit

to whisper the

answer to the

person talking.

Let your light of infl uence be a signal to the weary. Infl uence others to the good. Godly infl u-encers empower, persuade, and convince others to the reality of Christ and to the common good. Th ere are some qualities to nurture to become the powerful Christian of infl uence God has created you to be. Seven powers of fame and infl uence God has given us to impact our culture:

1) Th e power of invitation. We as Christians have the power of invitation. We have the power to attract, lure, entice, urge, tempt, captivate and so on. Why because the power of Christ resides in us. Decide to use your power to invite others to obey God. Spend your invitations wisely. Make sure your invitations include inviting others specifi cally to Christ.

2) Th e power of good counsel. Are you the one everyone brings his or her problems to? Is it because you listen better than your comrades? I believe its because God has gifted us with the ability to give good counsel through the Spirit of Christ. Ask God for wisdom with any counsel you attempt to give. Sometimes, the best counsel is to listen and allow the Holy Spirit to whisper the answer to the person talking.

3) Th e power of an encourager. Are you infl uencing your spouse, your family, or those in your area of infl uence to God or away from God? Are the decisions in your life and family lining up with God’s plans for your life? For example, God has called you and your family to a holy life. Are you suggesting you go watch the latest R rated movie? Or are you infl uencing your family to obey God and purify your lifestyle?

4)Th e power of empowerment. Decide to use your light (power to infl uence) to empower those around you. According to Webster to empower is to ‘infl uence; to give power to or to enable.’ Every now and then we all need a little appreciation. Our families, our co-workers, our associates need to know they are affi rmed and appreciated. Use your godly gift of empower-ment to their good.

5) Th e power of a good example. Your life is often the only Bible some will read. Is anyone being infl uenced for Christ by the life you lead? Remember the wife of the unsaved husband. Th e Apostle Peter’s advice to her was even if her husband did not obey the Word of God, that he could perhaps be won over by her godly life and observing her purity and reverence (1 Pet. 3:1,2).

la grande

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top You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:13a.

Before ending, we must visit the dan-gers of fame. It is the our enemy’s intent to defame us, shame us, whatever is the oppo-site of what Father God has created in us and for us through Christ Jesus. Beware of the enemies to all virtues of above that fame may inspire. I’ve listed some examples of men in Scripture that failed miserably in seasons of their life to use their gifts of fame and infl uence for good. Each example points to a wrong choice to guard against or a right choice to embrace:

• Spent his fame unwisely at times. King Solomon was given fame as a blessing of obe-dience. At certain seasons in his life, it led to worldliness and idol worship through his foreign (ungodly) wives. Solomon’s wives drew his heart away from God (1 Ki 11:4).

• Used his fame to infl uence others to respect God ’s anointed. King David was famous through God’s covenant. David’s fame provoked the jealousy of a king. King Saul spent most of the remaining part of his life trying to kill David. David had to practice forgiveness and respect for God’s anointed to avoid retaliation.

• Despised her husband ’s fame. Michal despised her husband David (2 Samuel 6:16).

• Misused his fame; Herod refused to give glory to God and died a horrible death. (Acts 12:20-23.

We are equipped with qualities for good infl uence. I exhort you to use your gifts of fame to become an infl uence for Christ through the good you do. Let it be said that by the power of your infl uence and yes fame you invited others to Christ, drew some toward God, stirred others to action, gave godly counsel and persuaded many to God’s perfect plan.

I pray you have realized as I did afresh that we are the lamp (the light of the world) set on the table to provide light to the whole house. After realizing we are the light of the world and called to be infl u-encers, we can embrace fame and spend it to God’s glory. Won’t you join me in exam-ining how to use fame more eff ectively. By, the way you are the chosen of God and fame looks good on you. Now wear it well and let your light shine that others may see it and glorify God. l

6) The power of graciousness. Have you learned the power of a soft answer, well-chosen words or silence? The writer of Colossians puts it this way, “Let your speech at all tines be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned (as it were) with salt, (so that you may never be at a loss) to know how you ought to answer any one (who puts a question to you) Col 4:6 AMP.

7) The power to stir to action. Tap into your enthusiasm. Share your enthusiasm with others. It is contagious. According to the writer of Ephesians enthusiasm has the power to stir others to action. Rejoice in God’s gifts to you and use them enthu-siastically.

8) The power of good works. Do you have any good works to speak of. If not already, volunteer in your local church and let your good works shine. Believe it or not your good works will act as a light to others, even to God’s glory. The writer of Matthew wrote Jesus’ words, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

9) The power of elevation. Have you considered God’s wants to elevate you so that you can be a blessing. Remember the candle set on a candlestick the writer of Matthew described earlier. As He raises you up, others in your area of influence may see it and follow you as you follow Christ. That’s exactly what happened to Joshua, Moses’ successor. The writer of Joshua recorded the declaration like this, “ Th is day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel that they may know that as I was with Moses so I will be with you.” Joshua 3:7

10) The power of preservation. The writer of Matthew recorded Jesus’ words, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” Matthew 5:13 Perhaps you are the only one living for Christ in your family or your job. Have you considered you are the salt that preserves your family until they come to know Christ? You are the one to pray and stand in the gap when our enemy comes to destroy in your family or workplace. If so, be encouraged God knows where you are. Stay salty; stay seasoned for Christ.

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Question: After prayer, my husband and I were asked to act as armorbearers for our leader and his wife. I’ve found myself

having a similar battle as I did when I felt an intercessory call on me...what did I do to deserve this, I’m too lowly, why ME? Aren’t there others out there spiritually stronger, who are more fi t for this than I am?

It’s not that I mind helping out with anything that’s needed of me. Whatever is asked of me, I will do without hesitation. Th e biggest problem is that I don’t want to be called “armorbearer”.

I hesitate to use the term, whether or not I’m around anyone. I don’t want it known, I don’t want it broadcast, and I don’t want any recogni-tion for what I do; unless it’s from God to tell me what I’m doing right or wrong.

I stumbled across this site after doing a search on Scripture for armorbearers. I’ve only read three teachings and already think this is a great site. Th ank you for putting what you’ve learned out here for the rest of us to read and think about.

I guess I’m just wondering if I’m alone in feel-ing this way. I feel I’ve been handed a privilege that I’m undeserving of, yet at the same time I truly desire to be of as much help as I can be. Is

there any advice you could off er, since you are more experienced?

Th ank you for having this website and for your service to God’s chosen leaders. --Salli, California

Brown’s Response:Hello Salli and God bless you both. Th ank you for your recent question and courage to ask. We’ve had quite a few queries similar to yours but not quite as straightforward. Th is is why we decided to feature your question this month. So, let’s dive in:

Varn: It sounds like your thinking is a little off , not meaning it in a bad way but aligning it with the word of God. You are more then a conqueror!Earma: Yes, I agree you are more than a conqueror but what impressed me the most is your humility. I’m almost sure that’s why God chose you. For you see, He can work best with and lead a person of humble spirit.

ARMORBEARER FAQMy biggest problem is I don’t want to be called “Armorbearer”

Q/A with Rev. Varn Brown & Minister Earma Brown

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Varn: Th e same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, the greater one lives on the inside of you. Earma and I have a saying that if we are afraid to do a task for the Lord, we just do it afraid.

Sometimes when we are asked to do a task, there may be persecution and people may even look at you diff erent but it should never stop us from taking up the Lord’s task. If we say no, he will have to choose another vessel. So it’s best to be obedient.

Earma: Salli, everything you two need is inside you already. God has prepared and equipped you for such a time as this to be a special help to your leaders.

Varn: Th e voice that would say that you can’t do it, is the voice of the enemy. I believe you guys are very capable. Not wanting to be called an armorbearer is ok for you don’t need a title to serve, just faith.

Some churches may use the term in a negative way and I can see where a person may feel that way. But if your leaders have asked you to become their armorbearer, I would submit to the call in faith.

Earma: Yes, I’ve felt that way about the title armorbearer a time or two. Both times were in the middle of persecution by someone with lack of understanding or someone yielding to the wrong voice. Along the way, God has strengthened me and caused me to realize that He is one that called and chose me to operate as an armorbearer and eventually write the book “In the Spirit of Armorbearing.” But if you still have mixed feelings about the title armorbearer, there’s no condemnation about you not using it. As Varn said don’t use it; just answer the call to help your leader as God leads you. Armorbearing is an administration of the Helps ministry. So you can easily call yourself a ministry assistant, helper, a friend, etc.

Varn: Th is (armorbearing) is like any task of faith that God ask of his servants and the question remains will we be obedient to the call and take up the task (ministry).

I hope our words were helpful. We pray God will keep you in faithful service and his blessings abound to you.

Sincerely,Rev. Varn Brown and Minister Earma Brown

Quick Testimony: I feel I should share this with you. When I wrote the armorbearing message, I was so excited to write it and my writing time with the Lord was beautiful. But right after I wrote it and began to share the message with others, I received a lot of persecution. So much so, that I put it on a shelf and in my mind not to pick it up again.

Almost two years passed then God directed me to start writing books. So, I started on what I thought was best. Yet everytime, I would sit down to get started on the project I chose, I felt no excitement, no anointing. I actually felt a little depressed.

I fi nally asked the Lord about it. He immediately said, ‘When you go back to what I fi rst gave you, there you’ll fi nd the anointing.’I went to what He had originally given me and there it was. I pulled the armorbear-ing message off the shelf, wrote it in book form and the rest is history. Th e websites and our book ministry were eventually birthed out of that one act of obedience... Minister Brown


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by Varn Brown

Church: Covenant Church

Location: 2644 Trinity Mills Road., Carrollton, Texas 75006

Pastors: Founding Pastors Mike and Kathy Hayes

What I Like the Most: I love the multi-culturalism of our church. When Rev. Bernice King vis-ited, to minister she said, “It looks like heaven and most like what my father described his dream of unity to be.“ I love the diff erent races and denominations. I was raised Baptist and I am an ordained Baptist minister. It’s beautiful to see others express praise. I’ve been attending Covenant Church for twenty years and I love my church! Earma & I volunteer as Senior Leaders over the New Believers ministry team.

What would you tell someone thinking about visiting Covenant Church: I tell people all the time when you are in the area, come visit us. But I would say, “Get your praise shoes on. Come prepared for a beautiful celebration in Christ.

Covenant Church Service Times:

Sunday Service Times: 9:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. | 1:00 p.m.Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.

Phone: 972-416-5466



I Love My Church!

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right Living the Prayer Fulfi lled Life

(expectancy) we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will (Word) he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him.”

Exercise your faith. For years, I doubted God was really speaking to me. Finally, one day I was listening to a Prophet of God say the exact same words God had been speaking to me. My faith rose; He fi nally got it through to me, that it was him speaking.

Remember, in the Old Testament Priest Eli and young prophet Samuel were both in bed asleep. But Samuel kept getting up in the mid-dle of the night because he heard his name being called. He went to the old man sev-eral t imes thinking it was Eli cal l ing.

Finally, Eli perceived that it was the Lord call-ing the boy. He told him to go back and lie down, instructing him to say, “Speak, Lord…” (1 Samuel 3 para.) I believe Eli was experienced with hear ing from the Lord. Young Samuel obeyed and God began to speak to him.

We have established that hearing the voice of the Spirit is a privilege that belongs to every believer. Exercise your privilege to hear God. Receive it by faith. Th e writer of Deuteronomy starts out with these words, “and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken (hear & listen) unto the voice of the Lord thy God.”

Position yourself to begin to hear the Lord in intimate fellowship. Know that one of the rea-sons God wants us to hear him is so that he may bless us. We must raise our expectations to higher levels of what God wants to do for us. Don’t just take my word for it, read Deuteronomy 28 afresh. mag

Do you expect to hear from God? If you do, then great this should be an encouraging confirmation. If not, you should. God

wan t s commun i c a t i on w i th u s (Hi s people.) You know that’s what prayer is, com-munication with our God. Jesus said fifteen times. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!”

Peter Lord noted in his book “Hearing God” that the last two times Jesus said those words, he said it from heaven. He added; let him hear what the Spirit says. I believe as we expect to hear God more, we will hear him more. 1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Here are a few ways to build your expectancy level:

Read the Word of God. Get to know your Lord through the Bible. There are many reasons we can expect to hear from God. For example, a verse quoted earlier, “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me. ( John 10: 27)Receive the Holy Spirit. Make it your intent to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. (Romans 8:16) As God’s children we can fully expect to receive all His precious gifts reserved for us and to communicate with him.

Seek Him. Seek him and he has promised you will find him. Often, God hides himself from our view so that we might look for him and find him. Even when he does he says he’s not far from us at all. Hebrews 11:6; Acts 17:27

Pray the Word of God. Believe it or not, the more you pray the more you expect to hear God. Even so, not just any kind of prayer will build your expectancy. When we pray using God’s Word, we obligate him to respond. Th e Apostle John instructed us with, “Th is is the confi dence

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Building An Expectancy To Hear God by Earma Brown


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